FEDERAL ELECTION COMMISSION A A oiH I%(" 0% 1)(UT 204Cf THIS IS 7-E BEcGIEII TF JR DATE L:L'EDCL A C. CAleRN4a!i ._4!_' e e KATHY KARPAN ? ecrelary of Yl'e November 2, 1992 r, rp. Wyoming 82002 0020 Federal Election Commission 999 E. Street N.W. Washington. D.C 20463 rf, (" Re Literature with no paid for line Gentlepeople have received several complaints from citizens across Wyoming pertaining to literature against Goverrr Bill Clirton. The, :;terature has no pa:d for line which is a violation of federal election laws. None of tve comptairts were notarized as required by the FEC laws. Consequently. I am sendirg tnis transmittal notarized. This literature was mailed to Wyomirg citizens in the towns of Wheatland, Torrington. Casper. Rock Springs. Green River and distributed to Catholics at Saint Anthony's Church in Casper. I enclose photo copies of envelopes r which the materials were sent. Also, I am copying the persons who complained to this office. I would ask the FEC to investigate this violation. Yours, Secretary of State STATE OF WYOMING iss COUNTY OF LARAMiE Subscribed and sworn to before me by Kathy Karpan this second day of November, 1992. M LTo 01r r M-" P"-, Pu c My comum"V1ol s4 xc Mr. and Mrs Ruben Jenkins Mrs Louise Urbanek Mr. Joe Zavorka Mr. Chuck Graves, Hon. Louise Ryckmar. Wyo. Democratic Chair. Wyoming House of Representatiaves Mr Jon Brady, Natrona Co. Hon. Frank Preveael. Wyoming State Senate Democratic Chair. Mx-,e, %-- >.- Cap:toi 7~-7378 "T'he i,,)st wicked men in history have "He faiW £ show up for exams at hidden behind superficial Chrislianity. Bill drug Oodit He failed t obey international clinton fits the mold. Only superficial Chris- bws. Hie failed his country. He failed his wife. tiuans would vote for him. We are calling all God And mow he wants lo take an oath before pastors with spiritual integrity to tell their con- dt he won't fail the Constitution. My gregations that Bill Clinton is a mocker of response to that is 'God help us.' I pray that (]od, and therefore undeserving of any per- Christdns will not be deceived by his guile." son's voe." - Robert K. Dornan - Rev. Keith Tucci CalforniaCongressman Director,Operanon Rescue National Christian beware... should -1fer for the future of our nauon "As a minister of the Gospel. I cannot the White House The ever reach su)pml Bill Clinton for any public office national leaders that clear about because he is pro-aNholion and pro-homosciu- it's the whole h eon dteir hands: al. With Clinton as President. it's just a matter suffers. I believe this elecuon may our for raion that persecuted for vote we are To of time lefore e~,efwine the destiny of our nation." ilim ly ('hristianity This is what I'm teaching my - Rev. George Grant ipeople'" ~0 rurer Author and I e - Rev. Rod Aguillard Semor Pr..or Rese e ('hurch. La Bill Cli ntonl "The financial duress of the nation is consider young for causing many Chnstans to "I ,elicve the Church leaches that any Cinom. It's a clear betrayal of Crist's words. votes for a candidate *ho publi- sin who to ('atholic is masters ....You cannot "'NO one Can serve two (ally fa,,ors ahortion on demand, as the Free- sere "othGod and Money" domn of Choice Act would allow, is guilty of a - Rev. Paul Schenck mortal in i t he knows that this is gravely con Counil. 'dY God. Naitonal Clergy against Inry to (;od's law as taught by the Catholic Church' re contacting thousands of ministers - Fr. I.ouis liars 3c!gl lM*erica and challenging them concem- St Francis de Sales, Riverside, CA ig tis attack against the Church and the K of God. The shepherds must warn See why inside. die sheep not to vote for the wolf, Bill Clinton. - Rev. lou Sheldon Chairman. Triatliall V(lues (.'olhtion "Idon'l see how a Catholic who knows Cson's agenda could vote for him and con PLEASE MAKE COPIES OF OUT dm to receive the sacrwrients." THIST ToHIS alBROCHURE TO PASS FPLYE4 - Joseph Scheidler TO YOURC CHURCH, FRIENDS Eric (Jr. l'ro Life Action Veaiue OR ACTIVIST GROUP Q L v* C E Consider the Future Under Clinton The Economy Did you know that Bill Clin- Bill Clinton told a cheering crowd of [he predonanm rc".)',n ('hratians arc ton actively promotes rebellion I lollywood's elite wnters. producers and tempted to vote for Bill Clinton is"the actors that, "I want Hollywood to write the economy". In other word.s. M()NiY . Gxl against the Ten Command- future of America." This is the