"Got to Start Someplace Baby:"' Youth, Rock and Roll, and Peace by Sharon Froese Nielsen and Peggy MacDonald During the long years of emerging vision is possibly the most powerful. cepted way of rebelling. Rock music is the adulthood, a variety of influences affect However it could surely be argued that basis of an entire set of sub-cultures. the development of one's attitudes. The music, especially rock and roll, is influen- There is much in rock music and rock content of what one learns during this tial in affecting socialization. Moreover, videos that can be regarded as having a process of socialization is very much af- the marriage of rock music and television, negative influence. There is, for instance, fected by one's culture and the time dur- in videos and MuchMusic, is undeniably violence in some lyrics and on some vid- ing which one grows up. an important aspect of the media to youth. eos. There is also a great deal of sexism, Youth in contemporary societies, de- There is much in rock music that in- both blatant and subtle. As well, some spite the differences of their various cul- fluences attitudes. Listeners are able to artists have trivialized important social tures, share theknowledge of the potential empathize with or fantasize about young issues - Madonna's "Papa Don't - and sometimes apparently inevitable love, young love gone wrong, and a myr- Preach" is an excellent example of the - destructive nature of nuclear weap- iad of "love"-related situations. The lyrics trivialization of the problem of teen preg- onry. While many of us have been born may focus on intimate relationships, for- nancy. since World War I1 and the discovery of mal relationships (with teachers, for in- However, there is a great deal that is atomic energy, many of us grew up in stance, or other authority figures), friend- positive to be found in contemporary rock more naive times. Escaping the effects of ships, young people, old people, getting music. There is a fairly recent re-emer- a nuclear detonation by hiding under married, not getting married, the work gence of music with politically conscious desks at school, curling up in the fetal place; in other words, on just about any- lyrics. Some rock music contains lyrics position on the street, moving into bomb thing or interest. that show an awareness and analysis of shelters, was once thought to be possible. Rock music functions in a variety of social problems, as well as apromotion of Today, young people no longer have the ways -as music to dance to; a means of social activism. Moreover, such music luxury of such naivetb. As Sharon's 15 expressing one's personal or social "type" has found its way into mainstream rock year-old niece calmly said, "We're going (for instance, preppies like one style of where it has the potential toreach massive to die of a disease or a nuclear bomb." music, rebels another, and so on); a means numbers of people. Billy Bragg, for in- The lifelong process by which one of communication with one's peers; a stance, has been popular on the fringes learns to become a functioning member of means of education; a way of excluding with his politically left-wing analyses of society - socialization - is primarily adults (especially parents); and an ac- issues, but he is now being aired on main- accomplished by four stream radio and even on agents, according to so- MuchMusic on televi- ciologist~.~Parents, the sion. Some of the most first agent of socializa- popular musicians, in tion, are important, hav- fact, address social is- ing the first input and sues in a serious and accomplishing this in a concerned fashion. relationship based on Paul Simon is one of both love and inequality. many musicians who School also has an influ- have discussed and ana- ence on people's atti- lyzed apartheid in their tudes, behaviour and the music. Racism has been like. One's peers, too, addressed by a variety of are crucial to the process artists including Bob of selfdiscovery. Marley, Parachute Club, Finally, the media in- Four the Moment,) and fluence the content of many others. Aretha one's socialization. Of Franklin and Annie Len- I the various media, t&- Billy Bryans and Lorraine Segato of Parachute Club Photo: Laurennt Aclend nox (of the Eurythmics). I VOLUME 9, NUMBER 1 8 1 with "The Sisters Are Doin' It for Them- Sins album, discusses the "Storm Before It is interesting that many 'mature' art- selves," and Parachute Club (with their the Calm." Dire Straits' album Brothers ists are making such anti-nuclear state- rousing "Rise Up") are two of many in Arms is very much anti-war. (Inciden- ments. While U2 can be seen as avant groups in the mainstream of pop music tally, this band tended to focus on adult garde and focussing