JOURNAL OF CLINICAL MICROBIOLOGY VOLUME 20 * DECEMBER 1984 * NUMBER 6 Henry D. Isenberg, Editor in Chief (1989) Herman Friedman, Editor (1985) Peter B. Smith, Editor (1989) Long Island Jewish-Hillside College ofMedicine Centers for Disease Control Medical Center University of South Florida Atlanta, Ga. New Hyde Park, N. Y. Tampa, Fla. Richard C. Tilton, Editor (1989) Steven D. Douglas, Editor (1988) Michael R. McGinnis, Editor (1985) University of Connecticut School of Children's Hospital ofPhiladelphia North Carolina Memorial Hospital Medicine Philadelphia, Pa. Chapel Hill, N.C. Farmington, Conn. Nathalie J. Schmidt, Editor (1985) California Department ofHealth, Berkeley, Calif. EDITORIAL BOARD Libero Ajello (1985) J. J. Farmer (1986) Walter J. Loesche (1985) Joseph D. Schwartzman (1985) William L. Albritton (1984) Mary Jane Ferraro (1984) Victor Lorian (1984) Alexis Shelokov (1985) Stephen D. Allen (1984) Patricia Ferrieri (1986) James D. MacLowry (1986) Maurice C. Shepard (1985) Daniel Amsterdam (1986) Sydney M. Finegold (1985) Laurence R. McCarthy (1986) Patricia L. Shipley (1985) Ann M. Arvin (1984) James Folds (1984) Kenneth McClatchy (1986) David M. Shlaes (1985) Lawrence Ash (1986) Marianne Forsgren (1984) Joseph E. McDade (1985) Marcelino F. Sierra (1984) Arthur L. Barry (1984) Earl H. Freimer (1984) Jerry R. McGhee (1985) Robert M. Smibert II (1984) Barry Beaty (1984) Lynn S. Garcia (1986) Joseph L. Melnick (1985) James W. Smith (1986) John E. Bennett (1985) W. Lance George (1984) Thomas Mitchell (1984) Steven Specter (1986) Merlin S. Bergdoll (1985) Gerald L. Gilardi (1986) Josephine A. Morello (1984) Leslie Spence (1985) Jennifer M. Best (1984) Robert C. Good (1985) Stephen A. Morse (1986) Roy W. Stevens (1986) E. L. Biberstein (1986) Monica Grandien (1984) C. Wayne Moss (1986) Charles W. Stratton (1984) M. J. Blaser (1984) Dieter Groschel (1986) Maurice A. Mufson (1986) Jason Tanzer (1985) Victor D. Bokkenhauser (1985) Peter A. Gross (1986) Brian R. Murphy (1985) Patricia E. Taylor (1985) Edward J. Bottone (1986) Joseph Guarneri (1984) Harold C. Neu (1985) Kenneth W. Theil (1985) Don J. Brenner (1986) Ian D. Gust (1985) Joseph V. Osterman (1985) Grace M. Thorne (1985) George F. Brooks (1984) James L. Hardy (1984) Demosthenes Pappagianis (1986) Clyde Thornsberry (1986) Donald E. Campbell (1986) Maurice W. Harmon (1985) A. William Pasculle (1986) S. Toma (1985) Leland E. Carmichael (1985) George R. Healy (1986) John Penner (1984) Bent Faber Vestergaard (1984) Walter S. Ceglowski (1986) Kenneth L. Herrmann (1985) M. John Pickett (1985) Alexander von Graevenitz (1986) Max A. Chernesky (1985) Lillian V. Holdeman (1985) Allan C. Pier (1984) I. Kaye Wachsmuth (1984) Wallace A. Clyde, Jr. (1985) Russell C. Johnson (1985) Richard Polin (1986) Kenneth W. Walls (1986) B. H. Cooper (1986) Ronald N. Jones (1984) Robert H. Purcell (1986) Joseph L. Waner (1986) Marie B. Coyle (1984) Anthony R. Kalica (1984) William E. Rawls (1986) San-pin Wang (1985) George Cukor (1984) Julius Kane (1986) Errol Reiss (1985) Lawrence G. Wayne (1986) Burke A. Cunha (1985) John Kately (1986) L. Barth Reller (1986) Melvin Weinstein (1986) Richard F. D'Amato (1986) Leo Kaufman (1984) Shirley J. Richmond (1985) Tracy D. Wilkins (1984) Jules L. Dienstag (1986) Douglas S. Kellogg (1984) Michael Rinaldi (1984) Hazel Wilkinson (1986) Walter R. Dowdle (1985) George E. Kenny (1985) Glenn D. Roberts (1986) Robert P. Williams (1984) W. E. Dunkelberg (1984) Mogens Kilian (1985) Arthur F. Rosenthal (1985) Marion E. Wilson (1986) Stephen C. Edberg (1985) Wesley E. Kloos (1985) R. S. Ross (1986) Walter R. Wilson (1985) Bennett L. Elisberg (1985) George P. Kubica (1985) Sally Jo Rubin (1986) Kwei-Hay Wong (1986) Richard W. Emmons (1986) Clete Kurtzman (1985) R. Bradley Sack (1984) G. N. Woode (1985) Mario R. Escobar (1986) Geoffrey Land (1984) Ira Salkin (1984) Robert H. Yolken (1984) Richard Facklam (1985) Brian A. Lauer (1986) J. Schachter (1986) Helen R. Whiteley, Chairman, Publications Board Walter G. Peter III, Director ofPublications Linda M. Illig, Managing Editor, Journals Deborah J. Shuman, Production Editor The Journal of Clinical Microbiology (ISSN 0095-1137), a publication of the American Society for Microbiology, 1913 I St., NW, Washington, DC 20006, is devoted to the dissemination of new knowledge concerning the applied microbiological aspects of human and animal infections and infestations, particularly regarding their etiologic agents, diagnosis, and epidemiology. Papers dealing with antibiotics and antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy, with fundamental aspects of infection and immunity, and with food or dairy microbiology fall within the scope of other ASM publications. Instructions to authors are published in the January issue each year; reprints are available from the editors and the Publications Department. The Journal is published monthly, and the twelve numbers are divided into two volumes per year. The nonmember subscription price is $157 per year; single copies are $21. The member subscription price is $31 (foreign, $41 [surface rate]) per year; single copies are $7. Correspondence relating to subscriptions, reprints, defective copies, availability of back issues, lost or late proofs, disposition of submitted manuscripts, and general editorial matters should be directed to the ASM Publications Department, 1913 I St., NW, Washington, DC 20006 (phone 202 833-9680). Claims for missing issues from residents of the United States, Canada, and Mexico must be submitted within 3 months after publication of the issues; residents of all other countries must submit claims within 6 months of publication of the issues. Claims for issues missing because offailure to report an address change or for issues "missing from files" will not be allowed. Second-class postage paid at Washington, DC 20006, and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Journal of Clinical Microbiology, ASM, 1913 I St., NW, Washington, DC 20006. Made in the United States of America. Copyright C) 1984, American Society for Microbiology. 1*f t 'i'1 1irAfk I' O All Rights Reserved. The code at the top of the first page of an article in this journal indicates the copyright owner's consent that copies of the arti- cle may be made for personal use or for personal use of specific clients. This consent is given on the condition, however, that the copier pay the stated per-copy fee through the Copyright Clearance Center, 21 Congress St., Salem, MA 01970, for copying beyond that permitted by Sections 107 and 108 of the U.S. Copyright Law. This consent does not extend to other kinds of copying, such as copying for general distribution, for advertising or promotional purposes, for creating new collective works, or for resale. Author Index Afzal, Mohammad, 1159 Facklam, Richard