[PASS THIS MAGAZINE TO A FRIEND] "NEW LOOK" AUSTRALIAN CHRISTIAN SOLm&RITT CITIZENS FOR JUSTICE AND DECENCY Editor: REV. THE HON. FRED NILE, M.L.C. Vol. 2 No. 2, MAY, 1982 * PRICE 40<l: OR DONATION P.O. BOX 240 GLADESVILLE, NSW 2111 * CLIFF Ri * "MAIL ORKR * NEW BATlfefcF * EL SALVA * HOMOSEXU * SENATOR R ★PORNOGRA * LEIGHTON F PA * N.SW. ABORT Obscene Art: The obscene article, "Stupid '^AUSTRALIAN as a Painter" is still in the headlines. CHRISTIAN Parliament House in Macquarie Street, Sydney was like The Police Association have SOLIDARITY" a fortress under siege in the face of attacks by various taken up the matter with Com radical forces during recent weeks: missioner Abbott. A national newspaper on The obscene article is now social and moral issues for displayed at Sydney University concerned Australians — Women's Refuges: Legalisation of — the centre of art, learning "Citizens for Justice and The noisiest most violent Marijuana: and culture? Decency". demonstration was one carried Parliament was also under No. 2, Vol. 2, Issue 17 out by women! Whoever said siege by the hundreds of pot May 1982 that "Women are the weaker smokers who want to force Published by Fred Nile. sex!" their life style on our society. Printed by A large number of radical This well planned demon ★Steadfastness: J. Bell & Co. Pty. Ltd. women forced their way inside stration all seemed part of a (I Corinthians 15:58) 13 McCauley Street, the precincts of Parliament and campaign to legalise pot with For each Christian it is a Alexandria, N.S.W. would not leave. Senator Don Chipp's Private Subscription Rates question of being faithful, to Many of the women were Member's Bill in the Senate 26 issues $ 15.00 including dressed in men's clothing such stand for the truth and for the and the earlier pro-pot Report Word of God. postage. as overalls, some had promin which was rejected by all sec When people turn their back *Recommended retail price ent tattoos on their arms, tions of the community. on God they soon loose the 40 cents per copy or donation. others had close-cropped hair. ability to know what is right Postal Address One of the attendants and what is wrong — We have P.O. Box 240, showed me his hand which had been so badly bitten by one of a situation where every person Gladesville, N.S.W. 2111 does what is ri^t in their own Editor-in-Chief: the female demonstrators that Australian Democrats: he had to have hospital treat eyes — not what is right in the Rev. The Hon. Fred Nile, In a number of States on ment and tetanus injections. eyes of God as occurred in E.D., M.L.C. various issues the Australian Israel. Refer Judges 17:6 and Consultant Finally, the police had to Democrats have revealed their Isaiah 5:20. Dr. John Whitehall carry the women outside to the real policies. It is time for all street under a constant barrage Judges 17:6 "But every man Sales and Promotion Christians to immediately did that which was right in his of taunts and curses with four- John Griffith (02)629 2102 withdraw their support from own eyes." letter words. Secretary this permissive party. Isaiah 5:20 "Woe unto them Leone Hay (02)449 2780 It was obvious a number of these screaming women were In South Australia the Aus that call evil good and good Correspondents: evil; that put darkness for light lesbians, known as "butch" tralian Democrats have led the VIC: Babette Francis and light for darkness." types. campaign in Parliament to (03)205 218 legalise prostitution. This false view is also QLD: Rona Joyner When these women saw our Festival of Light pro-family In New South Wales the reflected in the recent state (07) 284 3575 ments by Dr. B. Thiering, who pro-decency vigil they attacked Australian Democrats have SA; Steve Stevens some of our supporters and tore strongly supported the cam happily admits "no one in the (08) 223 6519 Church knows what's right or down our banner against paign in the Parliament to NSW: Tom Toogood wrong these days"; and by the legalising sodomy. legalise sodomy. Their Upper (069) 23 2560 House representative even support of some Uniting WA: Paul Donnelly The actions of these women Church cleigy for the legalis confirmed our evidence that a voted against the Unsworth Bill (09) 384 2734 ation of sodomy and homosex number of these Women's Ref because it was too restrictive! TAS: W. Wolnizer Miss E. Kirkby (wife of Dr. ual soliciting in public. (Refer uges are immoral (promoting article page 6.) Scandinavian Reporter: lesbianism), unhealthy (un Llew.Jones, gynaecologist) even Svend Age Laursen healthy practices) and political moved an amendment to delete This confusion is highlighted Photographen (extreme left-wing Marxist the words "in private"! over a