,J ..- •. "... , "" . ' , ' r' • r . " ,\ " , . , I J. ", < , " -' " , , I , , , " ' . " "'~~"', , j " , ' , ' , . , I .'. ~ ,, ~ .' , , . .. , ' , I Or , , ."~'~DA_"", ..,. , ' ' 0 • Ell.·l' ,'.,,,' .-,:- ... " " I " , , , " , " ~ " , " ',..., . , , ' '~ .. ; , " , , ,', ' . '.. ". , . INSIDE' , , ' I < ••' , ., . " t - ... " • ,", I ,". .' , ' , " '~)': ~, ',"~,I., '. __ , '.' ".. " <: -, _. < " ; '. ':'e""""r"""--"e""s""o,, ; " , ," " ", " , ,'" ': " ," ,':'" , " ~ " ,' . ['" ' r" ,:.", • • ' •• ', " , I I' .. ' ," . < • , ", CAMPFIRES WILL BE ALLOWED~ FIRE DANGER WILL BE,EASEDTO~vEitY:HIGH;:" , ' . ','" " ' " " ," , ' . NO , ,'- ,; , " . '.. '. , ,~"·'lB' 'S, •'. Sporadic ~ainfall qu~nches athitsty Li~colnCounty",', '.. • > - ." , ~. • .. ' • ~: ' - ". ". ' , • • ' ... '. a ,. DIANNE"STALUNGS ' One Tough. ",' dstaUi,;tn@ruiJosonnvs,&~m ~ , Pilgrlm,.' -,~--,~ '~.. - ~ -_.~:.:.::.::.=-...... ......;~~_.. -,_.~~--', -~ ....... _- ,_.Oefe,nds,FreeSpirit .TIe 40Q,OOO·acre Liilcoln , a~onal 'FoJ'e~t aro1,1nd, Handicap " ' , RUIdoso," which w~s- ~, closed May ~3,' will reopen.to the public at;8 a.~., ,Friday. beCause ofjmproved moisture COI1.d.itiODB. '' .' , 'Stage Two fire restrictionS- 6A BUSINESS will be ,in effect, prohibiting' ~p:tires. But camping will be ,Color" the' new allowed, ,,.' mid school Officials .. with the U.S. Forest,t' Service, in ' 'the green ~ ·maybe o Sacrmnento 'and SniQKey Bear ", ,'Ranger Districts.ofthe '~tion.. at forest effec'ted a partial, clo­ .. sure May 2, then moved to full . cl~sUre later that til,onth when weeks' ,went by without any ,4A" OPINiON rain. The closure May 23 was the fourth in, 10 years for ,Resignation was Smokey aear in the Ruidoso ~d Bonito, Lake area because .I" ... not a shocker of the, extreme risk of wildfire tied to drought. The Guadalup'e' Ranger .l District near Carlsbad com.. ! pletes the '1.I-million acre I national forest and was in the I worst shape of the three dis-, trieta, a ,Forest Service spokes- I man said~ , The fire dangerratingin the + Smo~ey8e{lr District will drop + I. - ," • Friday fronl "extreme" to ":very - II, high!' " Ruidoso residents were dancing in the rain overth'e weekend, although the total accumulation wasn't enough to ~9A put the area back into line for I I normal precipitatioa i A meteorologist with the WEEDS : National Weather Service " Office in .AlbuquerqUe said the Texas man i showers don't represent an El 'I" Nino, a wanner Paci.6.c current becomes a ·that usually results in heavier warrior rain for the Sacramento Mountains. The welcomed downpours .. - - FrIday through Monday are just an early launch of the MJECAI1"EIIITAff INDEX This AaU•• Teus,family didn't know how rare a sight their umbreHas were on Tuesday as they shopped Midtrr...n in a slow steady shoy."er. From feft 10 righl Carltw'ell ....•. .. .. .4A See FOREST, page 7A are Jennifer Kotka. Susan Allman, Brian Bailey and Jim AUman with baby Braedon Kolko in the sUoHer. Classifieds 8-10B Comi<::s • ... •••..•• .. • lit7B I D' h £ .'