Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-76178-9 - Theater Outside Athens: Drama in Greek Sicily and South Italy Edited by Kathryn Bosher Index More information Index of places Acrae, foundation of: 22 Croton (see also Achaean): 27, 30, 35 theater: 187, 192 cults: 38 Acragas: 22, 127, 129, 175 foundation of: 22, 24 poetry at: 48 Cumae: 54 theater: 187, 189, 192 Aeolian Islands: 45, 122, 124 Daunia (see also Daunian in the subject index): Aetna: 53, 54, 103, 107, 113, 131–2, 275, 356 247, 251, 253, 256, 258, 263–6, 269 Alexandria: 356, 391–2, 396 Delos: 266 Altamura: 253, 254, 255, 256, 258, 259, 260, Delphi: 243, 266, 309, 356 267 dedications: 33 Apulia: 226, 247, 261, 262, 264, 270, 280, 282, victories at: 39, 48, 52 283, 286 Dion: 239 Apulian vase-painting: 235, 249–50, 251, 253, 259, 268, 308, 317, 358 Egnatia: 254, 265 Argos: 238 Egypt: 26, 81, 354, 396 Arpi: 256, 257, 258, 260, 261, 264, 266, Enna: 194, 352 270 massacre in theater: 186 Ascoli Satriano (Ausculum): 256, 258, 266 Epidaurus: 266 Athens (see also Dionysia): 127–8, 135, 247, Eretria: 128, 238 248, 280, 297, 299 Attic drama in the west: 228, 233, 351 Gela (see also under Aeschylus): 19, 31, 85, center for theater: 9, 73, 227, 248, 272 129–30, 228, 238, 275, 323 comedy: 6, 96, 227–8, 262, 276, 278, 282, foundation of: 22 283, 286, 289–92, 359, 367 Gravina in Puglia: 254, 255, 259, 267 theater of Dionysus: 100, 176, 278 Helorus, theater of: 187, 195 Bari: 247, 250, 254 Heraclea (Policoro): 226, 230–6, 238, 287 Heraclea Minoa, theater of: 181, 196, 224 Camarina: 22, 183 Himera (see also Stesichorus) 2 Campania: 264, 324–7 battle of: 28, 49, 54, 98 Canosa: 247, 249, 250, 251, 256, 258, 259, 260, 264, 265, 266, 270 Iaitas, theater of: 182, 187, 197 Capua: 327 Irsina: 254 Carthage: 32, 106, 151, 175, 184, 224 Isthmia: 238, 356 Casmenae, foundation of: 22 Catana: 22, 131, 189, 193 Lavello (Forentum): 256, 258 Ceglie del Campo: 254 Lemnos: 238 Cnidus: 118, 266 Leontini: 22, 114, 131, 134 Conversano: 254 Lipari: 120–1, 125, 287, 350, 351 Corcyra: 266 Contrada Diana necropolis: 349 Corinth: 34, 36, 37, 118, 210, 266, 274, 289, koreion: 350 356 Locri: 288, 343–5, 361, 363 isthmus of: 80 cults and festivals: 44 456 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-76178-9 - Theater Outside Athens: Drama in Greek Sicily and South Italy Edited by Kathryn Bosher Index More information Index of places 457 poetry and music (see Eunomus and Salamis: 28, 49, 299 Xenocritus) Segesta: 121, 126, 135 Lucania: 230–6, 244, 282, 292–5, 323 temple of: 175 Lybia: 403 theater of: 178, 180, 187, 189, 201, 223 Selinus: 31, 106, 121, 175 Magna Graecia, definition of: 28 foundation of: 22 Megara: 238 Sipontum: 266 Megara Hyblaea: 24 Soluntum (Soloeis): 123, 180, 187 Epicharmus in: 56 Sparta: 43–4, 46 foundation of: 22, 25, 26 Sybaris (see also Achaean): 28 Messana (Messina) (see Zancle) cults: 38 Metapontum (see also Achaean): 4, 226, 238, foundation of: 22, 24, 26 251, 252, 261, 280, 289, 292, 295, 296, Syracuse (see also Arethusa): 21, 29, 76, 287, 301, 304 347, 356, 361 foundation of: 22, 23, 24 foundation of: 22, 26, 274 Montagna dei Cavalli (Hippana): 