in Welfare Sunny, Milder Mostly sunny and milder to- THEMIS HOME day. Fair and cold tonight. Red Bank, Freehold Cloudy and quite'mild tomor- Long Branch row. ,!'•"" " it I 7 FINAL .Ort -Details Page 2) 31onmouth County's Home Newspaper for 90 Years VOL. 91, NO. 119 RED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1968 48 PAGES TEN CENTS Nixon Picks'Extra-Dimension'Team WASHINGTON (AP) — a Democrat, Herbert G. state — William P. Rogers; of President Johnson's Cab- President - elect.Nixon has Klein, Nixon communications secretary of defense — Rep. inet — with a special bow to named a norsurprises, no- director, quipped the Presi- Melvin R. Laird, R-Wis.; sec- Secretary of State Dean Rusk. Democrats cabinet that he dent-elect had appointed "all retary of the Treasury — Da- The appointments generally says will bring ."an extra independents who vote Repub- vid M. Kennedy; attorney drew praise. dimension" to the handling of lican." general — Jolm N. Mitchell; The selection of Rogers as the nation's problems. However, press spokesman postmaster general — Winton secretary of state was lauded "I can assure you these are Ronald L. Ziegler made a M. Blount; secretary of the in- by Senate Democratic lead- strong men. They are com- point of telling newsmen that terior—Gov. Walter J. Hickel ers including Vietnam war passionate men. They are a Democrat will get one top of. Alaska; secretary of agri- critics. good men," Nixon said in ah job to be announced in the culture—Clifford M. Hardin; J. W. Fulbright, D-Ark., easy-going, informal manner near future: ambassador to secretary of commerce—Mau- chairman of the Senate For- as he announced the' makeup the United Nations. rice H. Stans; secretary of la- eign Relations Committee, of his official family last night ; The post has been offered bor — George P. Shultz; sec- called Rogers a "man of un- before a national television- to Sargent Shriver; new am- retary of health, education and questioned integrity and abil- radio audience. bassador to France. Shriver welfare — Lt. Gov. Robert ity" and said: "I feel sure that H. Finch of California; secre- his common sense and good is a brother-in-law of Sen. Ed- tary of housing and urban de- Beaching into the ranks of ward M. Kennedy, D-Mass., judgment will serve the coun- Republican governors, high- velopment — Gov. George try well." powered businessmen and ed- an association by marriage Romney of Michigan; secre- that has prompted some "An excellent choice," said ucators, Nixon came up with tary of transportation — Gov. Senate Democratic Leader 12 men, many longtime asso- strong private protests from John A. VoJpe of Massachu- conservative Republicans. Mike Mansfield. "I am de- ciates and friends, who gen- setts. lighted with his appointment, erally reflect the internation- Nixon also did not have a and look forward to a con- NIXON AND CABINET — President-elect Richard Nixon poses with membe'rs of his cabinet. Prom left, front Nixon said no member of alist-minded and fiscally con- Negro on his list, Perhaps to his Cabinet "agrees with me tinuing good relationship with servative attitudes of the try to offset any adverse com- row, David Kennedy, treasury;' Melvin Laird, defense; Vice President-elect Spiro Agnew; Nixon; John A. Volpe, completely on everything that him." Presidentelect. ments, he began his broad- transportation; Robert Mayo, budget director, and Robert Finch, welfare; second row, William Rogers, state; I believe about what ought to Dissent did come from cast by disclosing that Wash- In his drive ior president Winton Blount, postmaster general; John Mitchell, attorney general; Maurice Stans, commerce; George Ftamney, be done in this country." Georgia state Rep. Julian against Democrat Hubert H. ington's Democratic Negro Terming them independent, Bond who was a leader of Humphrey, Nixon had said he mayor, Walter E. Washing- housing; Clifford Hardin, agriculture; George Schultz, labor, and Walter Hickel, interior. (AP Wirephoto) thinkers, he said, "I don't liberal forces at the Demo- would seek men of both par- ton, has agreed to appoint- want a cabinet of 'yes' men." cratic National Convention. A ties and of differing views for ment to a second term when wives could join' their hus- ladies "to be there on the without benefit of notes or cue congressional leaders and The President-elect, wound Negro, he noted the cabinet help in achieving his cam- his tenure expires Feb. 1. bands for "eight hours of takeoffs" and thus perhaps cards, his choices for the Cab- from there the roster soon up with good words for every- is all-white and said Negroes paign goal of uniting the coun- Nixon also had another in- briefings on international and "avoid a crash landing a lit- inet were hardly a secret. The found its way onto the air one — his Cabinet, his vice- are in for some disappoint- try. , novation to add to his unique national