Naval Documents of The American Revolution Volume 2 AMERICAN THEATRE: Sept. 3, 1775–Oct. 31, 1775 EUROPEAN THEATRE: Aug. 11, 1775–Oct. 31, 1775 AMERICAN THEATRE: Nov. 1, 1775–Dec. 7, 1775 Part 9 of 9 United States Government Printing Office Washington, 1966 Electronically published by American Naval Records Society Bolton Landing, New York 2012 AS A WORK OF THE UNITED STATES FEDERAL GOVERNMENT THIS PUBLICATION IS IN THE PUBLIC DOMAIN. DECEMBER 1775 1213 Resolved, unanimously, That Peter Timothy be re-chosen Secretary to the Council, with the addition of two hundred pounds a year to the salary already allowed him.' Resolved, That the commissioners for erecting batteries on the wharves have power to cause a store-house on the late Colonel Beale's wharf to be immediately removed; first procuring a fair and just appraisement of the said store-house to be made, by indifferent persons, one to be chosen by the commissioners, and another by the present proprietor of the said store-house; and in case of a difference of opinion between such appraisers, an umpire to be chosen by them, whose award shall be final. Ordered, That if the owner of the store-house shall refuse to nominate one person to act as an appraiser, the commissioners shall appoint two for the purpose aforesaid, to act in manner aforesaid. Resolved, That the Council of Safety, under the authority of [Provincial] Congress, will indemnify the commissioners for carrying the above resolution and order into execution. 1. Collections of the South-Carolina Historical Society, 111, 35, 37. 2. This was the second Council of Safety for the Province. Laurens had been president of the first body, and Peter Timothy, secretary of the Second Provincial Congress, which had adjourned the day before. 1 Dec. JOURNALOF H.M.S. Lizard, CAPTAINJOHN HAMILTON ' Novem - 17 75 Laid up in the CoudeSec & the people in Barracks Sunday 26th AM Empd Getting some of the Boatswains Stores out of the Brig that had our Guns in Light Breezes and fr Wr Exceed- 1 ing hard frost Empd Getting some Stores out of the Brig in to the Store houses Monday 27th AM Empd Gettg some of the Stores out of the Brig read the Articles of War to the Ships Compy and Punished Corns Conally with 1 Dozen Lashes a second Time for Mutiny and Put him again in Confinement Do Wr with Snow PM Empd getting the Swivels up to the Garrison and Clearing the Brig & Snow Tuesday 28th AM Empd Getting the Tops & Cross Trees over head Fresh Breezes with Snow PM Empd Getting the Powder up to the Garrison Empd About Stores Wednesday 29th AM Got the Brig & Snow - which we unloaded in the Cou de Sec sent 7 men to the Garrison to mount Gaurd Do Wr PM The Charllotte Armd Ship hauld in to the Cou de sic Re- turnd the Zsabella and Dorothy not being able to Get out of the River there being so much Ice Thursday 30th AM Arived here H M: Sloop Hunter Fell Armd Ship and a Schooner from up the river Employd Clearing & Cleaning the Ship Fresh Breezes with hard frost PM hauld in to the Cou de Sic The Fell Arm'd Ship 1214 . AMERICAN THEATRE Decr 1775 Friday 1st AM Do Wr hauled a Longside the wade the Hunter Sloop of war to Get out her Stores Employd Getting the Cable in the Store house and Getting the Peoples Things to the Barracks and sent all the Men & Officers to Barracks to Do Duty as Soldiers in the Garrison [Note] The Seamen and Officr's employed in Quebec till the 1lth May 1776 doing duty as Soldier.- John Hamilton 1. PRO, Admiralty 5 1/550. JOURNAL OF H.M. SLOOPHunter, CAPTAINTHOMAS MACKENZIE Novr 1775 Remarks [at Quebec] &c Fridy 17 am the Gunner employ7d makeing Musquett and Pistol Car- triges - Modt with frost pm unmoord Ship and new Moord Her Saturdy 18th AM received 300 pound of fresh Beef short of weight Eighteen pounds - Sundy 19th Do weather employ'd making up Matches - Mondy 20 Fresh Breezes with frost and Snow pm came down and Anchor'd the Fell Am'd Snow with Governor Carelton [Carleton] on Board and a Schooner Salut[e]d the Governor with 15 Guns Tuesdy 21 am Saild hence a Ship with dispatches for England recd on Board three Hogsheads of Beer - pm Unmoord Ship and hove into I/2 a Cable on the Best Bowr Wdnsdy 22 AM received Coals on Board several pieces of Ice drifting in the River - pm receivd on Board 480 pounds of fresh beef Thursdy 23d am recd 6 Hog[s]heads of Beer and a Cask of Butter and our People from the