* V 1 ) • k 1 • * WEDNESDAY, MAY 4,1966 »AGE ISm iY-SIX "AfBBge Prijy Net Prew Rmi Manrtf^ater lEoi^nittg ll^raUk The W eather L «ka Week : JvrilUklfW Partly eloucty tht# evenbig, Tqiing peopla of the Salva­ on "Continuity in Tradition’’ by A . V . - ^ Sodrty ot GonnecUcut Historical Units Fred H urlburts chance of ahowers, k w in 40s; A D O U E X O W H Cnftam en’B exhQ)lt is being tion Army who are par­ John Ir. D<Slard, (»:«iddeilt of ths partly sunny and mild tomor* held now through May 2 1 in the ticipating in a Talent Night Hartford Society.of Aj^tecta. W ed 40 Years r 1 4 ,6 2 0 Marine Pfc tKwrvBM , <JT- lobby, at the Student Center, Friday at 7 p.m. will have a Meet in Suffield Two historic SofVMd houses row,, high near 70. WMte, eon. M Mr. ehd Mrs. weUa St, New' Britain, at Cen- special rehearaal tomorrow at wlH bs open to gueists, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick C. ManeheMter « A . City o f VHtage Charm The fact that th? Manchester the Dr. Alexander S n g bouse, Ksnneth ©.'"White Sr. ot ! « • W . trai ConnecUout State CoUege. 7 p.m. at die Youth Center at Hiu-lburb of 20 Village St. were 'V. > Historical Society is now a buflt in 1784, wWdi «a the fUUy Center S t, ^ ^ promoted'^ to sriiihit ‘ hours are Monday the atadel. feted Saturday with a surprise " VWi. LXXXV, NQ^ iS3 (TWBNTY-I<>UR PAGES-r^WO SEC110NS) (Oiasatfled Advertlaliif ,oa Fago fumiriied home o f tae SuffleM MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, MAT 5, 1966 21) miCE SEVEN CENTS Ms .preeant rank in the -Viet, through Friday from 9 a.m. to mamber of the Connecticut 40th wedding anniversary party ^Tomorrow, Nam combat sohe^hlle serving 7 p.m., Saturday, ' 9:30 a.m. to James A Bell of .319 Autumn League ot- Historical Socistiss m r ^ c a l society. tae ^ Home” of their son-in-law with the-&rd M ^ e DtyUlon in g p.m,, and Sunday, 1 to ^p.m St! is a member of a committee makes all members of the local A D a Nang. His promotion ------ for the 12 th annual reunion of T , Jt*n ToWisa of Frsn(* Rd., BOl- society eligible to . attend the 1 based oh Ume in service mid. Evergreen Garden Club oi „tae Bentley C o llie Alumni As- About 22 relatives and league’s spring meeting at Suf- tank, military' appearance, «md oleMtohbury will present a flow- ition reunion June 4 at the attended the eveht. field on Saturday, May 14. Me knowledge o< selected mUi*. er show, “A Time, to Remem- college campus in Waltham, has - interesting architecture couple was married in Sertr U Uw MnSi Manchester's Executive Council and grounds. M ■ 1st Mass., w 4^ dinner* at the Doro­ Manchester April 28, 1928, by fnHi ttU rnH*nt“ tary subjects. ber,” Friday,from 2 to 8 p.m; at voted on April 20 to join the thy' ^incyvm iite of the Han­ the late Rev. Herman O. Webber . ---- - . ' the First Church of Christ, Con- league. *nie Transatlantic Brides and ^ g a tio p a l. Main, St., Olaston- cock Bulldin^Bbston. of Ooncohlla Lutheran'Church, Parents. Association will meet'vbury. ih e show is open to the The Sufficld meeting, which Dinner to End and have lived in this town since Wednesday, May 11 at 7:80 p.m. public. takes place in the Second Bap­ their mandage. They also have tist Church on Birffield’s Main Flushes Out VC at South Methodist Church. A ------ two sons, Chester Hurlburt of Mothers Circle Season for Oub rescue attempt was thwarted ^ in battle or died Of eombat film of .Knglfmd will be shown K ^ e y St. PT A will spon> St., will hear the Hon.. Howard ' Rockville and Roger Hurlburt of L. SAIGON. Sooth Viet heavy antialrcFaft fire, awunds.’ . and refreshment? will be, serv- *>r an Ice Cream Social Satur- W. Alcorn, Supreme Court jus­ The 50HW Club of St. Mary’s Manriiestei', and 14 grandchll- *Nam (A P )— The U.S. 1st Elect Officers It was the 228th u!s. plane . South Vietnamese headquar­ ed. Ih e orguiisation will have day froiii 1 to 3 p.m. in the tice, on "The Touneship on the Cavalry, Airmobile, Divi- Episcopal Church wiH haye Mts dren. reported lost over North Viet ters .reported 297 govemnenf Its fourth birthday celebration school • cafeteria. A ^‘Make Mrs. Richard F. -Thorps of West side of Ye Ryuer Connec- "Bion flushed tho first siz- > ''VKW ' tlcut Towards wmosor, ' ana ”*«««ng of ths" season^- troops kiHed and 29 missing Saturday. May 21 at 7:30 p.m. Your Own Sundae” bar will be Bimquet Guest Nam- 166 Lydall St. was sleeted presi­ ; able enemy force irf three An A ir ForCe F iC Phantom (xmqtared with 