SITE LIST FOR OWN BRAND HOME, FASHION & FOOD MARCH 2021 INTRODUCTION The John Lewis Partnership’s relationships with its suppliers are based on honesty, fairness, courtesy and promptness. Our expectation is one of shared values, particularly when it comes to the wellbeing of workers in our supply chains, as set out in our Responsible Sourcing Code of Practice. In 2020 we set our 5 year Partnership Plan to become the go-to brands for customers who want quality, value and sustainability. As a purpose-led co-owned business, building on the progress made from our initial Human Rights strategy set in 2015, working towards transparency of our supply chains is crucial for sourcing with integrity. As part of this we produce this biannual site list. The sites listed in the following pages are all the active tier 1 production sites across our John Lewis and Waitrose suppliers for our own brand products in Home, Fashion and Food. Where available, the data published is correct as of March 2021. For information on our work on Human Rights and Modern Slavery please see our corporate website. OWN BRAND SITE LIST MARCH 2021 SUMMARY OF SITE LOCATIONS REGION NUMBER OF SITES Africa 24 Americas 15 Arab States 1 Asia Pacific 835 Europe & Central Asia 453 United Kingdom 460 TOTAL 1788 OWN BRAND SITE LIST MARCH 2021 PRODUCT NUMBER OF MALE WORKER FEMALE WORKER ACTIVE UNION OR SITE NAME ADDRESS COUNTRY CATEGORY WORKERS % % WORKER COMMITTEE Afa 3 Calzature SH.P.K Velabisht, Berat, Albania Albania Home & Fashion 221 27% 73% Yes LA AGRICOLA S.A Ruta Provincial N33 Km, 7,5 Maipu, Mendoza, 5531 Argentina Food 1242 78% 22% * St Hallett Winery 100 St Halletts Rd, Tanunda, SA 5232 Australia Food * * * * Buronga Hill Winery Buronga Hill Winery, Silver City Highway, Buronga, 2739 Australia Food 198 61% 39% * Weingut Rabl Weraingraben 10, Langenlois, A-3550 Austria Food 64 89% 11% No Weingut Markus Huber GmbH & Co KG Rechersdorf an der Traisen, Weinriedenweg 13, 3134 Austria Food 20 40% 60% No AKH Fashions Limited 133/134 (Ground 4th 6th 7th 8th & 9th Floor) Hemayetpur, Dhaka, Bangladesh (BGD) Bangladesh Fashion 1183 35% 65% Yes AKH Knitting and Dyeing Ltd 92, Phulbaria, Tetuljhora, Savar, Dhaka. Bangladesh Fashion 6950 65% 35% Yes Aman Graphics & Designs Nazimnagar, Hemayetpur, Savar, Dhaka, Bangladesh (BGD) Bangladesh Home 3804 40% 60% Yes Aman Knittings Ltd Kulashur, Hemayetpur, Savar, Dhaka, 1340, Bangladesh (BGD Bangladesh Home 1715 54% 46% Yes Coast to Coast (PVT) Ltd Itahata Bashon Chandana (Basement 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th & 9th floor) Gazipur Sadar Gazipur, Bangladesh (BGD) Bangladesh Fashion 1696 19% 81% Yes Direct Sports & Leisurewear (BD) Limited Plot No. S.A. 7, 8, R.S. 11, 12, 13 Karamtola Pubail, Gazipur, Dhaka, Bangladesh Bangladesh Fashion 374 35% 65% No Energypac Fashion Ltd Hotapara Bokran Monipur, Bhabanipur, Gazipur, Hotapara, Bangladesh (BGD) Bangladesh Fashion 4114 45% 55% Yes Energypac Fashion Ltd Hotapara Bokran Monipur, Bhabanipur, Gazipur, Hotapara, Bangladesh Bangladesh Fashion * * * * Fashionit Company Limited Hazi Hamidullah Mansion Jamgara Ashulia Saver, Dhaka, 1349, Bangladesh (BGD) Bangladesh Fashion 1173 46% 54% Yes Gooryong Fashions Ltd Plot # 27&28,Block-B,Masimpur,Tongi I/A,Gazipur,Bangladesh Bangladesh Fashion * * * * Interfab Unit 1 32/547 Kunia Gasa Union K.B Bazar PO : National University, Gazipur Sadar, Gazipur, Bangladesh