The International Programme for Technology and Research in Irrigation and Drainage (IPTRID) is an international multi-donor programme, co- managed by partner organizations, created in 1990 at the request of the International Commission for Irrigation and Drainage (ICID). Its Secretariat, fi rst located at the World Bank, was transferred to FAO EGYPT’S EXPERIENCE IN in 1998, where it is being hosted, in the Land and Water Division (NRL) as a Special Programme. IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE RESEARCH UPTAKE IPTRID aims at improving the uptake of research, exchange of technology and management innovations by means of capacity development in the irrigation and drainage systems and FINAL REPORT sectors of developing countries to reduce poverty, 2007 enhance food security and improve livelihoods, while conserving the environment. IPTRID acts as a facilitator mobilizing the expertise of a worldwide network of leading institutions in the fi eld of irrigation, drainage and water resources management. Together with its partners, the IPTRID Secretariat provides advisory services and technical assistance to countries and development agencies, for the formulation and implementation of strategies, programmes, and projects. During the last ten For further information about the IPTRID years, it has been supported by more than twenty Programme, please contact the IPTRID Secretariat international organizations and government agencies. The present Programme is cofi nanced at the following address: by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the United Kingdom, the IPTRID Secretariat Netherlands, France and Spain, the World Bank and Land and Water Division the International Fund for Agricultural Development Food and Agriculture Organization of the (IFAD). United Nations Viale delle Terme di Caracalla 00153 Rome, Italy Tel.: (+39) 06 57052068 Fax.: (+39) 06 57056275 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.iptrid.com TC/D/A1522E/1/12.07/500 EGYPT’S EXPERIENCE IN IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE RESEARCH UPTAKE FINAL REPORT 2007 IPTRID Team Maher Salman, Technical Offi cer, IPTRID, NRL Carlos Garces, Programme Manager, IPTRID, NRL NWRC Team Shaden Abdel-Gawad, President, NWRC Hussam Fahmy, Director, DRI Maha Tawfi k, Director, SRI Ashraf El- Sayed, Associate Research Professor, DRI Rasha El- Kholy, Associate Research Professor, NWRC-HQ Sherif Mohamady, Researcher, HRI Ossama Gamea, Researcher, CLEQM Mohamed Abdel Salam, Researcher, ECRI IPTRID SECRETARIAT ROME, December 2007 The designations employed and the presentation of material in this information product do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations concerning the legal or de- velopment status of any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. All rights reserved. Reproduction and dissemination of material in this information product for educational or other non-commercial purposes are authorized without any prior written permission from the copyright holders provided the source is fully acknowledged. Reproduction of material in this information product for resale or other commercial purposes is prohibited without written permission of the copyright holders. Applications for such permission should be addressed to: Chief, Electronic Publishing Policy and Support Branch, Information Division, FAO, Viale delle Terme di Caracalla, 00153 Rome, Italy or by e-mail to [email protected] © FAO 2007 iii LIST OF CONTENTS LIST OF ACRONYMS vi ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS viii PREFACE ix EXECUTIVE SUMMARY xi 1. INTRODUCTION 1 1.1. Origin of Water Research in Egypt 1 1.2. Study Rationale and Objectives 3 1.3. Adopted Methodology 4 1.3.1. Identifi cation of relevant research 5 1.3.2. Instruments 6 1.3.3. Analysis 6 1.4 REPORT STRUCTURE 7 2. WATER RESEARCH UPTAKE IN EGYPT 9 2.1. Research Uptake Framework: Defi nitions 9 2.2. Research Uptake Framework: Application to Egyptian Experience 13 2.2.1. Applied Processes 13 2.2.2. Institutional Setup 16 2.2.3. Setting Research Agenda 17 2.2.4. Researchers-Stakeholders Roles and Linkages 18 2.2.5. Research Funding 19 3. RESEARCH UPTAKE CASE STUDIES 21 3.1. Case Study I: Irrigation/Egypt Water Use and Management Project 22 3.1.1. Rationale and Objectives 22 3.1.2. Conducted Research and Findings 23 3.1.3. Uptake and Impact 26 3.1.4. Summary 29 3.2. Case Study II: Subsurface Drainage 32 3.2.1. Rationale and Objectives 32 3.2.2. Conducted Research and Findings 34 3.2.3. Uptake and Impact 37 3.2.4. Summary 39 3.3. Case Study III: Water Quality 43 3.3.1. Rationale and Objectives 43 3.3.2. Conducted Research and Findings 47 3.3.3. Uptake and Impact 51 3.3.4. Summary 53 3.4. Case Study IV: Grand Hydraulic Structures 58 3.4.1. Rationale and Objectives 58 3.4.2. Conducted Research and Findings 60 iv 3.4.3. Uptake and Impact 63 3.4.4. Summary 64 3.5. Case Study V: Weed Contro 65 3.5.1. Rationale and Objectives 65 3.5.2. Conducted Research and Findings 67 3.5.3. Uptake and Impact 71 3.5.4. Summary 71 4. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 75 4.1. Strengths 75 4.2. Constraints 76 4.3. Recommendations for Improvement 77 4.4. The Way Forward 78 5. REFERENCES 80 ANNEX 1: LIST OF INTERVIEWEES 85 ANNEX 2: INTERVIEW STRUCTURE AND QUESTIONNAIRE 87 ANNEX 3: INTERVIEW SYNOPSIS 89 v LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1: Water Availability and Demand in Egypt 2 Figure 2: Methodology Flow Chart. 5 Figure 3: Characteristics of Different Research Modes 11 Figure 4: Pathway for Research Uptake (Adapted from IDRC, 2001) 12 Figure 5: Application of Research Uptake Framework to Egypt Experience 14 Figure 6: Organizational Mapping of NWRC and MWRI 16 Figure 7: Schematic Diagram of Irrigation Case Study 22 LIST OF PHOTOS Photo 1: Water User Association and Improved Mesqas 26 Photo 2: Improved Delivery system: Radial Gates on Irrigation Off-take 27 Photo 3: Installation of Pre-Cast Concrete Manholes 38 Photo 4: Trenchless Installation Machine 40 Photo 5: Water Course Pollution in the Delta, Egypt 44 Photo 6: In-situ Measurements for Water Quality Monitoring 51 Photo 7: New Naga Hammadi Barrage 59 Photo 8: Physical Hydraulic Model of the New Naga Hammadi Barrage 61 Photo 9: Mechanical Weed Control: Harvesting Equipment 66 Photo 10: Delta Breeding Station Hatchery 68 Photo 11: Water Course Pollution by Household Garbage in the Delta, Egypt 69 LIST OF TABLES Table 1: Summary of Research Uptake Case Study I – Irrigation 29 Table 2: Summary of Research Uptake Case Study II – Subsurface Drainage 40 Table 3: Summary of Research Uptake Case Study III – Water Quality 54 Table 4: Summary of Research Uptake Case Study IV – Grand Hydraulic Structures 64 Table 5: Summary of Research Uptake Case Study V – Weed Control 72 vi LIST OF ACRONYMS BCWUAs Branch Canal Water User Associations CIDA Canadian International Development Agency CLEQM Central Laboratory for Environmental Quality Monitoring CMRI Channel Maintenance Research Institute DBS Delta Breeding Station DRP-I Drainage Research Programme DWQP Drainage Water Quality Project ECRI Environmental and Climate Research Institute EMGR Environmental Management of Groundwater Resources EPADP Egyptian Public Authority for Drainage Projects EWUP Egypt Water Use and Management Project GIS Geographic Information System GoE Government of Egypt GS Groundwater Sector HAD High Aswan Dam HADSERI High Aswan Dam Side Effect Research Institute HDPE High Density Polyethyelene HRI Hydraulic Research Institute IAS Irrigation Advisory Service IIIMP Integrated Irrigation Improvement and Management Project IIP Irrigation Improvement Project IIS Irrigation Improvement Sector IPTRID International Programme for Technology and Research in Irrigation and Drainage IWRM Integrated Water Resources Management MADWQ Monitoring and Analysis of Drainage Water Quality Project MALR Ministry of Agriculture and Land Reclamation MOH Ministry of Health MOI Ministry of Irrigation MPW Ministry of Public Works MWRI Ministry of Water Resources and Irrigation NAWQAM National Water Quality and Availability Management NDP National Drainage Programmes NRI Nile Research Institute NWQMN National Water Quality Monitoring Network NWRC National Water Research Center vii NWRP National Water Resources Plan PLL Precision Land Levelling PVC Poly-Vinyl Chloride RDWP Reuse of Drainage Water Project RIGW Research Institute for Groundwater RNDPS River Nile Development and Protection Sector RNPD River Nile Protection and Development project SIWARE Simulation of Water Management in the Arab Republic of Egypt USAID US Agency for International Development WMRI Water Management Research Institute WRC Water Research Center WUAs Water Users Associations UNITS BCM Billion Cubic Meter cm Centimeter Co Centigrade feddan 4200 m2 Kg/ha/yr kilogram per hectare per year L.E. Egyptian pound lit/sec liter per second m meter m2 square meter m3 / sec cubic meter per second m3 cubic meter mil 0.02 mil water mm millimeter viii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This report has been prepared following a proposal submitted by the National Water Research Center (NWRC) in January 2006 to IPTRID-FAO presenting the approach/ methodology applied by the Center demonstrating the role played by research in formulating and implementing the Ministry of Water Resources and Irrigation (MWRI) policies and practices. The study was carried out by a NWRC team representing the different research activities pursued by the Center under the supervision of the IPTRID technical team. The authors of the report would like to thank Professor Shaden Abdel-Gawad,
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