recommendation Ramon Williams ideology). adopted by the Presbytery of In the Senate, Senator Don Sydney (Uniting Church) Advertising These radical women should Chipp plans to move a Bill to Elaine Nile. not receive any government (quote) "that the Pre.sbytery legalise marijuana! Where will should note the disagreement Advertising Rates on grants contributed by the long- it all end? Only God knows. application to: sulfering silent majority. of (its) Commission members Advertising Department, over the issue of whether P.O. Box 240, homosexual genital acts are Gladesville, N.S.W. 2111 sinful when performed by Homosexual Bill: "Allen Affair" consenting persons of predominantly homosexual Another group besieging The "Allen Affair" is not the orientation". Parliament were the radical end, but the beginning. A homosexual groups campaign National Crime Commission Such decisions deserve the ing for the legalisation of should be set up by the Federal condemnation of our Lord who Government to investigate or said, "You do err, not knowing sodomy by the repealing of the the Scriptures, nor the power of A UNITY AND sodomy laws such as Section 79 ganised crime. God." (Matthew 22:29) FELLOWSHIP — IN of the Crimes Act. We thank If organised crime can in THE FAMILY May God continue to lead God the fourth Bill in 12 filtrate the senior levels of the COMMUNITY us into His perfect light and AND NATION months was rejected by Parlia N.S.W. Police Force it must be truth with compassion and con ment. (Write to P.O. Box 240, possible to infiltrate Telecom, viction. GladesviUe 2111 for free copy Customs, Business firms such of my Speech). as Nugan Hand, etc. Fred Nile 2 — AUSTRALIAN CHRISTIAN SOLIDARITY, MAY, 1982 Washington D.C. — President Reagan told some 3,000 governmental and religious leaders at the National Prayer WORLD NEWS ROUND-UP Breakfast that the United States is "set aside" by God, but the nation has "strayed Singapore to enforce prominent intellectuals and away from God as evidenced religious education dissidents, according to the by Supreme Court rulings on Keston News Service. school prayer and abortion." Singapore — The Singapore The conditions in the camps Government has decided to He declared that "God, the are said to be severe due to source of our knowledge, has make religion a compulsory overcrowding, freezing tem subject in schools in what has been expelled from the class peratures, and insufficient room. He gives us His great been described as an attempt to food. Detainees are waiting to save the island from becoming blessing, life, yet many would be tried by ad hoc military condone the taking of innocent a nation of thieves. Renter courts set up inside the camps life ... I wonder if He isn't reported from Singapore re after which they will be trans cently. waiting for us to wake-up." ferred to ordinary prisons. Following a brief reference to Dr. Goh Keng Swee, Minis Some are under pressure to ter of Education and Deputy his attempted assassination last sign pledges that they will March, the President said, Prime Minister, told a meeting refrain from public criticism of of the newly-established "Whatever days are left to me the present regime. Those who belong to God." (EP) Schools Council that robberies have signed such pledges or were common in the Singapore have been sentenced receive Washington D.C. — The U.S. Army and even school children The tour group, which in milder treatment from the cluded Sr. Lewis and Bishop Senate Judiciary Committee stole from their classmates. camp authorities than those approved a proposed con "So one day I told the Prime Hughes, made many sidetrips still waiting. stitutional amendment on Minister (Lee Kuan Yew) that into hollows and on to unpaved These "loyalty pledges" ex March 10 that would allow the schools are turning out a roads so Sr. Lewis could see the torted from people under pres lifestyle of the area not appar Congress and the states to nation of thieves and that sure were condemned recently prohibit or regulate abortion. something must be done about ent from the main roads. She by Archbishop Jozef Glemp as The 10-7 vote marked the first this in our education system!' said the terrain reminded her well as by the Pope who de of her home in India. time an anti-abortion amend Dr. Goh said. scribed them as a "violation of Describing religious edu The group visited Topmost, ment has cleared a full con human conscience". site of a December mine gressional committee. The cation as the best and most measure requires a two-thirds dependable way of producing tragedy, and stopped at rural vote in both the House and upright Singaporeans, Dr.
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