R., 1044 Lind, Klaus, 1036 Selepak, Sally T., 1200 Arezzini, Carlo, 1065 Fairbrother, John M., 1089 Lindhart, Bjarne 0., 1036 Sherlock, C. H., 1174 Arko, R. J., 1171 Farmer, J. J., III, 1076 Lybrand, Margaret R., 1044 Smalley, David L., 1186 Ayers, Leona W., 1102 Farshy, Carol E., 1109 Lytle, Linda S., 1068 Smith, J. A., 1174 Fava, Concetta, 1049 Smith, John S., 1094 Soderlund, Hans, 1083 Barnes, Kevin J., 1140 Felegie, T. P., 1190 Marek, Nancy, 1099 Barnishan, Jean, 1102 Ficorilli, Sharon M., 1202 Southern, Paul M., Jr., 1165 Markowitz, Sheldon M., 1076 Spadora, Alice C., 1044, 1076 Basta, M. T., 1145 Fujii, Nobuhiro, 1216 Mastroeni, Pasquale, 1049 Benson, Charles E., 1028 Spiegel, Carol A., 1187 Matsuoka, Kimiko, 1135 Phil G., 1159 Berger, Stephen A., 1219 Glasby, Constance, 1209 Matzke, Gary R., 1080 Squire, Biberstein, Ernst L., 1130 Glupczynski, Youri, 1225 Stadler, Jona, 1219 Mayhall, C. Glen, 1044, 1076 Sturge, Jerrilyn C., 1031 Birck, Herbert G., 1102 Goldstein, Lynn C., 1031 Mehaffey, Mary A., 1126 Blom, Jens, 1036 Gorea, Alfred, 1219 Sweeney, Corinne R., 1028 Meiattini, Franco, 1065 Sylvester, Marlene K., 1196 Bollin, Gary E., 1223 Gosting, Larry H., 1031 Merz, W. G., 1194 Boteler, William L., 1140 Griffin, Charles W., III, 1126 Syvanen, Ann-Christine, 1083 Miller, Richard A., 1192 Szymczak, Elizabeth G., 1122 Bottone, Edward J., 1221 Gustafsson, Bjorn, 1180 Minagawa, Tomonori, 1216 Bourgault, Anne-Marie, 1060 Henri, 1114 Boyce, John M., 1068 Hall, S. M., 1023 Monteil, Tabatabai, L. B., 1023 Moss, C. Wayne, 1145 Takahashi, Michiaki, 1213 Bradley, Mary E., 1186 Halstenson, Charles E., 1080 Mukojima, Tatsu, 1135 Brooks, J. B., 1145 Hampton, Kenneth D., 1205 Takahashi, Yoshiyuki, 1213 Buck, George E., 1094 Hansen, W., 1177 Tally, Francis P., 1122 Buimovici-Klein, Elena, 1140 Hansen, Willy, 1225 Nylen, O., 1154 Tanishita, Osamu, 1213 Burdash, Nicholas M., 1049 Hatheway, Charles L., 1209 Telford, Gordon, 1187 Burdge, D. R., 1174 Haubensack, Mireille, 1114 O'Beirne, Andrew J., 1140 Tengerdy, Robert P., 1159 Hawley, H. P., 1198 O'Connell, Mary E., 1080 Teti, Giuseppe, 1049 Cabrian, Kathy, 1031 Heim, Karen L., 1080 Ohno, Shigeaki, 1216 Thompson, Linda, 1165 Cerny, Erich H., 1109 Higgins, Robert, 1130 Okuno, Yoshinobu, 1213 Thompson, S. E., 1171 Christiansen, Claus, 1036 Hirose, Shigeto, 1216 Oram, Jon, 1083 Tielemans, Christian, 1225 Clark, Richard B., 1221 Hunter, Elizabeth F., 1109 Tomasello, Francesco, 1049 Cocola, Francesco, 1065 Para, Michael F., 1223 Trollfors, B., 1154 Collart, Frederic, 1225 Ishikawa, Kazuo, 1216 Parshall, Karen A., 1094 Confer, A. W., 1023 Pasculle, A. W., 1190 Varga, Frank J., 1202 Conway, Susan, 1207 Jacobson, Mary, 1207 Peterson, Ellena M., 1207 Villarreal, Luis P., 1105 Cook, Ellen C., 1126 Jacobus, Nilda V., 1122 Pezzlo, Marie T., 1207 Virtanen, Marita, 1083 Cooper, Susan W., 1122 Janda, J. Michael, 1221 Pidmont, Yves, 1114 Coudron, Philip E., 1044 Jang, Spencer S., 1130 Plouffe, Joseph F., 1223 Walsh, David A., 1068 Coyle, Marie B., 1192 Johnson, Russell C., 1099 Washington, John A., I1, 1196 Wasilauskas, Benedict L., 1205 Qadri, S. M. Hussain, 1198 1192 Dalton, Harry P., 1044, 1076 Kato, Hitomi, 1135 Quall, Charles O., 1053 Wasserheit, Judith N., Dan, Michael, 1219 Kelly, Kathy A., 1223 Welch, William D., 1165 Kirihara, Jean, 1192 Wens, Robert, 1225 de la Maza, Luis M., 1207 Ramirez, E.

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