NEW JERSEY COURIER. PIONEER NEWSPAPER OF OCEAN COUNTY. I SKID 1«»Q TOMB MIVBM.M. J.»TH U RH D Â Ï AKTEHMOUN, JANUAHV SS. 1811 VOLOME til KUMB1R 17 Town.hip Move. I Wanted Auto Ride Supreme and Senate £ £ “ Oysters Unhurt to B u y Waterfront 00 Jiidge s Tackle Ocean County Ballot Frauds by Floating These t H o r n e r Street Car, Was Caught Scientists Insist Low-Mâthia 5#nx'or*bip Cam Secete Commice* Makmg Hoard Feb I by Supreme & Plea, (or Mat hit -Low Probe M r l f Claim* He n JUDGE COULDN'T SEE JOKE; Prof. Neli î And Fwnchl ,ior Tho It W m |' YOUTH WAS ARRESTED AND Are Aci Id in Their E it j to Have None; Sew- HELD FOR GRAND JURY ,n. A bout Ready Now heard here Wcdnctiliv pfl i itt&m tush in taint* iA^nuAiu |lti|dA U I I the return of the writ of mandarviv 1 by which Thomm A lliih n is trying to tin* stâüi(Obit(k*H w iitf Mathis from the garage in the rear of seal Senator George C Low of O'ean thetr Mam street home last Friday, 1 Ttie mandamus tt directed against .foptfty, the fool Thom a* Garner «11 ar retted late that 1 Juatk* Vourbees of the euprotti« court wer« oota.i «I by ins , . „led the voter« of j to compel him to iasut a certificate of Board of Appropria* night and held in $500 bail. Garner [ pMS lb« election to MrMathts Testimony tn the and I>rug Inspection of tho •u will ««tl. and made to abandon the car case baa been taken before Supreme I States Department ol Agncul* et tí/en» at tamed b' 1er- Itter along, 1 t*ar net came here a few week* ago | t . a * from Long island with hi* father who 1in Camden. This will furnish tbe baste JAMES D HOLMAN iiy uyitertnen. that thia process tn no c invitai um in lait occupiei the Howard Osborn (intj jut SSSSSSMMSSSM*«***»**»* wise reduced the quality or strength of \tnong ihein wert outside of town, belonging to Long It the oyster« as had been charged by tho Pm* ironster II a ven* I J, D. Holman Vita Prttipcnl of land real eatate speculators. He a 1 Pure food Board C Van Hi*e of the fiv- Cranberry Growers Association once made (nendi with the young met Jackson Appeals in Aumack Will Case PriifasMir W ilifji d ’fftfhidi §' 1 the Board [ the practice of floating oyster* is iu*ti» tr, Edward round town, among them Adolph And* I crac 0. chauffe ur for Jvwlge Berry and The inrtv-lirtt annual meeting i f the bed, and that the substance added to T B Iront, DYitan in ftnattner is wat-** f# Sen Mathis, and had ti#en at the* 1 American Cranberry 0*.»w*r* t, G G W«jK>d, IWnia- wit ti Andarmi». Fridi O(|rr#on was •tion waa held on Tuesday at the hotel jI pure, is not an injurious ingredient* irrt- Alt ihuught it to Fhila del phi a at the aut and ! 1 Windsor in Philadelphia, Rev E H 1 ¿ither to the oyster «r rnm tum Fur* unity to get wütcr tber, that this addition is actually of r»l- Judge Berry was In Caimden Capt. ♦Marhie had bs uth jetsey A* iiuumer nm Î, and it i 1 presu ned the Ud did as secretary and Ufasurer. Jame, U o( hi tì i l l dt,Ñiii vuoi* not know h« had rdur ned. Ga 'ucr , contract with Mr. n that too i a heavy overcoat frorn a cloiict in **n one of the vice i»i tor h i. waterfront hold* eh OV» the garage, in exchange for hi. lighter Doth urowifU! and marketing prob* ! faciliti» ppiy t '.hut had been talked coat, and itarted the car out and down terns were discussed , but principally tou id he They will brought out that the Broad street, toward Main, but waa the latter. It was cnmplaii ed that the * pi there it an in- ;uht Club would give teen by Mr*. Mathis, who called her two sales companies. each anxious to intent demand for such oysters. 1 do >t line the amount neuded husband’a attention to it. The boy control the selling market. had dem or- not believe the planters and deakrra are r street straight to the «mulct Hon knew alinoti nothing about the car and alised prices for the * past two years in a conspiracy to force people to take Stoutenburgh purchaae rmt. if the had difficulty ‘with getting it under worse than individual giowers did be­ floated oysters or none at all.U provided the etreet was ent ihrougt way, and hence was overhauled by fore tire selling exchanges were formed. •Mitt I to the river Capt Mathis, who himself returned the President Durell spoke upon The Right in line with thlt opinion if one A Judge M L Berry stated letter from car to the garage. That