WINTER 2013 | CHOREF 5774 MINNEAPOLIS Jewish Life THANKSGIVUKKAH The Holiday of a Lifetime PLUS! A New Generation of Israel Advocates Grandparents Got an innovative idea? Mission to Israel Let’s #MakeItHappen Support Federation at Rye Deli: Find out how inside! OUR GLOBAL NETWORK AMERICAN JEWISH JOINT DISTRIBUTION COMMITTEE CONTENTS AMOS & CELIA HEILICHER MINNEAPOLIS JEWISH DAY SCHOOL BAIS YAAKOV HIGH SCHOOL HOME OF THE FROZEN CHOSEN BET SHALOM CONGREGATIONAL SCHOOL ENRICHMENT, DEVELOPMENT AND GROWTH FOR EDUCATORS 4 What’s Jewcy: Quick News Updates HILLEL: UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA 6 Community Concierge Travels ISRAEL CENTER to Israel ISRAEL MOVEMENT FOR PROGRESSIVE & REFORM JUDAISM 8 7 Heartworks: A Home Away JEWISH AGENCY FOR ISRAEL You Say You Want a Revolution from Home JEWISH COMMUNITY INCLUSION PROGRAM FOR PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES 14 Goldfine Family Establishes JEWISH COMMUNITY RELATIONS COUNCIL OF Beautiful Legacy MINNESOTA & THE DAKOTAS JEWISH FAMILY AND CHILDREN’S SERVICE OF MINNEAPOLIS GLOBAL CONNECTIONS JEWISH HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF THE UPPER MIDWEST 12 From At-Risk to Entrepreneur THE MASORTI MOVEMENT NATIONAL AGENCIES 15 Grandparents Mission to Israel NECHAMA: JEWISH RESPONSE TO DISASTER 16 Turning Students’ Passion for Israel RIMON: THE MINNESOTA JEWISH ARTS COUNCIL Into Action SABES JEWISH COMMUNITY CENTER SHA’ARIM 10 FEATURES SHIR TIKVAH CONGREGATIONAL SCHOOL The Holiday of a Lifetime SHOLOM TALMUD TORAH OF MINNEAPOLIS 3 What’s Happening @ Federation? TEMPLE ISRAEL CONGREGATIONAL SCHOOL 8 You Say You Want a Revolution TORAH ACADEMY 10 Your One-of-a-Kind Thanksgivukkah TWIN CITIES JEWISH COMMUNITY GOVERNMENT AFFAIRS PROGRAM Guide WORLD ORT 13 Got an Idea? Let’s #MakeItHappen! IN THE SPOTLIGHT 18 Calendar of Events OUR MISSION We build community, care for the 19 Photo Gallery welfare of Jews everywhere and 12 Empowerment through maximize participation in Jewish life. Entrepreneurship Cover Photo: John Gara / Justine Zwiebel / Minneapolis Jewish Life is a publication of the On Macey J. Foronda / BuzzFeed Minneapolis Jewish Federation 13100 Wayzata Blvd., Suite 200 Minnetonka, MN 55305 EDItorIAL & CreatIVE TEAM Chief Executive OfficerS TEPHEN R. Silberfarb Tel 952.593.2600 Editor LISA POLLACK FURMAN Fax 952.378.2876 Associate Editor DACI Platt WWW.JEWISHMINNEAPOLIS.ORG Graphic Designer VERONICA GAGNELIUS Questions/Comments: [email protected] 14 THANK YOU to OUR Corporate Partners: A Beautiful Legacy FEATURES WHAt’s HAPPENING @FEDERATION? I HOPE YOU'RE NOTICING A THEME That's why in these pages we're reporting more stories throughout this issue and the last several issues of about how teens, young adults and young families are Minneapolis Jewish Life. Aside from a more appealing getting more involved. layout and timely features, what we're trying to convey in these pages is that Federation is on a mission. From the 20/30 Project to The Revolution, to Israel ad- vocacy training for teens and the launch of the innova- As the catalyst for so many important programs and tion micro-grants project, Federation is dialed in to the opportunities in our community, the Federation’s reach Jewish future. All are featured in this issue. is simply amazing. From meeting daily needs of vulner- able and struggling people here and around the world to The just-released Pew Research survey indicates that engaging young adults in planning the Jewish communi- young Jews are proud of being Jewish. That's fantastic. ty of the future, Federation's imprint is felt far and wide. But is it enough to sustain a vibrant Jewish community? Did you know that every Minneapolis child who receives Federation is focused on creating Jewish engagement a Jewish education is funded by the Federation? Or that and leadership development opportunities that build nearly all of the incredible Israel experiences available Jewish pride, and transform it into ownership and ac- to our children are made possible through Federation tion. It's the ownership and action — the sense of indi- support? Or that through our work, tens of thousands vidual and collective responsibility — that will determine of elderly Jews receive food and medicine that is liter- the future of our Jewish community. And I can’t wait to ally saving their lives? see it unfold! While our work is vast, impactful and truly life chang- Stephen R. Silberfarb ing — and we're proud of that — we also need to bring CEO of the Minneapolis Jewish FEderation greater focus to our role in securing the Jewish future. THE latest BUZZ ABOUT THE #LIVEJEWISH MINNEAPOLIS JEWISH FederatioN “Working with "Visiting Susan's place Federation, we’ve gained "I feel very strongly about was truly inspiring! It was more than we’ve given.” the need to keep our Jewish amazing to actually see one – Judy Goldenberg, community strong, keep strong "I feel a commitment of the places Federation is recipient with her ties between our community to support the Jewish able to help fund and know husband Herb of the and Israel, and lend a supportive community and Israel." that our donations are 2013 Lifson Lifetime hand to Jewish Communities helping these teens make a - Osnat Zamir Achievement Award around the world in need." positive difference in their lives."