Botanica Pacifica. A journal of plant science and conservation. 2021. 10(1): 61–68 DOI: 10.17581/bp.2021.10111 On the ecology of lawn communities in the cities of the Republic of Bashkortostan, Russia Yaroslav M. Golovanov*, Larisa M. Abramova, Oleg Yu. Zhigunov & Irina Ev. Anishchenko Yaroslav M. Golovanov * ABSTRACT e­mail: [email protected] This article provides information on the ecology of lawn communities in the cities Larisa M. Abramova of the Urals of the Republic of Bashkortostan (Ufa, Sterlitamak, Salavat, Ishimbay, e­mail: [email protected] Me leuz, Birsk, Neftekamsk, Yanaul). On the basis of 195 relevés, the ecological re gimes of lawn communities and their species were determined using the eco­ Oleg Yu. Zhigunov logical scales of Landolt. DCA ordination of the relevés confirmed their floristic e­mail: [email protected] difn fere tia tion into 4 associations, 2 subassociations, and 5 facies assigned to the Irina Ev. Anishchenko alliance Cynosurion cristati of the class Molinio–Arrhenatheretea. The main contribu­ e­mail: [email protected] tion to the differentiation of communities is made by the thermoclimatic factor, soil moisture and nutrient regimes. The ranges of values of environmental factors of the lawn com mu nities are determined. When conditions deteriorate, there is a succession of lawn communities from subass. typicum of the ass. Leontodono–Poetum pratensis via the subass. cichorietosum intybi of the same association to the ass. Poo South­Ural Botanical Garden­Institute pra ten sis–Plantaginetum majoris. At the same time, species diversity first increases due of the Ufa Federal Scientific Center RAS, to the invassion of synanthropic species, and then decreases. Lawns considered to Ufa, Russia belong to synanthropized vegetation when the number of synanthropic species reaches 56–63 %. Along with traditional herbal mixtures with Poa pratensis, herbal mixtures with Festuca rubra and Lolium perenne are recommended, the combination * corresponding author of which better corresponds to a fairly wide range of environmental conditions of the Urals. Regular maintenance, watering and mowing are also necessary, which extend the life of the lawns. Manuscript received: 28.01.2021 Review completed: 30.04.2021 Keywords: Republic of Bashkortostan, cities, lawns communities, ecological scales, Accepted for publication: 11.05.2021 successional processes Published online: 12.05.2021 РЕЗЮМЕ Голованов Я.М., Абрамова Л.М., Анищенко И.Е., Жигунов О.Ю. К эко ло гии сообществ газонов городов Республики Башкортостан. В статье приводятся сведения по экологии сообществ газонов в городах Пред­ уралья Республики Башкортостан (Уфа, Стерлитамак, Салават, Ишимбай, Ме леуз, Бирск, Нефтекамск, Янаул). На основе 195 геоботанических описа­ ний по оптимумным экологическим шкалам Ландольта определяли эколо­ гис че кие режимы газонных сообществ и их видов. DCA ординация опи­ саний под твердила флористическую дифференциацию 4 ассоциаций, 2 субассо циа ций и 5 фаций, отнесенных к союзу Cynosurion cristati класса Moli­ nio–Are rh natheretea. Основной вклад в дифференциацию сообществ вносят тер мо климатический фактор, увлажнение и богатство почвы элементами ми не раль ного питания. Определены диапазоны значений экологических фак торов сообществ газонов. При ухудшении условий происходит сукцес­ си он ная смена сообществ газонов от субасс. typicum асс. Leontodono–Poetum pratensis через субасс. сichorietosum intybi той же ассоциации к асс. Poo pratensis– Plantaginetum majoris. При этом флористическое разнообразие сначала возрас­ тает за счет внедре ния синантропных видов, а затем снижается. По уровню синантропи за ции газоны относятся к синантропизированной раститель­ ности с участием синантропных видов 56–63 %. Наряду с традиционными травосмесями с Poa pratensis, рекомендуются травосмеси с Festuca rubra и Lolium perenne, сочетание которых лучше соответствует достаточно широкому диапа­ зону экологических условий Предуралья. Необходим также регулярный уход, полив и скашивание, которые продлевают срок жизни газонов. Ключевые слова: Республика Башкортостан, города, сообщества газонов, эколо­ гические шкалы, сукцессионные процессы Lawns are a significant element of landscaping objects, signed to ensure the stability and optimization of the hu­ the basis of spatial architectural and planning organization of man habitat, contribute to increasing its sanitary and hy­ all types of urban landscapes (Grechushkina­Sukhorukova gie nic comfort. Lawns improve the microclimate, in crease 2019a). The functionality of lawns, and, above all, their air humidity and stabilize the temperature in the lowest ecological role in urban ecosystems, depends on their stratum of the atmosphere; increase the production of con di tion and territorial location (Larionov et al. 2018). oxygen and phytoncides; absorb and neutralize man­made Lawns, as the ecological framework of urban areas, play pollution; prevent water and wind erosion (Laptev 1983, an important role in the ecosystems of cities: they are de­ Glebova et al. 