- Community Page 2A .j . owns opens searc or a'new director ofpublic safety • Crossword 78 DEANNA CHENEY Denny, at that time, indicated scan· "WhenI ~as broughtinasstore tllan- - ,'II ~~idoJO~;I~ dal fatigue and argued the necessity of ager Chief Denny came by to introduce Education ' 6A undue interference by perspns who, he himself and to let me know that if we ~ers " , 4, 5A The search for a new director ofpub­ saw as wanting to ctpoliticize the needed anything atall to call him atany lic safety for the City ofRuidoso DoWns process." titne. It is this type ofrelationship'that J1ncoln,County ~, got underway this week following "'there are· so many sm.all police makesworkingtogetherasateAmmuch ()bitdati,~'~ Thursday's resignation ofRobertDenny'- dep~entsout there where people in -easiert SimpsOn wrote.. , .. ' :38 John. Waters, city manager, said Diy position get pushed around because From the startDenny said his priori... OpfiliOh •.' ... ' 4, SA Acting Lieutenant Ricqard .Schwahn of political entities." Denny told the ties wouldbe to"restorethe imageofthe • • 'l' ~ will be,in chilrge of the :Public Safety News. "Politics and law enforcement do Ruidoso ,Downs Police Department and Police. o ••••' •••' •• '••• .,38 division until a new chief is found'and not mix." to nurture morale'-within the ranks.'; , confirmed by'the city council. , Posj'-tive' J...:w..:""":41l ,. On Maya· the Ruidoso News pub- "ae:4 -Estate 9B Denny, who is taking a teaching job ' , ,an..~g · lished a letter"signed bynps employees ~poftS :.j~ elsewhare in criminal justice, h~ When hiJ'ied as Director of the DPS, praising Denny for "accomplishing <l.;, 2S, worked for the Downs for the past three Denny receivedunanimo~approval of many things in a short tiJne" and for .weather .•:~: .. .. •. .2A years'and was promoted from lieutenant the city council as well as a nod ofsup- bringing" the department "together in i:' ol_:.~.. _. .po~ P()li~ to chief May 9; 2005,1 replacirig·Robert from WolfgangHoi'll;Ruidoso mutual respeCtand integrity." ." Logan. Since that time, l>enny ~ been Chie£ Denny was reappointed ~ March, Waters said he 'Viewed ~nnys resig... plagued by aceusatioliS t.hatbis depart­ ~; ~ receivirig.the backing ofthe· ,:JUltion as having 'been "tendered under ment is unrespo~ve ,to, commutnty ,full council, his staff, andrn.embers of· favorable terms" and said a search for needs. ' , . the public. his replacement will include a.dvertise- In May a disagreentent' between' 'Letters of' recommend.af;ion onthements with the Police ChiefAssociation, newspaper8~ , , DenilY and City Councilor Stte Garrett reappointment were submitted as well area and on the' ,New over a community surVey Denny initint- by Richard Swenor, di.rector ofcorporate Mexico and Texas Municipal Web sites. 0" 40901 19701 o ,ed was made public,'when Denn.yspoke security for the Rui~oso. Downs Race Oenny is on· administrative leave ' h.EPIiOnI 'openly with,the Ruidoso News, igniting , Track & Casino, andRaymond Simpson, throUgh the e~ectivedate orms res~· Ponce ,GIlle,· Roben Denny's resignation " fuiiher' controve~~ . manager ofWal...Matt SuperCenter. , tion; orJuly 28. officially goes into effect on July 28. ... ,I 111. '_ 1. sese sec 2 a 5 a aesc 5 saese a 2 •••& 2 j • & sa 2 &U 21&,,4 ••• au.. ¥ && a .urpc¥ o.a z ,&W,ees,u.c.. cea4e.O,A••o+u. a,UCf+u::_••LW!'..."!""'._'W_ .. 4i!i" __ "!"!_ ...1"'": .