DOCUMENT RESUME ED 079 998 EM 011 387 TITLE Public Broadcasting: Hearings Before the Subcommittee On Communications of the Committee On Commerce, United States Senate._Ninety-Third Congress. INSTITUTION Congress of the U.S., Washington, D.C. Senate Committee on Commerce. RERORT NO SN-93-10 PUB DATE Mar 73 NOTE. 485p.. AVAILABLE-FROMSuperintendent of Documents, U..S..Government Printing Office, Washingtonw D.C. 20402 (Stock No4- 5270-01822, $2.60) EDRS PRICE MP-S0.65 BC-416.45 DESCRIPTORS Broadcast Industiy;-Budgets; *Educational Radio; *Educational Television; *Federal Legislation; w *Financial Support; Government Publications; Program Evaluation; Programing (Broadcast); Television IDENTIFIERS Communications Act of 1934; Corporation for Public Broadcasting;-CPB; Public Broadcasting Service, PBS;. Senate Bill 1090; Senate Bill 1228 ABSTRACT Transcripts of the.hearings held from March 28-30w 1973 are presented. Following opening statements by Senators Pastore and. Baker, texts of the Senate bills 8.1090 and 5.1228 are published. The former sought to amend the Communications Act of 1934, to extend certain authorizations for the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB) and for certain construction grants for xoncommercial- educational television and 'radio broadcasting facilities, and for other purposes..The purpose of the latter was to authorize , - appropriations for fiscal year 1974 for CPB..In addition, testimony from witnesses is recorded, along with additional information received from _other individuals not r&esent at the hearings..The report concludes with an evaluation of Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) programing by program managers, with PBS budgets and with PBS programing evaluation reports for the years 1971-72 and 1972-73.. (PB), FILMED FROM BESTAVAILABLE COPY , 4 .i----- 0" U S DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH. EDUCATION I WELFARE NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF EDU:ATION THIS DOCUMENT HAS BEEN REPRO DUCEO EXACTLY AS RECEIVED FROM THE PERSON OR ORGANIZATION ORIOIN A TING IT POINTS OF viEW OR OPINIONS, STATED DO NOT NECESSARILY REPRE SENT OF T iCiAL NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF EDUCATION POSITION OR POLICY PULBPIC BROADCASTING HEARINGS BEFORE THE SUBCOMMITTEE ON COMMUNICATIONS . OS THE COMMITTEE ONCOMMEltdE UNITED STATES SENATE NINETY-THIRD CONGRESS FIRST SESSION ON S. 1090 TO AMEND THE COMMUNICATIONS ACT OF 1934. TO EXTEND CERTAIN AUTHORIZATIONS FOR THE CORPORATION FOR PUBLIC BROADCASTING AND FOR CERTAIN CONSTRUCTION GRANTS FOR NONCOMMERCIAL EDUCATIONAL TELEVISION AND RADIO BROADCASTING FACILITIES, AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES S. 1228 TO AUTHORIZE APPROPRIATIONS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1974 FOR THE CORPORATION FOR PUBLIC BROADCASTING MARCH 28, 29, AND 30; 1973 Serial No. 93-10 Printed for the use of the Committee on Commerce GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 4-261 WASHINGTON : For sale by tlio Superintendent of Documents,-11.8. Government Printing Once Wubingtone D.C.2 - Price $2.60 domestic postpaid or $2.25 GPO Bookstore Stock No. 527001822 COMMITTEE ON COMMERCE WARREN G. MAGNUSON, Washington, Ch.Wnaaw JOHN 0. PASTORE, Rhode Island NORRIS COTTON,-New Hampshire. VANCE HARTKE, Indiana JAMES B. PEARSON, Kansas PHILIP A. HART, Michigan ROBERT P. GRIFFIN, Michigan HOWARD W. CANNON, Nevada HOWARD II.-BAKER, IL, Tennessee- RUSSELL B. LONG, Louisiana MARLOW W. COOK, Kentucky FRANK E. MOSS, Utah TED STEVENS, Alaska ERNEST F. HOLLINGS, South Carolina J. GLENN BEALL, Ia., Maryland DANIEL K. INOUYE, Hawaii JOHN V. TUI4iNEY, California ADLAI E. STEVENSON III, Illinois Fasunutcst J. Lomas, Staff Director MICITAM. 1:ECTSCHIA, Chief Conned Nictiot.ss Urn.% Conrownications Cornet Joni D. HAIM!, Staff Counsel ARTHUR PANKOPIP, Jr,. Minority Staff Director WARD H. WHITE,..1. Minority Staff Connor& COMMUNICATIONS SUBCOMMITTEE JOHN 0. PASTORE, noels Island, Miklos VANCE HARTKE, Indiana HOWARD H. BAKER,Ja., Tennessei PHILIP A. HART, Michigan ROBERT P. GRIFFIN, Michigan RUSSELL B. LONG, Louisiana MARLOW W. COOK, Kentucky FRANK E. MOSS, Utah JAMES B. PEARSON, Kansas HOWARD W. CANNON, N vada TED STRVIsNS, Alaska ERNEST F. HOLLINGS, South Carolina J. GLENN BEALL, Ja., Marylandi DANIEL K INOUYE, Hawaii CONTENTS Opening statement by Senator Pastore Opening statement b_ y Senator Baker Teat of bills: S. 1090 S. 1228 ALPHABETICAL LIST OF WITNESSES Biemiller, Andrew, director, Department of Legislation, AFL-CIO; accom- panied by Al Zack, public relations director 155 Prepared statement . 