TH£ Report on SDS council meeting ~MILITANT -see page 4- Published in the interests of the Working People VoL 33 - No. 15 Friday. Apr i l 11 1969 Price 15c Detroit, New York cops attack black commun1t1es• • -stories page 12 Ft. Jackson Gls issue appeal Nine G Is at Ft. Jackson, S. C., face courts­ m a rtial on various fr ameup charges because they insisted on exercising their rights to oppose the war. ( See story page 12) All of them are associated with Gis United Against the War in Vietna m, an antiwar g roup b ased at Ft. Jackson. The following is part of Communique #2, issued by G Is U nited and circulated on b ase: "The Ft. Jackson Nine are black, white and Puerto Ric an. They are being victimized fo r exercising their constitutional rights of free speech and assembly - the right all Gi s sh ould h ave as American citizens. "G Is U nited will not be stopped by inti­ mid ations and trumped-up charges. We will fi ght to defend the Nine, and will continue to speak out against the war in Vietnam until every G I is brought home. It is u s G Is who are fo rced to fight and die in this dirty war and we will continue to say what we think about it. "We are not alone. G Is all over the coun­ try will be demonstrating and speaking out against the war on April 5-6, and they will be with u s in defending the Nine. "You r support is needed, spread the word about the nine men and about Gis United Against the War in Vietnam. Contact Gis United (P. 0. Box 543, Columbia, S. C.) and fi ght with u s against the war, and for our rights as American citizens. "If you are against the war in Vietnam and for Constitution al rights for Gis you are a GI United, so act like one and con­ tact us. "Ou r voice is our weapon-united we will win!" Photo by Liberation News Service POLICE VICTIM. Joan Bird, New York student nurse and Black Panther, is reported a mong r. £~ those included in recent police round-up. She and two other Panthers were arrested in J a nuary J oe M iles, a leader of G Is U nited, will on charge of a ttempted murder. The other two were released for lack of evidence. Now Miss sp eak in New York at the Militant Labor Bird is appa rently being included as a "coconspirator" with those in the new round-up. She Forum, 873 Broadway, Friday, April 11, emerged from police station looking like this after first arrest when she was severely beaten. 8:30 p.m., on the nature and purpose of Cops told judge she "fell out" of their car. the servicemen 's organization. Page 2 THE MILITANT Friday, April 11, 1969 Struggles in South examined THE MILITANT Editor: HARRY RING Husim·" :\lanag,•r: BEVERLY SCOTT Carolina campus its recent history of success and Published weekly by Tit£ Militant Publishing Ass 'n .• 873 Broadway, New York, future potential for success; the N.Y. 10003. Phone 533-6414. Second-dass postage paid at New York, N.Y. second its growing realization that tett Subscription: domestic, $4 a year; foreign, $5.50. By first class mail: domestic successes cited a radical movement cannot and Canada $10.50; all other countries. $15.00. Air printed matter: domestic survive if it is a child of just one and Canada, $15.00; Latin America, $24.00; Europe, $28.00; Africa. Australia, Asia (including USSR), $33.00. Write for sealed air postage rates. Signed articles faction. It must be a student-work­ Chapel Hill, N.C. f·rom by contributors do not necessarily represent The Militant's views. These are Debray's dictum in Revolution er coalition (although organizing expressed in editorials. in the Revolution? that tactics G Is is also of great importance). should determine strategy, and Its task, then, is to utilize its na­ read Vol. 33- No. 15 Friday, April 11, 1969 that each revolutionary situation, tural resources, the Southern while sharing major precon­ working classes, and to educate ditions and goals, has its own those who oppose it. This column is an open forum The closing news date for this issue was April 4. set of peculiar problems, holds The slogan Law and Order must for all viewpoints on subjects of true today in the American South. become All Power to the People! general interest to our readers. In examining the results of con­ Larry L. Sluder Please keep your letters brief. Where frontation, organization and dem­ necessary they will be abridged. group is on a par with statements onstration at three Southern Writers' initials will be used, names by J. Edgar Hoover or William schools - Duke University, the being withheld unless authorization Militant a turn-on Buckley. University of North Carolina at is given for use. On Beatrice Hansen In a debate with