University of Oklahoma College of Law University of Oklahoma College of Law Digital Commons American Indian and Alaskan Native Documents in the Congressional Serial Set: 1817-1899 8-15-1888 Letter from the Secretary of the Interior, transmitting, in response to Senate resolution of July 18, 1888, reports upon the railroad rights of way granted through Indian reservations Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.law.ou.edu/indianserialset Part of the Indian and Aboriginal Law Commons Recommended Citation S. Exec. Doc. No. 237, 50th Cong., 1st Sess. (1888) This Senate Executive Document is brought to you for free and open access by University of Oklahoma College of Law Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in American Indian and Alaskan Native Documents in the Congressional Serial Set: 1817-1899 by an authorized administrator of University of Oklahoma College of Law Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. 50TH CONGRESS, } SENATE. Ex. Doc. 1st Session. { No. 237. LETTER FROM THE SECRETARY OF THE INTERIOR, TltA:NSMITTING, In response to Senate resol'l.ti'ion of J'ltly 18, 1888, reports upon the ra,il­ road rights of way granted through Indian reservations. AUGUST 15, 1888.-0nlered to Lc printed and referred to tho Committee on Indian Affairs. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, Washington, August 14, 1888. SIR: I haYc the honor to acknowledge the receipt of the following resolution of the Senate of the 18th ultimo, viz: Be it resolved, That the Secretary of the Interior be, and is hereby, instructed and d to fundsh to this bouy, for the information and use of tho Committee on In­ Affair!", true copies of the certificates of incorporation .filed in the Department of Interior by such railroad companies as have been granted the right of way, and her purposcts, tbrongh Indian reservations, by acts passed in tho Forty-ninth etb Congresses, together with those for any other road for which similar Lills pending before Congress, not including, however, extensions to roads incor­ prior to December 1, 1885. In response thereto I transmit copies of reports of the Commissioner lmliau Affairs of the 1st instant., and of the General Land Office of lOth instant, and of the inclosures therein noted. Very respectfully, WM. F. VILAS. Secretary. Tbe PRESIDENT l~Ro TEMPORE OF THE U. S. SENA'l'E. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, OFFICE OF INDIAN AFFAIRS, Washington, .August I, 1888. SIR: I have the honor to acknowledge, by your reference for early , the receipt of a Senate resolution of July 18, 1888, as follows: it rcsolecd, That the Secretary of the Interior be, an(l is hereby, instructed d to furnish to this body, for the information and usc of tho Committee on Affairs, true copies of tho certificates of incorporation :filed in the Department utcrior h~· such railroad companies as have been granted tho right of way, other pHrposPs, through Indian res1~rvatious, by acts passed iu the Forty-ninth Cougrcsscs, together with those for any other road for which similar bills pemliug hetoro Congress, nQt tnclluliP~ 1 howeYIJfl CKtelllliOll§ ~9 !'9~!-ltl tnCQf• vriOf to DeceJnber ll l '85, 2 RIGHT OF WAY THROUGH INDIAN RESERVATIONS. In reply thereto I have to report that the following railroads granted the right of way through the following Indian reserv Right of way granted by the Forty-ninth Congress. No. Railroad. Reservation. Vol. 1 Chicago, Kansas and Nebraska.------~ Indian Territory..................... 24 2 Denison and Washita Vall_ey .............. do----------------------···-·-·· 24 3 Fort Worth and Denver Ctty ......•..•.... do·--------·-·····-··----------· 24 4 Kansas and Arka:m;as Valley .............. do.............................. 24 5 Kansas City, Fort Scott and Gulf . Indian Territory....... • • . 24 6 Maricopa and Phamix ............... Gila River, Arizona.................. 24 7 RockyFordan(hCookeCity ......... Crow, Montana...................... 24 8 Saint Paul, Minneapolis and Mani- Blackfeet, Montana, and Fort Ber- 24 toba. thold, Dakota. 9 UtahMidland ...........•...•........ Uncompahgre and Uintah, Utah.... 24 Right of way granted by the Fiftieth Congress. No. Railroad. Reservation. 1 Billings, Clark's Fork and Cooke City ........ Crow, Montana ...•.. -----······---·· ... 2 Choctaw Coal and Railway .. _...... ------ . ... Indian Territory ........................ 3 Duluth, Rainy Lake River and South western. Bois Forte and Red Lake, Minnesota ... 4 Fort Smith and El Paso ...... ------ .......... Indian Territory ....... ---·----- ........ 5 Kansas City and Pacific ...... -... -----· ..... ...... do . .... .. .. ................... 6 Milwaukee, LakeShore and \Vestern ........ Lac de Flambeau, Wisconsin ........... 7 Paris, Choctaw andLittleRock .............. Indian Terntory ...................... 