THE 0r ..-- ,.7G= VOIr. 13 CHRISTM.ITS tlg 3 1959 '---*-Ge- 1€_r- ffnn we vnnt r' WATNEYS \1'e ralute the u'ine p!'€tsers crf l'tatrce, lt'6 a rrtrhle oecupation but a thilsty orrc. urrtl descrves rto lcss rr toast than Watncr s l}'orr n Ale --<rtre oi' 1l)c nt()st rqli-q5hirrg long drinks in thc uorltl. What tou want is WATNEVS BROWN ALE WHEN YOU NEXT CALL AT MALTA vreit"' Chez Vemcy BAR.RESTAURANT.GRITT The Well-known Bar in Malta for Genuine Drinks and Good Food English and Continental Kitchen specializing in "T" Bone Sirloin Steak and Chicken i la Maryland Amph ,'ootts for Families and Parties My Motto: Full Satisfaction Phonc: dial CENTRAL 24ijl(r 42 St. Anne Square FLORIANA THE COMMUNICATOII. l0r ]AD- Ti-o !A J'I-qrt_ L ,se, rl cearer VHF&UH F (Am & Fil) Gommunications Receivers .a:",., I'lodel 770R. l9- 165 Mcls. i:' Model 77OL). ,,'' ls0-500 Mcfif* Plecse write for {ull Technicei Specifcct.cas lc t.he Manufacturcrs PARTS OF THE WORLD THE COMMUNICATOR lewellery for Christmas Centre-piece of fine je*eilery front Gieves-the naval cro\\n brr.trch in 9 ct. gold and pearls { I 4. I 0.5. Eerrings in 9 ct. gold and pearls {10.5.0. Cuff links in 9 ct. gold 410.15.0; in silier a4.t2.6. Why not send for our illustreted Jewellery and Christmls,'.1t.il rrgues l Gieves Established liS5 Tailors and Outftters to the Royal Nav.r 27 OLD BOND STREET, LONDON W.I Telephone: HYDe Park 2275 London, Portsmouth, Chathem, Conberley, Dortnrouth. Edinburgh, Win<'hester, Farnborough. lJ e.t rttttuJh. Lirerpool, Bournemoulh, Bath, Southantplon. Brotkenhurst. Londonderry, Gibroltar, Malta. VACANCIES IN GOVERNMENT SERVICE A number of vacancies, offering good career prospects, exist for: RADIO OPERATORS-Ma|e CYPHER OPERATORSI . TELEPRINTER OPERATORai Male and Female Apply,giving details of Education, Qualifications and Experience, to: Personnel Ofticer, G.C.H.Q. (4 R.C.O.) (Foreign Office) 53 CLARENCE STREET CHELTENHAM THE COMMUNICATOR The Mogozine of the Communicotions Bronch, Royol Novy cHR|STMAS 1959 VOL. 13. No. 3 CONIENIS poSe page Eortontar 104 MrcuaxtclL Stlrapuonr ... t29 THr Rroro Suow 1959 t04 Eeunl Spmo Csnnltr LonooN ... t3l TrcuNtcnu Norrs ... t06 PntzrwtNxtx<; Fr.lrunes ... r34 THe Drnrcron or rHr SrcNll DtvtstoN t07 Cannrnns 136 "Ws Tlru oFF ouR Hlrs ro t08 Frn Easr r38 TnrNrrv Housr rNo rsr Sr<;rnl Orptcr-n r08 Mrottr-nnnNrnx l4t Houe Stnrror t09 Easrr:n 1960 Couprttttors t44 Pors rN rHr Anrnncrrc(3) il8 Rrsulrs or CHn,tsruas Covperttloxs t49 Pnrzr WrrNrNc PHorocnlpH l2t GotN<; rgr Rou^'os tN "MERcuRY" t5l SelnculrcHr t22 CovvuNtclrroNs G.Azrttr 159 Avrntc,r .qtn Wrsr lNorps t26 PRoMorroNs. Erc. ... r60 Editor: Licutenanl Comnrander W. F. PerensoN, R.N. .1rt Editor: Sub-Lieutenant A. H. Ponrrn, n.N. Treasurer: Lieutenant Cornmander C. H. Cox. n.N. klirorial Srall: lnstructor Lt. Conrmarrder.l. PnvNr. n.x. Secretary: Wren .1. M. Bntt,ey Business, Produc I iort tttul .4dvrliscnrenl Managcr : Mn. En<;,tn Srncovsr.2 Station Hill. Falnhant. Surrey. CONTRIBUTIONS All MSS.. photoglaphs and cartoons should bc sent to the Editor at H.M.S. "Mercur-v-", as below. Tl1ese will be returned to the senders only if asked for. and responsibility for them cannot be accepted by rhe Editor. Contributions for the Easter 1960 edition nlust be in the Editor's hands by 7th March. Subst'riDrion Rates lbr 1960 are For the u,hole year 7/6 post flec For each issue 2/8 post free BULK ORDERS from comntands, ships or establishrnents,2l@post free- The Magazine is pLrblished at Easter, Sutttnret and Christnlas. Sonre back nurnbers are available and those ntore than 2 lears old can be obtained for l/- post free. {.*{.* Cheques and/or postal orders should be nrade payable and sent to: The Editor. THs Colruu^-lcAToR. H.M.S. "Mrncunv", East Meon, near Petersfield. Hanlpshire. PUBLISHED 104 THE COMMUNICATOR H{ >{ H{ H{ H{ }r }r b{ H{ %{ H{ (_ \d i\ g Tbapny [,ltristmas ) anb g lProgperoud frtn Ptsr w h ) (_ T,o Pou 9'll & wI -rru JK* Jtr* JK -,K JK-l€ )ffi J,tr* J*eJE EDITORIAL THE RADIO SHOW, 1959 A better and brighter Magazine is our rnrbition by l-t. Cdr. D. H. Cremer, R.\. and we hope, with your help, that we can raisc the standard even higher than it is ilt prcsent. enjoyed seeing this year's Radio Shorr a The old cover. which has done so well for over ten I *ith press pass pocket. sas not just years is being redesigned and this should inrprove lree in n1y This saved me 3/6 entrance fee. \\'hat liked its appearance. What is more in)portant than the because it I best was strolling into the Press Otlice rvriting outside is the contents inside ancl r start has been lnd "The nanre. underneath rnade with the introduction "Searchlight" Cornmunicator" after nry on this of "Wireless "Dai11' \4ail.' (page 122)where we hope to airconrplaints and circu- World" and the late bright ideas. Tlrere rvus no ons d!'