THE Daily SKIFF Volume 70, Numb M U Texas Christian University Fort Worth, Texas 76129 Tuesday August 31, 197? Buchwald Wears Beanie, Too Art Buchwald, Howdy Week Redistribute Communists in the terpretation was that young peo Forums speaker, kept an audi country so each town would have pie may be voting against rather ence in Ed Landreth Auditorium one for its an'i-C o m m u n i s I than for candidates. laughing for more than an hour groups to attack This would be He said Secretary of the Trea Saturday evening. called "Bus a Communist." sury John B. Connally was The political satirist, whose In a more serious vein during "more clued in than Spiro" and column is syndicated in abcut a question-and answer session could be Nixon's vice-presiden 500 newspapers, set (he meed for following his speech, Buchwald tial choice. (California Gov. Ron the evening when he walked on criticized the war in Vietnam, aid) "Reagan would be the obvi stage wearing a freshman beanie complaining of "the idiocy of ous Republican choice if Nixon and declared. "They made me the whole bloody thing." decided for some reason not to wear it." "We're begging Ky to run so it run," he said. Solutions To Everything (the upcoming presidential elec- "John Lindsay would be smart tion) will look honest. I' isn't to run for President—it might be Among his light-hearted s u g worth one American soldier for the only way he could gei out of gestions for the United States, 'hat kind of nonsense." being mayor of New York City." which hi' said should be renamed Women's Lib Buchwald commented. the Uptight Society, were: Buchwald said the main thrust He said Alabama Gov. George President Nixon should have Wallace had outsmarted Nixon sold Alaska to raise revenue in ..f women's liberation has been to alert people to discrimination on the school busing issue b y stead of ordering a wage-price claiming to support the Presi rent freeze. by dramatizing events on tele- vision. This dramatization has dent in his stand against busing S'udents who take over a taught blacks that they also must and possibly forcing Nixon to dean's office should be bricked in bring their problems before the call in federal troops to make instead of kicked out. public, leading to much theatri- Wallace obey the law. The United States, in an at calism, he said. Of his column, Buchwald said. tempt to end the war, should load He warned of similar theatri- "It's scary when you make u p two 747's with Japanese and Ger- calism in the 1972 presidential something and it turns out to be man industrialists to explain to campaign, saying the public true." He has written only three the North Vietnamese what should be suspicious of much of serious columns, on the assas- ART BUCHWALD, sporting a beanie, addressed Saturday's Fcrum. happens when a ccun'ry loses a what they see because "a lot is sinations of President John Ken- Washington lacks personality, he says—save for Martha and Spiro. war to th? United S'ates. show." nedy, Martin Luther King and Buchwald predicted the econo- Robert Kennedy. my and the draft would be major "Nearly every situation can campaign issues, with the war in be handled humorously," he said. the background. Crime might be "I don't want to change t h e an important issue in the Norh world. If I can make somebody Howdy Week Heralded laugh for three minutes a day. and East, he said, adding the campaign would be a rough one that's enough." He said he usually writes abcut Connally To Succeed Spiro? situations rather than personal. By Beanies. Barbecue Asking for a show oi hands from ities and complained about t h 3 (he audience to indicate how shortage of interesting Washing "Salutation and Celebration" scene fcr the beanie brigade's "jammed" with people, said many would vote in 1971 and for ton personalities, except Marth i was the theme of the 1971 Howdy watermelon feast. Afterward the Mills. which candidates, Buchwald Mitchell and Spiro Agnew. Week, the traditional welcoming award-winning film, "Charly," By 7:30 p.m. (he rain had commented on the little support period for incoming freshmen starring Cliff Robertson and for any Democratic candidate "Lyndon Johnscn was the best and 'ransfer students stopped and students danced to to satirize, but nrbedy knows who Clair Boom was shown. the beat of 'he Sticks at the and said it was typical of reac- Howdy Week activities were Thursday the Covenant Players tions across the country. His in- Nixcn is." kicked off by 'he registration and Hcwdy Week mixer in front of presented their impromptu dra- the Student Center. sale of purple beanbs to 1100 matic commentary on the cur- freshman, according