I Seniors Volunteer; CALLING ALL STUDENTS!! 40 Minute Periods Put Out First Issue A paper without a name?? So far the answer to that Make-up Schedule Lendin g enthusiasm to make question is "yes." With forty minute class per­ th ei r initial effort a success, sen­ Read the editorial on page iods and equally long lunch per­ ior j our nalists volunteered their two for an explanation of our ? ? ? ? iods, Assumption high starts its writin g services two full weeks "help name the paper" con­ first year . The schedule will con­ bef ore th e opening of school. Staff ■ ■ test. ■ ■ tain two lunch hours with hot meetin gs for the paper were held Vol. I-No. 1 lunches served. Hot lunches will in the homes of various students. Assumption High School, Davenport, Iowa, Se pt. 10, 1958 4 Pages not be served, however, until the Fa culty adviser to the Ass ump­ cafeteria is completed. ti on news, Reverend William F. The school day will begin at Wiebl er , starte d the school p ub­ Regular Classes 8.30 am with students in their licati on with a staff Mass and seats at 8:25 a.m . The last period breakfa st at McAuley Hall. Begin Monday will end at 3:11 pm. Four minutes Jim Murp hy fills the post of Following orientation classes will be allowed between classes. execut ive editor with Pat Knight Wednesday and Thursday reg­ Report cards, this year, will be and Mik e Gn am as associate edi­ ular classes will begin at Assump­ graded by the letter system (A tors. Th e posts of news editor tion on Monday, Sept. 15. There for excellent, B for better than and fea ture editor go to Virginia will be no school Friday, Sept. 12, average, etc .) as opposed to the Hagen and J anice Laake res p ec­ as there will be a teachers meet­ number system formerly used at tivel y, Greg Huyette receives the ing that day at Regina high school, ICA. dutie s of sports editor and J ohn Iowa City. There are several co-education­ McD onn ell those of layout mana­ The orientation program is al courses this year. Latin m and ger . K athy Mohr serves as art made up so that the seniors will IV, journalism, and an advanced edito r wit h Dick Craig as car ­ attend classes Wednesday morn­ algebra class are slated for mixed toonis t an d Gunars Norkus as ing, the juniors Wednesday af­ sessions. There is a possibility that photog ra ph er. Peggy Dray is ternoon, the sophomores Thurs­ typing may also be co-educational. proofr ea der . Betsy Howes is b us­ day morning and the freshmen Senior religion for the girls as iness m anager and P ete Hart is Thursday afternoon. well as the boys will be taught circul ation manager. Each class meets in the library by priests this year . The sisters where they will be welcomed by will teach freshman religion to Rep or ters covering all school Father Amborn, director, Father both boys and girls. Authorities activ ities are L arry Brafman, Weeg, boys' principal, and Sis­ believe that it would be best for Judy Bu rlage, Anabel K uriger, ter Mary Ann Esther, girls' princ­ all religion classes to be taught Sand y Nicola, J ulie Gallagher, ipal. by priests but since this is im­ Mar ilyn Meisenbach and Mary J o After receiving their class possible they selected the senior Mart in. schedules the students will attend class due to the subject matter each of their classes for five min­ of the course. Th e app ointments were made ASSUMPTION AUTHORITIES: Sister Mary Ann Esther, BVM, girls' utes. After their last class they principal; Father Weeg, boys' principal; and Father Amborn, director, Religion will be taught four durin g the week of A ugust 10. will reassemble in the library be­ approve final plans and set the formal opening date for Sept. 10. times a week with a group guid­ (Staff Photo) fore going home. Fu ture iss u es will be com posed ance period on the fifth day. The in th e new press room which will day of the guidance period may be r eserved exclusively for mem­ Faculty Receive Positions at Assumption ; not always be the same each week be rs of the staff. New equipment just as the guidance instructors includ es editors' desks, typewrit­ might be alternated from week ers , bu lletin boar ds an d maga­ Assume Added Work and Responsibility to week. Father Mann has been zine r acks. Faculty appointments for the school year show some changes boys physical well-being . Assist­ selected to head the group guid ­ ance committee . over last year, with some positions newly created for Assump­ ing Father Walter will be Father Sisters To Commute; tion high