\'elopnrent this lear rvhich Though wc hale had noble support fronr nrany. stole the sho*. us stereophonic reprocluction did who no doubt have been detailcd at the last nronrent lust 1ear. The.{udio Hall rras there.rgain. horvever, to write a contribution fronr a ship. there is plentl uith snrooth salesmen struggling to sho\\ )or-l that of scope for improvenrent here. There is a tendencl their equipment reproduced sound nrore perfectll to produce a catalogue of places lisited. exercises than anyone else's. Television sets u,ere slinrnrer. in which one has taken part and a list of sporting radio sets snraller and there were nrore portable successes. Thor-rgh all these are welconre contribu- models of all equipment. tions it often appears that the itenr which really in radio seenrs to be getting cheaper, is of interest is dismissed in two lines, probably Everything one encouraging feature in a world of rising prices. because at the timc of writing the cietails harve been 1 incidentally 90 per cent of lbrgotten. We want to encourage a good write up A 7" television set and sold toclay are an average, !20 of unusual places visited. for the benclit ol those who TV. sets 17"-is on than was five years ago. One reason for hnve not been there, or a more cletailetl uccount of cheaper it prices is the nurnber of some incident. This can only bc done successfully the reduction in astonishing if it is drafted roughly at the time. If ships coultl sets being soltl. The inclustrl'expect to scll 2 I nrillion sets nrillion sets this keep a CovvuNrclroR log in the B.W.O. or in TV. and l.j radio -rear. some other central position and note itenrs as thel' Nou that nearll trro-thirds ol the homes in Greart occur it would help enormously. Please help to Brituin har e teler ision scts satunttion point nray inrprove the Magazine. It cannot be t'lone without soon be reached. as there will always be diehards your support. who "don't hold uith such things." An elTort was In this connectiorr, very few cartoons are received. iipparent this lear to persuade custonlers of the need We know there are a nunrber of artists scattered for nrore than one set in each house. and a model of tround the globe and their ellbrts would be the home ol the future showed a screen in each roonr. particularly welconre. With B.B.C. and l.T.V. here. and a third channel in quarrels. In the Sunrmer nunrber we asked what you thought the olling. this nlight solve fanrily Father watch in while about having two editions instead of three. Voting is could his boxing on B.B.C. one room strongly in favour of three, so there will be no Mother soaked up her ronrance on I.T.V. in another. nray longer lounge dining change here. Honres no have a and a roorn. but a "B.B.C. room" and an "l.T.V. roonr." Seasonal greetings to 1ou all antl best wishes lor 1960. Fetrtures of the show are outlined on page 105. THE COMMUNICATOR 105 Rolal Navy Stand 'fape Recorders This had no main theme but displayed all kinds These are growing considerably in popularity, and of equipment, some of it-for example a diving suit have come down both in price and size. A neat port- little to do with radio. The most disappoint- -having able n-rodel can be purchased for as little as 23 ing feature was the absence of any communication guineas. personnel. with the exception of a couple of Wrens who were sending free telegrams. Perhaps we are all too busy at our jobs, but it was irksome to find our latest U.H.F. transmitter being shewn to the public by an R.E.M.. who clearly did not know a great deal about the set. Vittorious and her so-called "J D Radar" were nruch in evidence. and so were our latest guided weapons. The Royal Marines put up an interesting display, showing equipment used in all sorts of situations from a Landing Craft to the Jungle. They had a good Careers'section where you could listen on tapes to Marines from each branch of the Corps saying "Come and join us, nrate, it's a grand life" or words to that effect. They also kept hordes of small boys amused by nraking two hand generators move trains round two tracks in contpetition with each other.
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