1HE UAlAtlA M)A BLh: AiUiiJ, 2bt 11)14. 3- -0 HEAL T5STAT13. HEATj REAL ESTATE. ESTATE. llEAh ESTATE. HEAL ESTATE. FlKAIj ESTATE. IIEAIj ESTATE, riTY rnoptCR'rv von I salb. CITY PROPERTY FOR SAM;. CITY PROPKR'I'Y FOR SALE. flTY PROPI3RVY FOR SALE. CITY PROPERTY FOR SALE. .ITY PROPERTY FOR SAMS. CITY PROPERTY FOR SALE. Glover & Spain Field Club Snap 56.000 A now STRICTIT modern home, well built; living room downs taira, 4 dandy rood bedrooms on the second floor, one finished sleeping porch! oak finish on the tint floor; oak floor throughout, and birch finish, on the second floor; good atUa Thl Is n a sacrifice sale, and. le an absolute bargain. Owner has Boerl trans), ferred from the qlty and 1 willing LA to take the lots himself. There Is a PROFIT In this house. THINK FAST, we want a proposition THIS Bungalows HOW to GET TO WEARNE Ison3of the nnst co.iv 3:11 311 tly located home building places in IB.T50 6 rooms on one floor, nicely dec- orated, well located; lot MxlSO; one - block from car. Can make terms. PARK: which it is possible for Omhi people to buy a home building lot 4,0006 dandy rooms on one floor, 03Jc finish, nicely decorated; south at a reasonable front on paved street; garage; Pv-- pries at th3 present time. Ing all paid; half block from car. Take a Benson car directly This Is located on the north side, too small for present owner. Might to get off Improvements now made, and those way will consider good vacant lot west, or the tract at the under make this Dne In Dundee. $4.O0O-N-EW BUNGALOW, 6 LAIU1B Big Wearne Park Sign at of the most substantial and beautiful residence in Omaha rooms, BEAMED CH1LINGS. districts FIRKl'LACE, BOOKCASESt oak finish' built by owner for a home; 48th and Military Avenue. in a short time. dandy cast front lot, on boulevard, In Clalrmont addition. Thla to a reduction in the price, and worth the money, $4,fl&0 B V N OALOW BEAUTIFUL., 8 rooms on the first floor; mahogany Come Out Today and see what we're doing, then judge for yourself beamed ceilings, large living room arrangement; built-i-n buffet In i dining room; two large bed rooms and bath; two nice bed rooms on tho second floor; lot is fenced; rood chicken house; paved street; naif SPECIAL DISCOUNT NOTICE Lots on Sale Today block from ear. Hard to beat for the money. $25 to $50 off on every Dundee Salesmen will be on ground all day Shine. 8,f0 6 rooms, two stories, practically Rain or new and all modern; hill south Wearne Park Lot purchased front lot; one block from car: prloe Just reduced. Couldn't be DUPU-OATB- O Lot-Sm-all for the money. Prices range from $500 to $980 Per cash tS.600 A DANDY new modern TODAY. home, located on a corner lot. with i garage and cement driveway; pav-- i down-balan- ce ing all paid. This house is excep- -' payment easy monthly payments. tlonaliy well built, pressed brick foundation, stationary, tubs; extra Attractive Features About Wearne Park Lots toilet, good attic,; in fact NOTH-- L. ING ten out to make a complete im- modern hornet too lartre for present Every lot within two blocks of car line. Building restrictions high enough to These prices and terms include the following V owner. Want an offer this week. It's worth the mono)'. insure a good grade of houses, yet low enough to place these lots within reach ,750-BR-ICK and STUCCO, r., Includ- paid for: ing' living room with lane provements fireplace, den, brcJtfaet room of home builders of moderate means. and Kitchen on first floor; 4 nice bedrooms finished in whits enamel, largo sleeping porch, tile bath This company, when developing "Wearne Park, installed a completo drainage Permanent Cement Walks Now Being Installed. room; first floor finished In quarter-s- awed oak: nicely decorated system to f hmtltrhnuf rtnvlnir fATM rM (n carry off surface water, thus making this tract a healthful place in Water is Paid for and Will Soon be Under ay: full. This 1 easily worth IT.GOO. which to live. j Reasonable terms oan be arranged. : Shade Trees Have Been Planted. ; I , , New Stucco Home So that, with good drainage, pure air, pleasant surroundings, transportation fa- W,850 rooms, modern, full cement base-- i Work of Grading ancl ment; S dandy rooms on tho first cilities and good The Permanent Streets;, floor, i nice bed rooms on the sec- neighbors, we believe that Wearne Park lots are the best buy ond; furnaco heat; oak finish on the first floor, pine on the second. in Omaha today, whether you buy for a home or for an investment. Terraces Was Completed LaSt Fall. lf;";:';c:;:' This house is thoroughly well built, located on a paved stroot. ono blook from the car, and 1 tho biggest bargain In the city for the money. ' Can arrange terms. Thla houso Is Telephone brand new, and has never been This company will finance, plan occupied. Bankers Realty Investment Company Doug, 2926 Glover & Spain and build you a home m Wearne Tlnug. 