Bangladesh Fashion 3402 37% 63% Yes Interlink Apparels Ltd Plot#1619-21, Vogra, Gazipur, Bangladesh Bangladesh Fashion * * * * Jaroms Industries Ltd 13/2 Abdus Satter Master Road Gazipura, Tongi ,Gazipur, Bangladesh (BGD) Bangladesh Fashion 495 48% 52% Yes Kimberley Design 214/3, Technogpara, Joydebpur, Gazipur, Bangladesh Bangladesh Fashion 1328 35% 65% Yes Monno Ceramic Industries Limited Purba Ponchash Dhamrai Dhaka, Bangladesh (BGD) Bangladesh Home 949 35% 65% Yes New Horizon BD Ltd Kalma, Savar, Dhaka, Bangladesh Bangladesh Fashion 550 63% 37% Yes SGWICUS (BD) Limited Plot#73 77-80 DEPZ Ganakbari Savar, Dhaka, 1349, Bangladesh (BGD) Bangladesh Fashion 1562 8% 92% Yes Young Socks Ltd Sreepur Ganakbari Ashulia, Savar, Dhaka, Bangladesh (BGD) Bangladesh Fashion 202 53% 47% Yes Z & Z Intimates Limited Plot: 01-03 Road 02 (Factory Bay Area) CEPZ Chattogram, Bangladesh (BGD) Bangladesh Fashion 1333 19% 81% Yes OAO Elema 5 Trostenetskaya Street , Minsk , Belarus Belarus Fashion 1001 10% 90% Yes The Belgian Chocolate Group NV Geelseweg 72, 2250 Olen, Olen, 2250 Belgium Food 122 52% 48% Yes Terbeke Pluma A Van Der Pluymstraat 1, Wommelgem Belgium Food 465 67% 33% Yes SAS NV DENNELAN, 10, Beerse, 2340 Belgium Food 110 41% 59% Yes Roma Industrieweg 15, Boom, 2850 Belgium Food * * * No Poppies International Poppies NV, Kasteelstraat 29, Zonnebeke, 8980 Belgium Food 195 66% 34% Yes Pauwels Herent Bieststraat 6, 3020 Herent, Herent, 3020 Belgium Food 127 80% 20% Yes Mulder Natural Foods N.V. Beversesteenweg 584, Beveren-Roeselare, B-8800 Belgium Food 272 69% 31% Yes Materne Confilux Allee des Cerisiers 1, B-5150 Belgium Food 569 67% 33% Yes Lutosa Zone industrielle du Vieux Pont, 5, Leuze-en-Hainaut, 7900 Belgium Food 500 84% 16% Yes Limelco NV Genkerbaan 75, Zonhoven, 3520 Belgium Food 180 77% 23% Yes Guina Guina N.V./S.A., Leuvensesteenweg.194, Machelen Belgium Food 47 66% 34% Yes Greenyard Prepared Belgium N.V. Industrieterrein Kanaal-Noord 2002, Bree, B 3960 Belgium Food 976 65% 35% Yes Greenyard Frozen N.V. (Convenience Cuisine) Poelkapelle Straat 71, 8920 LANGEMARK, LANGEMARK, 8920 Belgium Food 59 66% 34% Yes Eurofreez N.V. Molendeef 22-24, 8972 Proven, Belguim Belgium Food 272 63% 37% Yes Dujardin Foods NV division Kortemark Krekebekestraat 5, B-8610 , KORTEMARK, B-8610 Belgium Food 451 63% 37% Yes Dujardin Foods N.V. (Koolskamp) Zwevezeelsestraat 142, B-8851 Ardooie-Koolskamp, Koolskamp, 8851 Belgium Food 451 63% 37% Yes Dujardin Foods N.V. - division Kortemark Krekebekestraat 5, B-8610 Kortemark, Kotemark, 8610 Belgium Food 54 57% 43% Yes Destrooper-Olivier De Leiteweg 9, Oostkamp, 8020 Belgium Food 110 32% 68% * Dessert Factory Rue de la Metallurgie 41, 4530 Villers-Le-Bouillet, Belgium, 4530 Belgium Food 73 63% 37% No Caluwe Demande Herentalsebaan 516, Wommelgem, 2160 Belgium Food 42 26% 74% Yes OWN BRAND SITE LIST MARCH 2021 PRODUCT NUMBER OF MALE WORKER FEMALE WORKER ACTIVE UNION OR SITE NAME ADDRESS COUNTRY CATEGORY WORKERS % % WORKER COMMITTEE Biscuiterie Jules Destrooper nv Zwaanhofweg 20, 8900 Ieper Belgium Food 194 53% 47% Yes Belgium (NAAMOLOZE VENNOOTSCHAP), A. STOCLETLAAN 3, DUFFEL, 2570 Belgium Home 168 93% 7% Yes Agristo Nazareth Venecoweg 12, Nazareth, 8910 Belgium Food 179 83% 17% * Bru Textiles Satenrozen 2a, Kontich, 2550, Belgium Belgium Home * * * * Spaas Kaarsen NV ndustriestraat 1, B-3930 Hamont-Achel Belgium Home 