Shore with Capt MCackenzie - First and mid parts fresh Breezes with frost latter Calm with Snow at 4 PM Weighed and came to Sail in Company the Fell and an Armed Schooner working up the River at 7 came too with the Best Bower in 12 fathom and Veer'd to '/2 a Cable Fridy 24th AM a great Quantity of Ice drifting in the River - Firsi part light airs with Snow Mid & latter light airs and fair PM Expend7d 90 fathom of 2% Inch Rope in Cacklin the Cable at 4 Weighed & towed up the River '/2 past 7 am came too with the Best Bower & Veer7d away to '/2 a Cable Saturdy 25 At 7 AM Weigh'd and came to Sail Working up the River splitt the Main Topsail at 10 came too with the Best Bower in four fathom Water and Veer'd to v3 of a Cable Unbent the Maintopsail the Sailmaker employd repairing it in Co as before-Fint part fresh Gales Mid & latter light Breezes with hard frost at 3 pm Weigh'd and came higher up the River DECEMBER 1775 1215 Sundy 26 at 7 AM came too with the Bt Bowr in 7 fathrn Water & veer'd to J/3 of a Cable at 7 Do weigh'd and came to Sail & run up the River at 10 came too with the Bt Bow[er 51 fathom Water and Veer'd to v3 of a Cable a great Quantity of Ice in the River in Co as before Sailmaker employed repairing the Main Topsail sent the Fells & our Boats on Shore [Attempt] to get [Ilntelligence- Mondy 27 Modt fair with hard frost Sailmaker employ'd as before- Tuedy 28 First and Mid parts fresh Breezes & fair latter Calm with hard frost Sailmaker employ'd as before AM [the] River al- most entirely froze up with the Ice Wednsdy 29th First and Mid part C [old] Weather - at 1 P M Weigh'd [to] drop down with the Tide at 3 sett the Topsails at 4 in turn- ing down the Fell run a Ground came too with the Best Bower in 4 fathom Water veer'd to v3 of a Cable and sent our Boat to Assist the Fell in carrying an Anchor out got Her off in the Night Thursdy 30th Sailmaker employ'd as before-First and Mid parts fresh Gales with Snow latter Moderate & fair Decembr 1775 Fridy 1 at 7 AM Weigh'd and came to Sail at 8 sett Steering Sails found it Difficult to get through the Ice in the Narrow parts of the River at 11 PM hauld down the Steering Sails 3/4 past came too with the Best Bo[wer] off the Kings Wharf at Quebec & Veer'd to '/3 of a Cable - PM got a Hawser on Shore to Steady the Ship 1. PRO, Admiralty 5 1/466. JOURNAL OF H.M. SCHOONERMagdalen, LIEUTENANTJOSEPH NUNN' Novemr 1775 In the Culde'sac [Quebec] Monday 27 AM hauld into the Culdisac. Modt & fair Wr employ'd stowing away Provisions and stores in the Store House Tuesday 28 AM Exercised small Am, Light breezes with much Snow, PM Sail'd hence the Dorothy & Issable Transport, for Boston, Exercised small Arms Wednesday 29 Exercised small Arms. Thursday 30 Light breezes.with mu~hSnow, Exercised small Arms, Fresh Breezes and Cloudy Wr came down the River his Majs Sloop Hunter, Fell Armed Ship and an Armed Schooner December 1775 Friday 1 hauld our Boats up on the Kings Wharf, Read the Articles of War &Abstract to the Schooners Company Modt & Cloudy Wr PM hauld into the Culdisac the Fell & Charlotte Armed Ships, with an Armed Schooner, 1. PRO,Admiralty 51/4252. 1216 AMERICAN THEATRE COPY Halifax Decr 1st 1775 Sir Since my Letter of the 15th Instant by the Amity's Providence Transport, in which I did myself the Honor to inclose a Copy of the Savage's Journal and other Papers. I am to inform you that Mr Benney the Collector of Canso, who resides at that Place during the fishing Season in the Summer and returns to this Place in the Fall where he remains the Winter brings an Account that on the 20th past two armed Schooners commanded by Borden [Broughton] & Salmon [Selman] armed with four four pounders, and two Six twelve Swivel Guns, eighty Men each, armed with Pistols each, and a Tomihawk, or a Cutlass. They are also well provided with Oars, belong to Marblehead; Anchored in Canso Road, where several Vessels were likewise at an Anchor. They ordered all the Masters onboard and examined them as to their Cargo's and destination. They also informed the Masters of the Vessels that they acted by orders from General Washington in consequence of the Resolves of Congress not to suffer any Lumber or other Supply's to be carried to any part of the West Indies or other Dominions of Great Britain, but to France and Spain yes.
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