155 Burch, Hun. Dean, Chairman, Federal Communications ConnuisSion 95 Letter of April 5, 1973 96 Cranston, Hun. Alan, U.S. Senator from California 105 Curtis, Ernest A., Jr., station n..,alter, NF S.1k-T1, Knoxville, Tenn in Curtis, Thomas B., chairman, and Henry Loomis, president, Corporation for Public Broadcasting; accompanied by Irving Kristol; Frank E. schooley ; Joseph D. Hughes; James R. Killian, Jr. ; Gloria L. Anderson ; Robert S. Benjamin; Albert L. Cole; and Michael A. Gananino, Jr____ 8 Letter of April 2, 1973' Attachments (k5-35 Fore, Rev. William F., chairman, Advisory Committee of National Organi-. zRtions to the Corporation for Public Broadcasting 155 Preparedpared statement_ 160 reWilliam, chairman, National Association of Edueational Broad- casters; accompanied by Ralph Rogers,chairman, Coordinating Com- . mittee Governing Board (Public Television Licenses), Dallas, TeX.; and. HartfordGunn,president, Public Broadcasting Service 106 Prepared statement of Mr. Harley 139 Prepared statement of Mr. Rogers------1 ------ ----___ km Prepared statement of Mr. Gunn 145 Knox, Gregory, the Network Project,Columbia University, New York; accompanied by Andrew Horowitz_ VA Loomis, Henry, President, Corporation for Public Broadcasting lel Schwarzwalder, John C., executive secretary-treasurer, NAET ;acconi- Ininied by Warren Wade, manager,San Jose, Calif _4_______... 136 Whitehead, Clay T., Director, Dike of Telecommunications Polley on Public Broadcasting Authorizations- al ADDITIONAL ARTICLES, LETTERS, AND STATEMENTS Bolas, E. S., Jr., Concord,Tenn., telegram 215 Fatima, S. Kent, general manager,WRIU Radio, University of Rhode Island, letter of April 4, 1973 200 Federal Communications Commis- Johnson, lion. Nicholas, Commissioner,. sion,statement King, Hon. Bruce, Governor, State of New Mexico, letter of Apill 9,1073__ 215 Linn. George W., directorof legislative affairs, Corporation for Public Broadcasting, letter of April 4, 1973 58 Moister, Charles W., president,Eastern New Mexico University, letter of of April 9, 1973 47-1--t 11:11d11:111leelitIrrio'n11:11eient:ttlinr: ServiceInBtleftrligmetsliticilispirtPBS Interim Programming Evaloa4.24_,Isi -Minn process; 190-72 and1972-73Mandl 2.3, 1973 Nu Public-Broadcasting Service Programing, an evaluation by the managers__ 219 Public Radio Licenses, statement_ 216 Robinson, Michael J., assistant professor, Department of Political Science, University of Oregon, letter of March 29, 1913 199 Rogers, Ralph B., chairman. Board of Governors, Public Broadcasting Service, letter of April 9, 1913 211 Rolfes, A. H., letter of April 2, 1973 199 WarnockeThomas .C., director of radio activitiesCorporation for Public Broadcasting, letter of April 9, 1913. 201 Williams; Hon. Harrison A.. Jr.. U.S. Senator from New Jersey : Letter of March 27. 1973- .32 Prepared statement: . PUBLIC BROADCASTING WEDN/SDAY; MARCH 28, 1973 U.S. SENATE, CommrrrEe ON COMMERCE, SUBCOMMITTEE ON C1MMUNICATIONS, Washington, D.C. The subcommittee met. pursuant to notice, at 10 a.m. in room 1318, Dirksen Senate Office Building, Hon. John 0. Pastore [cliakinan of the subeonunittee] presiding. OPENING STATEMENT BY SENATOR PASTORE Senator PAs-micz. The hour of 10 having arrived and inasmuch as we have a lot of busy people here today, I think we ought-to begin. Today thv committee begins hearings on S. 1090, a bill which would authorize A50 million$55 million outright and $5 million on a matching funds basisfor the Corporation for Public Broadcasting in fiscal year 1974, and $80 million$75 million outright and $5 mil- lion on a matching-funds basisin fiscal year 1975. The legislation would also authorize $25 million for fiscal year 1974, and each of the 3 succeeding fiscal years for facilities grants. The Educational Television Facilities Act of 1962, and the Public Proadcasting Act of 1967, were the catalysts which enabled public broadcasting to move out Of the doldrums and burgeon into the prom- ising medium it is today. At the time the Educational Television Fa- cilities Act became law in 1962; there were 62 educational television stations on the air. Today that number has grown to 228. When the Public Broadcasting Act was adopted in 1967 it contained a 1-year authorization. This 1-year authorization was intended only as a temporary measure pending submission to the Congress of a per- manent financing plan by the administration. So far neither this administration nor its predecessor has done so. Lack of permanent. financing has, of course, prevented the Corpora- tion, and therefore public broadcasting, from achieving its full poten- tial. Nevertheless with the funds it has received, the Corporation has done a commendable job, and the people are the richer for itsaccom- plishments. At this point, I would like to insert in the recorda chro- nolop of the funds Congrem has authorized and appropriated under the Educational Television Facilities Act and the Public Broadcast- ing Act of 1967. (The information follows:] Staff members assigned to these hearings: Nicholas Zappie and John D. Hardy. (1) 4) EDUCATIONAL TELEVISION FACILITIES ACT APPROPRIATIONS Authorization Appropriation Fiscal year 1$3Z
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