8 Puyallup Valley .......... .................... Puyallup, Washington Tenitory ....... 9 Washington and Idaho . ...................... Coeur d'Alene, Idaho ................. .. Upon investigation I find that bills are now pending before Con granting the right of way to the following railroads through the reservations herein named, and it is possible some of them may -been passed, of which this office has no official notice: No. Railroad. Reservation. 1 Aberdeen, Bismarck and Northwest- Sioux, Dakota . { ern. 2 Carson and Colorado ................. Walker River, Nevada .. ------· ............. .. 3 Cedar Rapids, Iowa Falls and N o:dh· Pipestone, Minnesota................ 10766 western. 4 Chicago, Milwaukee and Saint Paul . Lake Traverse, Dakota ......•....... 5 Denver Coal and Railway ............ Indian Territory .................. .. 6 Duluth and Winnipeg . .............. Fond duLac, Minnesota......... .... 10112 l 7 Durango, Cortez and Utah -.......... Southern Ute, Colorado ....................... 8 ForestCityand Watertown ......... Sioux,Dakota ................... ... 6700 9 Fort Smith, Paris and Dardanelle.... Indian Territo_.ry..................... 9507 10 .Jamestown and Northern ............ Devil's Lake, Dakota .••.......•............... 11 Leavenworth and Rio Grande ....... Indian Territory..................... 7186 12 McPherson, Texas and Gu11f .............. do.····--·---·-············----- ........ .. 13 Missoula and Northern . ....... ------ Flathead, Montana . .•...•..... .. 5709 14 Montana, Kansas and Texas ......... Indian Territory---·····---·---····· 7223 15 Mooshead, Leech Lake and Northern. White Earth, Minnesota ............. { ~~~~ 16 Newport and King's Valley .......... Siletz, Oregon.--·------.............. 5830 17 Northern Pacific . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Yakama, Washington Territory ............. 18 Oregon Railway and Navigation Nez Perce, Idaho-------·----···----· 10309 Company. 19 Rio Grande Pacific ................. Uintah and Uncompahgre, Utah ..... 6707 20 Rio Grande and Utah ............... Southern Ute, Colorado .....•...•.... 7793 21 Saint Louis and San Fmncisco ..... Indian Territory----·----····-···--· 6612 22 Saint Paul, mack Hills and Pacific .. Sioux, Dakota ...................... 5045 23 Tucson, Globe and Northern ........ San Carlos or White Mountain, 3062 Arizona. 24 Utah and Northern ................. Fort Hall, Idaho ........ ·-----------· 25 WyomingMidland .•.•......•...•... Wind River, Wyoming ............. 26 Yankton and Missouri River (or Yankton, Dalkota .....•••••.......... Valley). RIGIIT OF WAY THROUGH INDIAN RESERVA ONS. 3 Tbe only certificates of incorporation of any of the abo\c-named roads on file in this office ar the Billings, Clark's Fork and Cooke City Rail­ road, and Puyallup Valley Railroad, and the records are not such as to enable this office to determine whether or not any of the other afore­ mentioned roads were incoq>ora ted prior to December 1, 1885. I inclose llcrewitb copy of tbe certitieah>s of incorporation of the two roads re­ fened to. I would in this cmmection stat~ that in acting upon these g1m1ts of right of way, whenever it was nceessary for this office to know whether the roads authorized to pass throngL such Indian reservation Wl're properly and legally incorporated, information was informally ob­ tained from the railroad division of the General Land Office, where the certificates of incorporation are usually filed. I respectfully recommend that the Senate resolution herewith and a copy of this report be transmitted to tLe General Laud Offico where the paper~ desired by the Senate Committee on Indian Affairs may be obtained, so far as the same may have been filed iu that. office. Very respectfully, your obedient servant, A. B. UPSH.A. w, Act-ing Omnrnissioner. Tbe SECRETARY OF THE INTERIOR. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, GENERAL LAND OFFICE, Washington, August 10, 1888. SrR: Referring to your reference of the 6th instant on Senate resolu­ tion of July 18, 1888, calliqg for the certified copies of the articles of in­ corporation of such railroad companies as have the right of way over Indian reservations, I have the honor to submit herewith certified copies of par>ers of the following companies: Rocky Fork and Cooke City Rwy. Saint Paul, Minneapolis and Manitoba. Utah and Northern. Tucson, Globe and Nothern. Oregon Rwy. and Navigation. Maricopa and Phamix. Missoula and Bit.ter Root Valley. Durango, Cortez and Salt Lake. Chicago, Kansas ancl Nebraska. Denver and Rio Grande Rwy. Chicago, Milwaukee and Saint Paul. Aberdeen, Bismark, and N. W. Carson and Colorado. Milwaukee, Lake Shore and Wcst.ern. Denver and Rio Grande Western. Cedar Rapids, Iowa Fall~:~ and NW. W asbington and Idaho. Jamestown and Northern. Forest
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