DAILY PRESS. VOLUME II. FRIDAY PORTLAND, ME., MORNING, OCTOBER 0, 1863. WHOLE NO. 402. PORTLAND DAILY PRESS, MILITARY. BUSINESS CARDS. BUSINESS CARDS. MISCELLANEOUS. DRY GOODS. JOHN T. OILMAN. Editor, _____ FOR SALE & TO la at No. 82j EXCHANGE STREET, LET, published A CARD. IN FOX 11 LOCK, by Col. F. Fessenden’s .Util.* E. I'EIEX Al.ll. <'ouiitinir Koom to Let.-* N. A. FOSTER A CO. Regiment. SPECIAL ROOM over 90 DR. NOTICE. CorarajiThomas No. Commercial St S. C. FERNALD, THE LATEST NEWS! Block, to let. Appl/to N 7'erma : Attention, Veterans! MERCHANT „h1,„ J. MILLER. Tub TAILOR, 92 ( ommercialStreet. PORTLAND Daily Pkess is published every WVJ N T 1ST , ah1dtf_Over at $6.00 year in mornitig (Sundays excepted), tier ••SO!i to those from Portland! ST AIUDLE ANDERSON’S advance, to which will be added tvventy-fiye cents Knlistiiig No. 175 Nlidtll Street. STREET, To Lei for each three mouths' and it' not paid for at THOMAS fllHE commodious delay, Kbpkubnckr.Dr*. Bacon and Buerlin. LUCAS, Chamber tu tka north.,!.... the end ot the the will be discontinued. Has i year paper •502 Is Ihow rnliatiuK elsewhere in me just opened an Hoop Skirt and Corset uerol the new brick block, oru* r° fUm/.^d Single copies three cents. Stale, in i.d.lilisn Is the Ksuntira Portland, May 25,1863. tf Depot No. 145 Middle Milk Street. directly the The State I’uKsais every lliura- -and- Street Portland, facing ».r£,°f tow. Mam published the Toivuh may offer* Enquire at office or day morning,at $2.00 per Annum, ill advance; *2.26 ELEGANT OCEAN if within six months; and $2.60, il be STOCK INSURANCE CO.. paid paymeut Dr. J. II. IIEHjD calls 8ept.l6,1862. dtt No 27 Hie year. above Bounties will be paid to those enlisting MANUFACTORY Respeo* fully your particular attention to kxchang.St delayed beyond -OF- THEiu Col. F. Fessenden’s of of his entire F. Tracy, Traveling Agent, Regiment disposed interest in his I* this HAVINGOffice to Or. 8.C FERNALD. would cheerfully day Office to Let. VETERIN VOLUNTEERS ! N | reccomineud him to his lortner patient* and the pub- His Great Sale of second floor, Middle Street, oeutrally sitnntad Friday Horning, October 0, 1803. lie. Dr. I* kuna Ui, from in a o o i> n n E M O O and ol access. Till September 25. when the Government ; long experience, prepar- VEX) Closing-out easy Apply at No. 72 Exchange Bounty ed to insert Artilicial Teeth on the “Vulcanite ceases to be Base,” Jy 17 tf paid. : and all other methods known to the -FOR- °_ Now is the time. Their interest, their proiession. SPRING AND SUMMER Letter from Hon. Jom ah Qlincy to patriotism, Portland, May 25.1863. tf and their valuable experience call upon tne Veteran be Let. Mr. Lincoln.—We below a letter from and Soldiers to enlist. 317 CONGRESS copy Discharged Gentlemens’ and STREET is-S.. •**» second story, over Store 98 Term of enlistment, 3 years or the war. Enquire WliVtiER’S Boy’s Garments, DRY CToMiddle street—Mitchell's Building. Possession the veuerable Jnsiak Quincy of Boston to of ( GOODS, apt. Sawver, Raymond; Capt. Kandall, Free- (UNDER MECHANICS' I1ALL.) given immediately. Inquire ol ( President Lincoln, which appears iu the New port: apt. Whitman, Turner; (apt. Chase. Port- And would iuvite the attention of all iu want of A. T. DOLE. land; ('apt. Prince, Port land; rapt Jones, Pot Hand ; SEWING MACHINES! WHICH WILL BE BOLD OFF FOB '*"2tl_ York Post with the following I Or ativ ot the Lieutenants. If you volunteer eri ieorge Anderson takes this ot explanatory freely opportunity To Let. uow you can end the war iu six months. uug26 returning thanks to the ladies of Portland and vi- preface: WOODMAN, TRUE A CO., or cinity lor the liberal bestowed OTer 8,ore* Goods patronage upon him P°\o?Nos. V»«.HFrVi,,*I.''or,BI.i2 Slid “This a of Clothing Furnishing the two The lot Exchange street. letter, copy in the firm duriug past years, and intends in his new Next «/ ltiws,a 7 opposite the /which, AGENTS, Thirty I uternattoual House. on O T H Hoop Skirt and Corset to merit a Apply the premiareto and clear handwriting of its author, we have T K -AT- Depot continuance j llc2dlf Nor. 54 and 56 Middle Street. ot their favor* by as heretofore, the best Foa T. a. HATCH. seen, was not intended for the eye, and keeping, public assortment of II .op Skirts and Corsets in Portland, it has been as we are told, Ncedlesand Trimining* always on hand. and them at the acknowledged, by Veteran Soldiers of Maine! PRICES ! selling smallest advance on the cost WHAT THEY WILL Hotiwe for Kale. Mr. Lincoln, iu terms of the most frank and mchl8tf of