info16 Compilation appears quarterly | October 2008 Architecture and Embedded High Performance and Network of Excellence on 2 Message from the HiPEAC coordinator 3 Message from the project officer 2 Community News - Multicore days in Stockholm, Sweden - Awards and new books 4 HiPEAC Activity - HiPEAC 2009 Conference - HiPEAC Fall Computing Systems Week - 6th HiPEAC Industrial Workshop 5 In the Spotlight - Good bye and Thanks Sylvie! Hello and Welcome Klaas! - EC FP7 STREP Apple-Core Project - EC FP7 STREP eMuCo Project Welcome to THALES – HiPEAC Fall Computing Systems Week 8 Guest Columns - Norbert Wehn, University of Kaiserslautern - Gerd Ascheid, RWTH Aachen University 10 HiPEAC Startups 13 HiPEAC Students and Trip Reports 18 PhD News 20 Upcoming Events www.HiPEAC.net HiPEAC 2009 Conference: Paphos, Cyprus, January 25-28 Intro Message from the HiPEAC coordinator Dear friends, This summer we could all enjoy the Olympic Games in Beijing. Unmistakably, there is a parallel between the world of sports and networks of excellence. The athletes meet each other regu- larly at specialized events, they are competitors for the same scarce resources, but at the same time many of them are friends. They belong to the very best in their field, they try to promote their field, and they are constantly looking for new talent. Koen De Bosschere Then there is the Olympic motto: there is the HiPEAC Conference in new innovative products, how to citius, altius, fortius – faster, higher, January 2009, in Paphos, Cyprus. All convince policy makers that comput- stronger. Don’t we have similar goals events are ideal occasions for find- ing systems research is at least as – to be ever faster, more power effi- ing the perfect project partners for important for the future of mankind cient, and more reliable? The upcom- the upcoming FP7 call on computing as research in particle physics. ing FP7 call is exactly about this. We systems. hope that our community will submit As a coordinator of HiPEAC2, I am many excellent research proposals in The end of this year also means the very committed to making this hap- this call. end of the HiPEAC1 project. In ret- pen. However, as we all know, in our rospect, we believe that HiPEAC did community the credit should go to the This summer, 200 of us enjoyed the much groundbreaking work for our inventor and not to the implementer! yearly ACACES summer school in community in Europe. We started Therefore I would like to sincerely L’Aquila. From the evaluation forms, with a small network and we worked thank Mateo Valero who initially had we learnt that the participants were very hard to create a strong HiPEAC a dream about a vibrant HiPEAC com- very pleased with the program. We brand. Once we got all the processes munity Europe, and steered HiPEAC are currently working on the 2009 in place, we were then able to open through its early years. The current event, which will be announced in the network up to a wider commu- generation can only be thankful for the next HiPEACinfo. nity. Nobody could ever dream then, such an inheritance which we will when we started, that we would have protect and further develop in the There are three more important what we have today. But we do still coming years. Unfortunately, we will upcoming events for our community: realize today that this is only the first never be able to make more than there is the launch of the next FP7 step. incremental contributions to such a call on November 25, there is the fall great concept. HiPEAC Computing Systems Week in We believe that the next step will be the same week at Thales Paris, and about consolidation - how to attract Take care, the necessary resources to undertake cutting-edge research, how to create Koen De Bosschere n Community News HPCA Group: NVIDIA Professor Partner Award NVIDIA, the world’s largest manufac- The research conducted by the members research is to improve the programma- turer of graphics processors, has distin- of the HPCA group under the leader- bility of parallel solutions to dense linear guished the HPCA (High Performance ship of Profs. Enrique S. Quintana-Orti, algebraic problems by approaching the Computing and Architectures) group Rafael Mayo and Gregorio Quintana- design of the libraries with a high level (http://www.hpca.uji.es) from the Orti, pursues the development of faster of abstraction. Important applications Universidad Jaime I de Castellon with and more reliable solvers for dense lin- that lead to large-scale problems of this one of the 2008 NVIDIA Professor ear systems of equations using NVIDIA class arise, e.g., in boundary elements Partner Awards. hardware. A second major goal of this methods for Aeronautics, Statistics, 2 info16 Panos Tsarchopoulos [email protected] Message from the project officer ICT 2008 - “I”s to the future: communication technologies. ICT 2008 in the devel- Invention, Innovation, Impact will set the agenda for ICT research and opment of With more than 4000 visitors expect- innovation in Europe