affairs" today. tle later." President-elect had given the and into print. president - elect, Spiro T. Ag- ments during the Nixon ad- Asked about the absence of Cabinet unveiling: He said He said he wanted the By the time Nixon spoke names in advance to GOP They are: Secretary of new, and even the members ministration. Bay shore Asks $1.5 Million Of State for Erosion Control MIDDLETOWN-— This said he is optimistic about been continually eroded by has been wiped out over the per cent township money and township and Matawan Town- getting sufficient funds to each storm." years and one home was, se- 10 per cent county costs. ship will ask for nearly $1.5 carry out the program next The sea wall, which T and verely damaged when the While 15 per cent of the $1,- million in state funds for M Associates of Middletown year. back wall collapsed during a 080,000. is only $162,000, the beach erosion projects at a had suggested in a prelimi- storm which eroded the cliff township1 would Cover addi- a . meeting with the state Matawan Township will ask nary reporf of erosion to offi- early this year. tional , costs of engineering Department of Conservation $755,000 to correct severe ero- cials here, would be eight feet Mr. Schuchart said the road arid legal work. and Economic Development sion along Cliffwood Beach. wide at* the top and 38 feet "might be restored if enough "We can start the project in Toms River today. "The funds would be used," wide at the bottom,, em- fill can be brought in." with any amount of money," Business Administrator William J. Schuchart, town- bedded in the beach. Mr. Schuchart estimated Mr. Schuchart said. "Our tal-' Richard W. Seuffert said the ship manager, said, "to erect Erosion of the cliff along the the entire cost of the project tial move will be to conduct township will ask $704,000 for a 12-foot high sea Wall from bay is threatening to under- at $1,080,000. The township a more complete study to de- a project along the bay from Matawan Point to Treasure mine several homes perched would provide $225,000 of the termine the exact costs and the Leonardo Marina, east to Lake, for beach fill and, for precariously at the top. A total under the state formula needs and then begin work on LEONARDO EROSION — Middletown Township Business Administrator Richard Wagner's Creek, the Atlantic shoring up the .cliff which has road winding along the edge of 75 per cent state funds, 15 the sea wall.". W. Seuffert studies erosion along the Leonardo beach area at Sandy Hook Bay. Highlands borough line. The beach is slated for fill and bulkhead work to help protect nearby homes if the If the money is received, township succeeds In getting $704,000 from the state. The request will be made the project will complete the today at Toms River in a meeting with the Department of Conservation and Eco- work on all township land nomic Development. fronting on the bay. Beach fill and sloping dikes already See Legislator-Crime Link __ ___ have been completed in Port Monmouth and Belford and TRENTON (AP)' - The makers by name. But in re- more to the mob than to the fessors testified earlier this the East Keansburg section is head of the state's special in- sponse to a question, he said electorate that put them in year before a legislative com- vestigation of organized crime they could probably be char- office. mittee that there was exten- now under federal contract has charged that three1 un- with the Army Corps of Engi- acterized as "prominent." "Indeed, it appears that the sive organized crime and of- 'Students Power' Rally named New Jersey legislators He added that perhaps any church is the only institution ficial-corruption la New Jer- neers. have links with underworld member of the state's 40- in today's society which has sey. New Work figures. member Senate or 80-member not been corrupted." The assistant attorney gen- "The request today," Mr. Assistant Attorney General Assembly would be consid- Brennan made the state- eral said he based the state- Seuffert explained, "will cov- William J. Brennan 3d, in a ered prominent. ments in a speech in Kenil- ment on his work in • recent At College Is Peaceful er costs of construction of a sweeping claim that organized Infiltrates worth last night before the months directing the state's new jetty on the west side of crime has infiltrated 'nearly "Organized crime has in- New Jersey Chapter of Sigma probe into organized crime. By AL HOMY ming pool to hear four speak- administration staff, it was Pew's Creek and related bulk- every facet of life in New filtrated businesses such as Delta Chi, a professional The state has been presenting (Related Story on Page 39) ers calling for a voice in the said, but the brief demonstra- head extensions to protect the Jersey, said last night there vending machines, trucking, journalistic society.
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