N ( E ^ jlCWlg^COM j i " ' ....................... Tlhe!runies- I T w in Falls,i, 1Idaho/IOOch year,, ^No. 212 __________. .Sundayly , July 31, 2005 j C O M IN ( i I ' ■ M o n d a tieloingre;ach<of tei:rroriism ere of East African rs of today’s! terrorists, d( w o r k s oh&K Italian InuuiotM in-—— ^— D - Atfac]?1k raise fears depth of netw ister Ciuscppi)pe Plsanu said the .H watching the area. - U r « --------------------^ — i l b^'wilklng ^ past his picture aftcrthc b o m b in g itb broiirou^t his brother Rcmzl1 Isaac'sIsi house pKMwrttw and thosethe <J three other sus- U home u> people - lhatlot it is in Romc. v ^ e ic policepo traccd ^ a s r a part of a kind o t a networkotic, in* him through his useofarcla-us( . ^c im iwrollowlng die cvolu- . •,-------r~":----------- p e c teed d July 21 attackers on overall situation in -M M—When the bomb P°“era cra d iat blanketed the dty. terconnected — all the Ongcr-iln tivc’s cell phone. ItalianIta news- LONDON.- 41chad papers said invcstlt jf Africa where, in : Class tlni he liied toI d^tonatc obooid a l^cn1 heh e s l i p i ^ away, traveling prints axe there." sold Mlci ids. al-Qoida tias ar- be train failed to esc- from1 LoLondon through France to Cox. a professor at Lond>ndon^ p caed Hussain's red CSI r a to a mIS cclass Londonl\ibe lational Homdi Isaac, settied, and from C8 say Osman Hus- R ° ^c. , Roya] Iiutitute o f Intemati< ids, in various ways, schedule fi doutaconlarowin- His aa ability to escape a mas- Affairs specializing In theepost- p The arrest sparkedkcdmoicthml '‘“"S a dozen follow-uppnJds n across Its followers into Eu- I felt semestf»ster. •. d o w r a nlong ^ th e trade, th en ®hre BriBritish dramet, coupled Sept. 11 teiiorism th reat ic rest of th e worid." I much the coim try a s itaUaallan authori- rppcand^ei R ee InIn hoppedthnmot^i'tM i ck yards be- vrfih thetht anest of another sus- ^ e y t l have to have a m g in to th e d ty ’s bus- in Zam bia with al>Qaida 'wider support base thanUl just tics tried to dcterminmineifanyat- Wews. Itom dtingl. suicidc ta d s o n Italy w ere„ beingI p lo .., ifOdals iiave noi yet The Tlmes^e raised feare about Ihe glob- ithose w ho are activc suit itind links between ichoftoday^tenoiistsand Ibb mbers." (cd. •' ’ After golMng underaround for lUrrot* 1 Hussain, nt l i e dcscHyluljuly 7 attacks an d tliu Hussain tmardcd a th c^!epth J erf (heir networics. Hussain, an Ethlopian-bn-bom In addition to H TERRORISM, Page A2 i Ckx30/yoj5ffNING SSiSSertoo station —poa- 1"°hc 'w ay people fanned o u t ]Briton, was captutca Fiidaklay at least two of the-ottother July 21 Please see Tl i W e a t h e r »: Mostly, I V ^ CA]FTA 1 s i t e . • T^Mf' sunnyctynndhoL X V X n i g h t •; ^ 2 3 High192.10W 92 63. [ o v i e r PagaA2 I winmers a t thil e M a g ic ValVLLEY _ Seauty in _ ■ & kosers Unboaths; ^nists ■ ■ p a c t w i l l bring out j - i n Lhc best for Irivie J.S. sugar \rtinthie Paric. P a g e B l T r a d e c\ a r s rutsinger ^ M o n e y h u r t UPress . writer • A ecom plIsM befoefora40: p r o d u cJTON — U.S. shop- M eet2 0 bfM adcVc \^ e y ^ gcj a price break on ’ top young protessljsslonais. lants m ade in Cen- P a g e D l By Martin CruiI. American farm ers «. Associated Pnicturcrs arc iioplng sales in tite region, r growers. l\o\ycvcr, F a m il y L if ; about Increased I now tiiat Congress indsenttothepnH- dc deal that eliml- lers betw een tiie cs and Cosm Rica, ran Republic. Q S.1I- I ;tcmala. H onduras ;ua. ifQueni 2 lysts prcdict that ihc ■t(H« th a t (tog: A£Qi 3ut from the Central oyvoers pam per the Free TVadc Agree- ■ I :h President Bush jn on ’iUcsday. will c economic impact, SPOR'rs lhat tlie six CAFTA ave cconoinie;, iliat ’ StUJ alive: TheTWli noli in compiirison AAeliminatedl!^ ). economy, advance to the fin^ , | | p | | j | teover tlic p aa was ' j : Ik^l^riMxijMTI^IM ntendous free-trade theAipeti^Ic^o gress in m ore than a C District Ibumam lii^ mflo for tt* novti' «t M irtwlR tte tM hM1« hi»'sIftMf K P o cat^ b . ^ in^'a^ 6fQ0iti'i#.Wttti'Wm ffiR iiiy e v ^ bi 1Md.ftll»:.TUr u few had vl*w t»f tte K Iniemadonoi 'Itaidc n, which did ;the ■rttfnqy tmek. Top. TVacfs M »t»iw.'pn^ tba priiMM AM^i isive study o f the 0 see CARA. PageA2 O p INICB'J ■' WASniNGT O rindliV rlt^w ^ ib n beckonIS Magic VM ey resi^ pers should gc iA m m ' shins and pai aimstoweafdovim ' doln^WhattheywcR tral Amcrica./B g r e ^ e n t opposition. years ogo.’ feipOT said and manufaci ™ Byown^Hjiig p L l i to gain new wimpworttwu.s.