Chronologyof Cairo COMPILED BY SEIF EL RASHIDI EARLY ISLAMIC TULUNIDS FATIMIDS AYYUBIDS EGYPT (868-904) (969-II71) (II7I-1250) (639-868) AND IKHSHIDS (935-969) I I I IIII IIII I IIII lII I I I II I 639 868 969 1176 '4mr ibnal-'As entersEgypt AbbasidCaliph al-Mu'tazz Fatimidsenter Fustat Salahal-Din al-Ayyubi from Syria appointsBakbak asgovernor with littleresistance; becomessultan, extends to Egypt;Bakbak sends Jawharal-Siqillifounds Cairo'sfortifications 640 Ahmad ibn Tuluninstead al-Qahirain anticipation andconstructs citadel Byzantineforces of thearrival of theFatimid defeatedatAinShams 869 Caliph al-Muizzfrom 1187 Ahmadibn Tulun rules North Africa. Salahal-Din 641 independentlyfromAbbasid Al-Qahira becomesthe seat recapturesJerusalem Babylon(the Roman caliphate,foundsal-Qata'i of the Fatimidempire settlementnear the latercity 1193 Salahal-Din diesand Ayyubid of Cairo) capitulatesand 905 973 Muslimarmiesform Tuluniddynasty collapses Al-Muizz arrivesin Egypt empireisfragmented thesettlement known andEgypt revertsto direct 1199 asal-Fustat (Tent City) Abbasidcontrol 989 Al-Azhar becomesa centre Al-Adil unitesAyyubid empire 642 highereducation under 935 for 1240 Arab armiestake ibn Tughj Muhammad Ya'qubibn Killis Al-Salih Ayyub buildsup Alexandria rulesEgypt autonomously anarmy of Turkishslaves underthe titleof al-Ikhshidi 1073 (the BahriMamluks) 644-645 givento himby the Al-Mustansirsummons Abortiveattempt by AbbasidCaliph Badral-Jamali,governor 1250 Byzantinetroops to of Acre,to quellviolence LouisIX capturedby reclaimEgypt 968 inEgypt Ayyubidarmy inMansourah; Kafur al-lkhshididies; al-SalihAyyub dies 750 politicaland economicstrife lo87 Abbasidsenter Egypt andis succeededby hisson encourageFatimid conquest Badral-Jamali, now the Fatimid andfoundal-Askar TuranShah of Egypt vizier,consolidates Cairo's walls 1o96 First crusadebegins 1099 Fall ofJerusalem to theFranks 1169 Salahal-Din al-Ayyubi takescontrol of Egypt 244 BAHRI CIRCASSIAN OTTOMANS MODERN MAMLUKS MAMLUKS (I5I7-I805) EGYPT (I250-I382) (I382-I5I7) (1805-) - ----- - 1250 1382 1517 18051848 Brief reignof ShagaretEl Dorr Sultan Barquqseizes power, Khayrbekappointed MuhammadAli Pasha; as Sultana establishingCircassian Mamluk first Ottomangovernor virtualindependence dynasty from the Ottomancourt, 1258 1768 comprehensiveefforts Ali Bey al-Kabirrevolts Mongolscapture Baghdad 1400 to moderniseEgypt Tamerlanesacks Damascus, againstthe Ottomans, 1260 andeconomy deteriorates, takespart of Arabia 1854-1863 Baybarsdefeats Mongols plagueandfamine are rife SaidPasha; grants concession at AinJalut and reinstates 1772 to the Frenchto construct Revoltof Ali Bey al-Kabir AbbasidCaliph in Cairo 1412 the Suez Canal Mu'ayyadSheikh retakes Syria, suppressed 1283 rulesuntil his deathin 1421 1863-1879 17981801 Sultan Qalawunbuilds. KhediveIsmail; construction Frenchexpedition to Egypt; monumentalcomplex 1422 of European-styledistricts Napoleonfounds includinga maristan Reign of Barsbaybringsperiod of Cairoin anticipation l'Institutd'Egypte (hospital) of peace,cultural vitality of theopening of the Suez andincreased trade Canal in 1869 1291 1805 MuhammadAli expels Ashraf Khalildefeats 1468-1496 1936-'1952 Ottomangovernor crusaders,who retreat to Cyprus Culturalrevival FaroukI; deposedand exiled andis confirmedwali of Egypt underSultan Qaytbay by Revolutionary 1293-1341 SelimIII by Sultan CommandCouncil Threereigns of al-Nasir 1488 Muhammad Cape Discoveryof 1952-1953 of GoodHope has an adverse Ahmad FouadII; Regency 1340-1382 effecton tradein Egypt Councilrules until 1953, Descendantsof Qalawun whena republicis declared remainin power 1516 Sultan al-Ghawriloses battle withMuhammad Naguib aspresident againstOttomans. Khayrbek, governorof Aleppo, 1954 betraysthe Mamluks GamalAbdel Nasser becomespresident of Egypt 1517 TumanbayII captured 1958-1961 andhung, Ottomans Egypt andSyria mergetoform takeover Egypt the UnitedArab Republic 1970 Abdel Nasserdies; Anwar El Sadatbecomes president of Egypt 1981 Sadatis assassinated; MuhammadHosni Mubarak becomespresident 245.
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