DOCUMENT RESUME ED 354 945 JC 930 115 TITLE Community Survey, Fall 1989. INSTITUTION College of the Canyons, Valencia, CA. PUB DATE Aug 90 NOTE 27p. PUB TYPE Reports Research/Technical (143) Tests /Evaluation Instruments (160) EDRS PRICE MF01/PCO2 Plus Postage. DESCRIPTORS *Community Attitudes; *Community Benefits; *Community Characteristics; Community Colleges; Community Development; Community Involvement; Community Surveys; Participant Satisfaction; Program Evaluation; Questionnaires; *School Community Relationship; Two Year Colleges IDENTIFIERS *College of the Canyons CA; *Santa Clarita Community College District CA ABSTRACT In November 1989, the College of the Canyons (CC) in Valencia, California, conducteda community survey of Santa Clarita Valley to determine residents' satisfaction withCC; use of CC services and facilities; perceptions of the valueand performance of CC in six functional areas; perceptions of the qualityof education; attitudes about fees, the enrollmentprocess, prospective enrollment, facilities and events; and sources of informationabout the college. The survey was completed by 564 residents of thevalley, representing a cross-section of households served by the college district. Major study findings included the following:(1) 967. of the respondents either agreed or strongly agreed with statementsthat the college is an attractive place, conveniently located, and a place that they would encourage their family and friends to attend;(2) over 507. of the respondents had already enrolled in eithera credit or non-credit course at the college, 50% reported using CC services and facilities, and 517. had attended campus events;(3) over 90% of the respondents believed that the transfer function, the vocational/technical function, and the remedial/developmental functionare "very important," and approximately 90% of the respondentsindicated that the college is doing a "good" or "excellent" jobin performing these three functions;(4) respondents gave CC's instructionalprogram the highest rating of any local community college;(5) 90% of the respondents thought that student feeswere reasonable and that it was easy to enroll at CC; and (6) the principalsource of information about the college was material that the respondentsreceived in the mail. Data tables and the survey instrumentare included. (PAA) *******w*************************************************************** Reproductions supplied by EDRS are the best thatcan be made from the original document. ******************************************************************** -4?e, .4- '17.,;..""-..'Ti;c. College of the Canyons COMMUNITY SURVEY Fall 1989 August 1990 Office of Institutional Development College of the Canyons Santa Clarita Community College District PERMISSION REPFloour_L THIS U.S DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION MATERIAL HAS ALF N C,RANTL 2 NY Othce of Educat,0011, Rearch and improvernen, EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES INFORMATION N. J. Mattice CENTER IERICI This document has been reproduced as rece,ved Iron, the Pe,500 0, o,gan.zat.e ongmat.ng4 Minor changes have been made Ic .mpreve reproduchon dual tv TO THE E fnit AlCINAl HE fintIPCFS Pont,, 01 .ew or 00.01005 staled .0 this 00c0 INI (PM :r ?,rE P 4-pit-, ment do not necessary represent ohh-,a' OERI posihon or p01,Cy pritT4te 0,e...,4 04 irfo College of the CanYon§ College of the Canyons COMMUNITY SURVEY Introduction The Community Surveywas completed by 564 residents of the Santa Clarita Valley during November1989. The respondent4 represent a cross-section of households,by zip code area, served by the Santa Clarita CommunityCollege District, The questionnaire measured: 1. Residents satisfaction with Collegeof the Canyons.. 2. Residents use of campus servicesand facilities, 3. Residents perceptions of thevalue and performance of College of the Canyonson each of six major functions, including: o Transfer Function o Preparation for Vocational, Technicaland Career Fields o Noncredit Courses to Enrich the Qualityof Community Life o Educational Programs to Trainor Re-train Employees of Local Businesses o Courses in Basic Skills o Life-long Learning 4. Residents perception of thequality of instruction. 