Student aid forms simplified Form (FAF). an informational report compiled by Finch. factored into students' financial aid deter- By RACHfAL _llIli!!ill;tll"l~lll. The new forms are simplified, Lola This will increase the total need of WSU mination. Daily Evergreen Staff Finch, interim director of Financial Aid, students by $10 million. However, the Another (}hange is the implementation of actual amount of money available for finan- a "simple needs test" for families with an Editor's Note: This is the second of a two- said. cial aid will not change significantly. adjusted gross income below $50,000 and part series on changes in the financial aid The elimination of home equity and home farm questions from the application Need is determined by subtracting a neither parents or student were required to process. family's financial contribution from the cost fill out an IRS 1040A or 1040EZ form. The financial aid application process has has made the process less complicated. of education. This removes some of the complexities been revised at WSU with the implementa- The value of a home or farm will no longer A student contribution expectation will be of the current process, but makes it more tion of new forms and eligibility criteria. count against students when their financial eliminated. The assumption that most stu- difficult to assess a family's actual need, The new form, called the Application for need is assessed. dents will contribute at least $900 to edu- Federal Student Aid (AFSA), replaces the This could double the number of stu- cation costs will no longer automatically be See Aid: page 10 College Scholarship Service Financial Aid dents eligible for financial aid, according to Rape trial of Pullman men begins By BARBAq;\I,IIIII'.'" Daily Evergreen Staff After nearly a year of investiga- tions and court delays, two of the three men pleading not guilty in the alleged Pullman gang rape case are going to trial. Michael P. Wilkinson and Brian N. Wright will go to trial on Jan. 19 and Jan. 25 for the alleged Feb. 17, 1991, rape of a Provo, Utah woman, Ron Shirley, Whit- man County Chief Deputy Prose- cutor, said. Wright, 20, is charged with second-degree rape, conspiracy to commit second-degree rape and second-degree malicious mis- chief. Wilkinson, 18, faces being an accomplice to second-degree rape and second-degree malicious mischief charges, for allegedly damaging the woman's car. WSU student Michael B. Coz- ine, 21, was scheduled for trial with the other two men, but has reportedly agreed to a plea bar- Staff photo by Paul Minckler gain that includes testifying As Wal-Mart welcomes Palouse shoppers, area merchants have mixed feelings about their new neighbor. against Wilkinson and Wright, Shirley said. Cozine was charged with being Wal-Mart worries local merchants an accomplice to second-degree rape, conspiracy to commit second-degree rape and second- Lucinda Hites, store manager area establishments last week The fear is that this could mean degree malicious mischief before of Hurrah in the Palouse Empire and a little controversy. a death sentence for small busi- the plea bargain. By WINDA BENEDlIJ1~ nesses. Mall, said she wasn't really con- cerned. Michael M. Manwaring, 19, is Daily Evergreen Staff "Wal-Mart has a reputation so "We are concerned that they also charged in the case, but has When the nation's largest there's going to be a certain are the biggest retailer on the "We plan to be a good neigh- yet to appear in court to enter his chain of retail stores moves into amount of concern" Rob entire planet Earth," Gerard Con- bor to them and we hope they plea. Manwaring is charged with a neighborhood, local busi- Shealy, Sprouse-Reitz floor nelly, owner of Tri-State in Mos- will be a good neighbor to us," being an accomplice to second- nesses often get a little restless supervisor, said. cow said. she said. degree rape, conspiracy to com- mit second-degree rape and And the Moscow/Pullman Most of the concern raised second-degree malicious mis- Shealy echoed similar con- But just what kind of neighbor business community is nd regarding Wal-Mart's opening chief, but will not stand trial in exception. centered around the chain's abil- cerns but said he personally Wal-Mart plans to be has not yet Colfax until other charges are ity. to provide a wide variety of thought 10caJ businesses were been determined. Eyebrows were taken care of in Idaho. Shirley getting more uptight than they The official opening of Wal- items for what they claim are the said as soon as Idaho lets him needed to. See Worries: page 12 Mart met mixed reactions from lowest prices found anywhere. go, we'll