96 killed and 88 at Bolton liske Hotel. Those the feature of the. event. Cold Miss Phyllis Klhn of the Con- day, beginning wlthji dinner at S w ^erte^ f^ M years Her ♦tMimitii I iiiiiiissin dent of the Motherhood of Mary A ' 6mM««i<Imo»UI ^ -weeks .today, reporting it jet ditriwd off ttMr.ooast of South missing last week wounded wishing further ihfonhatton drinks vdll be sold. There will Mrs. Thyra Feire Bjorn of nectlcut Historical Society staff 7 p.m. in Neill Hall at the peen emjdoyed at fiJImJ ItuHw » j iNilMMVptioB. killed 100 Viet Cong with Viet nam neatr.tbe esm Ranh figw es are not announced. may contact Mrs. Dfennis Boxx,' be a spin art and wlAilng well. Mothers Circle Monday night at Longmeadow, Mass., Swedish on "Connecticut’s ’49ers.” Mias <jhurch. The ‘‘LCeside Sinsera’’ Travelers Insurance Oo.,_ — Hart- . 0—4or»iM> iifpwf <or vOfLC Kihn’s talk is the result of origi-. .possibly 300 to 400 more Bay air base,. ITB milea north­ ; Five ships of the U.S. 7th 42 Salem Rd., East Hartford. T^e event is open to the pub- a .meeting at the home of Mrs.. raconteur and author, will be a grtxip of Manchester, folk sing- fond, tS years. nal research done with Miss •vsHimo. Tsiy Rows t . trapped in a valley. east of Saigon, after it ran <nit Fleet shelled enemy positions ------ lie. Bernard McDonnell, 184 Lud­ the guest speaker Friday . at era, will present a prpgranu Mr. ' flilst «fMT opfworaaco. Sira * of fuel Wedne^ay. Both crew­ Francis Hoxie of Manchester, Strakkfool. The fighting broke out 11 inland Wednesday to support Mr. and Mrs. John Larrabee - — low Rd.., ‘ 6:30 p.m. at a Mother-Daughter and Ml’S. Wilbert Avdeh - ara * M ie s north of Bong Son, 280 men ejected and were reaeped^ slHed forces ashore. Using five- of 15 Pitkin St. recenUy re-. Disabled American Veterans also a member of the' state'so- ftul B«|« «r Bull IUh I Banquet at Trinity Covenant chaiman of a dinner cmnmft-: , M ie s .QOTtheaat Saigon near AH 21 U.S. oervlcemen aboarq inch .aheUa; and rookete, they turned home after spending the AuriUary meet tonight at Other officers are Mrs. John clety’s staff. iak Oil timmmm lABi Church. Reservations for the tee, , . ^tbe eo^ni e f heavy fighting ear- a U.S. Army CH47 Chinook heli­ claimed 63 Viet Oong structures wlntet in Mesa, A ils, , 7:30 at the, V FW Home. Lessard, secretary, and Mrs. After the morning talks. PENTLAND Kenneth I>appen, treasurer. event may be made with Mrs. After dinner, there will be ]a FLO ltlST ^kea- tMa year. , copter were kiUed vffien thk hel­ were destroyed and 11, more James AnLrson of 192 Hollister ^dlscuMlon will coMider *"He1anca Is the registered icopter caujgM fire and crashed danvaged.. ' Board members are Mrs. Bern­ How Does Your Society Ihter- *>rlef buslneae meeting. A nom- 'TCveiTtUng In nowers" TM of the Heberiein A division apokeamah said ard McDonnell and Mrs. Ed­ St. est the YoungerMembers of the Inatlng committee, 'wlta M fj and Centrally Located at ...twh rings HF t n x ^ were de- Wednesday nigiit in heavy Jun­ * In S e ^ , . the South Korean The author’s first book, Patent Corp.” ward Goss, representatives; Community?” and “What Are Mrs. Alan Scott, clMlrm.eiij'Will 24 BIRCH STTUBET ...Ptoyad |0h high gftnmd aroimd gle UO miles northeast of Sai­ government said it may s ^ “Papa’s W ife,” was published in Mrs. Edward Wilkos, contact the Historical Society’s Respon- pi’esent a slate of officers for ^ 648-4444 — «4$-6247 tta vidtey, wMlt the enemy dig- gon. some of its Am«rican-buUt 1955. Since that time she has chairman; Mrs. Leo Hogan, sibilitles to the Community?” the coming year. 0 | ^ 8:80 - 6:80 Idng ti. epipkfuiUy for a fi|^ It was ene e f (be w en t heli- figtatar planee to South V iit four other . books published, librarian; Mrs. Edward Kosak, Following a box lunch, which Members art ■reminded , to Open Thun. Nltes . to the fhash. coptor diaiurtera of tbk war. A mostly written about her own WsJdojfL (|Sra Pa|^ BUtMn) welfare; Mrs. William Schein- TUI 9:00 p.m. spokeaman esM the big helicop­ each attendant Is to bring with make- reservations for the June Parking Across the Street DRUG COMPANY B y late tonight, ths divisiaa oat, publicity, and Mrs. Les- ter "burst into flames in flib air A^toi-aphed^c'iier*’T "h \'r Ticket retunis For 100 C an . reported it had captured 30 Viet sard, representative to the Com­ ing and an illustrated 'lecture wiU be collected at the mMUng.
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