inauulacture. BRING! | HOUSE No. 33 Chestnnt street- lot about cordial nature. We believe that we violate no 21 d6w 4^ by 70; and Capt. FRANK I.. JONES Sept. centrally pleasantly situated rule of propriety iu laying it before the public, Real knr particulars inquire at the premises from Estate, \\ 2 to 6 wbicli we have done alter consultation with ATE of the EVTIRE MEW STOCK M daily. oet6 it 25th Maine Regiment, having been Silk mid l,nce Mantilla., some of Mr. Quincy’s friends. There is noth- 1 J duly authorized to recruit a Company lor the INVESTMENTS ! FALL FASHIONS! —AT— For iu it which is otherwise than honor- Veteran Regiment to be commanded by Double Kale. ing highly V Bcnisw, Semite Rcbe«>, able to botli him ami the eminent A nderNon’s THE Three Story Brick Dwelling Hoorn, personage GREAT CHANCE FOR BARGAINS BEFORE THE RISE I No. 196 to whom it is addressed, and the is of Col. Francis Fessenden, Parasols, Muslins, je C'ougress street, corner tgaiucy street. subject & Said House coutaius lonrteen finished such universal and is treated in calls his old in interest, such earnestly upon “companions arms”, 20 HOUSES, at price* from SlOOOto #5000. NEW HOOP SKIRT rooms; is warmer! by furnace; plenty of bard sad ami others of the late existing Maine Regiments, to DEPOT! -AND ALL KINDS OF- soft a manner, that few will dissent from the judg- 100 HOUSE LOTS, at price* from 8200to 83000. water; an abundance ot closet room. Enquire join him in again meeting the enemy of the old Flag. 2.00O.(TOO feet of FLATS. of JAMES E ment which we have formed, that the public FKKNALD, 1,000.000 feet of LAND. A Fresh »l,23t' 87 Middle a A BOUNTY OF $602 Assortment of Latest Styles in Street. have right to read it now, instead of wailing 2 STOKE LOTS on Commercial Street. PERRY, SUMMER GOODS for its appearance iu historic form. One of Will be to those from Portland. TO paid enlisting To MOSES 74 Middle LET. its remarkable characteristics is the those elsewhere in the State a of GOULD, St., HOOP a term of hopeful enlisting Bounty 151 Middle SKIRTS Cheap for the Millions ! EM)R years, tbs vaceut Lot of Land og $502 iu addition to the Bouutie* the towns nov27dtf UpStaikr. Sti'eet, J. Fore street, above India and confident tone in which it speaks of the may -AT- street, recently occu- offer. pied bv B. F. Noble k Co., asm Lumber Yard. eventful ol the cause of the United Has received the latest New York Styes of A* SMALL PROFITS AND RETURNS are victory For further particulars see Posters. QUICK the Apply tu LEWIS States TJovi rninent. is timid FAIRBANKS’ Anderson' New Hood Skirt PIERCE. Age ordinarily FRANK L. JONES, Depot! only motto appreciated by Buyers of Dry Goods— »P30 if 94 Middle Street. and but the of Mr. desponding, age Quincy Recruiting Officer. the days of large protit# having gone by. lias all the cheerful of a Standard DRESS courage vigorous arOFFICE NO. 1 FOX BLOCK, 1st flight, up GENTLEMEN'S HATS, A Fresh Assortment of For Kale or to Lot. manhood. staiis—sign of the Flag. aug26 Together with a large assortment of CLIFF COTTAGE, oooteining over 90 ^———i—a O O n* s E T s I rooms,large stable and died*—situated two “Hon. Abraham Lincoln: Sir: Old age SCALES. and one-halt miles fVom THE STOCK CONSISTS OF RICH Portland, and tbo lias its which 1 this Cloth Hats and -AT- finest privileges, hope letter C'opartnerKhip Notice. Caps, ] situation in Cape Klizabcth for a wo- will not exceed. But I cannot refrain from J_\ teriug place, aud summer boarders. For have termed a undersigned copartnership The*ecelebrated Scale* are still made the orig- of the most approved fashions. AD9TEE XL SON’S FOREIGN DRESS particulars enquire of OKO.OWEN, to you my and my under the name and of by GOODS, expressing gratiligatiou THE style inal inventor*, (and only by THEM,) and are con »P" dtf 31 Winter Street. Portland. lor letter to the Illinois Con- gratitude your ATWOOD C receiving all the which tbeit Also ou hand and a HARRIS, A O., '•tant'y improvement* constantly receiving, great Hew Skirt ! Such a# and brocaded Black blue and vention conclusive and effect- and *kill can ot Hoop Depot plain Silks; ; happy, timely, and. the stock of long experience *ugge*t. variety FOR SALE. having purchased Woodbury & brown Silks; also all the desirable colors to be ive. Whutyousay concerning emancipation, Harris, will continue the They are correct in principle, thoroughly made, FRENCH SOFT HATS A handsome bay PONY, • years old. and course of of the best materials, and are perfectly accurateand found.
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