- Second dass postage people's computers paid at Mento Park, PCC California 94025 and Box E additional entry points Menlo Park, CA 94025 Byron JOhnson 356 Laguna T Simi Vall errance ey. CA 93065 , , I $1 EACH , GET 'EM WHILE THEY LAST! ,, Games, listings, programming languages, I I I • random insanity! We still have available a few issues stretching way back to the beginning of time (October, 1972) when People's Compwers was published as a news­ paper called People 's Computer Company. Highlights of available back issues are listed on the order card at the center of the magazine. Buy a couple at a buck each, or go whole hog and get ALL 15 for just $12! SUBMITTING ITEMS FOR PUBLICATION SUBSCRIPTIONS VOL 6 NO 1 U.S. Subscriptions LABEL everything please, your name, address and the date; JULY - AUG 1977 tapes should also include the program name, language and o $a/yr. (6 issues) rs system. 0$15/2 yrs, (12 issues) o Retaining subscription @$25 TYPE text if at all possible, double·spaced, on B% x 11 inch ($ 17 tax deductible) STAFF CONTENTS white paper. o Sustaining subscription @ $100+ ($92+ tax deductible) EDITOR SPECIAL FEATURES DRAWINGS should be as clear and neat as possible in black Phyllis M. Cole ink on white paper, Foreign Surface Mail o add $4/yr. for Canada PRODUCTION 8 PET ROBOTS: NEW CAPABILITIES Meredith Ittner Robert Rossum's latest pet robots have very diversified skills LISTINGS are hard to reproduce clearly, so please note: o add $5/yr. elsewhere Donna Lee Wood • Use a new ribbon on plain white paper when making 28 HEATHKIT COMPUTERS Foreign AIRMA IL ARTISTS choose an 8080 or an LSI·l1 system a listing; we prefer roll paper or fan-fold paper, Ann Miya o add $B/yr. for Canada Jay Bonner • Send copies of one or more RUNS of your program, Craig Douglas Judith Wasserman to verify that it runs and to provide a sense of how o add $11/yr, for EUrope CAl TYPISTS things work and to motivate more of us to read o add $14/yr. elsewhere Maria Kent the code. RUNS should illustrate the main purpose 11 PILOT Marilynne Newton and operation of your program as clearly as possible. Back issues, $1 each; indicate Volume and CAl programs by Ellen Nold & Sallie Cannom for composition classes Christine Botelho Bells, whistles and special features should just be des· Issue number, how many copies of each, An 36 WRITING CAl CIRCULATION cribed in the documentation unless they're partic~­ order card is at the center of the magazine. tips from composition teacher Ellen Nold Bill Bruneau larly relevant, Vol. 1, Nos. 1,2,3 DRAGON EMERITUS 51 CAl IN BASIC • Paper tapes of both the program and runs can provide Vol. 2, No.5 Bob Albrecht Franz J. Frederick oHers BASIC subroutines for use in CAl us with a way to make our own listing if we need to. Vol. 3, Nos, 1,4 Then, if you give us permission, we can let CCC Vol. 4, Nos. 3, 4, 5, 6 RETAINING SUBSCRIBERS ARTICLES (Community Computer Center) sell your program Vol. 5, Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,6 cheaply via paper tape, to further the spread of inex­ George Bowie III 16 PROGRAMMING THE HP·25 pensive software, Finally, if we are so lucky as to have The Computer Corner, Harriet Shair pointers from Dave Johnston for the HP-25 owner access to a system on which your program runs, we Foreign Distributors of People's Computers Daniel Dick can try it out ourselves. 20 SR·56 PROGRAMS Bill Godbout Electronics • Make sure your code is well documented - use a sep· Vincent Coen Home Computer Club a catalog of incredibly cheap programs for the SR·56 calculator Mark S, Elgin arate sheet of paper, Refer to portions of code by line LP Enterprises 1070-57 Yamaguchi 21 COMPUTER BOOKS FOR CHILDREN Dexter Fletcher number or label or address please, not by page number. 313 Kingston Road T okorozawa, Saitama, JAPAN Beny Rosen reviews a dozen and offers a bibliography John B. Fried When writing documentation, keep in mind that read­ Ilford,lGl lPJ Dick Heiser 24 CAPTURE ers will include beginners and people who may be rei· Essex, UK Kouqakusha Pub!. Co., Ltd Brian W. John another fine game from Mac Oglesby atively inexperienced with the language you're using. Haneda Biru 403, 5·1 Lt. Stan Jurgielwicz 31 PERSONAL COMPUTER NElWORK Helpful documentation/annotation can make your Comicro AG 2-Chome, Yoyogi John R. Lees, Jr. Dave Caulkins discusses an effort to link home computers code useful to more people. Documentation should Badenstrasse 2B1 Shibuya-Ku, Tokyo 151 John C. Lilly discuss just which cases are coveted and which aren't. CH·8003 Zurich JAPAN 34 INVERSE REVERSE James Muysenberg Carl Main's program has the