English Miners; Britain Acts To Many Dead And Vole To Return To Avert Impending Injured In British ‘Great Issue Is Free I Extra Session Will Work Next Monday. Economic Crisis Liner Explosion People Vs. Total i- Do Little Good Taft tarians’ — LONDON, (£*)—Strikers in the LONDON, (A>) — Sir Stafford BELFAST, Northern Ireland i/Pl Says VIENNA, Ga. (>P) Senator Grimethorpe, England, coal mine Cripps, president of the board of Eighteen dead or dying men and George <D.-GaJ said yesterday he voted unanimously yesterday to trade, announced today new cuts more than 50 injured were SANTA CRUZ. Calif. (^—Sen- believes President Truman will return to work Monday, breaking in Britain’s armed forces and a brought ashore today from the ator Taft, Republican of Ohio, call Congress into special session, a western the back of a five-week-old unau- slash in permitted capital invest- British liner Reina Del Pacifico, opening prospecting but that it is a very ticklish gam- for the Presiden- thorized coal strike that took ments as crisis measures to help which docked here badly damaged trip Republican ble” which could result in a politi- tial 60,000 workers out of Yorkshire stave off economic collapse. by an explosion at sea. nomination, declared today cal stalemate with loss of prestige this enter pits. The labor minister urged an im- While hundreds crowded the country is not going to to the chief executive. a world state that envisions con- Miners elsewhere in the rich mediate one-third increase in ex- dock area, the 17,720-ton motor- George, the ranking minority invest- was and be- centration of all power in a dis- Yorkshire coal fields had come out ports, and said capital ship towed in police member of the Senate finance ments would have to be cut dras- an tant capital. in sympathy with the Grimethorpe gan inquiry, studying among committee, said in an interview, to make the increase other what described The Ohio Senator, who said he workers, cutting Britain’s coal tically pos- things they that he personally saw little good sible. He said the labor govern- as the of will not decide until he returns production in the midst of an eco- possibility sabotage. that could result from a special ment would use if The wartime on home after his far western swing nomic crisis in which the fuel was compulsion, troop transport, session since he did not believe an with all and a trial run after refitted for whether he will be a candidate, badly needed. necessary, industry being emergency relief program for Eu- labor to achieve production tar- resumption of peacetime service, told the State Bar of California Labor circles expressed belief rope could be pushed through be- gets. was torn by an engineroom blast the New Deal had tried to “get that all the strikers would return fore the first'of the year. | rid” of states so it could we be able to yesterday about 125 miles north of rights to work with the end of the “Though might The Senator said that broad concentrate all in any get further assistance Copeland Island, which lies just power Washing- Grimethorpe walkout. temporary foreign relief program will result off the coast near the mouth of ton.” from the United States of America in The strike developed Aug. 11 af- keeping prices up in this coun- under the Marshall plan or some Belfast Bay. “In my view,” he said in an ad- ter the try. national union of mine An other way, we cannot count upon SOS brought five tugs and dress prepared for delivery in a workers and the national coal this.” Sir Stafford told 2,000 in- a lifeboat carrying doctors and panel discussion at the lawyers • 'X'X*X«X'X‘V‘X*X*X‘X*X*X‘Xf board, which operates the nation- dustrialists and unionists. nurses. One of the doctors report- meeting, “the great issue today is alized mines, asked Grimethorpe ed 34 of the injured “terribly that of a free a to- “We do not wish or intend to be people against For / workers to work a larger “stint,”; burned” and said some probably talitarian state.” tied by economic strings to the —two feet more of coal face,—to would die. COMPLETE of other coun- Nothing, the tall Ohio Senator ; men political policies up-boost production. The Fifteen men were killed out- tries, however friendly they may said, could limit freedom further '< said they were already producing and three died this INSURANCE be.” right morning in the United States than the abo- to the limit of their capacity. in hospitals. lition of states rights, adding “who COVERAGE / LUTHERAN MISSIONARY is going to enter a world state ’f _ / SCHOOLS OF WHALES AND Contact \ VISITS NOME : history shows that the federal