night when Cranberry— its uses and abuses from a French scientist. Fable Dotusr- lb: W L Boardmau, the engineer who Judge Berry came home from Camden, Frank S Gaskill of New Egypt and gue. who has made an interesting series bd to pc .pare sewer been engaged he bad Capt Mathis swear out a war­ George E Gassier discussed : Advertie of observations at Concarneau. fhas. plans complete, but had those rant fpr the boy and caused his arrest. Methods. H L Knight of Medford and He has shown that oysters may the disposal plant lb: the pltm tor The lad’s parents went his surety George E Dean talked on: Marketing be kept for eight days (or even a oust be first approved by the State Methods—how can they be improved? fortnight) in filtered water, frequently Board of Health These plans would These talkB are followed by an open chang'd, without losing any of thjir be submitted to that body at once and District Meeting of Red Men discussion virtues, but gaining rather. The micro­ the completed plans would be at the With Pohatcong Tribe,Tuckerton County Clerk George H Holman, for­ organisms which are apt to linger in call of the Township Committee in mer Sheriff Charles L Holman, Edward the mantle cavity, with deleterious re­ shout a fortnight A district meeting of Red Men, At­ Crabbe of Toms River. J D Holman of sults to the oyster-eater, can be thor­ Judge Berry also sent in a bill for a tended by the g;e»t chiefs of the State, Whitesville. and Frank S Gaskill of oughly washed away by the filtered retainer fee of $7S as Townahip Solic* waa held at the wigwam of Pohatcong New Egypt were at the meeting water, and the oysters do not lose in itor At the meeting of the Board cn Tribe. Main and Green streets. Tucker­ W 'SCOTT JACKSGN Former Sheriff C L Holman and weight, nor in their power of "vital January 2, a resolution was passed that ton. ou Saturday evening last, and a Theodore Budd of Pemberton are the on- resistance."nor in"embonpoiot." Their W. Scott Jackson will carry the con­ no Solicitor would be elected this year, number of the great chiefs of the State j placed on Jackson by the decree. Jack lv original members of the Association market value is unaffected, and we can test over the will of his sister Mrs tad as advice was wanted, a lawyer were present. The Passed Sachem, of j son is represented by I. W. Carmichael living It was formed in Ocean county swallow them with a lighter heart Louise Aumack, which was decided fluid be retained In his letter Judge the district were raised to the Passed |and William H. Corbin. They will by Rev pr Brakcley, a M E Presiding against him in the Chancery Court Bety referred to this action, but con­ Sachem’s degree, and there were nu­ I carry the case up; and it is said that Elder, in 1870, and the first meeting as Freeholders to Take Up the by Vice Chancellor Walker, to the Court tested that he was still Solicitor. He merous long talks by the visiting j they think they have found loopholes Sheriff Holman recalls it, was held at of Errors and Appeals- j Under the de­ South Section of Beach Road aid that he umlei stood that no one sachems Horn various tribes in New in the Vice Chancellor’s decree. Be Toms River with 39 charter members. cision, as published last week in the lad been appointed in his place as Jersey. Pohatcong Tribe had arranged tween $80,000 and $90,000 of the estate He has missed but one annual meeting Director Utis called a special meeting Courier, the Vice Chancellor held that Solicitor, and stated that under the law a big feast with oysters and other shore in securities is impounded in a Trenton in the 41 years of the Board of Freeholders for Friday an agreement had been made between in appointed officer held over till his delicacies that Ippealed to the taste of bank under order of the court and has of this week at Mantoloking to take up Mr. and Mrs. Aumack by which he left the south section of the Beach Road, lucctssor was appointed, and therefore tlie visitipg Red Men, as when the real been for a year. The estate also in her all the property with the under­ bfwas still Solicitor and forwarded his red man took the long trail from the eluded a cranberry bog at Cedar Grove, Early Morning Wedding for This which contractor Charles W.
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