Xavier University Exhibit All Xavier Student Newspapers Xavier Student Newspapers 1962-01-12 Xavier University Newswire Xavier University (Cincinnati, Ohio) Follow this and additional works at: https://www.exhibit.xavier.edu/student_newspaper Recommended Citation Xavier University (Cincinnati, Ohio), "Xavier University Newswire" (1962). All Xavier Student Newspapers. 2117. https://www.exhibit.xavier.edu/student_newspaper/2117 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Xavier Student Newspapers at Exhibit. It has been accepted for inclusion in All Xavier Student Newspapers by an authorized administrator of Exhibit. For more information, please contact [email protected]. VOLUME XLVI 20~ CINCINNATI, OHIO, FRIDAY, JANUARY 12, 1962 No. 1! Details- Annoup,ced ·For Junior Prom Fr. O'Connor Adds Three Weeks of preparation and. plan­ ning were brought to light this To President's Council week as various committees began Three well - known Cincinnati governors of the Midwest Stock actively working toward February civic leaders have been appointed Exchange and is past president­ 16th-,Tunior Prom date. If en­ lo !hf..' President's Council by the chairman of the Cincinnati Stook thusiasm is any indicati;:,n of s(;~::: -Vr:1"y Rev. Paul L';"O'Collnor>S.J., Exchange. He was pt·esidet1t of t1ie cess, this year's Prom promises to president of Xavier.. Xaviet· Alumni Ass-0ciation in 195'7 be one of the most successful on Named to the advisory board and is now chairman of the Alum­ record. were: Han-y J. Gilligan, Joseph ni Association's Annual Giving Committee. He has been one of Tom Rohs, Pro m Committee B. Reynolds, and William H. Zim­ mer. the leaders in the United Fine Chairman, announced details of Arts Fund and in other community Associated with his three sons the Prom to be held in mid-Feb­ activities and organizations. ruary. It will be held at the Neth­ in the management of the Gil­ erland Hilton Hall of Mirrors from ligan fllncral home, Gilligan is a Executive vice-president and di· 9 to 1 on February 16. Buddy Rog­ member of the board of directo1·s rectm· of the Cincinnati Gas and ers' Orchestra will provide music. of the Pt·ovident Bank and of the Electric Company, Zimmer is also Kroger Company. He is treasurer Tickets will be $4.00, and will be assistant secretary and treasurer available immediately after se­ of the Blue Cross Plan Hospital meste1· break. Care Organization. A graduate of of the Ohio Valley Electric Cor• Xavier in 1912, he served as pres- poration and the Indiana-Ken• Tim Canfield's publicity com­ ident of the Xavier Alumni As- tucky Electric Corporation. Kc ia mittee has already sta1·ted drap­ sociation in 1931. He has set·ved president and director of the Ohio ing the campus with Prom remind­ as president of the Friendly Sons ers. His committee's objective is of St. Patrick and was Master of Electric Utility Institute and is a to get 100% Junior. Class attend­ member of the Industry and Com• Plans for the upeominr: .Junior Prom are discussed by the prom the Isaac Jogues Assembly of ance. Letters sent to au· members merce Advisory Council to the l:~~utive Committee. Left to rir:ht, the~ are Cla1111 President Gar:r Fourth Degree Knights of Colum­ of the class of 1963 will inform bus. He has served in many high Ohio Water Commission. He is a Tyler, Publlcll:r Chairman Tim Canfield, aud General Chairman Tom them of Prom weekend plans for aoh•. offices including that Of p1·esi­ member of the Board of Trustee1 1962. dent of the National Funeral Di- of the Cincinnati Symphony Or• The ticket committee, headed by ·rectors Association. chestra and a member of the Fi• Tony Rego, wi~l sell tickets in A 1915 Xaviet· graduate, Reyn­ nance Committee of the Commu• Faculty Symposium· Series South Hall's ticket booth continu- olds is chairman of the Board of nity Chest. He is also on the laJ' ously during the two weeks pre- the Vulcan C-0rporation and a advisory board of St. Francis Hos• ceding Prom date. A week before partner in the Benjamin C. Bart­ pital and is chairman of the ad• Slated For Next Semester the Prom, the queen selection will Jett and Co. investment brokers. visory board of the Catherine Xavier University's Fa cul t_y Gerald· E. Harriman spe~ldnr on take place. Don Yingling, who He has served on the board of Booth Home and Hospital. Committee has· announced. a sel'ies "Publle Respon!libil~b: _ for· .. tlle. _he_l!