VOL. X U ., NO. 117. Classified Advertising on Page 6 MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1927. (TEN P A O ^ ' , PRICE THREE CENTS GILPATRIC DIES PEDESTRIANS 11 Years Old and a Slayer! IN ATLANTA PEN WILL NOT USE TAIL LIGHTS HARVARD LIBRARY GETS Former State Treasurer Suc­ COTTON MATHER’S BOOK Cambridge, Mass., Feb. 16— State Legislature Votes cumbs to Hemorrhage of Harvard College library an­ nounced today the receipt of the gift of a copy of the "Magnalia Against Measure Intro­ CUT WAGES OR the Brain— Was Serving Chrlstl Americana”— the "Ec­ clesiastical history of New Eng­ 15 Year Term For Em­ land”— written by Rev. Cotton duced By Member From Mather and published in London GO HOME SAY In 1702. The book was presented bezzlement— Tried to Kill to Harvard library . by Miss Hebron— Other Business. ADD TO WOES OF I Louisa Loring Dresel, of this M 1 » W N E R S ^Ity, in whose family the volume U. s. IS BOYCOTTING Self When Shortage at has been handed down for over Hartford, Feb. 16.— Pedestrians MEXICO, HE SAYS two hundred years. The book is should not be compelled to wear Tons of Snow Drof on Men well preserved. Washington, Feb. 16.— The Bank Was Discovered. tall lights on Connecticut highways, Ultimatum Is Delivered To­ United States Is directing a finaucial and economic boycott In Monntams-^li Dead^ the Lower Legislative House here Mi decided today In defeating a meas­ day By Operators at Con­ against Mexico "that Is far Atlanta, Ga., Feb. 16.— G. Par- deadlier than armed interven­ ure which would make all pedes­ tion,” Jose Miguel Bejarano, of 21 Injured, 3 |lissing; old Gllpatrlc, fcrty-sevon, former STOP-CO LIGHTS trians carry such lights. The bill ference-—Union Leaders the Mexican Chamber of Com­ state treasurer of Connecticut, who was introduced by Robert E. Foote, merce, Nev York, charged be­ Bnffdings Crusli#; Ukc was serving a fifteen year term for of Hebron, who failed to oppose an fore the Senate foreign rela­ violation of the National Banking HINDER TRAFFIC unfavorable report brought In by Stiff Hopeful. tions sub-committee today. Act, died In Atlanta federal peni­ the motor vehicle committee to­ “ American bankers are re­ Eggshells— Five ^ i e s tentiary today. day. fusing to renew loans In Mexi­ House Chairman Eddy said the Miami, Fla., Feb. 16.— “ Cut co, and. In many cases, have Cause of Death Recovered. State Highway Commission­ bill had been found "not practi­ wages or go home.” recalled loans,” Bejarano de­ Gllpatrlc died as the result of a cable.” clared. .-A 1.1 hemorrhage of the brain. He shot Unfavorable Reports. This ultimatum was delivered to himsslf whon a bank with which he the miners today by the operators was connectea in Putnam failed, er Criticizes Automatic Other unfavorable reports reach­ TOLL IN CALIFORNIA ' and he has never been in good ing the House today were: assembled here for the joint wage Heavy rains, minature cy­ health since. Sipals In Address. Requiring pedestrians to walk on conference of the central’ bitumi­ clones, qllght earthquakes and Gllpatrlc has been an inmate of the left side of highways; exempt­ Michael Ponkrashow and his captor, Sergeant Edward Brady. nous fields. BRITISH NOW HAVE snowslides have visited vari­ ing motorists from liability for in­ ous sections of CaBfdmla dar­ the A<Janta penitentiary since Oc­ It was the owners’ answer to the tober, 1924. A brother Is enroute juries to persons receiving gra­ ing th® past 24 hbnts. here to take the body back to Put­ Atlantic City, Feb. 16.— Criti­ tuitous rides: establishing a branch miners’ refusal to accept a wage 4,000 AT SHANGHAI At least' 22 persons have nam, Connecticut, his birthplace, cism of the present use of automa­ motor vehicle office at Danielson ThriUs? Bunk! iSays Kid Murderer; cut, or substitute a sliding scale been killed as the direct resatt of the rains and snowslides. for burial. tic traffic signals and the recom­ allowing George Ahern, of Salis­ for the existing arbitrary rate of bury, $72.50 for damage to his au­ Seven persons have, been mendation that municipalities us- tomobile by deer on the highway; $7.50 a day for the union mines killed In Los Angeles In traffic ■Ing those lights return to the use incorporating the Community Trust Mike A t 11, Fmds DisiUusiimment 'in Illinois, Indiana, Ohio and That Will Be Limit of Sol­ accidents, the result of heavy EXPERTS STUDYING of traffic policemen were the out­ Co., of Waterbury, the bill having Pennsylvania. rains. standing points emphasized by John been withdrawn by its sponsors: Two members of the crew ot- reducing the Middletown City Court diers For Time Being, a Union Pacific train were A. Macdonald, Connecticut State New York. Feb. 16.