Aryeh Neier Chapel Hill and North Carolina for antiwar Gl ,A&T at Greensboro - at least By the applause it was clear· that of the American Civil Liberties two factors come to light that San Diego, Calif. the meeting overwhelmingly.sup­ Union on March 29, Shanker During the time Be a Hansen was pdJ;te.rl the official position of sup­ defended the union's reproduction were not recognized two years Ft. Hood, Texas ago. living with Jim and Rose Cannon, port for community control of of hundreds of thousands of anti­ helping him edit his writings, I the schools and criticism of the Semitic leaflets, claiming there was I would like extra copies of the One of these is that the radical paper to turn other Gis on too. movement in the South is strong received a letter from Rose giving Shanker leadership of the UFT nothing wrong in letting the public a loving appraisal of Bea and I Marching in Austin, and viable; it is successful! Suc­ in its relations with the black com­ know the "truth" in such matters, P.D. cessful at Duke in that black occu­ would like to share her words munity. However an opposition, and that the Ocean Hill-Browns­ with our friends. pation of an administration apparently sympathetic to the ville Governing Board had not She wrote: "Bea is really more building, supported by white radi­ UFT's past record, is well orga­ repudiated anti-Semitism. than Jim's secretary. She is a real cals, resulted in the rapid esta­ nized into a caucus within the Neier nailed this lie by pointing human being who practices Marx­ blishment of an Afro-American NYCL U, called the New York out that the Governing Board ist humanism instead of talking Studies degree-grantingprogram Membership Committee. had placed a full-page ad in the it. To her secretarial work she and the organization of a black The opposition group is parti­ New York Times repudiating this living-learning dormitory. Suc­ adds house duties to help me ... canard, but that Shanker con­ hers is really a labor of love, cularly indignant over the The developments cessful at the Univesity of North tinues to repeat it anyway (just as because of her devotion to the NYCL U's charges that the "due Carolina and at A&T because process" issue as used by the UFT he reiterates that teachers were party and her memory of our fired, while in actuality he knows 1n Northern Ireland the blacks demonstrated they had work for the party which is part was a "manufactured issue." The grass-roots backing among the "due process" issue was created they were transferred.) and parcel of Bea . ." To top it all off Shanker made liberal and radical students and by the UFT's transformation of San Francisco, Calif. S.D. an impassioned appeal for a re­ were able to promote reform in transfers into "firings" and by at­ Many of your readers are doubt­ turn to a coalition of liberals in the administration, particularly tempts to portray the nonexistent less aware of the massive civil in the area of nonacademic em­ firings as a unique product of the tradition of the good old An ideal Rooseveltian New Deal Days! rights demonstrations in North ployee relations. local community control. Further­ Ireland. The recent elections there Thus the tacticians who had more, during the late session of the This while the union is supporting every reactionary legislator in Al­ have shown a major break­ felt a strong left movement in the revolutionary state legislature, the UFT carried bany (including those who voted through for the cause of socialism South to be an idealistic dream on intensive lobbying against for the infamous Taylor Law with the rise to prominence of the awakened this year to the reality Minneapolis, Minn. community control. The NYCL U Peoples Democracy. that a sizeable element of the stu­ which put Shanker and other I was very saddened by Bea had also noted that the UFT has The injustices complained of are dent population were willing to labor leaders in jail) as long as Hansen's death. Iwasoneofthose repeatedly accepted contracts with enormous. Discrimination, on assume a revolutionary line. they vote against community con­ young comrades who she helped no "due process" provisions. religious and political grounds, Another factor now realized by trol and the aspirations of the to develop and inspire and I will The opposition charged in a against the Roman Catholic and radical leaders is that student or­ black and Puerto Rican minority always remember her as an ideal bitter polemic that the NYCLU nationalist-minded people exists ganizations in the South must in parents.
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