I REGO.GOA·S 1 Panaji, 28th August, 1997 (Bhadra 6,1919) ,~l SERIES I No. 22 OFFICIAL_GAZErT GOVERNMENT OF- GOA GOVERNMENT OF GOA 563RD JAI MATHRU BHUMI BI·~EEKLY LOTTERY DR~W Date of Draw: 7th August, 1996 Department of Finance, RES'ULTS.· First Pri/c: (I): Rs. 5,00,000/- + Maruti ('ar (of vif!ue of Revenue and Expenditure Division Rs. 1,60,000/-) or Indira Vikas Patra or Pure Mint Gold of the valuc of Rs. 5,35.000/· which sum includes cash option in respect of the Maruti Car JH - 300749 Directorate of State Lotteries Consolation Prize:(4): Rs. 2,0001- each: To the tickets in the rcmain II1g 4 Series bearing the I st prize winning number: I060TH GOA EVERYDAY DAILY LOTTERY DRAW JG 11 JK 300749 300749 3{)0749 Date of Draw: 7th August, 1996 Second PrIZe: (5); (One in each Series): Rs. 5'O,()O();- cash or Gold or I. V. P. RES{l/,TS, JG JH. JI JJ JK First Prize: (I): Rs. 5,00W· 214485 266567 216654 222370 286477 359292 Third Prize: (20): Rs. 5,000/- each (Four in each Series): Second Prlle: (3): Rs. 100/. each: Numbers ending wit-b..Jast 5 digits JG JH .II JJ .IK of the 15t prize wll1ning ticket number as follows: 105925 3360 II 376241 308537 217103 325565 252922 3'66331 280751 260589 14485 278941 328792 103357 181535 1,)51\52 270453 224605 232080 361841 ..,04742 Third Prize: (36): Rs. 251. each: Numbers ending with last 4 digits of ."- .. Fourth Prize: (50): Rs. 1,0001· each: (Ten in each Series): the 1st prizewinning ticket numl>er, as follows: JG JH JI JJ JK 4485 220700 388145 383621 346835 295(71) 220778 162302 185665 325812 378209 rollrth Prize: (360): Rs. 20/· each: Numbers ending with last 3 digits .217}04 297520 262602 279890 3.,4')12 180257 118287 196921 143205 30()0IO of the ,lsI pri:te II Inning ticket number as follows: ... <' 312899 247267 287379 149964 242696 170236 223695 142859 2765{)3 266317 485 341306 167062 214887 254609 227588 336373 267236 133869 356649 284.,56 Fifth Prize: (39,600): Rs. 17/. each: Numbers ending with last 1 digit 274094 140553 344553 337819 1(2421) of thc 151 prize winning ticket number as follows: 179779 399531 282394 357094 359()58 5 Fifth Prize: (150): Rs. 500/- each: Numbers ending with last 5 digits in all Series as follows: 76754 17927 75147 55403 %()42 Pan<\ji, 7th August, 1996.-- The Ass!. Director, Sdl-. 47348 37408 62851 50415 ()7()25 408 OJ!FICIAL GAZETTE-GOVT. OF GOA SERIES /II No. 22 28TH AUGUST. 1997 Si:-.:th Prize: (15'00): Rs. 50/- each: Numbers ending with last 4 digits Sixth Prize: (15,000): Rs. I Of- each: NUlllbersending with last3 digils in all Series as follows: in all Series as follows: 2402 2552 7827: 7875 6293 014 190 24:7 365 9699 8052 0013 0074 2431 533 661 735 808 Seventh Prize: (1500): Rs. 20/-each: NUlllbersendingwith last4digits in all Series as follows: An amount equal to 30'Yo of only the 1st prize shall bc deducted from the respective prize amounts towards payment to Sub-Agents, Sellers. 7880 7834 8849 4703 0340 Stockists & Publicity. 3336 5540 5286 5084 2404 Panaji, 7th August, 1996.- The Asst: Director, Sd/-. Eighth Prize: (15,000): Rs. I OJ-each: Numbersending with last 3 digits in all Series as follows: 004 191 263 373 437 I061STGOA EVERYDAY DAILY LOTTERY DRA\'" 566 646 708 829 961 Date of Draw: 8th August. 1996 Ninth Prize: (3,00,000/-): Rs. 3f- each: NUlllbersendingwith lasll digit in all Series as follows: RESULTS: 7 2 First Prize: ( I): Rs, 5,000/- 246034 .--..--~-----~ -.----.--... ~------- Second Prize: (3): Rs. I O{)/-each: Numbersending with lastS digits of 25'Yo of the cash pari oflhe I SI prize and 20% from the 2nd prize will the I st prize winning ticket number as follows: be deducled towards payment to Sub-Agents, Sellers, Stockists and Publicity. 46034 PanaJi, 7th August, 1996.- The Asst. Director, Sdl-. Third Prize: (36): Rs, 25/- each: Numbers ending with last 4 digIts of the I st prize winning ticket number as follows: 6034 35TH JAI MOOKAMBIKA WEDNESDAY WEEKLY LOTTERY Fourth Prize: (360): Rs. 20/- each: Numbers ending with last 3 digits DRAW of the I st prize winning ticket number as follows: Date of Draw: 7th August, 1996 034 Series: A. B, C. D, E, G, H, J, K, L, M, 0, p, R. S. Fifth Prize: (39,600): Rs. 17/- each: Numbers ending with last I digit of the 1st prize winning ticket number as follows: Rr;SI1LTS. 4 Firsl Prize: (15): Rs. 5,000/- each: (Applicable to all Series): A B C D E Panaji, 8th August. 1996.- The Ass!. Director, Sd/-. 