3982. 919-2- 0 City Nat Bank. Park on the Easy Payment Plan. Ground Floor Bee Building Here are Four Fine Lots Got Any Money? GREAT Model Home 27th and Evans Sts. Payne Investment Acre With We've Got the Goods 3524 N. 27th St. Prlco, 11,350; West Farnam. New. 6 rooms sleenlncr and required, $350; monthly pay- . Brand New Homes porch. AH modern, largo llvlne room. BARGAINS Corners on Miller cash Company dining room asid kitchen first floor; 2 REDUCED PRICES. ment, $15. Entire Third Floor Ware Block. ' ii' rooms, enclosed sleeping porch and In order to make quick sale of the fol- 3526 N. 27th St. Prlco, ?2,3C0, Special 47 Small First Pay- t on second floor; oak finish on first lowing property, prices have been re- Park cash required, $750; monthly pay- f , and oak floors throughout; the en-- t duced. Each are certainly bargains at A few selected: On 32d Ave., fine extra good,. ouso newly decorated. Full base-r- . these reduced prices: Price $4,150 ment, $20. modern house with ment Down Balance furnace heat, with oil burner at-ta- c. Nice r. house, modern except heat, 3528 N. ,27th $2,100 vestibule, reception hall, open New and strictly modern resi- St.Prico, bargains - t-- Automobile garage, built for 2 two blocks from car line, Hamilton St., living room nasli roqulrcd, $600; monthly pay- prate: varior, den and 'machines. Lot 00x128 feet, south front, $1.S00 to $1,500. i dence, with beautiful and One of the very finest homes in the city libra) yj dining1' room with' 14-- Monthly r. r. dining room; oak finish and oak floors ment, $17.50. at' n prlco low enough to make It a real kit-ti- Rental street paved. Only block cast of Doublo house, each, and large built-i- n sideboard; good n throughout. fine bargain. Is ' Kountie Park. Have no price; want an house, nil strictly modern, rent for $1,200; Three bedrooms and 3530 N. 27th St. Price, $1,760; The property In question the n, pantry and outside 6 blocks house; growing lo- bath on second floor. Latest design in Wilcox homo on the southwest corner of offer, as owner must sell. from court tush required, $550;; monthly pay-raon- t, enclosed porch. Second floor Payments cality, $7,700. lighting .fixtures and wall decorations; ISth und Lothrop, it Is practically new, ' NEAR 31ST AND FARNAM. In every 9 hs.s Urge front, room with you Two-stor- y, 3 full basement; complete dotal!; $16.50. contains large rooms and finished in If like ta Jive where you can raise square, all modern home .of Brick house, mod. except heat. alcove two' closets; one a nice big garden, have cow chick- porch. floor blocks two lines, walking dis- corner lot. 6301 N. 24th St. Terms. 3532-353- 2 selected quarter sawed oak.' Certainly and a and six rooms and sleeping First from car N. 27th St. Price, anyone should feel proud to own this largo south roam with largo ens, here Is your chance. finished In oak with oak floors through- tance from U. P. shops and down town: $2,850; caBh required, We havo nicely homes easy $1,800 $1,600. $860; home, alcovo and onv east roam four located and out. Entire house newly decorated. Mod- terms, to es an goes fix- new, Norris & Norris monthly paymont, $26. with alcove and cloltt; aero of ground with each house, ern' plumbing, combination lighting Large strictly modern, not 400 Bee Bldg. Phono Douglas 4if0. one room, that can be bought on reasonable terms. tures; full basement, furnace heat and open plumbing, full basement, walking The abovo houses havo from throe smaller fine Each house has four rooms and each paved U. P. shops and down town, $4,500 Snap tiled bath, all hardwood laundry connections. Nice lot and distance to to olcht rooms and are all mnrfnm NMr tfmmtr Tinvlr iuA linv an floors Upstairs and aero property has a good well. street; only a couple of blocks south of easy terms, $2,000 to $1,800. garage. don. One of theoo ucro properties a nice $4,500; $1,000 new, strictly modern, full excopt four that have no furnacos. strictly modem houto, with Third floor has three rooms has Farnam. Price cash and the Almost Do vine- 1 line, paved winch can sold on a payment ot v and hath, good combination orchard and another has a small rest monthly.
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