154 56% 44% Yes Blue Skies Brazil Rodovia Prof. Alfredo Rolim de Moura, 115 (Antiga Mogi- Sales), Sao Paulo Brazil Food 161 30% 70% No Calçados Sandra Ltda Rua Henrique Hoffmann, 2945 Nova Hartz, Rio Grande do Sul, 9389, Brazil Brazil Fashion 498 44% 56% Yes Indústria de Calçados Wirth Ltda – Matriz Rua Frei Caneca, 600 -Moinho Velho, Dois, Irmãos, Brazil Brazil Fashion 310 37% 63% Yes Antoan Vill 1 Hristo Botev Str Rousse 7015, Bulgaria Bulgaria Fashion * * * * Chinor 11 Ltd (Kredi) 64, Lipnik str, Rousse 7015, Bulgaria Bulgaria Fashion * * * * Pasabahce Bulgaria EAD District Vabel, Industrial, Zone, 7700, Targovishte, Bulgaria Bulgaria Home 1979 56% 44% Yes Stone Textile Ltd t/a sonmez International Ltd 1 Yuldaram Str, Dzhebel, Bulgaria Bulgaria Fashion 123 13% 87% Yes CWKH Garment (Cambodia) Limited No. 904 Phum Prey Tea Sangkat Chom Chao Khan Dangkor, Phnom Penh, 12104, Cambodia (KHM) Cambodia Fashion 908 14% 86% Yes GW Rui Xing Co Ltd National Road 2, Kandoeung Touch Village, Kandoeung Commune, Baty District, Takeo Province, Kingdom of Cambodia 210804 Cambodia Fashion * * * * Products Belle Baie Ltd 10 Rue Du Quai, Caraquet, E1W 1B6 Canada Food 172 40% 60% No Decacer Degelis 9020 2292 Quebec Inc 21 Rue Industrielle, Degelis, Quebec , G5T 2J8 Canada Food 60 47% 53% * BISCUITS LECLERC LTEE 95 de Rotterdam, Saint-Augustin-de-Desmaures (Quebec), G3A1T1 Canada Food 229 60% 40% No Alaska General Seafood Naknek (Canfisco) PO Box 149, Mile 1 Peninsula Highway, Alaska, 99633 Canada Food 666 74% 26% Yes Acadian Supreme (Whitecap) 08323 Route 11, Wellington, C0B 2E0 Canada Food 189 34% 66% * Vina Valdivieso Luz Pereira 1849, Lontue, Chile Chile Food 112 69% 31% Yes Miguel Torres (Chile) Panamericana Sur KM.195, Curico, Santiago, 333 Chile Food 206 74% 26% No Empresas Lourdes S.A. Usd Santelices 2830, Isla de Maipo, Talagante, 2830 Chile Food * * * * AKA Company Ltd Chengjia, Xiamatang Town, Nanfen District, Benxi City, Liaoning Province, 11716, China China Home 48 44% 56% Yes 1755 Anfu CE Link Limited Anfu Industrial ParkJi'An CityJi'An CityJi'An CityJiangxi Province3432China, China Home #VALUE! #VALUE! Yes Anhui Twinkle Tourist Articles Co Ltd South Gaochengdong Road, Economic & Technological Development Zone, Luan City, Anhui Province, China China Fashion 335 26% 74% Yes Anji Chaoyang Art & Crafts Co Ltd Wanmu Village Economic Development Zone, Anji, Zhejiang, China (CHN) China Home 34 47% 53% Yes Anji Fuhe Furniture Co Ltd Fantan Industrial ZoneDipu TownAnjiHuzhouZhejiang3133China China Home 651 56% 44% Yes Anji Juyuan Furniture Co Ltd Bamboo Industrial Zone Xiaofeng Town Anji County, , Huzhou, Zhejiang, China (CHN) China Home 265 55% 45% No Anji Saiwen Furniture Co Ltd 3F No. 1 Building Kangshan Industrial Zone (Guishan Yuanzhongyuan) Anji County, Huzhou, Zhejiang, China (CHN) China Home 77 60% 40% Yes Anji Shengxing Office Furniture Co Ltd Tangpu Industrial Park, Anji County, Huzhou City, Zhejiang Province, China China Home 481 59% 41% Yes Anji Zhongxing Hardware Manufacture Co Ltd Fantan Industrial Park Economic Development Zone, Anji, Zhejiang, China (CHN) China Home 29 45% 55% No Arcadia Design Lighting Co Ltd No. 14 1st Road BeiAn Industrial District Huang Jiang Town, Dongguan, Guangdong, China (CHN) China Home 52 35% 65% Yes Arctic-Air Home Appliance Co Ltd The West of 2F Building 4 Aomen Ind.
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