have him in court here. 3 12 15 New Officers: Battle For Bucks: Pac-10 Notebook: WSU police swear in three new Local merchants gear up for Bennie Seltzer approaches personnel, tour more recognized battle with Wal-Mart league record for 3-pointers Page2 ASWSU Co-Recreation Classes Spring Semester 1993 - Session 1 • Join C-Hoss: Cooperative Horse Organization Serving Students. January 11 - March 12, 1992 - 9 Week Session A few openings are available for spring semester. Keep your own horse at WSU or sponsor one of ours. Call 5-3718 for informa- Enroll at the Activities/Recreational Sports Office, 3rd floor CUB (335-9666) for these non-credit, leisure-time tion. recreational classes. Please note that the refund policy is printed at the bottom of each class receipt. Monday. Wednesday. Friday Aerol,>ics Classes • The College of Business and Economics now has scholarship NOON AEROBIC STEP/SCULPT (steps and hand weights) - (Shannon Remter) - signups begin Mon., 1/11 applications available in Todd 570. Due date is Feb. 1 and awards MEETS: I. Monday, Wednesday, Friday; 12: 10-1:OOpm; are for the 1993/94 academic year. For more information, please 2. Monday thru Friday; 12: 10-1 :OOpm; call Lynda at 5-8770. 3. Tuesday and Thursday: 12: 10·1 :OOpm BEGINS: Monday, January I I for 9 weeks PLACE: New Conditioning Center, 2nd floor Fieldhouse • Financial Aid applications for summer session are available in FEE: I. $30,00 -- 2. $45.00 -- 3. $20.00 -- WSU Students the Financial Aid Office, 139 French Ad. I. $35.00-- " $50.00-- J. $25.00 -- Non WSU Students • The Graduate Management Admission Test will be held at 8:30 a.m. on Saturday, Jan. 16 in Wegner Hall G-50. MWF 3:10 STEP AEROBICS - (Kristin Kibble) - signups begin Monday, January II MEETS: Monday, Wednesday, Friday; 3: to-4:00pm BEGINS: Monday, January II for 9 weeks • Re-Entry Brown Bag: All re-entry students are invited to bring PLACE: New Conditioning Center, 2nd floor Fieldhouse their lunches to CUB 108-109 (by Mother's Cupboard) to meet FEE: $30.00 WSU Students $3:;.00 Non WSU Students other re-entry students and talk about activities for the year. Please join us. MWF 4:10 STEP AEROBICS - (Stephanie Betrger) - signups begin Monday. January II MEETS: Monday, Wednesday, Friday; 4: 10-5: lOpm le. BEGINS: Monday, January II for 9 weeks Ir • The Wildlife Society meets at 5:30 tonight in Johnson Hall PLACE: New Conditioning Center, 2nd floor Fieldhouse C105. The elk feeding trip will be discussed and if you are plan- FEE: $35.00 WSU Students ning to go you must attend this meeting. $40.00 Non WSU Students AEROBIC BTNESS - (Joanne Anderson)· signups begin Monday. January II MEETS: Monday, Wednesday, Friday; 5: IS-6:20pm • ASWSU Entertainment meeting at 6 tonight in the CUB 3rd r floor lounge. New members welcome. BEGINS: Monday, January II for 9 weeks PLACE: Smith Gymnasium 117 FEE: $35.00 WSU Students • WFSE, local 1066 elections will be held today in McCluskey $40.00 Non WSU Students from 7 a.m. to 8:15 a.m. and 4 p.m. to 4:45 p.m.; French Ad BODY SCULPTING AEROBICS (hand weights) - (Stephanie Bettger) - sign ups begin Monday. January II copy center from 8:30 a.m. to 9:30 a.m., Rotunda Dining hall MEETS: Monday, Wednesday, Friday; 5: IS-6:30pm • from 9:45 a.m. to 11 p.rn., CUB 111 from 11:15 a.m. to 1:30 BEGINS: Monday, January II for 9 weeks p.m., Regents Dining Hall from 3 p.rn. to 3:45 p.m. Don't forget PLACE: New Conditioning Center, 2nd floor Fieldhouse FEE: $40.00 WSU Students to cast your ballot! $45.00 Non WSU Students • Women's Transit is seeking volunteers. Academic credit avail- POWER AEROBICS (formerly Aerobic Dance) - (Jeanine Davis) - signups begin Monday, January II MEETS: Monday, Wednesday, Friday: 5:20pm-6:35pm able, vehicles are provided. Sign- up at the CUB west entrance or BEGINS: Monday, January II for 9 weeks in the WRRC in CUB B-19B. Call 5-6830 for more information. PLACE: Smith Gym 115 FEE: $40.00 WSU Students $45.00 Non WSU Students • Isshinryu Karate is now accepting new students. We meet 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m., Tuesdays and Thursdays in Smith Gym 21 M,W,F AEROBIC STEP/SCULPT (steps and hand weights) - (Shannon Remter) . signups begin Monday, Jan. II from Call 334-6985 for more information. MEETS: Monday, Wednesday, Friday: 6:35-7:35pm BEGINS: Monday, January II for 9 weeks PLACE: New Conditioning Center, 2nd Floor Fieldhouse • Attention Native American sludents: The College of Business FEE: $35.00 WSU Students and Economics is now accepting applications for the R. Dean $40.00 Non WSU Students Tousley Memorial Scholarship.
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