Cuaderno,s de Geología Ibérica 158N: 0378-102X ¡998. número 24, 277-291 Biostratigraphic characterization ofLower Jurassic deposits of Georgia by ammonites Caracterización bioestratigráfica de los materiales del Jurásico Inferior de Georgia por medio de ammonites M. ToPCHísnv¡L¡ Geological Institute of the Academy of Sciences, 380093, Tbilisi, Georgia ABSTRACT The Lower Jurassic deposits playing important role in the geological struc- ture of Georgia are considered here according to structural-facial zones. The characteristic of each zone is accompanied by description of the most typieal ant) paleontologically well-substantiated lithological-stratigraphic units. The pa- per also argues the problem of interrelation between Lower Jurassic ant) un- derlying Devonian-Triassic formations. On the ground of Ammonite associa- tions the presence of nearly alí LowerJurassic stages, several zones of standard scale ant) also regional stratigraphic subdivisions has been recognized. Key words: LowerJurassic, Ammonite associations, Biostratigraphy, Cau- casus, Georgia. RESUMEN Los materiales del Jurásico Inferior de Georgia presentan una gran impor- tancia en el contexto de la estructura geológica de este país. En el presente tra- bajo se estudian estos materiales subdividiéndolos en zonas de carácter fa- cial-estructural. Los rasgos particulares de cada zona se acompañan de la descripción de las unidades litoestratigráficas más típicas y mejor justificadas 277 M. TopchishviIi Biostratigraplíic characterization ofLower Jurassic deposits por datos paleontológicos. Se discute asimismo la problemática de la interre- lación entre las unidades del Jurásico Inferior y las formaciones subyacentes del Devónico-Triásico. El análisis de las asociaciones de ammonites ha permitido caracterizar la presencia de la mayoría de los pisos del Jurásico Inferior; algu- nas de las zonas de la escala estratigráfica estándar, y algunas subdivisiones es- tratigráficas regionales de carácter más local. Palabras clave: Jurásico Inferior, Asociaciones de ammonites, Bioestrati- grafía, Cáucaso, Georgia. INTRODUCTION The Lower Jurassic deposits are developed irregularly on the territory of Georgia. Their outcrops are rather widespread within the Pold system of the Greater Caucasus - in the Main Range. Kazbegi-Lagodekhi, Chkhalta-Laila and Gagra-Djava zones (Gamkrelidze, 1984) (Fig. 1). They are somewhat less spread within the Transcaucasian Intermontane area - Georgian Block (Dziru- la massif) and within the PoId system of the Lesser Caucasus - in the Artvin- Bolnisi (Khrami massif) and Locki-Karabakh (Locki massif) structural-facial zones. These deposits are represented by various facies with ah the intermediate varieties - from deep-water marine to coastal ant) continental. Magmatic activity has been proceeded in both effusive ant) intrusive forms. The Lower Jurassic deposits contain a wide range of valuable minerals, both ore ant) non-metallic that have important practical application. Conse- quently, it is quite clear the great interest revealed by many investigators to- wards these deposits the stratigraphic study of which has more than a centena- rian history in Georgia. The investigations of the first period had episodical character ant) actually were very general by nature. Duc to the extremely rare finds of fossils the sub- division of the Lower Jurassic sediments was based mainly en lithological fe- atures and stratigraphic succession. The beginning of a systematic study of the Lower Jurassic stratieranhv in Georgia was based by works of Gamkrelidze (1933, 1940), Djane-Lidze( 1946), Kakhadze (1947), Nutsubidze (1972) and others. The author of the present paper has led, for many years, systematic works on detail stratigraphic diffe- rentiation of Lower Jurassic deposits based en monographic studies of Am- monite assemblages. New finds of Ammonites allowed us to define more exactly the stratigraphy of these deposits and to establish, for the first time, their belonging to certain stratigraphic leveN of the standard scale This seale was compiled with due regard for ¡he results of ¡he International eolloquiums in Lu- xemburg (¡962, ¡976), Moscow (l967), Budapest<1969), Stutgart (1977). etc. (see Decision 1978 and Tbe Jurassic..., 1982). cuaderuos ele Geología Ibérica ¡998. número 24, 277-291 278 M. Tupchishvili Biostratigraphic characterization ofLower Jurassic depusits ~ ‘4 ‘4 a>, — -—o’o - ~dbe 0t o -a o -~ o -a O os O 2~SE ..‘r5os~ N ~oi ~ CL ~0i~E~-~ ~ ~ — a-o ‘o.. ososa 0.06<‘o~N a .0 ~ ‘~ 0o-~’4 ~ 4 ~ ~.~L~& 0~r~ ~~v5H .~6-; ~sN~2 a.”0a’4 o.a .-— ~ -~ ~ a zO5~E~~ <o ~ 4 ,~ ~ q E ~o.. ~ ~ n.a >2 ~2 -~ ~ .1<E ~55 a~~--e o~ <o a oS— o~ el..> ‘4 <o o-~ O O <o — .2 E O O - ‘o ~ ~ .2 —, o ~ o — ‘4 ~.. o .E‘-o—~ -e a-a N ‘5 ~ ‘5 - Cosa -e ‘4 a - ‘4 ~-‘—‘a 2 ~ >, a O— o a o o ~>t o E t ~ ,E .g ~ EN O -~ ‘o E 0<o E ‘~ ¿ ,~ a ~ a ter a -‘-a—— - 0 <o .0 ~ ‘4’4 Cuacte-rnoc de Geología Ibérica 279 ¡998, núnien, 24. 