<!s "the q4een. committee, an- of four. symposia on Pope John's Eeonom:r;" and -Dr. Ra)'moncl ,J', :nounced that a special class con­ recent encyclical Mater et l\lag.; McCoy speakln« on "Internatlollal '.v6~ation. would~ 'i)j;··held on Feb­ lstra. The series is to be held in Or«aniza&ion - Political, Cultural, ruary 12 to choose a queen. His Prederick Hauck Donates the armory on four Sunday eve­ Educational, ·and Relief." "Inter- committee· has a 1 ready started nings - February 18, March 4, national Organization- the Eco- scouting the Evening College cor­ Funds For Physics Program Ma1·ch 18, and April 1. Each eve­ nomic Aspect" ~ill be covered by lridors for prospective candidates. ning will deal with a specific Dr. Thomas Hallstones. Dr. Jack This year all Xavier students aspect of the recent encyclical and Gruenenfelder will deliver an epi- 'will be allowed to attend the Prom. will feature well - i n f o rm e d logue ~n "Reconstruction of Social Although, it is hoped the bulk of speakers. Order 10 Truth, Justice and Char- attendance will be from the Jun­ "J•ersonal and Social Initiative" ity." ior class, Freshmen, Sophomores is the topic of February 18. Guesi Dr. Gruenenfelder, Chairman of 1 and Seniors are being invited. speakers will include: Fr. Charles the program, has stressed that The traditional boat ride will M. Garvey of Villa Madonna Col­ this series of symposia is an en- 1have to be delayed this year due leg·e · who will speak on the his­ deavor by the faculty to help in- to insurmountable weather prob­ torical background and authority form Catholics on the Pope's re- lems, but an informal dance is of the encyclical. "Tile Principle of cent encyclical as it applies to planed for February 17. Details Subsidiarity" will be covered by current problems and events. will be announced later. Fr. George Curran, S ..J., of Xavier Gary Tyler, President of. the Unive1sity, and Father Vincent Junior Class, remarked that the reason for the early date of the ~;:;::~:a~~:~i:~ewi;~,:~:~e:~ Sophia Offers Prom was the fact that since Lent dence of Men in Society·" Summer Plall occurred so late, the usual April The problems of undeveloped date could not be had. He pointed 11ation and the recent encyclical Sophia University, a Jesuit out that the switch to the Hall of, will be covered on March 4. Guest school in Tokyo, Japan, will offer Mirrors for the Prom was just one speakers include: Fr. C h a r 1 es a six-wci;k session for English­ in a series of steps to make this Ronan, S.J., and Mr. Bcma1·d L., speaking students this summer. the most successful Prom in years. Madin of Xavier who will speak There will be four weeks of co:­ on "l\later et Magistra on Un- lege-level coul'Ses conducted m - developed Nations" and "Lalin English at the university, followed Nott"e Dame Invites Rev. Paul L. O'Connor, S.J., president of Xavier, receives an o•t• America" respectively. Miss Eliza- by a two-week observation and line for the research programs In physics and a check to institute the beth Reid of The Gi·ail ·will talk study tour of Japan to round out Bout"geois As Prof pror:ram from Cincinnati philanthropist Frederick A. Hauck, donor of the program. on "The Entrance and Presence Dr. Joseph E. Bollrgeois, Chair- the new fund. Mr. Jolin B. Hart, chairman of the Physics Department, of The Church in the Under­ In 1961 the first such program looks on. was advanced at Sophia Univer- man of the Department of Modern dcve loped Nations." PAVLA - Xavier University announced brain wave phenomena via po011er Papal Volunteers for Latin Amer­ sity, mainly so that English-speak- Languages, has accepted an invi­ ing non-Japanese students could tation to be a visiting professor at recently the establishment of the spectrum analysis; constt·uction of ica" will be discussed by Mr. a mechanical model lo simulate learn about Japan and Oriental the University of Notre Dame on new Frederick A. Hauck Physics W. Vincent Delaney of Ou1· Lady Research Scholarship Program,- a the molecular structure of vis­ of Cincinnati. culture. That year 111 students the staff of a National Defense took part in the program, includ- fund which will provide an under­ coelastic compounds; and contimr• "Private Property, Public Own­ ing 52 from the United States. Language Institute for secondary- graduate research grnnt to one or ing reascrch with the electroni'l• ership, and Work" will be the (Mr. James Cissell, '62, was Xa- school teachers of Gc1·man and more deserving students chosen optic satellite tl"acking facility no~.r topic of the March 18 symposium. vier's only representative); the Spanish, to be offered from June by the Awards Committee of the in operation. Another researcll "Private Properly" will be the faculty was made up of some of 18 to August 3. Dr. Bourgeois, who Physics Department each year.
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