2000, Grechushkina­Sukhorukova 2019b). ©Botanical Garden-Institute FEB RAS. 2021 61 Golovanov et al. Ecological studies of lawns and their constituent grass Anishchenko et al. 2019), dissertations (Golovanov 2011), as mix tures in the Russian Federation and abroad are not well as in the database of anthropogenic vegetation of the nu merous . They focus mainly on the flora and veg eta tion Urals and adjacent territories (http://www.givd.info/ID/00­ of lawn com mu nities (Thompson et al. 2004, Stavretović RU ­008). The syntaxonomic scheme of lawn vegetation was & Jovanović 2005, Anishchenko 2005, Pal et al. 2013, provided by Anishchenko et al. (2019). The classification was Ishbirdina et al. 2019, Anishchenko et al. 2019, 2020, car ried out by the Brown­Blanquet approach (Braun­Blan­ Novaković et al. 2020), the sta bility of lawn grass mix­ quet 1964, Westhoff & Maarel 1978). The synoptic table was tures and their composition (Düb bern de Souza et al. 2020, constructed with an aid of JUICE software (Tichý 2002). Wolski et al. 2020), the im pact of various en vi ron men­ The ecological regimes of the communities were deter­ tal and anthropogenic factors (light, irrigation, trampling, mined using weighted averages based on the Landolt's optimal soil conditions, etc.) on the du ra bility of lawn carpets, eco lo gical scales (Landolt 1977) using the IBIS software as well as va rious issues of ma nage ment and the role of (Zverev 2007). The weighted average values are calculated lawns in urban eco systems (Lap tev 1983, Tyuldyukov et al. on the fol lo wing scales: moisture content (F), acidity (R), 2002, Petrova 2007, Ani shchen ko et al. 2011, Vizirskaya et richness of the soil with elements of mineral nutrition (N), al. 2013, Lukinykh 2013, Gladkov et al. 2016, Chollet et humus content (H), mechanical composition and structure al. 2018, Watson et al. 2019, Foti et al. 2020, Parra et al. of the soil (D), illu mination (L), ther mo climatic scale (T), 2020, Unruh et al. 2020). The experience of lawn science continentality (K). accumulated shows that the problem of creating lawn grass To identify the patterns of ecological differentiation of stands can be successfully solved only on the basis of a lawnu com m nities and their main types, the DCA­or di na­ deep knowledge of the bioecological features of the spe­ tion was used (CANOCO 4.5 software package, Ter Braak cies used in the creation of lawns in specific ecological & Šmilauer 2002). The ranges of environmental fac tors were and geo gra phi cal conditions of urban ecosystems. cal culated in the PAST 2.17 package and visua lized using the In a num ber of studies on predicting the success of gro­ boxplot tool (Hammer et al. 2001). wing, op timi zing the range of lawn grasses, the study of The names of the species are given in accordance with the im pact on their growth and development of the en vi­ the da ta of the electronic resource Euro+Med Plant Base ron men tal con di tions of specific places of their culti va tion (2021). The le vels of synanthropization and adventization be comes par ti cularly relevant. In urban conditions, lawn wereu cal c la ted according to the methods used previously car pets experience various distructive impacts due to direct by Abramova et al. (2000), Abramova (2002), Golovanov & me c ha ni cal da mage by vehicles, during con struc tion work Abramova (2016). and during systematic trampling, as well as toxic effects of industrial and transport emissions and the use of deicing RESULTS mixtures and salts. (Grechushkina­Sukho ru ko va 2010). To date, the prodromus of lawn vegetation in the cities In the southern steppe and forest­steppe regions of of the Republic of Bashkortostan as a whole includes 4 as­ the Russian Federation, which also includes the Republic so cia tions assigned to the alliance Cynosurion cristati Tx. 1947 of Bashkortostan (RB), periodic droughts are an additional of the class Molinio–Arrhenatheretea Tx. 1937 (Anishchenko stress, which, in the conditions of natural low moisture supply, et al. 2019). in the ab sence of irrigation, lead to the suppression of the The most common syntaxon of vegetation of lawns of growth of lawn grasses, loss of decorative effect and even the RB in all cities of the Pre­Urals is acc. Poo pratensis–Plan ta­ com plete die­off of lawns in the case of long dry periods. gi ne tum majoris Ishbirdin et al. 1988. The association includes In the conditions of the Southern Urals (RB), the meso phytic and nitro phytic communities of trampled ha bi­ urgency of the problem of creating highly decorative and tats, old­growth lawns near residential buildings. The wide sustainable lawns is compounded by the fact that the lawn spread of such com mu ni ties is associated with poor lawn management in settlements, the atmosphere of which is care, especially in small towns of the republic. This fact of ten pol luted by industrial or agricultural enterprises, is also con tri butes to a fair ly wide occurrence of the ass.
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