277-291 M. Topchishvili Biostratig,-aphic characterization of Lower ,Jurassic deposits SINEMURIAN DEPOSITS The most ancient sediments containing ammonite remains are of Sinemu- rian age (Fig.2). They are widespread within the Southern slope of the Greater Caucasus. Here, in the north-western pan, in the territory of Abkhazia Sine- murian deposits make up the Chkhalta-Laila zone. Here, they transgressively overlie the Paleozoic basement. By their granulometric composition Sinemurian deposits can be divided into two parts. The lower one is represented by con- glomerates, gravelites, coarse-grained sandstones and sandy-aleurolitous shales 50-150 m thick. The upper part is mainly made up of the interchange of shales, sandstones ant) aleurolites with rare intercalations of gravelites ant) conglome- rates with total thickness up to 450 m. Volcanogenic rocks of this sequence form the flows of quartzkeratophyres and, less frequently, thin layers of their tuffs. In shales ant) sandstones have been found numerous Bivalve ant) some ammonites-Verrnieeras aif scyl/a (Reyn.), Epideroceras cf. steinmanni (Haug) and Oxynoticeras sp. (Bukia, Kolossovskaya & Abamelik, 1971). The finds of these ammonites give evidence of the presence of both lower ant) upper subs- tages of the Sinemurian stage. To the south, in the Gagra-Ojava zone, Sine- murian deposits are exposed in the core of the large Chedim anticlinal foId. They consist of fine- and coarse-grained budinaged sandstones (500 m) with in- tercalations ant) lenses of small-pebbled conglomerates. Locally, the sandstones interchange with argillites which towards the top replace them totally. Within the argillaceous part of the section (200 m) there appear layers of marís and Ii- mestones wirh rich remains of Ammonites: Jnraphy!!ites ste!la (Sow.), Rads- tc¿-kice,-as cf. buvignieri (d’Orb.), ¡‘altechioceras boehmi (Hug), ¡‘. elicitun2 Buck., ¡‘. noN/e Truem. & Will., P. rothpletzi (Bose), Epideroceras loí’io/i (Hug), E. steinmanni (Hug), E. tehedimicuin Topch. (Topchishvili, 1982). In the basin of the river of Eastern Gumista analogous sediments contain .Iuraphylhtes stella (Sow.), EChiocel-as í-aricostattíni (Ziet.), Leptechioceras rneigeni (Hug), L. nodo//anam (d’Orb.). AII these forms, except the first two ones, are characteristic of the Upper Sinemurian-Raricostatum Zone. However, relatively large thickness of the described rocks (700 m) gives us the ground to include the Lower Sinemurian substage in this sequence as well. Fío. 2—Correlation of generalized slratigraphic columns of LowerJurassic deposits of Georgia.l-sha- les; 2-fine-grained sandstone and argillites: 3-quartz-arkosic coarse-grained sandstones: 4-conglomerates and graveistones; 5-marís; 6-limestones: 7-lenses of lirnestone; 8-lenses of congloínera¡e: 9-II -volcaiiic formations: 9—basic eornposi¡ion, 1 O—interrned ate composition, 1 1 —ac dic cnmpnsi¡ion; 1 2—Paleuznie gra— nitoids: 1 3—levels of ainmonite finds. Fío. 2.—Currelaeión de las columnas estratigráficas generales de los materiales del Jurásien Inferiur de Georgia. 1: Pizanas: 2: Limolitas y areniscas de grano fino; 3: Areniscas cuarcíferas y arcósicas dc gra- no grueso; 4: Conglomerados y gravas; 5: Margas; 6: Calizas en bancos: 7: Calizas en capas lenticula- íes; 8: Conglomerados en tramos lent¡culaíes; 9—II: Formaciones volcánicas: 9: 1-ocas de composición básica: ¡0: rocas de composición inlermnedia; II: rocas de composición ácida; ¡2: Granitoides del Pa- leozoico; ¡3. Niveles con registro de a¡nmonites. C?uaelcroox dc Geología Ibérica 1998. númcru 24, 277-291 280 M. Tupchishvili Biostratigraphic chatacierization of Lower .Jurassic deposits Co E tu o-. tE a, jo,Co Co E o ‘EN! zo o 0<0 di, “Co 20 <¾. III’ o- 0188000 Cuadernos de Geología tbé‘lea 281 199X. número 24. 277-291 -I M. Topchishvili Biostratigraphic <-haracterization ofLower Jurassic depusits Eastwards Sinernurian deposits outerop in Svaneti where they take part iii the composition of both Gagra-Djava ant) Chkhalta-Laila zones. Here they form the limbs of two large en echelon anticlinal structures in the cores of which the pre-Jurassic formations of Dizi series are exposed. Sinemurian de- posits (400 m thick) are represented by conglomerates, gravelites, coarse-grai- ned quartz sandstones and shales interchanged with thin-grained sandstones and aleurolites.The presence of lenses of limestones, pyroclasties of quartz albi- tophyres, charred remnants of trunks, stems and leaves is characteristic of the- se rocks. With the lower part of th¡s sequence are linked the finds of Early Si- nemurian Arietites sp. (aff. bisuk-atus Brug.), Megarietites
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