Holly- help us! "The Bible s.ays woe to thoise who ments, and other laws of the wood that brought us 'he Last Tempta- justify the wiiked for a reward (See ,ajah Bible? For example: tion of Christ". "Basic Instinct" and 5:22,23) We ar.r-puttiug money ahead of Woody Allen movies. Is this the future of the Word of God; ahead of maunage. faia Amenca you want for your cluildren? ly, babies; in(hr words, our first paminci- * Clinton endorses same sex pies are for sale! uom (Violaes Leviticus 20-13. Clinton: Christian or Deceiver? GOD FORGIVE US. See also Romans 1:26.27) Clinton has a veneer of Christanity- Junhcrmorc. the Scriltuars ICAh uts t Clinton advocates giving our but on close inspection one sees it is the clearly that when a natioi lives h1'hlcou-, -hghstudents condoms. (Vio- height of hypocrisy. For example. in his ly, it's coomy will be hlbesed Wheat a l Colossians 3:5. See also Romans acceptance speech, he flagrandy twisted nation lives wickedly. it's econ , y will rou (See Dcuteronomy 28.) Not only our 1:28-32) Scripture. Even more frightening, Clinton spoke of his "new covenant": a humanistic ectoiony. but our enre cuiltre a, 4i411119 * Clinton promotes child-killing. pact that has nothing to do with Biblical and decaying h tre out eyes t)., ..u'e of (Violates Exodus 20:13. Leviticus ('hnstianity. What would his sacraments our sins as a people. 20:1-5) be'? The body and blood of dismembered Do we really want Ie Iaa~aeI kPII IIII' 1 M Clinton supports placing our babies? eCCllOliC |)r()hlCei% by tiiuiui.1 ii')I ),1 ,Oi women in combat. (Violates When a man entices God's people to at the head of (o111 govcininllllnl . DoI)ymia think (;od will bless Amenca Aiii a mai Deueeronomy 20:1-9) forsake the ways of God, "The LORD your God is testing you to find out whether you Mf Clinton's charactcr as Presct ' ItIfll M Clinton's "Governor's SChool" love Him with all your heart and with all Clinton is elected. he will help d1a.,roy uses a textbook that blasphemes your soul." (See Deuteronomy 13:3b) three centuries of ('hitianaty iii .Am iI Christ (Violates Exodus 20:3.7) Won endorses children Our Christian Duty 'he Challenge fr their parents (Violaes We must remember, as Chistians, our Brethren, if you're coniduc Ig t1) for Bill ('linton, wake up. ('ome to 20:12) parnts first allegiance is to God and His laws. vote The Bible warns us to not take pan in your senses. Repent. The only ethical foE us come November 3rd is to These me just a few of the abomina- another man's sin (see ITimothy 5:22), to choice not stand in the path of sinners (Psalm vote in accord with righteousnes. doos Cliton shamelcssly embraces. The alternative 1:1), to not proceed in the way of evil to Clinton at this palit men (Proverbs 4:14), to not join hands may not appear very g(o. hut even a sta- To vote for Clinton is to help with the wicked-lest we be punished with tus quo administration would not iob us of him promote rebellion against them. (Proverbs 11:21, 16:5) the gains we've made in the last decade. God. And for God's people to Christian, we cannot follow, er-Jorse and gives us an opportunity to re esiahlish (much less desire for president!) a man a foundation of justice and lIberly for all folow Clinton is sin. who brazenly mocks the commandments Chnstian. vote your conscicaite. not (See Deutronomy 13) of (od If we do. we are sinning. oai! fxxkctbook both will he hetier ot C,:' , ' ) C ' , i("ilh'd to stk)%, up hoi cxani, Ji -,1'Jlie lailed to obev inlemalrml drug L.,i Ih tailed hi ((untO,o lie failed his wile •1 '141a. 'antS to take an oath Wbeore (;cd th3- 4v,wron't fal the Crstkiulnn My Here are some things you rrqv,,.,c -il.lis *God help ul I pn, that can and should do now: "hrl :iv will rwot' (kccieCd b) his p:iile " - Robert A. I)ornan § Redouble your prayers for our country and its (aliforrua ('on'r~rman leaders. Christian beware... fear for the future ol our nation should I Pray that our leaders Bill Clinton ever reach the White House The receive wisdom. Bible is very clear about national leaders th-t havc blood on their hands it's the whok i Pray that our country S the beliefs taton that suffers. I believe Iiii clection may will return of our founding fathers. Iltn-niels determine the dcstn, of our nation To vote for - Rer. George (;rant 4ui,'and l.cturer I Look for candidates that believe in your values.
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