— Preser'va-^and fedtthat funny little appetltej ^he op^wSrt” ayi®rdopted a officials’ salaries. tlon of illusions is Impossible in called imagination that-all boys killed last night when the FRANCE’S REFUSAL Highway. Commissioner, in an ad­ take-it-or-leave-lt attitude on their train plunged Into a swollen Favorable Reports. this life, so the gray beards tell us. know more or less Intimately. plan to set up a joint ■wage arbitra­ Says Com.-GeneraI. dress on traffic regulation deliver­ Favorable reports In the House He Is chubby, broad of shoulder, creek about 15 miles from Los Illusions are. due to imperfect in tion commission to readjust pay Angeles. Twenty passengeib ed here tod^y before the third an­ included the following: sturdy of leg. He wears bright col- to meet the lower scale In the non­ nual convention of the Association Making the bureau of state terpretatlon of. experience. Sooner ored golf stockings and bright col­ wei*e injured, some o f them union districts of "West 'Virginia, Shanghai, Feb. 16.— British arm­ oitlcally. The train plunged However, Government Will of Highwa-y Officials of the North agencies and Institutions a sepa­ or later, in the lives of an ored lumber-jack shirts. His eyes Kentucky and Tennessee. In effect Atlantic States, of which he Is past- rate state department adjuijct; they turn to disillusionment. Which are open. Ingenuous eyes and aside ed forces stationed, at-Shanghai will tlirough a bridge weakened by president. the plan probably would result In tbe r^ns of the iiast three making the salary of the deputy bridgs us to Michael. I from an unusual poise of mind and an immediate increase as the 'West be limited, for the time being, to Continue. Its Efforts to In discussing the "Stop” and Micha'el Id 11 years old and It©, body, be is a typical schoolboy, days. judge of Norwich City Court,$900; Virginia average scale Is about "Go” lights, the Connecticut com­ has mur4ered a man. | rphe Gan. 4,000, the commissioner-general of Another accident took the. appropriating $9 as payment to Dr. $2.50 a day lo'wer than the union missioner said: "It is my opinion This sunny-haired lad with one day his friend Otto gave him the municipal council announced toll of two lives near Congress, Limit Naval Craft. William J. Fay for services in med­ schedule. In the long run, opera­ that the automatic traffic signal, cheeks like two ripe apples ran a gun. It was of gleaming nickel, today. Arizona, when a. Santa Fe train ical treatment for a National tors declared, the pay probably crashed Into a boulder that under Its present. Impediment to Guardsman, the measure being then away to roam the broad highway of .38 calibre. That fired him anew. This total was reached today traffic that highway engineers have romance. would go up, even higher than to­ Iiad been washed down on the passed under suspension of the He was Captain Kidd, and he bel­ day if the central fields were given with the arrival of the transport Washington, Feb. 16- — The to deal with and traffic congestion rules. He came' home with tears In his lowed orders-across vacant lots at lr.ick. Hie engineer and fire­ temporary relief to meet the non­ Slrdhana with two battalions of man were killed. American government will continue is growing continually wqrse as the Bills Adopted. blue eyes, panic In hla childish other sons of Russian immigrants remedy Is administered In Its pres-^ brain, blood on his fingers. union competition. Punjabi troops and a battalion of Snowsllde at the constme- Its efforts to obtain an agreement The House adopted nine bills like himself. He was a. detective Mustering Forces ent form.” He said that the' use of Early Tragedy. ,the Suffolk regiment, from India. tIon camp bn the Deep Creek, with the great pbwers limiting from Its calendar House BUI 65, like “ the man from headquarters” Union leaders mustered full tunnel project o f the Southern the traffic light, had grown because nrovldlng that municipal ., sqrlal The tragedy of Michael Is dlslllu- on the screen at the Rlaltoi he The zoldiers enroute from Eng- Buxlllarp naval craft, notwlCbstand- had been relucfantt .sioi^eiit. .;iL.,ckm» forces to defeat the operators’ plan. California Edison Co., 75 miles udfids shall begin to "mflthre‘^ two scorned to he. Buffalo Bill -anA-Dta^' - With -■ air- uouuiMHied: rejertibn ' t>f- laiM.'vHl diaenib^ltjit-Hongkong, " northeast-Jot 'Fresno, exacted Ing that such efforts now appear al­ ’to advance funds for enlarging years from date of Issue of the se­ Michael Ponkrashow Is in the mond Dick— his heroes werj newer their police forces to meet the 8 th grade, three years ahead of the the proposition, the Miami •nego­ Singapore and other British mili­ another heavy toll.
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