during this crucial next genera- ed, the biennial ICT Event is the most decade. The event hosts leading vision- tion ICT and to ensure the expansion important forum for discussing research aries from academia and industry and of existing businesses. In the spotlight: and public policy in Information and addresses topics as diverse as Europe’s SMEs, the future internet, new business Communication Technologies at role in shaping the future internet, ICT’s sectors and creative industries. The rela- European level. The ICT Event brings contribution to advancing the sustain- tionship between research and success- together researchers and innovators, pol- ability agenda and alternative research ful innovation will be critically examined. icy and business decision makers work- paths for future ICT components and Mobilising and inspiring today’s young ing in the field of digital technologies. systems. These and many other cutting- people as potential researchers and inno- edge themes will be explored in depth vators of the future will also receive spe- The ICT 2008 event takes place from at ICT 2008. cial attention at ICT 2008. 25th to 27th November in Lyon, France. It is organised by the European Inventing the Future: ICT technologies Impact through Policy. Focus on Commission’s Directorate General for for the future. The event’s “Inventing effective public policies to stimulate the Information Society and Media and the Future” theme covers major research ICT research and innovation for growth is hosted by the French Presidency of the trends in information and communica- and sustainable development. This will European Union. tion technologies (ICT) such as new include issues such as community and computing paradigms, ICT-bio and nano, public research spending, the creation Over e2 Billion for ICT research, photonics, cognition robotics and the of conditions favourable to innovation 2009−2010. This year’s ICT event - the use of ICT for science. The 2009−2010 and better coordination of the European largest research event in Europe in 2008 Work Programme and Calls for Proposals research effort in ICT. – will examine: for ICT research in the EU’s Seventh Framework Programme (FP7) will be pre- Exhibition and Networking. The event • European Union priorities in ICT sented in detail - one dedicated session is accompanied by an exhibition with research for over e2 billion of funding will present the next Call in Computing more than 200 stands and numerous available in 2009−2010 Systems. Other sources of EU research networking sessions designed to facili- • The major current technological trends funding for ICT will also be examined, tate contacts between researchers, inno- which impact upon strategic research including the new Joint Technology vators and engineers from all ICT fields. planning Initiatives (JTIs) and the Competitiveness More information at: • Public research policies to stimulate and Innovation Programme (CIP). These http://ec.europa.eu/information_society/ research and innovation initiatives together represent over e2 bil- events/ict/2008/index_en.htm lion in EU support for ICT research over Setting the ICT research agenda for the next two years. Panos Tsarchopoulos the next decade. The next ten years Project Officer will see major transformations in the Innovative Europe: new markets, technological, industrial and business new sectors, new players. This year’s landscapes surrounding information and ICT event will seek to involve new players n Computational Chemistry, and Earth Sciences. While the solution to these problems would require months using thousands of more traditional (gener- al-purpose) multi-core processors, this research may yield a reduction in the number of resources or the solution time by one order of magnitude, and thus it is expected to have a significant impact in these application domains. n HPCA Group, Universidad Jaime I de Castellon info16 3 HiPEAC Activity HiPEAC 2009 Conference The three previous editions of the reconfigurable computing, interconnec- HiPEAC conference in Barcelona, Ghent, tion networks, reliability and simulation/ and Goteborg have continued to con- evaluation. Also, a tutorial on reliability tribute greatly towards establishing the will be offered by experts from Intel. HiPEAC conference as a premier forum for dissemination and networking in the The conference technical program is also area of high performance and embed- rich and diverse. The program chairs, In conclusion, the last week of January ded architecture and compilers. A clear Mike O’Boyle and Margaret Martonosi, 2009 will be full of various events that illustration of this is HiPEAC 2008’s together with their program committee, are central to HiPEAC activities, and record participation of more than 250 have selected 27 out of 97 submitted therefore provide many reasons for you attendees. It is a great honour and privi- papers for presentation at the confer- to attend.
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