__'_ ...... ""'l"·~;~;""":-:" - ""~'--:",:,""" -,\.-r,--C'-:T:_ '. ' '. ,.' , ' , ' " "".'." '\ , ',. , , , • , , • , • J , , . ',' VVJU>NI!SDAY, ]1I$ ~8;Zo06" PAGE ;u. • RulOOSO NEWS . ',r'r \ ,' . '. ',",.. .' THE'Co', j ! . ," , PAGE , , ' . , " , l"t , "',~: -'.,'r,.:,' ',"" __,:,mulws:" " .' ,,' ROWING FQRFISH, ' ,.' " M~~ ,parade m' tenmljomd..;~;~il~ , ," "yrnes,v~B ......... $l~ , "TqdaYisth~dea<llliJ.e rot ,'l'reptclw outlined som.e of, ei)terWg 'the 27th ,'ann~theclub's ~8,1s for the ~~ar. , ,Mesc:aIeIV·Celebration,P~de. "Qur'clubWU! besJlQD$9ring , The parade will takep)il!:e,';)tali exQ~..tudent this ye~; lQ a.;lp..Tu~ilay,;"'uly4.This the fiillt time' in years. 8;/:ld we yeal"s tlleDleis~escalero, wID be Cj)Iloouing oureftQrts at ~of FIin and Stm." Aw~ the ;Juarez ~tph.lulages,"h~, will be ~ven iJl,the fofioWingsaicl.' "We wiU !3st\lblisha' 1 ~t.ego"~IJ; Sweepstllkes,MaJ"- Rotary Day during til.." '1U1Jl~ clJing UniUl"Best Theme"BestSantlJ,'s Helpe;rs, ell"ent t<tas8l8t ~Jj'Joa~; . HOJ;8e ,Entries, ,Bicycle", 'tfult,wortll.y, c;aUE!ef~r l,incoln • ,,Entrie.ilTtaditional ancl Mis- 'County famihlls.. and' we iW30 ~narie~: A:w~4. ¢ere~u~y" 'hc?~t<t liecon:J.e more ~volved ,for the panm~ win beheld a1;5 WIth the s.chool system..". p.m., July 04 at the Mesca).ero, ' " Tb;e Ro~ Club ~f RuidosO Ce~monial Grounlls, ,' has served t~areaSIDCt! ).952. , Foro more info.rm~tion~con­ . tact velma Lee Kanseaha:t· ,4Jdiot Despera.:dQes' " 464-Q648 or Janelle Geronimo , ' ," " . ' ' " . '. at 464-3807.' ' The. I;lubbarcl l\Iluseumpf ,the AmeriCan' WtlSt, will hOlit NeW Ro-....' officers . the 'next "I'?atuffl Y;,s at t!ie " ,,-7 , ' , Hu,bbard" progr senes The Ruidoso Rotary Olub' 'at'11 a;m. Sa 'ay, July 1; installed· the 2006~07 officers 'wi,th a presllnt tion titled, "and directl)rti Tuelld!1y at ,Alto., ~l~ot; Desper~dC! s"'by 10C<l1 Lakes Golf and Country Club. , Irl.storiilIi Drew,. mber.· Gom- , '''I walit to: thank every' , ber wUl relate ' he, stories of ! ' Rotlnian who helwd me dup.ng 'some of the ~ "1e~ bright" ~ut-. the past year andespec1811y' ll'lwstltatro~l!.,theAmenc,an, I Lynn 'Will8rd for his commit- WeskThe taUtproDrls~ to be. 'I Dlent as Program Glutinpmi" humorous and enlightening. " , \ said PhilliS Barnett, 2005-06 "'Drew is a pOpular $pel;\ker, J V.-A.IIAIIIll$IIllISAfF ciub president~ "We had some 'and he knows his toPic, veO' , .' The 13th annual Youth. Fishing Day.at Grindstone Lake drew 160 kids, Including logan Birdsong (turning to camera) of Ruidoso. Each parlicipalJt received a .' great progrilms this,year." ,well," said Jay SInith, museum prize or a hat, made posslb1e by donatIOns of local merchants. Grindstone was used because Bonito lake was closed due to fire r:eslrietIQns. ' ,, .Officers installed for 2006- . director. }l:istorians tend to f 07 were: Brad Treptow, presi. fOCUS on "he famC!us, but this dent; Caml Lester, president' presentation is mC!J:e about,the • f elect; Georgi~ Undenvood, see. infamC!us and forgotten who .' ,retary; Joe, Wright, treasurer; failed to make their mark in Gary Thompson, sgt. off anns; history, in sqme cases because Freda Howard McSwane, com-
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