VOL. XXXI, No. 30 [PRICE TWELVE CENTS] MAY 2, 1929 Board of Trustees at Their Spring Meeting Make New Appointments and Promotions Phi Beta Kappa Announces Elections —Includes Anderson, Lyon, and Josef son John F. Anderson, Track Captain, Sets New Discus Record at Penn Relays Princeton Wins Sixteen Inning Base- ball Game by Score of 4 to 3 Published weekly during the college year and monthly in July and August. Subscription $4 per year. Entered as second class matter, Ithaca, N. Y, Postmaster; Return postage guaranteed, Use form 3578 for undeliverable copies, CORNELL ALUMNI NEWS Cornell University Lehigh Valley Train Service Summer Session in LAW for First Term, June 24 to July 31 CONTRACT, Professor Costigan, Univ. of California, and Profes- sor Grismore, Univ. of Michigan. PROPERTY I-a, Professor Wil- SPRING DAY son and Assistant Professor Farn- ham, Cornell University. CORPORATIONS, Professor Wright, Univ. of Pennsylvania. CONFLICT OF LAWS, Professor Saturday, May 18 Dickinson, Univ. of Michigan. JURISPRUDENCE,Assistant Pro- Special Train—Friday, May 17 fessor Laube, Cornell University. ACCOUNTING FOR LAWYERS, Standard Time Professor English, Cornell Uni- Lv. New York (Pennsylvania Station) *ll:20 P.M. versity. Lv. Newark (Elizabeth & Meeker Aves) 11:45 P.M. QUASI-CONTRACTS, Professor Dickinson, West Virginia Uni- Ar. Ithaca 7:00 A.M. versity. * Sleepers open at 10:00 P.M. and may be occupied at Ithaca until 8:00 A.M. Second Term, Aug. 1 to Sept. 6 CONTRACT, see above. Other Convenient Trains—Daily PROPERTY I-a, see above. PUBLIC SERVICE, Professor Cheadle, Univ. of Oklahoma. Standard Time NEGOTIABLE PAPER, Profes- The The The Star sor McCormick, Univ. of North Black Diamond New Yorker Carolina. Lv. New York (Penn. Sta.) 8:50 A.M. 11:50 A.M. *ll:40 P.M. INSURANCE, Professor White- Lv. New York (Hudson Term'l.)... 8:40 A.M. 11:40 A.M. 11:30 P.M. side, Cornell University. Lv. Newark (Eliz. 8B Meeker Aves.).9:24 A.M. 12:24 P.M. 12:12 A.M. MUNICIPAL CORPORATIONS, Lv. Philadelphia (Reading Term'l.)..9:20 A.M. 12:40 P.M. *12:00 Mdt. Professor Frierson, Univ. of South Carolina. Ar. Ithaca 4:51 P.M. 8:17 P.M. 7:28 A.M. ADMIRALTY, Professor Robin- * Sleepers open at 10:00 P.M. and may be occupied at Ithaca until 8:00 A.M. son, Boston University. Students may begin the study of RETURNING law in the summer session. For catalog, address the Special Train—Sunday, May 19 CORNELL LAW SCHOOL Standard Time Ithaca, N. Y. Lv. Ithaca *ll:00 P.M. Ar. Newark (Elizabeth & Meeker Aves.) 7:00 A.M. Ar. New York (Pennsylvania Station) 7:25 A.M. * Sleepers open at 9:00 P.M. Ithaca Other Convenient Trains—Daily Trust Company Standard Time The The Train New Yorker Black Diamond No. 4 Lv. Ithaca 9:20 A.M. 12:34 P.M. *ll:00 P.M. Resources Over Ar. Philadelphia (Reading Term'l). ..5:03 P.M. 8:08 P.M. 6:51A.M. Ar. Newark (Eliz. & Meeker Aves.).5:08 P.M. 8:14 P.M. 6:48 A.M. Five Million Dollars Ar. New York (Hudson Term'l.). ... 5:46 P M. 8:51P.M. 7:22 A.M. Ar. New York (Penn. Station) 5:40 P.M. 8:45 P.M. 7:20 A.M. * Sleepers open for occupancy 9:00 P.M. President Charles E. Treman Lehigh Valley Observation Train for the Yale, Princeton and Vice-Pres Franklin C. Cornell Cornell Regatta. All Spring Day Events are on Standard Time. Treasurer Sherman Peer Cashier A. B. Wellar For^reservations, etc., phone Wisconsin 4210 (New York); Rittenhouse 1140 (Philadelphia); Mitchell 7200 or Terrace 3965 (Newark); 2306 (Ithaca). MERCERSBURG ACADEMY Offers a thorough physical, mental and moral train- ing for college or business. Under Christian masters from the great universities. Located in the Cum- berland Valley. New gymnasium. Equipment CΊhe Route of The Black Diamond modern. Write for catalogue. BOYD EDWARDS, D.D., S.T.D., Head-Master Mercersburg, Pennsylvania CORNELL ALUMNI NEWS VOL. XXXI, NO. 30 ITHACA, NEW YORK, MAY 2., 19x9 PRICE 12. CENTS Phi Beta Kappa Elects N. Y., Janet S. Jennings, Candor, N. Y., Dr. Jaeger to Speak Saul R. Kelson, Syracuse, Fritz E. Loef- John F. Anderson and Hyman Josefson, ίler, Yonkers, Harold W. Metz, Albany, New Information on the Arrangement of Star Athletes, Among New Senior Philip A. Miller, Ithaca, William T. Payne, Atomic Structure in Molecules to Members Blue Point, N. Y, Herman M. South- Be Disclosed worth, Vestal, N. Y., Kira Volkoff, At a meeting of the elections of Phi Beta Schenectady, N. Y., Earl Witkowsky, Although he has been in America only a Kappa on April 24, the following were Brooklyn, Francis D. Wormuth, Lowville. short time, Professor Frans M. Jaeger of chosen to membership: Of the above seniors, Anderson is a the University of Groningen, Netherlands, member of Delta Upsilon, Altman of Tau