209–13 poetry and drama at: 48, 85, 228, 238, 276, theater of: 5, 182–4, 208–23 277, 286, 318 Monte Sannace: 254 temenos of Apollo Temenitis: 346 Morgantina: 32, 33, 352, 361 theater building: 179–80, 187, 278 theater of: 187, 199, 223 Motya: 121 Taormina (Tauromenium): 177, 206 Tarentum (Taras, Taranto): 15, 29–30, 36, 46, Naxos: 21, 27, 131 226, 231, 247, 250, 252, 261, 266, 269, 280, 287, 299, 304, 308, 318, 325, 352 Olympia, dedications at: 31, 39 cults and festivals: 38, 44 victories at: 48 defeat by Iapigians: 32–3 foundation of: 22, 25, 26 Paestum (Poseidonia): 4, 24, 282, 284, 287, vases: 4, 249, 251, 287, 289, 295–318, 319, 322–4, 351, 358–9 327 foundation of: 22 Teate: 264 Peucetia (see also Peucetian in the subject Thasos, foundation of: 23 index): 251, 254, 258, 266–8, 269 Thurii: 166, 226, 238, 280, 281 Pieria: 80 Timmari: 254, 256 Pithecusae, foundation of: 22, 25 Troy: 66–71, 79, 359 Tyndaris: 187, 207 Rhegium: 22, 280 cults and festivals: 38, 44 Valenzano: 254 Rhodes: 266 Rudiae: 269 Xuthia: 113–14 Rutigliano: 254, 259 Ruvo: 247, 248, 249, 250, 253, 254, 255, 258, Zancle (Messina, Messana): 22, 39, 186, 259, 260, 270, 363 198 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-76178-9 - Theater Outside Athens: Drama in Greek Sicily and South Italy Edited by Kathryn Bosher Index More information Index of names Adonis: 402–3, 407 Atalanta: 81 Aegisthus: 245, 285 Athena: 83, 231, 236 Aeolus: 117 Aeschylus (see also index locorum): 12, 19, Bacchylides (see also index locorum): 3, 48, 42–3, 73, 81, 82, 85–6, 228, 243, 288, 356 274 at Hieron’s court: 3, 49, 97–111, 132–3, 179, Briareus: 80 240, 274, 275–6, 280, 347, 355 Busiris: 80, 354 Agamemnon: 69 Agathocles: 5, 183, 186 Callimachus: 393–6 Agathon: 160, 241 Carcinus II: 279, 281 Alcibiades: 32, 185 Cephalus: 165–6 Alcimus: 88–9, 90, 93, 94, 371 Chrysippus of Solos: 89 Alcyoneus: 80 Cinaethon of Lacedaemon: 80 Alexander the Great: 152, 252 Cinesias: 165 Alexander the Molossian: 266 Crates: 367, 371 Alexis of Thurii: 228, 272, 281, 282, 288 Cynaethus of Chios: 36, 77 Amphiaraus: 235 Amphion and Zethus: 231 Daedalus and Enyalios: 287 Ananius: 86–7 Damacopus: 278 Anaxilas of Rhegium: 39, 107 Danae: 81 Andron of Catane: 38 Daunus: 264 Antiope: 232 Deianeira: 350 Antiphon: 139, 261, 281 Deinomenids of Syracuse (see also Gelon and Aphrodite: 344 Hieron): 48–55, 108, 130, 347 Apollo, in art: 287, 309 Demeter: 105, 243, 346–9, 353, 361 cults and festivals: 38, 356, 392 festivals and sanctuaries of Demeter and Archelaus of Macedonia: 160, 239 Kore (see also Thesmophoria in subject Archias, founder of Syracuse: 37 index): 239, 353, 354, 355, 357, 361 Archias of Thurii: 227, 281 Demosthenes: 373 Arethusa: 46 Deucalion: 82 Arion: 36 Dicaeogenes: 261 Aristodemus of Metapontum: 227, 238, Dictis: 82 281 Dinolochus: 13, 106, 278, 282, 357 Aristomache of Syracuse: 146 Diomedes: 66, 264 Ariston of Rhegium: 39 Dionysius I (see also index locorum): 4, 8, 12, Aristophanes (see also index locorum): 19, 73, 156–72, 228, 274, 280, 281, 371 242, 276, 291, 363, 384 hostile anecdotal tradition: 138–41 possible influence of Sophron: 367 as playwright: 143–9, 227, 281 