~' Ul. -'. •. ~ 4- t.'~'" " 991·...:;:3l 1 '.~: 9 -'~ '-7 C() :ltH- '. :. j suu r Hwr:.~~ I toll .l C H () F I l. 1"1 . it. '" ,..1· , " -~ . ~ " ~-:.' .. l'. 01.~, :; I ,P () f:? :l VI (() i·1 " .. 1/ ' , " 'f 4. '" : EL p(.>,,:-~u '"1 ",;' '-/ '-; 1. ", (1 I. .- :, "I ..... i ' .. j ,~ I i' 250 PER COpy ( RUIDOSO, NM 88345 . f , ~i. ' .~ , .. 1 A~. I' ~' .. C' ""...'t:I,t'v : <0; .'" lib ~~ GIant slalom winner Edvln Halsnes whisks across the snoVv during competItion Saturday. The Norwegian skier took third place in Sunday's slalom race to earn the most Peugeo1 Grand Prix series points over the weekend and win ar' $8,500 time-share condominium. rz1 ... , .. ""'~..- ... : Now that was a party! A packed house Saturday night at from eaet team, however, as he did the Inn of the Mountain Gods was win­ not have the amateurs' names. ed. dined and entertained in high style Once the presentations were com­ at the Celebrity Pro-Am Awards Din­ pleted. the entertainment began ner. First up was former "Eight Is The event took place in the Wendell Enough" TV star Grant Goodeve He Chino Room at the resort. Chino. did two songs, playing guitar on one, president of the Mescalero Apache Tanya Tucker then made her en­ Tribe. was present and addressed the trance. She was Texas from head to crowd. toe to song selection-from her "IT" He said the tribe had capitalized boots over the Lone Star Slate outline Sierra Blanca Ski Resort to the tune to her Texas-shaped belt buckle to of $15 million since buying the ski "When I Die, Please Let Me Go to area in the early 1960s. He invited any Texas." ~ .it ~ ...... ~ individuals who could claim to have ~j Though it appeared Tanya would be •',. done as much for Ruidoso's economy a hard act to follow, singer/soap to stand up. opera star Gloria Loring ("Days of ;.>. Chino introduced members of the Tribal Council who were on hand and Our Lives") belted out her opening presented them with ski parkas. number and never slowed down. Winners of the day's Pro-Am were Loring's set ranged from a tribute given their prizes. Members of the to Judy Garland, "Quiet Please, second-place team got certificates for There's a Lady On Stage." to her own Tony Lama boots, composition, the theme from "The Competitors from the winning team Facts of Life." to a medley of early got PRE skis, Scott poles and Tony rock songs in "Little Mjss Rock N' Lama boots. The emcee was able to Roll" that wound up as a crowd Recreational skidrs enjoy the sunshine Saturday 3' '1 watch Resort, The giant slalom and slalom courses were on the introduce only the pro and celebrity singa}ong of .. American Pie .. the pro races between runs of their own at SIerra B'rinca Ski Capitan run at the ski area SKI REPORT Sierra Blanca Ski Resort Victor Alonso pledges to represent 'the little guy' Undisturbed snow depth midway on the mountain is 108 inches, A lotal of 16 inches of snow fell Sunday and Sunday night. Surface conditions are powder. Skiing conditions are excellent The by DARRELL ~. PEHR cil. But he urged citizens to be novice and intermediate slopes are being machine packed. although they News Staff Writer unafraid to go to council meetings are .being covered with new snow as fast as they are packed. At report and voice their feelings. time, it was not certain which lifts would be open today, other than the .. If 1 can be of service. then I'm "We have to encourage the peo­ lower lifts. going to do what I can.tI said ple to get out and speak their It was snowing hard at report time. Chains or four-wheel-drive vehicles recently appointed Ruidoso Village minds," he said. are definitely required on the road to the ski area this morning. Councillor Victor Alonso. Alonso is the owner of Don Vic­ During Tuesday's meeting, the tor's Restaurant. He is the son of WEATHER REPORT council unanimously approved immigrant parents. He is an El Mayor George White's appoint­ Paso native and a metallurgy ment of Alonso to fill the vacancy engineering graduate of the Sunday's low .. 0 •••••••••••••• -, - -,., - 23 Sunday's high '._ . ,.33 left by the death of Councillor Sher­ Uhiversity of Texas at EI Paso. man Atwood. oAlonso held a commission in the Monday's low , ot •••... 0 , • '. • ••• • ••••••••• 0 ••••• '... ." ••• 26 Alonso said he was approached U.S. Army. predict~ by members of the council to fill He worked for IDM for seven Monday's high 0 0 •• 0 •• 0 •••••• 0 • 0 ••••••••••• ,,,•,• mid 408 ~ the vacancy. He had no past ex­ years as a materials engineer and Tuesday's predict¢d low , .. , 0 •• , • 0 ••• 0 • , •••••• , • 0 , ••• near 20 perience as a member of a govern­ manager. During that time, he also Tuesday'spredictedhigh 0 • , , • , •••••••• , ••••••• , •••••• mid 30s ing body. He indicated he found taught metallurgy and conversa­ ~e National Weather service in Roswell is predicting a winter stonn deciding whether to accept the ap.