VOLUME 46 No 81 South A.mboy, N. J., Friday, March 26,1926. Price Four Cents. BOARD DECIDES ON PARENT TEACHERS CITY TO PAY $15 PER FOOT FOR AT SACRED HEART INCREASE OF FOURTEEN POINTS ELECTRIFICATION Organized Last Sunday With A Total Pass Resolution At Special Meeting IN LOCAL TAX RATE THIS YEAR SHORE FRONT RIPARIAN RIGHTS Wednesday Evening. Of Ninety Members. Acceptance Of Commerce & Navigation Board's Offer For The Board of Public Works has On Sunday afternoon last a Pa- JNew Rate, Announced Yesterday, Fixed at $5.74 Per $100 gone on record ras committing the de-rent-Teachers Association was or- Six Hundred Feet To Cost About $10,000—Whitehead partment to electrification of the ganized in Sacred Heart Parish by I? Third Highest In County—Increase In School And water plant. Action to'this effect the Diocesan Council officers of Tract Is Purchased By A. T. McMichael. was taken at a special meeting of Trenton in the Sacred Heart Audi- City Rates Offset County Tax Decrease Here. the Board held on Wednesday even- torium with an enrollment oi ninety ing when a resolution to electrify at mombers. The 1926 tax rate in this city will step forward toward the a cost not to exceed fifteen thousand The meeting was opened by Miss be $5.74 per $100 valuation, accord- dollars was adopted. All of the Mary L. Convery, president of the ing to figures given out by the Mid- WILLIAM J. O'BRIEN members of the Board were in at- Mount Carnwl Guild. Miss Convery DORIS BERRIEN dlesex county tax board late yester- tendance at the meeting and there imparted to the Mothers the purpose day. This is an increase of 14 points HAS ATONE RECORD was no opposition to the action. of this invaluable association and Of WINS MANY LAURELS over the 1925 rate, caused chiefly Lead* Insurance Agents Of Hi» Com Final plans for the electrification the splendid work being carried on As Star Basketball Player On Sul- by the increase in the cost of run- pany In Industrial Increase. of the plant have not yet 'been sub- throughout the Dioceso by tho Moth- Hn'» College, Va., Team. ning the schools during the present mitted by the engineer and no de- ers composed of Polish, Slavish, year, the school rate this year being With William J. O'Brien, of this cision has been made by the Board Hungarian and Italian people. Mainly responsible for the unde- $1.40 as against $1.23 last year. The city, leading the agents of the Balti- on the temporary plans that were Mrs. B. F. McNally, president of feated Sullin's College, Virginia, bas- local rate other than schools this year more Life Insurance Company in the outlined by Engineer Mason. These the Dioccsian Council presided and ketball team this season was Doris is $2.96'as against $2.94 last year, font gTSund which will mean an entire country in the increase of in- plans are expected to be forthcom- explained fully the objects and aim"Red" Bornen, daughter of Mrs. Ef- this rate of course includes the heavy fenditure of a>b&ut $",000 dustrial insurance, South Amboy has ing shortly now that the Board has of the association and assured the fio Beri'ien, of Bordentown avenue. deficit in the water plant last year. / The offer was accepted last bat- attained a1 unique standing in life in- definitely decided to electrify. members their faith in the society Accounts published in the Bristol The balance of the rate is made up d by the City Solicitor after a surance circles of the country. The figure fixed by the Board as would prove unbounded wh«n they Herald Courier give nothing but as follows: county tax, 89 cents; hd been held with the Gonial "Bill", who fairly oozes life the maximum expenditure will cover became familiar with the routine of praise to Miss Berrien and accounts state school tax, 26 cents; state road insurance from, "dome to shoes", new wells, motors housing, purify- work. of various games show that ahe led tax, 10 cents; state soldiers' bonus was advised in bulletin No. 6 of the ing apparatus, etc. It is probable Mrs. Waller Ciesielski a Council her team by far in scoring and wastax, 2 cents; state biiidge and tunnel Baltimore Life Insurance Company tlmt the cost of Hie work will bo vice-president, addressed those as- nuuinly responsible for every victory. tax, 4 cents; state institutional tax, that he ranked No. 1, among the muoh less than the maximum ap- sembled and gave examples of the" In the last wuma of the season play- 5 cents. leading agents in industrial increase. propriated. work accomplished by St. Iledwig's ed against Martha Washington col- The f oregoinp; rates