GRADUATES George F. Baker Non-Resident Lecturer in William F. McDonald, Philadelphia, Epsilon Phi, Bromley of Pi Kappa Alpha, Chemistry, is the subject of a special story Pa., Antoine P. Pelmont, Parthenay, Coleman of Delta Chi, Kiefer of Phi Delta distributed by the Associated Press, which France. Sigma, Levin and Rothschild of Pi describes the course he is teaching. Right Lambda Phi, Levine and Plotkin of Phi SENIORS and left-handed patterns of atomic arrange- Freda Aks, Monticello, N. Y., Oscar Alt- Delta Mu, Lyon of Alpha Delta Phi, Levy ment in molecules are explained in this man, Monticello, N. Y., John F. Ander- of Sigma Alpha Mu, Strefel of Alpha course. son, Glendale, Ohio, Gladys J. Andrew, Sigma Phi, Stone of Sigma Phi, Terr of There are substances built up by equal Trumansburg, N. Y., Ruth S. Bamberger, Alpha Epsilon Pi, Miss Heyl of Kappa members of the same atoms, differing only Harrison, N. Y., Evelyn DeG. Bassage, Alpha Theta, Miss Hunter and Miss in configuration analogous to the differ- Rochester, N. Y., Orren B. Bromley, Jr., Metz of Delta Gamma, Miss Persbacker of ences between two gloves of a pair. For, Glens Falls, N. Y., John E. Coleman, Kappa Delta, Miss Kondell and Miss although the most common commercial Dayton, Ohio, Irving H. Dale, Celia Marx of Sigma Delta Tau, Miss Schillke properties of right and left-handed phases Engel, New York, Harold D. Feuerstein, of Sigma Kappa and Miss Bassage and are the same, they differ widely in their Newark, N. J., Harrop A. Freeman, Miss Gristede of Delta Delta Delta. effects on the human body. Nicotine is Ithaca, Virginia Gary, Buffalo, Charlotte Of the juniors, Cottone is a member of an example. Alpha Phi Delta, Hewitt of Kappa Sigma, Gristede, New York, Martha A. Harding, A synthetic form of nicotine exists quite Guilderland Center, N. Y., Dorothy Heyl, Loeffler of Phi Sigma Kappa, Southworth of Kappa Delta Rho, Altman of Tau different in its effects from^that present in Washington, D. C, Josephine Hunter, Ben smoking tobacco. This nicotine is two- Avon, Pa., Hyman Josefson, Middletown, Epsilon Phi, Denetrolz of Omicron Alpha Tau and Failla of Sigma Upsilon. fold less poisonous than the form produced N. Y., Maurice Karp, Syracuse, Leo P. by nature. The molecular pattern in the Katzin, Binghamton, N. Y., Edwin H. natural product is left-handed, while the COLLEGE FLYING PROGRESSES Kiefer, Kew Gardens, N. Y., Gerald Klat- synthetic nicotine has its atoms arranged skin, Brooklyn, Edith M. Kondell, New The second annual Intercollegiate Aero- in a right-handed form. York, George Levin, Jr., Lawrence, N. Y., nautical Conference, in which the Cornell Benjamin Levine, Brooklyn, Frances C. Flying Club has membership, was held at It is too difficult and expensive to make Levinson, New Yorκ, Lawrence L. Levy, Detroit, Mich., in April in connection this synthetic nicotine by present methods New York, Robert N. Lyon, Kansas City, with the All-American Aircraft Show. for commercial production. "And per- Mo., Kathryn M. McGuire, Warsaw, Speakers expressed the opinion that haps its effect would be so different that N. Y., Helen Marx, Philadelphia, Pa., aviation in the colleges and universities tobacco users would not care for it." William Maslow, New York, Sylvia seemed destined to develop along two Dr. Jaeger is to speak at the sixty- Moskowitz, Brooklyn, Elsie L. Pers- lines. One is the establishment of college seventh annual meeting of the American backer, Port Jervis, N. Y., Irving I. courses in flying as a part of the regular Chemical Society. He will be one of the Plotkin, Brooklyn, Mariette Prevosto, curriculum. The other is the founding of speakers at a "Symposium on Molecular New York, John S. Riedel, Brooklyn, aviation clubs among students and the Structure." According to an announce- Gertrude Robbins, New York, Victor H. extension of flying as a competitive college ment, he "will tell of his x-ray explorations Rothschild, 2d, New York, Henry Rud- sport. into the elusive structure of ultra-marine, berg, Brooklyn, Charlotte L. Schillke, whicn has puzzled scientists for a century. Buffalo, Anna K. Schmidt, Richmond 1904 CLASS DINNER Dr. Jaeger has discovered that the beauti- ful blue tone of this mineral, once rare and Hill, N. Y., Rose E. Shames, Poughkeep- The annual 1904 dinner will be held at highly prized as lapis lazuli, now so com- sie, N. Y., Julius Solovay, Brooklyn, Ed- the New York Cornell Club on May 6. mon that it is used as laundry bluing, is ward H. Stiefel, Maplewood, N. J., Philip It will be the last get-together before the J. Stone, Washington, D. C, Hyman twenty-fifth year reunion.
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