FEBRUARY 95 / $3.95 FEBRUARY 1995 FEBRUARY Mac Clones / Removable-Media Drives / Mac Buyer’s Guide / Internet Mac Clones / Removable-Media Drives Buyer’s CLONES Apple and IBM Join Forces to Build the Ultimate PC PLUS 27 Macs Rated How to Buy and Configure the Right One for You Expert Troubleshooting Techniques Tips That Will Fix Almost Anything Make the PowerPC Switch Upgrade-Card Shoot-out CONTENTS FEBRUARY 1995 / VOLUME 11 NUMBER 2 REVIEWS & QUICK CLICKS Apple LaserWriter 16/600 PS, QMS 1660, Being There Pro Videoconferencing tool and Xanté Accel-a-Writer 8200 Three lets users share documents and work 600-dpi, 16-ppm laser printers offer solid together over a network. / 54 feature sets at good price points. / 37 Apple Power Macintosh Upgrade Card Painter 3.0 Powerhouse paint program and DayStar 80 MHz PowerPro 601 27 / Turn a IIci into a Power Mac. gains new animation tools and a revamped Supercharge your Quadra with one of interface. / 40 these accelerator cards. / 56 FileMaker Pro Server New client/server VideoShop 3.0 Bargain-priced, feature- NEW ON THE MENU architecture boosts multiuser rich video-editing program is a little rough performance. / 42 around the edges. / 58 Power Mac Upgrades Triple your speed. / ArchiCAD 4.5 From sketch to blueprint to Seiko Professional ColorPoint 2 PSF SoftWindows Run Windows on 68040 virtual tour, Graphisoft’s integrated 2-D/ Model 14 Top-of-the-line switch-hitting Macs. / Zip Drive Unlimited storage. / 3-D architectural-CAD system makes dye-sub/thermal-wax color printer CD-ROM Easy access to seven discs. / ZMac the grade. / 46 delivers quality good enough for graphics Utility of the Month Throckmorton professionals. / 60 Power Pack. / Plus Macintosh price Fargo Primera Pro Low-cost dye-sub/ index. / 27 thermal-wax color PostScript printer Coda Vivace Personal Accompanist The features support for networks. / 47 ability to listen intelligently makes this COLUMNS autoaccompaniment system indispensable for music classrooms. / 65 Letters Readers express Dvorak delight and Word 6 dismay and pose their PLANMaker How to write a business plan questions to Dr. Power Mac. / 11 that will at least get you started. / 65 Maggie Canon Fine print. / 17 Scenery Animator Create and animate virtual landscapes. / 66 Andy Ihnatko Up, up, and away. / 21 PowerAGENT Leverage AppleScript’s John C. Dvorak Acquisition fever. / 196 power without learning to script. / 66 Product Index / 159 Virex Administrator If securing a virus- free network is a high priority, then this Advertiser Index / 162 detect-and-repair tool is a must. / 67 Marketplace / 169 Troubled Souls Moody, gothic Tetris-like 37 / Laser-printer competition heats up. game is highly addictive — you’ve been FEBRUARY 95 68 On the cover / warned. / / $3.95 There may be a FEBRUARY 1995 FEBRUARY non-Apple Mac InfoDepot 2.0 Featuring support for Menu Master Mac Lite Access-limiting Mac Clones / Removable Media Drives / Mac Buyer in your future. multiple users and impressive versatility, tool maintains the Finder’s look and CLONES this information-management tool excels feel. / 68 Apple and IBM Cover photo / 48 Join Forces to at complex project coordination. / Build the Diane Dempsey FileWave Centralized-software- ’ s Guide / Internet Ultimate PC MacDraft 4.0 Entry-level drafting tool is PLUS management and -distribution program 27 Macs Rated How to Buy and Configure the Right One for You first in its class to incorporate a database makes life easier for network Expert Troubleshooting Techniques Tips That Will Fix and a report generator. / 53 73 Almost Anything managers. / Make the PowerPC Switch Upgrade-Card Shoot-out DESKTOP PUBLISHING / 104 Page Layout Pump up your PageMaker layouts with Additions technology. / 107 COVER STORY Graphics How-To Blends versus gradients — and the difference between the two. / 111 Here Come the Clones Expert Tips Image-replacement strategies, such as DCS, can ease work-flow Apple strikes an unprecedented agreement bottlenecks. / 113 with PowerPC partners IBM and Motorola. ONE PLATFORM, MULTIPLE OS CHOICES. That’s the heart of the announcement presented at a historic November NETWORKING / 114 meeting of the PowerPC partners. But what does this mean Network Help How to diagnose for you? Better prices, for one; the future of the Macintosh, nonfunctioning zones, and more. / 117 for another. BY HENRY NORR / 76 Mac to PC Cross-platform strategies to tide you over until 1996. / 121 FEATURES How to Buy Your Perfect HANDS ON / 124 Macintosh Six Super Fixes Try these terrific tips ZD This Macintosh Buyer’s before you take your Mac to the mechanic. / 124 86 / How to buy Macs, LABS guide will tell you all you need to know about processors, Mobile Mac Is it time to switch to memory, SCSI, video, and expansion System 7.5? It all depends. / 129 slots before you make your purchase and includes not only performance Net Traveler Five must-see sites for statistics for every shipping Mac users. / 133 Macintosh but also all the specs. 133 / New Help Folder Bob and Andy answer all your 88 / . storage, BY DREW J. CRONK / 82 Internet column. questions. Plus hot tips on your favorite programs. / 134 A Removables Feast ZD High-capacity remov- LABS able-storage systems 90 / . monitors, let you take your data with you. MacUser Labs puts the three tech- nologies for removable media to the test by placing more than 50 drives with capacities of 200 to 270 mega- bytes through a series of challenging speed tests. Find out which one is 92 / . and more. best for you. BY JIM SHATZ-AKIN / 94 How to Reach Us Subscription problems? Call 800-627-2247. THE EDITORS of MacUser want to hear from MacUser, P.O. Box 56986, Boulder, CO 80322- you. Send questions, tips, complaints, or com- 6986. 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