mean that this This is a signal honor, inasmuch as It WHS decided at Wednesday Parent-Teachers Association in Teu-lego "Red" .l&d her team in scoring city must raise the following amounts , a Municipality could secure these Mr. O'Bren practically introduced night'.s meeting to advertise for bids ton and elsewhere. Mrs. Ciesielskii with 17 points, her team winning 22 by taxes this year; state road tax, rights without any charge whatever the Baltimore Life Insurance Com- for the construction of a new shal- urged the members to support in to 11. Spunking of tho team the $4,,1()7.14; state injstntutirmia'l $2,- but (it was learned that the Board pany in this territory, and his splen- low well nt the pumping station. every way the undertakings of the paper reads: "Sullins College's de- 178.50; state school, $11,198.04; treats both municipalities and in- did success is a tribute to his energy This is the first real step toward tho eight Fclidnn Sisters O. S. F., whocisitm to resume intercollegiate bas- soldiers' bonus, $804.10; bridges and divfdu als alike. It would seem that audibility.' The five leading agents actual electrification of tlie plant. arc laboring so strunously for tho ketball was the outstanding event of tunnels, $1,650.20; county taxes, thfci M t fee would in some instances in industrial increase are: 1, W. J. Plans for the well had been approved licnofit of the six hundred pupils lo- the season. Red Berrien, star for- $38,604.08; school tax, $59,645.00; so a reat way to hinder progress O'Brien, South Amboy, N. J.j 2, T. ntvd i.iccepted at a recent meeting. catcd in Sacred lleiirt Pnrish. ward, and her cohorts, made a good, local tax, $128,463.25. gE D. Harris, Johnstown, Pa.; 3, T. D. ?„+ th . • fate per foot has been set The bids will be presented on April •Mrs. John J. Mitchell, secretary job of it, taking opponents into camp Valuations im this city are as fol- b" > board to include the entire Heginb'othom Norristown, Pa.;' 4, 15th at 8:30 P. M., and the antici- of the Council, read the Constitution in easy fashion. The team was far lows; land, $1,103,915; improvements -%a Bay district. Valuations A. H. Hayes, Atlantic City, N. J.; pated cost is between three and four and liy-Litws governing the Associa- more than was expected by the fans $1,982,315; second class railroad ai .taten Island Sound are said and 5, C. A. Shortlidge, Chester, Pa. thousand dollars. tion. She also informed those pre- with Miss Berrien the star of all property $806,875; personal, $330,- t iuch higher. The action of the Board and a copy sent of the sociability that could be gaimea." 250; soldiers' exemption, $25,570; •1.. Jity Council is also taking the of dho resolution will bo transmitted promoted among them by their faith- This certainly speaks well for the net valuation taxable, $4,257,785; preliminary steps to acquire title to HARRY DOWDELL. SR. to the city council, which body will ful attendance at meetings. ability of the loca.1 girl who gradua- appeals allowed, $30,640; utility tax riparian rights on property, the own- be expected to furnish the necessary The following vice-presidents of ted from South Amboy High School. $130,000. ers of which have not yet fled claim _PASSP AWAY funds through a bond issue to pay the Council also extended congratula- This city ranks as the third high- for the riparian tiffle. The City Solic- for the water works improvements, it tions: Mo. A. J. Dennen, of St. est rate in the county, Woodbridge itor has been instructed to prepare After Short Illness—Funeral Tomor- is said. Paul's, Princeton; and Mrs. Joseph PAST COUNCILORS being the highest with $6.40 and the necessary notices of six months row Afternoon, t Tho next meeting of the Board is Opsut, of St. Peter and Paul's, Tren- Baritan next with $5.80. Other rates duration which must be given to the scheduled for next Thursday evening ton. Mrs. John A. Kerwin, presi- of the_ county are as follows: Cran- interested parties in accordance with Harry Edward Dowdell, Sr., of at which time it is expected that dent of St. Mary's Parent Teachers - TOJIEET HERE bury, $3.65; Carteret, $5.33; Dun- the regulations of the Board of Com- 216 Second street, departed this life some definite course of action will Association of this city, and Mrs. At K. Of P. Hall Tonight—Fine En- ellen, $4.31; East Brunswick, $4.62; merce and Navigation. Wednesday morning at 1:30 o'clock be taken in the nppointment of a Thomas Grimley, vice-president were tertainment Planned.
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