Collector Office, Jalna Read - Government of Maharastra, Food & civil Suppllies & Consumer Protection Departmenr Mumbai Letter No.Kerosene-2Ol9/CR-46/C.S.27 Dated- 06.03.2019. No.201 9/Supply/ADM-3/Kerosene/Cr- Office of Collecto(Supply),Jalna Date - 08/03/2019 NOTIFICATION ln exercise of the power conferred to me by vide lvlaharastra Kerosene (Restriction of use and Fixation of the Ceiling Prices) Order,1993 and reference read with above correspondence l, Ravindra Binwade, Collector Jalna do hereby fix the revised selling prices of domestic kerosene due to lncrease in Kerosene Ex - depot rate & Commission of Wholesalers rate from date - 06.03.2019. Hence Kerosene rate hereby in Jalna District as per the revised schedule attached herewith. 'Ihe price come in force with fiom the date oflnotification. Sd/- (Ravindra Binwade) Collector Jalna Encl- 02 Copies submitted with schedule to 1.The secretary Food & Civil Supplies Department, Mantralay, M umbai-32 2. The Divisional Commissioner (C.S) Aurangabad. Copy forwarded to 1. The sub-divisional officer Jalna, Bhokardan,Ambad& Partur. 2. All tahsildar in Jalna District. 3. All kerosene agent,sub-dealers & retailrs in Jalna District. 4. The Manager, Government priting press, Aurangabad for publication in Government Gazette. 5. NIC Jalna for permanetly publication on district website. 4,41,A tri-s-[a-n-'d[Xrl-L/ District Supply Officer,Jalna 80 No. 2019lsuppry/ADM-3/Kerosene/cr as+*:,;I Ofitcc of CoUcctor (Supply), Jaha e,r-- Date:- 08 I 03 12019 /e { Rates w.e.f. 06lt)3l20l9 due to I,xciease irx Dealers Co'nmission Vide ( nent rood & Civil Suppli* Department, MartBlaya Mumbai l','j I o \ :l )r No.xelosene-2o19/cR46 I c327 Dated 06 I 03 I 2019 o \.--- *-y'. For Jalna District \-:_::-r Ex-Panewadi Depot Rates Taluka Agc,lt's sub-whole Rctail / Hawke, Rate Saler's Rate Rate Per XI Pcr 2OO Ltrs. Per Ltr. Baslc Rate 29645.4O 5988.76 cGsT aa2.5076 74L.LO 149-72 JALNA sGsT a2-50016 74t.to 32.15 ===!!?=1? Total 31126,OO 6244.20 Basic Rate 29500.94 5960.14 cGsT @2.5()% 757.53 149.O1 BADNAPUR sGsT (?P.so% 32-OO ==='=!-j2 ===tit=il Total 30976.OO 6254-20 Basic Rate 29595.14 5979.24 cGsT @2.so% 739.91 149-44 BHOXARDHAN sGsT a42.so% 739.91 32.tO ===!!?=12 Total 31()76.OO 62'.74.20 Basic Rate 29434.24 6026.46 cGsT @)2.so% '145-46 150.67 JAFFRABAD scsT @12.5o% 32.35 ===1:::=: ===t::=:l Total 31326.OO 6324.20 Basic Rate 30072.34 6074.+A cGsT @2.SO% 751-41 1S1.46 PARTUR sGsT @2.so% 151.86 32-60 ===l:=l 31576-OO 6374-2() Basic Rate 3007234 6074.44 cGsT @2.so% 751.81 15 r.86 MANTHA sGsT aa2.500/. 32.60 ===t:=: ===::t=:: Total 31576.OO 6374.20 Basic Rate 29Aat-90 6()36.34 cGsT @2.50% 747 -OS 15().91 AMBAD sGsT @2.5O% 32.40 ==='!-22 ===::=: Total 31376.OO 6334.20 Basic Rate 30072.38 6074.44 cGsT @2,5O% 751.81 151.46 GANSAWANGI scsT @2.so% 32.60 ===IU=il ===::::: Total 31576.OO 6374.20 *l^ilhs In.s.ltandarl Distdct Supply Omcer, Jalna N.. 20lelsupp,y/ADM 3/Iierosene/cr ofri.c of conecto. (srPP,y), Jarn! //A\ ',rt'-t ta) tre Rstes e...t 06/03/2019 ilue to In.EGe iD D€elers commisiou L6ent Fo.il & civil suppli.r D.prrtnetrt, Udtr.lrya Mumbai er Ito,x6ro*tr.-2o 19/CR46 1c627 Dared 06l03l2019 Supply Froo PAItEWADI DEPOT ty Road TdkeE / :t7 I Return Trlp Distince Itr K M. (Oir Dcpot l)ueYa{ti to Taluka E.Q.} Tranponetion cha.gcs Per &.M. O - 1OO:316 Ds, 1O1- 2oO:312 pr,2Ot - 3Oo r 3oa ps.3o1 4oo , 296 ps, 40 1 - dboa. t 292 Ps 7 Ex-Depot Rnte Per KL 1, csT iSYo (cGsT 2.so%) 2. csr as% (sGsT 2,so%) Aseat Purchce P;ce (a+B) 1. Agcnt s coDnission 2.1ealaze & Extra ordinaiy 3. Transportation cha,ecs traDsPortation chrses 1oo x.M. 5. Expen.6 Othcr Than Dicsc, 6, RonEdine Up Itcrcfit 7. Total In.icme't in Rate 1. GsT (se. lccsr 2.so%) on D 7 2, cs? {5o/o {SGST 2.so%l on D 7 Prrch6. Pri.o (F B E GsT ns% {cGSl2.soo/oloE F.r Gsr.as% (sGSr 2.so%| otr F-1 sub-wbole$le.s coFtuision HI 1. GsT a5% lccsT 2.so%)on c 2- csT zs% (sGsT 2.so"/.)on c I) r1l ?urchc. Pricc tI-B-Efil 1, GST r/5% ICAST 2.so"/.)on I-l 2, Gsr (5% iscsr 2.so%)on r-1 .,) xl 1. csr u se. lccsr 2.so%t on., 2. csr'os% {scsr 2.so%l o" r L\ Rctarr Rak ?.r RL P+J+x) --lEs-n'f;?ia,Fl.ilw "*.,", *,,'I"d*.,,".".
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