school. They are: Mann. Sister Mary Ann Esther will Sister Mary Borgia will be in Father McGrath, vice principal, Convent Not Ready retain her pos iticr. as princi ­ Wom~n To Assist M em bers of the Assumption ctjarge of all publlcity concerrung will also head the board of dis­ facu lty, formerly within walking pal of the girls, with the add­ .Mssumption and Sister Mary Hel­ cipline. Other members of the In Administration distance of the cam puses, will be ed responsibility of checking en Anne will head the sodality. board are Father Anthony Con­ obli ged to commute greater dis­ attendance. Assisting Sister will On the board of discipline are rad and Father Dawson. Assisting Fr Robert Am- be Sister Mary Cecil as vice­ tanc es this semester . The convent, ;=;isters Mary Carolanne, Cecil and Father Gerald Kraus will take born in his duties as director of principal of the girls. in w h ich the Sisters of Ch arity Melen Regine. attendance of the boys while Assumption are Mary Michl, sec­ will reside, is not scheduled to Advisor to the student council Sister Mary St . Monica will be Father Mottet will serve as reg­ retary, Janet Mohr, bookkeeper, be complete d until the latter part will be Sister Mary Carolanne, registrar for the girls. istrar. and Mrs. Barbara Bates, switch­ of October. The priests will con­ while Sister Mary Lidwine will board receptionist. The office in Father Edmund J. Weeg holds tinu e to stay at McAuley Hall. take care of guidance coordina­ Father William F. Wiebler will which they will work is west of his position as principal of the The Sisters of Humility will tion for the girls. act as advisor of the school paper. the main lobby . boys, assisted by Father John Mc­ re side at St. Vincent's Home ad­ Sisters Mary Eustella and Grath, vice principal. joini ng the campus. The Sisters Ernestine will have charge of the of Ch arity will travel daily from library, with Sister Mary Helen Advisor to the student council the Immaculate Conception A cad ­ Regine handling the newly ac­ will be Father William Dawson. Six Boys , Two Priests A ttend em y. quired audio-visual aids . The guidance coordinator for the boys will be Father Charles YCS Study Wee k In Indiana Mann, while Father John V. Ry­ New Teachers Join Sta ff; an serves as spiritual director Laying foundations for their activities in the upcoming year, Father Marvin Mottet will also six boys and two priests took part in the National YCS Study assist the boys as YCS moderator. Bring Total to 42 Member s As athletic director Father Ro­ Week held during the third week of August at St. Joseph's bert Walter will take care of the college, Collegeville, Indiana. N ew teachers rounding out the staff for the Assumption high include six Sisters of Ch a rity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Gunars Norkus, Greg Huy­ a S ister of Humility an d five lay instructors. ette, George Moehlenhof, and Jim Murphy, seniors, and Si ster Mary Ce cil fro m A l- n ew girl's physical education in- lema n teaches mathematics stru ct or . Miss Thornton has been Greg Cusack and Les Bick­ and has a Freshman home- asso ciated w ith Rock Island rord, sophomores, drove to the schools . Study Week with Fathers Marvin room. Mottet and William Stratman. An other teacher from Alleman Sister Mary St. Edward, CHM, In the keynote address Father is Sister Mary Helen Regine, w h o teaches biology, general science James Anderson, Federation teach es commercial subjec ts. and physical science. Sister has Chaplain from San Diego, Calif., Si ste r Mary Franelle h ea ds a previously taught at St . Alphon­ explained the theme of the Study juni or homeroom and also in­ sus in Davenport and St. Mary's W e e k , "Leadership Through st r uct s history an d Latin. Sister in Ottumwa. Learning." He stated that through com es from Hayes Cat holic in B esi des coaching basketball and the discovery and development Mu scat ine. bas eball , Her man Derouin teaches of his talents a YCSer will be Fr om St. Paul, Minn eso ta, general mat h, business math, eco­ better equipped to serve the com es Sister Mary Leon. Sister nomi cs an d alg ebra . needs of others. is a sp eech and English instr uc­ Off the football field, Gene Wal­ Throughout the week several tor as well as a freshman home­ ton instructs ancient and Ameri­ talks by students, laymen, and r oom teacher. can history. priests were given to the dele­ Sister Mary Frances Agnese, gates at assemblies.
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