on youth, other artists who have examined sexism. The prob- markets but when this album was re- who are more established over the long- lems, as well as the joys inherent in being leased, with little fanfare as to the peace term are again socially active. Perhaps working class have been analyzed by and protest content, young people as well this re-awakening of groups who have for Bruce Springsteen in almost all of his as adults bought and loved it). The title years done traditional rock music has to exceedingly popular albums. Springsteen song talks about war and soldiering: do with their becoming parents and, as a has also discussed such issues as theprob- result, wanting to do something, reacting lems of early marriage due to pregnancy, These mist covered mountains as other parents do. For whateverreasons, the sadness of life lived in the past, the Are a home now for me political content in rock music is socially joys of driving, working, and so on. The But my home is the lowlands acceptable now. Payolas with Carole Pope do an incredi- And always will be While there is much rock music that ble job of describing contemporary rela- Someday you'll return to makes anti-nuclear or anti-war state- tionships in the song "Never Said I Loved Your valleys and your farms ments, there is much, too, that makes pro- You." The Matt Minglewood band's hit And you'll no longer burn peace statements. Years ago, of course, song, "Me and the Boys" recalls the frus- To be brothers in arms.' John Lennon recorded "Imagine." Cur- tration and wonder of growing up, as does rently, many popular artists are actively Bob Seger's "Night Moves." John Cou- The song concludes with Dire Straits pro-peace. Sting, for instance, recorded gar Mellancamp has addressed issues saying that, "We're fools to make war/On the song "Russians" on the Dream of the such as poverty in a rich society ("Down our brothers in arms."5 Blue Turtles album. It points out that both and Out in Paradise"), racism in terms of U2's extremely popular album Joshua Russians and Americans have children North American indigenous peoples Tree generally has an anti-war message, a and love them, so we should look after our ("Hotdogs and Hamburgers"), and even message that has been heard on previous planet and not engage in war. A similar middle-aged angst ("The Real Life")! albums as well. In "Sunday Bloody Sun- sentiment is expressed in "Ordinary Robbie Robertson's "Showdown at Big day" (which they deliberately premiered People" by the Box. Parachute Club has a Sky" on his new album also focuses on in Northern Ireland), U2 says: broad vision of peace, linking it to the racism. Suzanne Vega broke new ground eradication of homophobia, racism and with her popular hit "My Name is Luka," And the battle'sjust begun, sexism. a description of child abuse from the There's many lost, but tell me who Finally, rock music has been used by child's perspective. has won? the artists themselves for positive social A great deal of current rock music fo- The trenches dug within our hearts, change. There have been a variety of cuses on the issues of war and peace. And mother's children, brothers, concerts and albums with specific themes There is a broad spectrum of anti-war, sisters torn apart.6 to benefit particular groups of people. pro-peace analyses which may focus on This is one very positive aspect of rock specific confrontations such as those in Anti-nuclear messages are also found music -focussing it to do good in a large central America, or on making general in much rock music. Nina's "99 Red arena. A series of concerts and recordings anti-war statements, anti-nuclear and Balloons," which was extremely popular, focussed on Ethiopian famine relief; Bob anti-nuclear weapons statements. The discusses the possibility of nuclear war Geldof was instrumental in instigating the analyses range from the simplistic, such because of a silly accident (mistaking efforts. Band Aid, a group of predomi- as Boy George's "War is Stupid," to the balloons for missiles). Timbuk 3 made an nantly European artists, released "Do elegant and sophisticated, especially anti-nuclear statement in their hit "My They Know It's Christmas" in 1984. This U2's Joshua Tree album. Future's So Bright I've Got to Wear was followed rapidly by groups of Ameri- Central America is the focus of a great Shades." John Fogerty has taken an anti- can artists - USAfor Africa's "We Are deal of politically aware music. Bruce war position in his music and his piece, the World" - and Canadian artists - Cockburn, following his trip to Central "Eye of the Zombie," makes an anti-nu- Northern Lights' "Tears Are Not America, recorded much on this issue.
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