33642 33642 33642 33642 33642 G H K L 33642 33642 33642 33642 33642 35TH JAI MOOKAMBIKA THURSDA Y WEEKLY LOTTERY M 0 P R S DRAW 33642 33642 33642 33642 33642 Date of Draw: 8th August. 1996 Second Prize: (I ): Rs. 5.000i- B 31026 Series: A, B, C, D, E. G, H. J, K, L. M. O. P. R, S. Third Prize: (150): Rs. 500/- each: Numbers ending with last 5 digits RESULTS. 111 all Series as follows: 02929 17981 29355 36753 42295 First Prize: (15): Rs, 5,O()O/- each: (Applicable to all Series): 53701 69445 79448 89104 90313 A B C D E Fourth Prize: ( 15(0): Rs. 50/- each: Numbers ending with last 4 digits in all Series as follows: 27844 27844 27844 27844 27844 9083 '9S44 55U­ 2152 0905 G H J K L 2148 3888 () I (),I 4327 1537 27844 27844 27844 27844 27844 Fifth Prize: (1500): Rs. 20'- each: Numbers ending with last 4 digits in all Series as follows: M 0 P R S 0627 9375 9337 0594 3332 9308 3245. 2056 0391 5758 27844 27844 27844 27844 27844 OFFICIAL GAZETTE-GOVT OF GOA 409 SERIESJII No. 22 28TH AUGUST /997 S~cond Prize: (I): RS. 5,000/- P --74309 35TH JAI MOOKAMBIKA FRIDAY WEEKLY LOTTERY DRAW ThirdPrize: (150): Rs. 5001- each: Numbers ending with last5 digits in all Series as follows:' . Date of Draw: 9th August. 1996 00936 '12442 22042 30643 47794 Series: A, B, C. D, E. G, H, J. K. L. M. O. P. R. S. 57052 64030 77075 86446 96577 RESULTS. Fourth Prize: (1500): Rs. 50/- each: Nurilbersending with last4 digits in all Series as follows: First Prize: (15): Rs. 5,000/- each: (Applicable to aIISerit:s); . 0384 6368 9657 7772 4684 A B c D I, 4338 8175 317() 2798 8587 26710 .26710 26710 26710 26710 .FifthP.rize:( 1500);Rs. 20/- ~ach:'Numbers ending with last 4 digits in all Series as follows: . G H K L 7787 3442 8799 8822 7557 26710 26710 26710 26710 2()f1 () 3777 9801 2693 7993 7490 M o P R S Sixth Prize: (15,O(){): Rs. lO/-each: Numbers ending with last3 digits in all Series as follows: 26710 26710 26710 26710 2()71 () 216' 334 . 075 197 459 Second Prize: (I): Rs. 5,000/- L-68680 510 614 702 899 957 Third Prize: (150): Rs. 500/- each: Numbers eilPing with last 5 digits In all Series as follows: An amount equal to'30% of enly the I st prize shall be deducted from the respective prize amounts towards payment to Sub-Agents, Sellers. 05015 11940 25162 37899 -iSOI:2 Stoekfsls & Publicity.' 56308 65832 71835 !n005 ')1 !I-i~ Panaji, 8th August. 1996.- The Ass!. Director, Sdl-. Fourth Prize: ( 15(0): Rs. 50/- each: Numbers ending with last -i dlgils In all Series as follows: 3740 5800 0737 0740 8ns 0489 5588 9687 9908 OIO-i IOC>2NDGOA EVERYDAY DAILY LOTTERY DRAW Fifth Prize: (1500): Rs. 20/- each: Numbers ending with last4 cii,c!il;; Date of Draw: 9th August, 1996 in all Series as follows: 0977 8219 9300 3879 499') 5711 5690 5698 5512 3111 First Prize: ( I ): Rs. 5.000i- 396559 Sixth Prize: (15,000): Rs. 101- each: Numbers ending \\ith last.\ digits in all Series as follows: Second Priie: (3): Rs. I OOi-each: Numberscnding with last 5 digits of the I st prize winning ticket number as follows: 052 180 293 391 491 551 685 780 821 ')47 96559 'Third' Prize: (36 ):Rs: 251- each: Numbers ending with last 4 digits of An amount equal to 30% of only the I st prize shilll be deducted from the respective prize amounts towards payment to Sub-Agents. Sellers. the 151.prtze winning ticket number as follows: Stockists & Pllblicity. 6559 Panaji. 9th August, 1996.- The Ass!. Director. Sdl-. Fourth Prize: (360): Rs. 20/- each: Numbers ending with last 3 digits of the I st prize winning ticket number as follows: 1063RDGOA EVERYDAY DAILY LOTTERY DRAW 559 Date of Draw: 10th August, 1996 Fifth Prize: (39.6()O): Rs. 17/- c~ch: Numbers ending with last 1 digit RESULTS: of the I sl prize winning ticket number as follows: First Prize: (I): Rs. 5.000/- 246588 9 Second Prize: (3): Rs. I OO/-eaeh: Numbersending with last 5 digits of the I st prize winning ticket number as follows: Panaji, 9th August, 1996.- The Asst. Director, Sdl-. 46588 410 OFFICIAL GAZETTE---,--GOVT. OF .GOA !." ; SERIES 11/ No. 22 28TH A UGU~T.l997 Third Prize: (36): Rs. 2,5/- each: Numbers ending with last 4 di~its of Fifth Prize: (150): R.s. 500/- each: Numbers pndingwith las! 5 digits the I st prize wtnning ticket number as follows: '. ..... in all Series as follo~s: ' " '\'" '. • . ~ ... , , , 9&172 .... ' 14506- 6588 '81'914 33sn .
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