AustrAliA EAst timor JApAn nEw ZEAlAnd pApuA nEwGuinEA philippinEs BAnGlAdEsh ChinA indiA irAq isrAEl monGoliA nEpAl north KorEA pAKistAn pAlEstinE russiAn FEdErAtion south KorEA turKEy AustriA BElArus BElGium BosniA And hErZEGovinA CroAtiA CZECh rEpuBliC dEnmArK EstoniA FinlAnd FrAnCE GErmAny GiBrAltAr GrEECE hunGAry iCElAnd itAly luxEmBourG mACEdoniA nEthErlAnds norwAy polAnd portuGAl russiAn FEdErAtion sErBiA slovAKiA slovEniA spAin swEdEn switZErlAnd turKEy unitEd KinGdom AlGEriA BEnin BurKinA FAso CAmEroon CôtE d'ivoirE d.r. oF thE ConGo EGypt GAmBiA GhAnA GuinEA BissAu GuinEA ConAKry KEnyA liBEriA mAli mAuritAniA moroCCo moZAmBiquE niGEr sEnEGAl siErrA lEonE south AFriCA swAZilAnd tAnZAniA toGo uGAndA ZAmBiA ArGEntinA BoliviA BrAZil CAnAdA ChilE ColomBiA CostA riCA dominiCAnA rEpuBliC. ECuAdor ElsAlvAdor GuAtEmAlA hAiti hondurAs mExiCo niCArAGuA pAnAmA pArAGuAy pEru unitEd stAtEs uruGuAy vEnEZuElA AntArCtiCA One thousand Cranes for Peace This year the cranes are dedicated to the World March. countdown 71 days eQuAdoR The event "One thousand Cranes for Peace" in the Ecuadorean capital, Quito, was a great October 2, 2009 success. During three days participants learnt how to January 2, 2010 make paper cranes and heard the story of Sadako Sasaki, which moved more than one person and International Bulletin N r 9 filled them with enthusiasm to join the symbolic 22 nd July 2009 origami event to proclaim peace in the world. This year the cranes are dedica - www.theworldmarch.org ted to the World March. Sadoka Sasaki was 2 years old when the atomic bomb was drop - Making paper World March ped on her home town of cranes in Quito Endorsement Day Hiroshima on the 6th August As Hiroshima day approaches WM 1945. When she was 12 she ful world of Origami. organisers around the world are pre - was hospitalised with leukae - Hosted in the galleries paring to mark this solemn occasion. mia and given a year to live. Her of the Ministry of Culture In over 300 cities and towns around best friend came to the hospital the event was also visited the globe a multitude of events is and taught her how to fold paper by professors passionate being planned to raise awareness of cranes, a mythical and holy bird in about art, curious young Japanese culture. According to people and enthusiastic family the terrible consequences that even Japanese tradition the folding of a members. For "Paper Quito" it one small nuclear devise can cause. thousand cranes means that a living was a moment to show paper crea - The one small nuclear devise that crane can grant you a wish, such as long life or tions that demonstrated talent, knowled - landed on Hiroshima caused recovery from a serious illness. Sadly Sadako's wish ge, patience, skill and passion. 140,000 deaths, roughly half on the didn't come true but her story has become a symbol They will be given to the group "Semilleros de la day of the bombing itself, the rest later of the struggle for peace and the campaign against No-violencia Activa" (The Seeds of Active on due to illness, malnutrition and nuclear weapons. Nonviolence) who are promoting the WM in Ecuador radiation sickness, later on further During the event hundreds of hands came toge - and preparing for its arrival in December 2009. "So, deaths occurred from a wide range of ther for this initiative held for the second year in in the months that remain before this great event terrible cancers, such as that of Ecuador and organised by the "Paper Quito" Origami the Origami Club, "Paper Quito" will continue folding club; mainly students from various schools and colle - cranes and transmit the message of peace," their Sadako Sasaki (see right). However, it ges of Quito, who folded and learnt about the wonder - spokesperson said. seems that this wasn’t enough as 3 days later the horror was repeated in Nagasaki. In recent years, people have beco - 900km tour of Côte d'Ivoire for the World March me complacent about the dangers of Between the 16th and 23rd of June the World March promotion team made a national tour of the nuclear weapons, yet with thousands West African country to set up local coordination teams in 5 cities. of them still capable of being laun - ched at a moment’s notice the risk that CôTe d'IvoIRe Thanks to funding dium. 30 artists, singers and exists of accident and failures means from the Ministry of Finance a comedians will take part toge - team of 13 intrepid World ther with speeches by dignita - we are living in constant threat: a thre - March coordinators set out to ries and representatives of at that the media mostly ignores. tour the country in a week to NGOs, etc. Before the concert The recent arrival of President publicise the World March and there will be a symbolic March Obama in Washington is certainly put in place a programme of through the city to