PORPOISE IN BERING SEA SPORTS Mrs. Bertha Stedje, missionary plan is only a passing phase to the Yesterday morning about seven DEWEY worker for the Lutheran Church concentration of all powrer in a ANDERSON; o'clock those who were looking ROUNDUP of Teller town distant capitol?” to Nome soon) toward the sea were rewarded passed through j (Returning ( enroute home from ! • with an unusual sight. Hundreds yesterday (By Hugh Fullerton. Jr.) Taft, considered one of the lead- Fairbanks. of whales were traveling east NEW YORK. (iP)—Bucky Har- ing contenders for the GOP Pres- across Bering Sea. It is reported ris contends that Joe Page, the idential nomination at next year’s GRAPEFRUIT WITH that they continued to travel by Yankees reliable relief pitcher, party convention, appeared on the PEPPERMINTS for almost an hour. Natives usu- should get credit for twice as panel with James E. Murray, 2 grapefruit a ally consider this a sign of storm many victories as the 14 already Democrat of Montana, staunch Crushed when the whales travel so close to peppermints in the records. Bucky’s theory New Dealer, Charles Halleck of Cut grapefruit in halves. Re- is that who had made 51 Indiana, House Republican shore. Around noon schools of Joe, ap- leader move the seeds and membrane. pearances up to yesterday, had and Rep. Ray S. Madden. Demo- porpoise were seen traveling the Place crushed in cen- New Low Fares to peppermints saved an additional 14 games crat of Indiana. same way. ter of each half. without being listed as winning pitcher. This discussion brings MRS. FREDA NEIMI. FORMER SEATTLE out one important baseball fact— NOMEITE PASSES ON that few. if any. clubs in recent Word has been received of the death of Mrs. Freda a for- . JACK LENCER years have been able to win a Neimi. MINNEAPOLIS- title without having an able game- mer Nomeite who will be remem- Watchmaker saver. The first Yankee pen- bered by the older residents as ST. PAUL "V nant winners in 1921 and 1923 did Mrs. Freda Alexson. She came to not have any real standouts, Nome in 1913 with three small 3 TO 5 DAY SERVICE though Jack Quinn and Sam children after the death of her CHICAGO Jones must have saved a lot of husband who was killed working via Alaska Airlines to games to judge by their records. on the Alaska Railroad. Open 9 A.M. to 6 P.M. Then in 1926 Garland Braxton She will be remembered as a Anchorage finished 23 games and the next plucky Finn who bravely support- Box 625 Nome, Alaska Reservations: year Wiley Moore came along to ed her little family by working Alaska Airlines or your Travel Agent become the first of the celebrated from house to house in the com- Yankee relievers. Wilcv. who until which time munity 1928, at NORTHWEST (Mf* AIRLINES Ed Barrow picked right out of the she moved to Fairbanks and mar- SERVICE CLEANERS record book, appeared in 50 games ried. that won 19 and lost seven year, She died at Redmond, Washing- 4th B and there’s no how and Streets—Opposite School House telling many ton, where she has been with her other he saved. In the mid- games oldest daughter. She is survived QUALITY DRY CLEANING A SPECIALTY dle 1930’s took Johnny Murphy by two daughters Mary and Helen, over the fireman role and the Mr. and Mrs. Carl Mickleson, her son having passed away in Props. Yanks won thtee pennants in a 1929. row. and Courteous stuck around for the Prompt Service Johnny “Did your teeth chatter when 1941 world series and milkman the burglar entered your room?” Phone RED 96 Jim Turner took the in 1942. job “How should I know? They Now it’s and all relief Page, fling- were in the drawer.” ing records seem about to fall. Plate Glass - Auto Glass - Sheet Glass Strike Continues At Ketchikan LEWIS .CAB CO. Glass Blocks - Mirrors • Plexiglass • 4 KETCHIGAN, (/P)—The strike-! For All Your Glass Needs bound Sailors’ freighter Splice Phone MAIN — 144 Call — was moved from the Northland Transportation company dock to the adjoining Alaska Steamship GREEN’S FURNITURE STORE company dock Wednesday to make room for a Canadian steam- Black 52 j er which was to arrive yesterday. f CIO longshore pickets also ARCTIC OIL DELIVERY • Mirrors Cut to Order moved their activities to conform Phone—Shop: Black 70 — Retidenca: with the switch, but members of Rad 153 Desk Table the Merchants Association, who 100-GAL. OIL TANKS FOR SALE Tops Tops had maintained a 24-hour watch WE CHECK YOUR TANK REGULARLY Windows of all Kinds Made to Order at the dock abandoned their duty pending yesterday’s arrival of ne- j BEN YOUNG gotiating officials from Seattle. .
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