5. Residents attitudes about variousaspects of the college, including: o Students Fees o Ease of Enrollment o Prospective Enrollment in Classes o Facilities and Events 6. How residents learn about thecollege. College of the Canyons Major Findings of the Study SATISFACTION WITH THE COLLEGE Nearly all the respondents thinkthe college is an attractive place, is convenientlylocated, and would encourage friends and family to attend. USE OF SERVICES AND FACILITIES More than half the respondents hadalready enrolled insome type of course at the college, eithercredit or non-credit. Half reported using college servicesand facilities as well as attending campus events. The longer people live inthe area the more likely they are to makeuse of college services and to attendcampus events. PERCEPTION OF PERFORMANCE Over nine in ten respondents believethat the transfer function, the vocational/technicalfunction and the remedial/developmental functionare "very important" functions for the college tocarry out. About nine in ten respondents also feel the collegeis doing a "good"or "excellent" job in performing thesethree functions. Community perceptions of thecollege have improvedover the last four years. In comparing 1989 responses tothose of a similar survey carried out in1985, a higher percentage of the 1989 respondents felt thetransfer, vocational, community services andremedial/developmental functionswere important functions for thecollege and-a higherpercentage also felt the collegewas doing a good job. QUALITY OF INSTRUCTION Community residentsgave College of the Canyons' instructional program the highestrating of any local community college. ATTITUDES AND OPINIONS Nine in ten residentsthought the student feeswere reasonable and that it iseasy to enroll. Short courses of one to fourweeks were favored by respondents. INFORMATION SOURCES The most important source of information about thecollege is the material residentsreceive in their mail. -2- College of theCanyons HOW SATISFIED ARERESIDENTS WITH COLLEGE OFTHE CANYONS? The Community Survey was completedby 564 Santa Clarita Community CollegeDistrict residents The respondents during November1989. represent a cross-sectionof households in the Santa ClaritaValley by zip code district. areas served by the Responses to thequestionnaire items residents' level of assessing satisfaction withvarious aspects college are presentedbelow. of the Would you encourage your friendsand family to College of theCanyons? attend Yes - 96% No - 4% Nearly all the residents (96%) saidthey would encourage: others to attend College of theCanyons. College of the Canyons is convenientlylocated. StronglyAgree - 54% Agree - 42% Disagree - 2% StronglyDisagree- 2% Nearly all the residents (96%)agreed thatthe college was convenientlylocated. The college has a good reputation inthe community. Strongly Agree - 37% Agree - 58% Disagree - 3% Strongly Disaaree 2% Nearly all theresidents (95%) has a good reputation. agreed that thecollege The campus at College of theCanyons provides attractiveappearance. a clean, Strongly Agree 47% Agree - 47% Disagree - 4% Strongly Disagree- 2% -3- College of the Canyons Nearly all the residents (94%) agreedthat the college is a clean and attractive place. ARE CURRENT AND/OR FORMER COLLEGE OF THECANYONS STUDENTS MORE SATISFIED WITH THE COLLEGE THAN OTHERRESIDENTS? A slightly higher percentage of student residentsstrongly agreed that the college was conveniently located(60% vs. 50%); that it has a good reputation in thecommunity (43% vs. 32%); and that the campus is clean and attractive(53% vs. 42%) than those who have never enrolled ina credit course. It was heartening to find that therewas no appreciable difference between student residents andnon-student residents in whether they wouldencourage family and friends to attend the college (96%vs. 95%). ARE LONG-TIME RESIDENTS MORE SATISFIEDWITH THE COLLEGE THAN NEW RESIDENTS? While 76% of new residents who have livedin the Santa Clarita Valley less than oneyear indicated they would encourage friends and family to attend the college,93% of the long-time residents who have lived inthe Valley for over ten years indicated they would doso. The longer residents live in the Valley,the more likely they are to "strongly agree" that thecollege has a good reputation and that it providesa clean, attractive appearance. ARE THERE DIFFERENCES BETWEEN ETHNICALLYUNDERREPRESENTED AND WHITE RESIDENTS IN THEIR LEVEL OFSATISFACTION WITH THE COLLEGE? There was no difference in thepercentage of White and Non-White residents who would recommendthe college to family and friends (96%vs. 96%). All Non-White residents agreed thatthe college had a good reputation and that thecampus was clean and attractive. -4- College of the Canyons RESIDENTS USE OF CAMPUS SERVICES AND FACILITIES The Community Survey was completed in November 1989 by 564 residents living in the Santa Clarita Community College District. The respondents represent a cross-section of households in the Santa Clarita Valley by zip codeareas served by the district. Responses to questionnaire items pertaining to use of campus services and facilitiesare summarized below. Which of the following statements best describes the total contact you have had with College of the Canyons in thepast year? None - 36% Little contact - 37% Several contacts - 14% Quite a bit of contact - 13% Just over one-quarter of the residents
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