computer play the game of Reverse • If you send us a program to publish, we reserve the SWITZERLAND Frank Otsuka right to annotate it (don't worry, we won't publish Computer Age Company, Ltd 41 8080 MATR IX SUBROUTINES Bernice Pantell it if we don't like it). Pan Atlantic Computer Sys. Kasumigaseki Building Tim Scully offers programs useful for multivariate statistical analysis Larry Press • Last but not least, please try to limit the width of your Frankfurter Strasse 78 3·2-5 Kasumigaseki John Rible 48 MORE ON WOMEN AND COMPUTERS listings: 50-60 characters is ideal. Narrow widths mean 061 Darmstadt, Chiyoda-Ku. Tokyo 100 Joe Weisbecker the dialogue continues less reduction, better readability, and better use of WEST GERMANY JAPAN space, SUSTAIN ING SUBSCR IBERS REGULAR STUFF Algorithmics Inc., Bruce Cichowlas 4 LEITERS Don L. Behm letters, letters & more letters Paul, Lori and Tom Calhoun 32 FORTRAN MAN further adventures of Lee Schneider's & Todd Voros' swashbuckling hero People's Computers is published bimonthly by People's Computer Company, 1263 EI Camino Real, Box E, Menlo Park, CA 94025. As ever, thanks to the many many 38 MORE TINY BASIC People's Computer Company is a tax~xempt, independent. non.profit corporation, and donations are tax-deductible. folk who supported our effort in Dragon Bob Albrecht concludes his programming-for'beginners series Second class postage paid at Menlo Park, California, and additional entry points. putting this issue together. Copyright © 1977 by People's Computer Company, Menlo Park, California. 42 THE DATA HANDLER USER'S MANUAL, Part 4 more on how to program the 6502 microprocessor by Don Inman 59 ANNOUNCEMENTS check out the PET - $595 for a complete system 2 PEOPLE'S COMPUTERS 5) A more complex match statement DoOoDmJdJdJoDoOoOoOoOoOoOo contained Tiny BASIC computer is just with an implicit assignment would be what we need to bring personal comput· Dear Dragon, nice; we ruled it out because this is TillY ing out of the advanced experimenter's Pilot. Some Pilot systems do provide this Hey mythical monster, keep up the good basement and into the family living room facility by placing the matched text into work on SAM (the make·believe compu· (But how about an extended-BASIC f!!'J LETTERS @ a special variable. ter). Dragonese is the best teaching lan­ ROM and a PILOT ROM too? Tiny DoOoOdJODdJoDoOoOoDoOoOoDoDoDoOoOdJdJdJoOoOoOoOoDoOdJoOdDdDoOoOoOoDoDoOoOdDdJdJdJ guage I've come across, and at this time BASIC may be OK for kids just learning 6) I agree that all code should be pure we need to be educated in the workings to program but it is a bit too restrictive procedure (the technical tenn for code of the computer more than we need bet· for any serious programming.) And we Dennis Allison did it again! I think his do all, more HORA Y. I manipulate addressable, I submit the following code, which does not modiry itself). It ter computers for the selected few to use. need some tapes with useful programs Tiny PI LOT proposal is grand. (See our strings much more than I do numbers, on which puts the P register in the X. Let shouldn't be much of a problem. like checkbook balancers and menu plan­ Jan/Feb 77 issue, or Dr. Dobb S JOIln/af all computers that I use. those who need it figure it out. OK, your threat to join Puff the Magic ners too! for March) I have three little comments: 8000303131 EEoo Dennis Allison Dragon in some far away cave has caused I) Please consider that the on ly non-al· Pee my footprints to lead to your door. Pro· And who is going to manufacture this 1) For minimal resources implementa­ pha character that is under the resting N.J. Thompson Box E blems 21 and 22 not only can be solved wonderful machine? (Or are you hoping tion, the DEL. SEE, and CONT com­ fingers is the SEMICOLON. Consider also Hawaii Institute of Geophysics Menlo Park, CA 94025 without SAM's CHS and XCH functions, that your articles wiU inspire some man· mands can be deleted. DEL can be ac­ that the COLON has meandered afound 1525 Correa Road but also 21 can be solved using rewer ufacturer to do so?) complished by typing the statement on diffe rent versions of Ascii terminals Honolulu, HI 96822 instructions. number followed by a CR as in Tiny and typewriters. I have CO LON 3 dirfer· Keep up the good work! DASIC. SEE and CONT can be done ent places on 3 machines in my office. Problem 21 a2 . a by T: and J: respectively. Therefore; Please consider semicolon in· Dennis Allison replies: Sam Hills stead or colon for the most·used delimiter INSTRUCTION SRO SR, SR' 3514 Louisiana Ave.
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