Aristotle: 93, 276, 369–71 sympathetic modern revision: 141–3 Aristoxenus: 47, 86, 323 Dionysius II: 274 Artemis, festivals: 37–8 Dionysus: 295, 356, 358, 361, 375–7, 394, 400 other cults: 38 in art: 213, 248, 285, 287, 295, 298, 308, Asclepiades: 404 321–2, 323–4, 325, 350, 351, 359 458 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-76178-9 - Theater Outside Athens: Drama in Greek Sicily and South Italy Edited by Kathryn Bosher Index More information Index of names 459 comedy (see also Epicharmus’ Bacchants, Himeros: 248 Dionysoi,andKomasts or Hephaestus in Hippo, tyrant of Messana: 186 the index locorum): 81 Hippodameia: 235 cults and festivals: 38, 360, 361, 375, 379 Hipponax: 375, 376, 379, 405, 406 Dirce: 231 Hippotes: 118 Doris of Locri: 146 Homer (see also index locorum) 2, 27, 30, 37, Ducetius: 32 41, 43, 58, 72, 73, 77, 79, 81, 84, 123, 142, 347, 407 Emmenids of Acragas (see also Theron, Xenocrates and Thrasybulus): 48 Iambe: 347 Empedocles: 279 Ibycus of Rhegium (see also index locorum): 3, Ennius, Quintus: 15, 269 46, 77, 80 Epicharmus (see also index locorum): 3, 6, 7, Iolaus: 231, 244 13–14, 19, 47, 50, 56, 96, 227, 275, 276–7, Ion of Chios: 395 353–5, 357, 358, 364, 368 Isocrates: 165 hexameter: 78 Ixion: 293 parody: 76, 77, 83, 85 and philosophy: 87–95 Jason: 231 possible influence on Sophron: 372–3 possible influence on Theocritus: 391 Kerkopes: 303 Erinyes: 243, 244 Korax: 62, 89 Eros: 344, 350, 353, 363 Kore, see Persephone Eryphile: 235 Eumaeus, the swineherd: 93, 94 Lucian: 144 Eumelus of Corinth: 37 Lycophron: 264 Corinthiaca: 81 Lycurgus: 242 Eunikos: 275 Lysias: 165–7 Eunomus of Locri: 39 Eupolis: 276 Mamercus, tyrant of Catana: 186 Euripides (see also index locorum): 12, 160, Medea: 231, 243–4 228, 231, 242, 243, 280, 281, 357 Melanthius: 94 Europa: 235 Menelaus: 401 Eurystheus: 231, 244, 286 Mimnermus: 264 Gelon I: 76, 129, 274, 277–8 Nestor: 79 Gorgias of Leontini: 62, 73–5 Nossis: 364 Hades: 347, 349 Odysseus: 63–71, 79–80, 93, 94 Helen: 401 Oedipus: 82 Hellen: 115 Oenomaus: 235 Hephaestion: 86 Oeolyca: 80 Hephaestus: 81 Orestes: 243 Hera: 81, 287 Heracles: 80–1, 123, 231, 244, 248, 286–7, 303, Palamedes: 74–5 350, 354, 358, 363 Pallas (giant): 83 Heraclitus: 60–3, 90, 91 Pan: 345 Hermes: 344 Parmenides: 91, 363 Hermocrates: 32 Patrokles: 281 Herodas: 4, 6, 7, 15, 368, 369, 379–90, 406 Pelops: 83, 235 Hieron I: 3, 76, 79, 85, 130–3, 239, 274, 347, Pentathlus of Cnidus: 121–7 355 Pentheus: 81 praise poetry: 48–54, 83 Persephone/Kore: 345, 362 Hieron II: 6, 180, 186, 400 religion and cult: 344, 352–3, 361 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-76178-9 - Theater Outside Athens: Drama in Greek Sicily and South Italy Edited by Kathryn Bosher Index More information 460 Index of names Perseus: 81 Stesichorus of Himera (see also index Phalaris: 54 locorum): 2, 3, 7, 41–6, 77, 80 Pherecydes of Syros: 91 Philemon of Syracuse: 15, 228 Teisias: 62 Philetas of Cos: 404 Telephus: 357 Philip II: 252 Terence: 15 Philistus of Syracuse: 113, 139 Thalia: 351 Philoxenus: 138–9 Theagenes of Rhegium: 37 Pholus: 80 Theocritus:
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