-sa / :PlJPageMA ""f**-*'** to the-drive-ins .sUii Drtcan-pomlrdcQn In d e x ' I • gence. ‘ , 00 Trade Agn^emont TWIN B U I! competitionsevoral n industries Bu$«sk/Se(kes.... nV w nsaeoodnigtheauu: )■■■•/, has passed anifR Irom the '' |j Classified ■••••••J' Vudrtve-liithcVBS dd^ithe s t^ , Ident a trade ....0&24 'njcskyvras Ct^munHy. • • id thj^-vMihea: vras nates barrlcim c M w o f U a ' . ...'.'.E4 wOT'butai^i^ uncomfortaMfc-;.^- United Slates•CfuO tariff - t ^ s w o i i d ................... ■ CO cooLbutruKuim d -V ^ that^VrtiiM' iheDominlcai O iw A bby.'.... ......................... n At the Granccw s o ilt s e e itS a d , vador. Guatc fefT ^life' ............. £3 brou^27car a h < r T v a ^ an d Nicaragua • New* BeanTejected thtOudi.a Mostonmys Horoscope.,............... Xettollte ^Jecu» poUtlcalfallou M b0C:Vaiejr..:........... sisyfasnm film mnn on American Fn ......Bl taking 35 liiii Money, .......... 3itM eAutow^ ment. which . ....Dl c<^i^old,Chl plans to sign Moviei ....-------- J The movies hhre bc outweigli tlict Nallba ; i ^ ..........MIM ihtat-naSBSicaniftVte'ilslwEni Tin Orannad>Vu.fiwi|«*'«t tte corm r b|br ArtfMiw Mwi ^ Adiaiei They note ihi . .A3-10 ogerat t h e j ^ using th e sam e -proji Obftuarles .. J.. ......... w the movto at. AvtmWa W M t, ' ’‘‘ ■' ■“ ' . ’ amovyind for lOmost countries havi 0 2 ready tb tiw • arc very sma! ,OpWoh. .h a d th e 230tcor TtTi: Bonimhlzw'BC diSdent to T w i n F a i i i , '!'■■'• ■ .and Johnson u ^ 'i .... A14 Tto cari hi , “t^;<WvB-lri ghwa peopli equipm ent (a .splici witli thcU.S.e Sports ...... ................ ottwnudvM. ,dQvritbttb th e Viiiote fiunily,''said The debate _____.Cl paiUMtotptl kdeh & «a ,the bed of his chahcvnot't^hoved to. dress . outer drive-^ manaj n'nthelgiDund'and ErfcEUe _______ th e most contl W98UW to-’m ito the m ovie,’*’ ^ d Loj ■ usedforvears. ■ • iftmdcskrdaxintto truck. *And*A it co^ts lesi; th an tc ^ 7 ^ fight in Congn . igotnflTtoiTO th e theater.*’ . Ro p a niayi^d^cectorofi ItoUadelstotfaenu ■ v U . ............. ^ ; -I'm on vacatton^ IWsey, 1 decad a I .vnitdt^mMbe6ut7dfdrh«-in Drh^i/e-tns are stQ] a bit o f a Grand-yu^-ownei;-G Ihtcrsu •viiaria^, .JUO TbatS.thebe ahd it's som ething• toscreen T he U .S In et».aaa^annc> , nul^ butbu they are mokihg a - A Commission, < inovle tbtetet*pleti^i^toflnda- com ets I h e M otor-'\^ a n d Graii falcn, who used to i ' - ' most extcnsi siican‘oosblgla. Accorcording to the United VVa. both owned fciy Ihteisti ' drtve-ln as a U d in : aicronthewaQet. Drive,-Inrin T h eater O wners A s- AAmusemept, have b e e n .In m the n o s t a l ^ o f l ifteeanc|tkketslbr sociatioiiion, there ore'405 drive- a.multancous operation for me l i t '. ’ [dy$ete«doubIe ins in, AAt m erica. Idaho has 11 • th an 40 years In TSvln Fans.Iiecr ‘, <'n\ehoidogstiUd dat e i i t s ^ ll^ jll' I ’ ■ ' i o t th eenv m ihcludlzkg. iwcx in "WfeSfe now got th e drtve-i '• -teniU ssion-Just like J decades; but gonem fro doing i s T r a d o a f year^ experience w Aoudyon»» )ple a m ounted speakers. O n t m c l t f . ’'; 0 ( 1 t h » r a m i Lumpy Going »Rl su p . 1 think Uie t i l gslight ^ t resm- coriW Amort Larry lstbeFM(radicdsoun G b o d M M rood ofihe said. "People 'have i rstate moielnthelr^acNow atunusu^ • fo Idaho Nwvfetas . P< the vA ole ;novie expe trerids'In ■ r . rand- yoiir car ... that’sS gb c ? S l m ^ alqfjgttie-' ^rstate diancc to compete seldom- Grani) • . -. Winsi- 8outidthat% providedu u ^ h a v e ^ SSSS5S?covertid ; i more theottrs^ K Ganytin.’ ~ ' ■?1 ■natofei^. / Twiio,;^^ii^ustiy. .-lOi TltaseseeHEnB>n this 'wfA. tffu n t' . 8 ; to'do,".said ............... to go'to.the ' , ' ' ' inli^rfon. J Vijuthink Rmyiihg ofthodrlve- j y o u i a a o w H m m is dancO satin- Macftlfw i I ispotatoes? , ce )t has for oquipnwnt I A " from yestcr- " DiSesa mthe'polc- ...................
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