NEWSLETTER AUGUST 2005 15 July 2005 - 15 August 2005 No 15 Publication prepared by the Polish Information and Foreign Investment Agency Employment should exceed 500 people. Latest information: POLISH SECTORS „The firm represents tire manufacturing sector. In this field Poland becomes an Form of polish automotive sector unquestionable European leader. In the An automotive sector is the significant Boom in automotive sector past Poland attracted investments of part of Polish industry. It has achieved in Poland part 2 other major representatives of this sector, record results in 1999 by dint of con- such as Bridgestone and Goodyear. Posi- stant growth of production up to 715,000 Automotive supply chain tive decision of Michelin is the reflection of and sale up to 640 000 cars and vans. As a result of snowball effect following au- Poland’s investment attractiveness. The tomotive investments (or re-investments) company participated in the privatization FIAT&GM turbo drive are stimulating development of compa- of domestic tire maker Stomil-Olsztyn An investment related to beginning Turbo nies and creation of new jobs. Currently S.A., which brought about positive finan- Diesel 1.3 SDE car engine production in there are over 700 companies (ca. 200 cial results and high efficiency of produc- Bielsko Biała has absorbed almost 370 obtained ISO/TS 16949 certificate) - sup- tion and thus convinced the firm to further million euro with over 1,300 employees. pliers of the automotive sector - with the invest in Poland. The plant will be techno- A huge demand for 1.3 SDE engines share of both Polish and foreign capital. logically advanced, which will be important causes the plant will achieve full produc- Their list includes for instance six plants not only due to the anticipated transfer tion abilities faster then it was planned. of car engines e.g. of Isuzu in Tychy, Opel of technology and know-how to Poland, and FIAT-G.M. Powertrain in Gliwice, To- but it will also positively affect economic New Investments in automotive sector yota in Jelcz-Laskowice and Wałbrzych, development of Warmia and Mazury re- An amount of new overseas investments and Volkswagen Motor in Polkowice. gion. Tire sector will indirectly contribute into the polish automotive sector is still Poland is also a leading manufacturer of: to the creation of a large number of jobs increasing. Only in 2004 almost 9% of components for engines, metal pressed in the region due to its high demand for invested capital was connected with the parts, aluminum castings, rubber and pla- components,” announced Sebastian Mi- branch. It makes the automotive sector le- stic parts, manufacturing of dies and forms. kosz, Executive Vice President of PAIiIZ. ading one in the whole productive sector. Components manufactured in Po- land are later assembled in cars, such Earlier also Goodyear and Bridgesto- As the project “The map of the Po- as Mercedes, Nissan, Opel, Porsche, ne decided to shift its manufacturing lish automotive sector” is already Toyota, Volkswagen, Isuzu, Fiat, Ci- facility to Dębica and Poznań respec- recognizable and identified as a troen, Honda, Peugeot, Volvo, BMW, tively. Poland is one of the largest tyre reliable source of information, Polish In- Rolls-Royce, Lamborghini, Ferrari. producer in Europe. According to www. formation and Foreign Investment Agen- opony.pl Polish tyre market analyst, the cy (PAIiIZ) has taken patronage over it. Poland - Emerging leader internal market will grow in 2005 by 3% For the most up-to-date information in trucks, vans, busses in comparison to the year before amo- concerning investments in the auto- and coaches manufacturing unting 7.6 million pieces. According to motive sector in Poland please visit Central Statistical Office Polish output www.motogazeta.mojeauto.pl/mapa Automotive companies located in Poland capacity amounted to 33.6 millions tyres not only deliver passenger cars and va- for the period January-November 2004. POLISH ECONOMY riety of components to internal market, but also export vans, buses and trucks. Currently PAIiIZ is working on 6 lar- ge automotive investment projects and It amounted to almost 100,000 units in Powered by Warsaw Independent 2004. The list of major bus and trucks about 15 smaller projects. The value of manufacturers include FSO in Warszawa, the projects has to exceed EUR 50 mil- Opel Poland in Gliwice, Volkswagen in lion and create at least 500 new jobs. Poznań, Intrall in Lublin, MAN Star Trucks If all of them were concluded with a in Starachowice and in Poznań, Jelcz in positive investment decision, they wo- Jelcz-Laskowice, Autosan in Sanok, So- uld directly create at least 15,000 jobs. laris Bus & Coach in Bolechowo, Volvo Poland’s Inflation at 1.4% YY in June Poland in Wrocław, Scania in Słupsk. MAP OF THE POLISH The Polish consumer price index was Polish commercial vehicles market is still at 1.4% in