Iowa Gridders Honored ~ Weather Three Iowa footbaU req\UQI'S. Guard Earl Banks. End lack Dittmer and HaU­ Cloudy and colder today. back Jorry Faske, han been named to Friday warmer and m(.'st­ the second all-Biq Ten team in the an­ \y cloud.Y. Today's high nual United Pr.." , poll of coruerence owan 40; low 24. Wednesday's al hi&h 49; low 28. coaches. For det~ ... page 5, Est. 1868-AP Leased Wire. AP Wirephoto, UP Leased Wir&-Five Cents Iowa City. Iowa, Thursday, December I, 1949 - VoL 84, N May Halt Use Cleared Return Convict Of Big Bands To Ft. Madison; I (~al Miners Strike At SUI Dances File No Charge Again As Operators By BE'lTY KERR Phillip Hill, 31-year-old convict I who was captured ot Maquoketa A slump in ticket sales tor this Tuesd3Y night after escaping from year's dances and concerts may . the University hospitals, was re­ caU a temporary halt to to Stand Pat On"Terms turne:! the Fort Madison peni­ band appearances at SUI. tentiary about I D .••1. Wednesday, I PITT BU RGll (UP)-Th nation's 400,000 oft coal miners A lack of inter est in "musical Sheriff Albert J. (Pat) Murphy went on trike again \ edne day aft r United Mine Workers greats" which began last year said. bas increased even more this year 'hier John L. Lewis failed to crack the ~ olld front" of the mine Hill had made his escape Tues­ I and may force the Central Party I uwnl'rs during a thrc '-week truce. committee to postpone name band day afternoon, after commandeer­ ing a taxi [rom a woman driver The grumbling min r tightened their belt another notch en~al{emen ts for next semester, committee members stated. who had drivw him over a num­ and waited to catch som hint of the union chief s new trategy ber of roads southcast of Iowa City Poor Attendance when h e m t with th UMW's supposedly in search of his par~ Committee Member Anne Smith, l'nt~' Ilome. 200-man policy committee at 10 Af, Galesburg, Ill., said ticket CLEAR ED of crnsplracy charge, County Atty. Jack C. Wbite Council to Disc~ss a.m. (Iowa time) in New York. sales failed to finance the appear­ Miss lIelen Campbell; tormer when a~ked if charges had bew The miners waited at the pit ance 01 both .$,rtie Shaw and secretary to Rep. J. Parnell filed against Hili, said he did not entrances Tuesday night hopina Dizzy Gillespie. Thomas CR-NJ ), wiped her eye lmow. Paving Assessment Lewis would extend the truce "We were able to meet the Won't P r Cbar r es w:th a handkerchief Wednesday tAl· " 'irt" ,b.h) that began last Nov. 9 after a price of the Woody Herman­ Vincent Lalla, owner of the cab, as she left ' he federal district At Special Meeting 52-day strike. But as the mid­ "King" Cole concerts only be­ cr urt in Washington. said Wednesday he had not file..! Trucks Wait to Loacl Coal in Last-Minute Rush cause of last-mi nute advertising charges against the eonvict b­ Recommendations concerning night deadline drew closer, they in nearby cities and by impOrting cause to do so would only be "an DRIVER W IT D IMP t'IENTLY to haul co I from Brazil. Ind. mine bd:>re the son ('oal m iners the solution to Iowa City'S pavlnl dumped the water from their went out on ·trlke at 11 p.m. CIrwa time) Wednesday. hown here are a portion of tbe 1,500 trucks stu(ients from Washington (Iowa) additional expense to the state." il .. essment problem wlU be heard lunch palls and headed home. Junior college and Coe college used In th& operation. Drivers urced the operators to til the truck a rapldJ y a po Ible before lhe Rep. Thomas Drops Lalla said an attorney had told at 5:30 p.m. today at a special The strike was on, the fourth (Cedar Rapids)," Miss Smith said. work shJ) pa~e bea-an. mc> tlng of the city council in the him an addition to Hill's present major mine shutdown thls year. Future name band appearances rape sentence would probably be city hall council chamber. ------------------------------------- No Conwaei El[)M!eted dencnd upon the success of ticket Plea of Not Gui lty; served concurrently and nothing Posslblc settlements between the sales for the Jimmy Dorsey Winter would be gained. city and 33 objectors to the spe­ A UMW official in New York Formal Friday night, Committee Secretary Cleared The cab owner expressed praise Communists Take Over Chungking cial assessment were discussed predicted the new Btrlke "un­ Pres. Jim McKenzie, A4, Apple­ lor aU peace officers who parti­ Monday night when the council doubtedly will last for some time." ton, Wis., said. WASHINGTON (JIl) - Rep. J . cipated in Hill's capture. HONG KONG (JIl) - Chungking str Is and alleys committee met fell Wedn day. Generalissimo He said there was no chance of Only 400 Sold Parnell Thomas (R-NJ) TueE­ Lee Stuart, 22-year-old driver with local attorneys representin, a contract setUement in the near who alleged Hill beat h r in the Chiang Kai-shek fled hill recently Wives Plan Sitdown th protestors. The Iowa Union desk reported day suddenly dropped his fight Acheson Tells Ships established NationaList capital a future. that by Wednesday night only face and body before escaping In Alderman Charles T. Smith. against charges of padding his the cab, said Wednesday she woul:! step ahead of an estimated 20,000 committee chairman, said Wed­ The majority of the miners ap­ about 400 or the 800 available tick­ Chinese Communists. Till U.S. Recovers ets had been sold. congressional payrell and thre~ not return to the taxi job she had To Enter Nationalist ne doy his group will present pas­ peared to be aKaInst the new himseli on the mercy of the court held less than two days when the RelJable sources in Taipeh, For­ i ble cour es of action for counci \ walkout and there appeared to Whatever the reason may be mosa, Chiang's Island headquar­ consideration today. for the scanty response to name with a plea ot "nolo contendere." incidwt occurred. Waters at Own Risk Interned Husbands be arowinll unrest in some coal This meant he no ionger con­ iterI.' Three Months ters, said Chungking was lo~t '.l·he issue arose when the SS bands, SUI does not hold a mono­ shortly before noon (10 p.m. Iowa ( 1:,. pldurr..... e G) fields. The miners have lost some poly on the situation. The same tested the charges in a four-count The woman said she had been WASHINGTON (Jill - Secretary Iowa Cltlans filed petJtions in ob­ in Iowa City about threc month, tlme, Tuesday). It had been ex­ LONG BEACH, CALIF. (11') -- $1,200 each In waaes becaUlle of lack of interest exists at practi­ indictment alleging fraud and of State Dean Ache~on took n jection to specia.l assessments tor the many walkouts and the three­ and had come here trom Miami, back-handed slap WedJ\csday at pecled. But the late::;1 Communist Mrs. Ruby Smith declared Tues­ paving improvements recently cally all colleges and universities conspiracy against the govcrnment. triumph pushed the Nationalists day work week period. Fla. She now lives in AlberhaskY'li the one Am rlcan shipping lipe day that she and Mrs. Shirley completed on local streets. this year, McKenzie said. Federal Judge Alexander M . ever deeper Into western China. In the Harland county fields of Time was when "musical greats" Haltzoff immediately set .rriday, Trailer park on HIghway 218, which has run the Chinese Na­ Bender intend to stage a "slt­ The protestors claimed the Kentucky, the panhandle of West north of Iowa Clty. tionalist blockade of the Commun­ In Hona Kong, the Chine e assesments were In violation of the kindled enough student enthusiasm Dec. 9 as the date for passing sen­ down" In Washington unUl the Virginia and the great soft coal Hill was captured by Jackson Ist held pOrt of Shanghai. Ameri­ newspaper. Sing Tao Man Po. re­ codc ot Iowa, which states that to guarantee first-day sel1outs. tence on Thomas. The maximum 1I0vernment docs something about fields in western Pennsylvania, U­ McKenzie indicated the low tick­ penalty would be 32 years in pris­ county officers Mter he was seen can ships enter that port at thelr ported 20 ,000 Communists troops property ownc>rs can not be asses­ llnois and I ndiana, Individual under Gen. Liu Po-Cheng cro~sed getting their scrvlcemen husba.nds et sales co~ld be due to hi~n on and $40,000 in fines. running from a garage in Maquo­ own risk, he declared emphatic­ sed an amount exceeding 25 per­ miners were "speaking their admission prices, although ticket Congressional parliamentarians keta about 8 p.m. Tuesday. ally. the nearby Yangt7-C river from rcleased from Chinese Commu­ cent or the property's value. piece" more than ever betore. thc> south bank and entered the prices are gauged only to meet said that if Thomas fo1Jow~ prc­ He had been reported missing His action was authoritatively nist custody. Some of them expressed open de­ outskirts of Chungking at I (11 the cost price of the b nds' ap- cedent, he will re ign from con­ from University hospitals at 11:25 interpreted as givln$( American The husbands, Navy Chief Elec­ fiance of the burly union chIef policy support to Nationalist ef­ a.m.
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