to Don rent scene in various locations on Friday's agenda incuded h e Mills of the Student Activi'ies campus. AWS Ice Cream Social by the Office. This year's freshman Not even rain could dampen Frog Fountain followed by a class represents a four to five the enthusiasm of those attend steak cookout. That evening p?r cent increase over previous ing the barbeque and pep rally abcut 600 students a'tended the classes. Thursday evening. Despite the Howdy Week Dance at Will Rog- The Frog Foun'ain was the weather, the ballroom was ers Memorial Center featuring Deryk Jones Party. During the dance the 1971 / Howdy Week Queen, Susan Good Morning! Groom, from Edmond, Oklaho- ma was crowned. With this issue, The SKIFF, whose weekly and Saturday's activi'ies included semi-weekly roots reach back to the turn of the cen- the 1970 Southwest Conference tury, goes daily. gridiron highlights, a fall fashion Hereafter, The SKIFF will appeaT Tuesday morn- parade sponsored by Fashion Fair and a period for students to ing in its "Sunday" format—eight pages—and Wednes- become acquainted with voUin- day, Thursday and Friday in four-page form. 'eer possibilities in the commun- Problems? Plenty! Scheduling problems, personnel ity. problems, mechanical problems, advertising problems. An audience of800 to 900 heard Art Buchwald poke fun at But The SKIFF and the Journalism Department are various personalities and sub- convinced the newspaper has grown to the point where jects ranging from the execu'ive daily publication is vital. mansion, the Pentagon ami the FBI, to the CIA. So we shall try. A "Howdy Week Celebration" We shall err. Newspapers always err, sooner or service in Robert Carr Chapel later, in one context or another. b?gan Sunday's schedule. In the Bui we shall provide an improved service to the afternoon AWS held a Big-Little campus—and we shall offer a more realistic climate Sister get acquainted tea in the for fledgling journalists. Sludent Center. Above all, since it's your newspaper, we welcome Closing the week's events was your comments. the burning of the TCU letters Tell us almost anything—except "drop dead!" and the traditional offering of the This we have not done for 68 years. We have no class pledge at the Frog Foun- intention of doing so now. tain, the climax of Howdy Week SUSAN GROOM was crowned 1971 Howdy Week Queen by David 1971. Hall, Howdy Week chairman, at Friday night dance THE DAILY SKIFF Tuesday, August 31, 1*71 Yearbook Arrives; Administrates Gy A four-color, stylized cartoon events in a chronological fashion on a fold-out endsheet is the "set The remainder if the book is de- piece" for the 1971 HORNED voted to organizations, faculty, FROG, released last week to an administrators, students and per- unsuspecting student body sonalities . "It's in the true liberal arts A special feature of the 1971 spirit," remarked David Stinson, HORNED FROG is an Art-Liter- editor of the book. "The cartoon ary Section, which includes po- has provided theme continuity as etry, photography and other art- well as an exciting personality work contributed by TCU stu- for the 1971 book." dents. Another change from IEANIE BASH—These students would rather just listen to the music and watch the sun set at Mixer. The cartoon, a creation of TCU earlier years is the absence of graduate Charles Varner, depicts formal portraits for faculty and a large zeppelin shaped like a Greeks. football carrying the University "Hopefully 'Good Year It' has Buildinq Boom complex leisurely through the captured the spirit of s yesr st clouds. The clouds, by the way, TCU," Stinson stated. are purple smoke puffs emitted Stinson added that offprints of from the Frog Fountain. the cartoon are being sold In the Love Made Visible The book i'self, entitled "Good Student Center so that students Year '71," is a 476-page volume. will not destroy the yearbook by By MIDGE MEDANICH that TCU has been able to bring last spring on the structure, and The first half covers the year's ripping out the endsheet. The fall semester of 1971 marks together the offices of the nurs- is expected to be completed be- ■ quadrennial anniversary for ing faculty. fore the 1972 fall semester begins. Texai Christian University in Previously, TCU's nursing stu- The $3.3 million structure is areas of scholarship, athletics dents have shared classrooms located near the northeast cor- and progress in growth. and facilities at Harris Hospital ner of Stadium Drive and Bell- Two new structures i n the earn- with the vocational nursing aire Drive North. pus COntribu'e to tins anniversary schcol.
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