June, the Central Statisti- too small as for the potential of the Po- AUTOMOTIVE SECTOR cal Office (GUS) said. Consumer pri- lish economy. Having in mind rising trade ces dropped 0.2% versus May 2005. The market expected the inflation of between Poland and the EU, the growth Poland has strengthened its position as potential of the Polish truck market is very 1.5% yoy, down from 2.5% in May, with one of the countries with the fastest gro- the range of forecasts at 1.4-1.8%. big. Polish market is likely to retain high wing economy in Central and Eastern Eu- growth dynamics in the next few years. rope. Substantial growth of investments Poland’s Unemployment Rate at 18% concluded in Poland by large multinatio- in Jun., Prev. 18.3% Tyre sector nal automotive sector suppliers causes increasing interest with this branch of the Poland’s unemployment rate was at Attractiveness of Poland for automoti- Polish industry. The project “Map of the 18% in June, down from 18.3% in May, ve sector investors has recently been Polish automotive sector” which is run by the Central Statistical Office (GUS) said confirmed by a decision of Michelin to Internet site www.mojeauto.pl is beco- Monday, July 25. The number of those invest EUR 253 million in the Warmiń- ming popular among individual Internet out of work was at 2,827,400, down by sko-Mazurska Special Economic Zone. users, as well as executives of companies. Polish Information and Foreign Investment Agency POLSKA39,900 or AGENCJA1.4% since INFORMACJIend-May. Compa - EUR 1.1bn, a report from market ad- Investment of Volvo in Poland red with June 2004, the number of those visory firm IDC said Monday, July 18. outI INWESTYCJI of work in Poland ZAGRANICZNYCH was lower by 7.9% . The organization expects the growth of 14.6% in 2005 and 14.8% in 2006. „Gi- S.A. Poland Tops Europe ven the diminishing margins on hardwa- for Investment Attractiveness re and software, many big-name vendors are bolstering their IT services offerings. Poland holds the fourth place in the Nevertheless, the market remained frag- world and the first in Europe with respect mented, with local players dominating the to attractiveness for investments, said scene and the top 20 vendors accounting Ernst & Young in its European Attrac- for just over 62% of spending in Poland tiveness Survey. „[Poland’s] attractive- in 2004. While HP and IBM ranked first ness was indicated by 17% of respon- and second in revenue on the Polish IT dents, which allowed it to overtake the services market last year, only three inter- three best European countries so far, national players in total broke the top ten. Seat of Volvo in Wrocław that is Germany, the United Kingdom (Accenture took fifth),” the report states. and France,” said Danuta Janczak, the Volvo will invest PLN 26 million in the deputy president of company’s board. creation of accounting and IT system in FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENTS Wrocław. The new centre will employ POLICY MAKERS/ OPINION 500 persons who will provide services to MAN Nutzfahrzeuge AG chose the whole group of Volvo AB in Europe. Agreement signed between the Economy IMF Praises Poland, Encourages Fiscal Re- Niepołomice for the location and Labour Ministry and Volvo will allow form In its first year in the European Union, of its new trucks plant Poland has shown its mettle and export the creation of a Complex Financial-Ac- growth remained buoyant and FDI picked counting and Development of Information up sharply, rendering a solid external po- Technologies Centre LLC in Wrocław. Management of MAN Nutzfahrzeuge AG sition stronger, the International Monetary Among the employed will be mostly decided that the additional trucks assem- Fund (IMF) said. Policymakers successful- young persons in the age of 25-34, which bling plant will be constructed in Kraków. ly coped with accession-related price and will help lower the unemployment rate in After all works are completed production demand shocks, the organization said. The the Lower Silesia in this age group (cur- capacity will stand at 15,000 vehicles IMF said, however, that the Polish govern- rently at 26.3%). Investor also declared annually, which will allow employing 650 ment must continue fiscal reforms in other that majority (40%) of the employees to use the country’s economic potential. persons. Planned investment outlays will stand at between EUR 90-100 million. will be taken on via Poviat Labour Office (PUP) in Wrocław. The new investment AUTOMOTIVE Signing an agreement concerning the construction of the plant will take pla- will result in growing turnover and thus ce on 16 August in Poland. Construc- employment among entities co-operating Poland’s Car Production Up 35% MM with the centre. It is estimated that thanks in June 48,061 passenger cars were tion works will be commenced already in fall 2005.
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