raise aware - giving rise to a more relaxed climate events to celebrate the March ness of the WM. The launch will for talking about nuclear disarmament as it passes through the country be publicised for free on natio - with Moscow. This month we have per - in November. nal TV and radio stations. ceived symbolic gestures Armed with 2080 prospectu - World March Promotion Team Fortuné Kouadio, World of important reductions, ses and a list of contacts in each March representative in Côte the greatest reduction of of the cities, the group carried these 5 cities, then another tour d'Ivoire said, "We would like and out an exhausting series of bus of the country will take place to we would wish that representa - nuclear weapons to journeys to Yamoussoukro, raise consciousness of the need tives of the World March from date. But, nevertheless Daloa, San Pedro, Agboville and for peace through nonviolence. Togo, Benin, Mali, Burkina and there is no sign of the Adzopé. The World March will be offi - Ghana will come to this great Missile Defence System The World March will start cially launched to the public in event in Côte d'Ivoire to speak being stopped. It will need simultaneously on the 2nd of the country on the 1st of August on this day. It will be an event for October with events in all of with a concert in an Abidjan sta - the whole of West Africa." Rafa de la Rubia Festive multicultural gathering in Madrid The Centre of Cultures organised a festive gathering as a precursor to the 3rd day of dialogue between Cultures that will be held on the 24th of october in various Spanish cities. SPAIN On Sunday the 28th of June a festive multicultural gathering took place in the Central Queen something more, to go further so that of Madrid Cultural Club, organi - the nice words of President Obama put sed by diverse associations fede - an end to the nuclear threat. rated to the Centre of Cultures. WM spokesperson, Rafa de la Rubia In the morning there was a pre - will be accompanying a delegation of sentation of the March accompa - nied by videos, followed by a World without Wars in Japan at events workshop on nonviolence and a to remember Hiroshima and Nagasaki workshop of games for intercultu - and the need to create a global cons - ral diversity. In the meantime, ciousness that promotes “Zero- various workshops of games, lan - Tolerance” of nuclear weapons so that terns, and percussion instru - never more will events like these hap - ments were taking place with the pen again. De la Rubia said, “Taking children present. advantage of the experience of our Presentation during the Madrid event friends in Japan, who are lucky enough After a shared lunch, in the to have a constitution that renounces afternoon there was an opportu - nity for those present to express 750 young people from indige - to participate prior to this in the the use of war to resolve disputes, we what their participation in the nous communities, and finally events of the 6th of August to will ask them to help us in this project so event had meant for them. It is Ana, whose sensitivity was made mark the bombing of Hiroshima that their example may be followed in worth reporting the words of evident through her voice as she and also on the 2nd of October other countries. We know that only Karina from Ecuadorian Radio sang. (day of nonviolence and commen - through the combined pressure of citi - FM who committed to decidedly cement of the WM). zens will the politicians respond and do publicise everything that the Sara Tajuelo , spokesperson for what is necessary when the Non- Centre of Cultures was doing and the Centre of Cultures made a The gathering ended with the Proliferation Treaty is reviewed next the words of Olivia, recently arri - presentation about the 3rd Day music of Ana and Cristina and year. The World March is an excellent ved from Guatemala, who expres - of Dialogue between Cultures everyone got up to dance to the opportunity for that combined pressure sed her joy at the endorsement of and also invited everyone present intercultural music fusion. to be demonstrated and made felt by world’s leaders.” our endorsers DeSMOND TuTu -S IlO -J OSè SArAMAGO -r IGOBerTA MeNChù - eDuArDO GAleANO -M AIreD COrrIGAN MAGuIre -D AlAI lAMA -N OAM ChOMSKY -M IChelle BACheleT -r AFAel COrreA -C rISTINA FerNANDez - e VO MOrAleS -T ABAre VASquez -S TJePAN MeSIC -q ueeN rANIA Al ABDullAh -Y OKO ONO - V IGGO MOrTeNSeN -N OA -J uANeS -B OB WIlSON -z uBIN MehTA -P eNelOPe Cruz -P eDrO AlMODOVAr -P hIlIP GlASS - lOu reeD --l AurA PAuSINI -D ANIel BAreNBOIM -C ArOlYN CArSON -J urY CheChI -I SABel AlleNDe -M AlANGATANA Dario Fo José Ramos-Horta ITAly NoBel PRIzeS eAST TIMoR NoBel PRIzeS Italian director, dramatist, actor and set- Jose Manuel Ramos-Horta designer.
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