­ tional Spanish in his spare time. wat&m for tonight and tomorrow with variable clOUdiness. Light and pointment difficult. Alonso Bnd his wife, Virginia, have two children. Victor David. va~able winds are predicted. Tuesday's prediction calls for colder "I admit I take it with mixed 'Y~~er with tncreasitIg ebance of snow and easterly winds from five to 12. and Angela Mari, 9. When the feelings." Alonso said in an inter­ Alonsos came to Ruidoso in 1976 for 15 miles per hour. Chances for oprecipitatioQ are 10 percent today. 30 per­ view Thursday. After careful c~nt tonight and S(J percent Tuesday. a three-day weekend. they became thought. though, he decided to ac­ so enthralled 'with the village that 'The extended forecast Wednesday through Friday calls for mostly fair cept the appointment. te~peratures VICTOR ALONSO they moved here in 1977. weather with beJpw normaJ for the season, Highs win be in . ~. the 30s to 4(jg and lows will be from the teens to 2Os. "I said, eWell, I think I can do the Alonso said a change in careers • people a service.' tf was a secondary consideration for , Primary among his reasons for terests-to the detriment of' less not champion the cause of any par­ his family-behind being able to INSIDE TODAY accepting the appointment is to powerful citizens. ticular ethnic group, but rather the live in Ruidoso. The family bought represent the wishes of the small Hl'rn very sympathetic with the the former My Sister's Place People 2A-3A We regret to g-nnot1nce that cause of all people he feels may not business person and resident in working people, not necessarily the be getting the representation they restaurant building on arrival in Spof't$.' .:.......,... 4A-5A the popUlar Monday feature by Ruidoso. money people. What about the n~ed. Ruidoso and opened Opn Victor's. '. , ClaS~.~~d ........ .... 1B-4B Daniel Agnew ~'Dannie" Storm, "The Dreatner,n not ap­ "My special interest group is the carpenter and the cook and the "I'm not a romantic ... I'm not a Alonso said he would utilize his 0 •••••••• : wJlJ QP.nlQn SA little guy," he said. Alonso noted restaurant owner and the shop crusader," he stated. experience 8S an engineer. ~~~ess pear .in t'oday's News. The .. , 6A his impression that in times past, owner?" Alonso asked, IeI'm for Alonso offered his ear to those ·'p'.snager and businessman and u a ~ap {an ~ange, .. , 7 A Ridge Runner is sl1owe(J in at Glencoe. .."" village government has been the people who work hard!' who do not feel they can pres.ent little common sense" in his efforts ~ 1YjGulde. .....•SeotiQn B swayed sortl~what by larger in- The new c;ouncillQr said he would their wishes b~fore the entire coun- as a councillor. \ . ::;. i. .• >-.;' .\ . .. .. ~ :4~-::;-:-~· .. , • t ~. :~-.3:...': _L.: ::.. .~: 6W· _ ••1<", ..lo, .~:~ • ,~~ 1t ~ __ .~~ \.~...... l¥ ~I ~. _~'~.' .::-I!~ .' ~~o!!- . <~ _~:1. ... ~ '. :t3:~ .• " ~ .. ~ ",l_~ ~~/ ..... ~.~ ....oL~·rr.·I'\, ...- r ~t ~ ~ -.. •..1:. \ ."" ". The Lincoln County CblIpter of the NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF Ruidoso Public Llbrary's mOn­ RETIRED FEDERAL Saturday, February 9 thly BROWN-BAG-IT BOOK EMPLOYEES INARFE) wl1l REVIEW will be at noon (today) meetat lOa.ro. Tuesday. February 5. atFIrst ChrIstian Church On Hull SIERRA BLANCA YOUTH­ Monday. February 4, at the '. -.- '-"-,' '0""',,,,•• " .',.- -."" " •• " ~-_"_""' __', "'.~'~ \' .' • Road. QUAKE will show the film, "Angel library. Alley," at 7 p.m. Saturday, awar~::rf;\ O:'~.~ Steve Makowski. fire manage­ Care.··eellfer' ...• .. " ..' . " Bill Smith will review the works ment officer for the Smokey Bear February 9, at First Baptist .'~ , ,,". ., r • ".' -: ~ "'" • "\ • of Joan Didion. Ranger District of the Lincoln Na­ Church in RuldOl'O Downs. Librarian Mary Lou Gooch in­ tional Forest, will be guest There Is DO charge for the youth Donna Mobley (center) was chosen OP­ (right). They were h~n't1o~ted'i ~y vites everyone to bring a sack speaker. rally, but a freewill offering will be timist Club's student of the monttl for physical education teaohe,l'$'an~:l',W'111~.e lunch and enjoy the book review. AU retired federal employees collected. Contact RUBS Karvonen Deoember. Runners-up were Michael eligible to win an Optimist. Club scholar- UThe coffeepot will be on:' she and their spouses are invited to at­ at 378-4611 for further information. Bridges (left) and Franolsco Olvera ship to be presented In lyJay. '. ' . said. tend. Contact Joyce Walker at • -.. ". ':'- ~ < " .:: 37lJ.466lI for further information. WOMEN'S AGLOW will meet at Sunday, February 10 7 p,m.
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