- Elly Zweigbaum - Jodi Upin "Rimon: The Minnesota "I’m involved with Jewish Arts Council has Federation because impacted my life as an artist charitable giving is like "I want to develop into a in the Jewish community putting on one's underwear responsible leader within the profoundly! It has opened for your soul; something Jewish community and the doors for me to meet & would be missing and Federation can help hone these collaborate with Jewish skills to better serve others." artists from all areas of awkward if that core layer of compassion were artistic expression." - Nick Styles - Paula Leiter Pergament omitted!!" - Joy Liebman jewishminneapolis.org 03 HOME What’S JEWCY? QUICK NEWS Updates A glimpse around the Minneapolis Jewish Federation and its local network ➜ Jewish Community Foundation ➜ Federal Homeland Security ➜ Evan Stern Named Appoints Howard Kaminsky as Chair Awards Enhance Safety of 20|30 Project Manager! Minneapolis Jewish Community As new chair of the Federation’s Jew- Federation is pleased to announce ish Community Foundation, Howard Evan Stern as the new 20|30 Project Kaminsky anticipates a flurry of activ- In August, the Department of Manager. Evan comes to us having ity in the next few years. Homeland Security announced gained grassroots organizing and that nonprofit institutions* in the engagement experience as part of “Our vision is to put renewed focus on Minneapolis Jewish community Organizing for America and several raising long-term legacy funds,” said have, for the fourth consecutive year, local political campaigns. Kaminsky. The Foundation helps in- received federal Homeland Security dividuals and families make personal awards to bolster their physical The 20|30 Project offers opportunities investments in causes and organiza- security and preparedness. for all young Jews in their 20s and 30s tions that build a vibrant future for the to participate, contribute and benefit. entire Jewish community. The Jewish Federations of North Evan is dedicated to helping young America (JFNA) has been instrumental adults engage in meaningful commu- Kaminsky, Managing Director of CBIZ in helping Jewish agencies across the nity experiences, develop leadership MHM, LLC, has been active on the country secure these grants. At the be- skills and give back to the community. financial side of local Jewish organi- hest of a JFNA-led coalition, Congress zations for over fifteen years, serving created the program at the Depart- With a new brand and a new face, the on the boards of Federation, Sholom ment of Homeland Security in 2005. 20|30 Project is even more equipped Community Alliance, Jewish Family This year, nearly $9 million went to to guide the next generation to create and Children’s Service, and Beth El Jewish institutions such as syna- the Jewish future. Synagogue. After recently spearhead- gogues, JCCs, Federations, and muse- ing a committee that allowed the ums around the country. ➜ Federation To Pilot New Jewish Community Foundation to be Disability Initiative named as a trustee in areas such “This is just one example of the as Charitable Lead and Remainder important work JFNA does in our Trusts, Kaminsky accepted the posi- nation’s capital to advocate for im- tion of Foundation chair. portant funding for Jewish communal security,” said Steve Silberfarb, Fed- Beyond renewing the focus on Legacy, eration CEO. “The Minneapolis Jewish Kaminsky has several other goals, in- community has greatly benefited from cluding raising the Foundation’s profile this program, and is a safer place in the financial community and mak- because of it.” ing the Foundation experience more user friendly for community donors. Photo above: William Daroff, Vice President for Public Policy and Director of the Washington Office of JFNA, with Federation CEO Steve Silberfarb after Daroff “We have a lot of intelligent people announced Homeland Security grants. who are passionate about the commu- *For security purposes, we are unable to disclose The Minneapolis Jewish Federation nity; it’s fun to share ideas and make a the local recipients was selected as one of seven pilot difference,” said Kaminsky. sites for a groundbreaking initiative to promote the inclusion of people with 04 Minneapolis Jewish Federation | Winter 2013 HOME disabilities in the Jewish community. Selected from hundreds of finalists, ➜ MEET THE FEDERation BABIES! The Ruderman Family Foundation Op- Rimon impressed Slingshot with its The staff at the Minneapolis Jewish portunity Initiative, starting in 2014, ability to enable Jewish artists to Federation has been busy ensuring the will place young adults with disabili- connect with Jewish organizations, continuity of the Jewish people. We ties in internships and fellowships at allowing the two groups to collabo- were proud to welcome four new babies five Federations across the country, as rate toward building a vibrant Jewish to the Federation family this past year.
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