CLEVELAND FIRE AUTHORITY ANNUAL MEETING 4 JUNE 2010 - 2.00 P.M. FIRE BRIGADE HEADQUARTERS, STOCKTON ROAD, HARTLEPOOL MEMBERS OF CLEVELAND FIRE AUTHORITY - HARTLEPOOL : Councillors To be advised MIDDLESBROUGH : Councillors To be advised REDCAR & CLEVELAND : Councillors To be advised STOCKTON ON TEES : Councillors Kirton,Lewis,O’Donnell,Patterson,Salt,Stoker,Woodhead A G E N D A ITEM 1. APPOINTMENT OF CHAIR FOR THE ENSUING YEAR 2. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE 3. DECLARATIONS OF MEMBERS INTEREST 4. APPOINTMENT OF VICE CHAIR FOR THE ENSUING YEAR 5. TO CONFIRM THE MINUTES OF PROCEEDINGS OF THE CLEVELAND FIRE AUTHORITY MEETING HELD ON 26 MARCH 2010 6. TO CONFIRM THE MINUTES OF COMMITTEES:- Executive Committee 7 May 2010 (to follow) and Policy Committee 7 May 2010. 7. TO RECEIVE THE REPORT OF THE LEGAL ADVISER 7.1 Business Report 2010/11 8. TO RECEIVE THE REPORTS OF THE CHIEF FIRE OFFICER 8.1 PFI Update (Item Withdrawn) 8.2 Select Committee Fire Control Project 8.3 Chief Fire Officers Information Pack 9. TO RECEIVE THE REPORTS OF THE DIRECTOR OF CORPORATE SERVICES 9.1 Member Development Plan 2010/11 9.2 Attendance at Conferences 9.3 Corporate Governance Information Pack CLEVELAND FIRE AUTHORITY ANNUAL MEETING 4 JUNE 2010 - 2.00 PM FIRE BRIGADE HEADQUARTERS, STOCKTON ROAD, HARTLEPOOL - 2 - A G E N D A ITEM 10. TO RECEIVE THE REPORT OF THE TREASURER 10.1 Members Allowance Scheme 11. TO RECEIVE A VERBAL BRIEFING ON THE NE FIRE CONTROL COMPANY BOARD 12. TO RECEIVE THE REPORT OF THE CHAIR OF AUDIT & GOVERNANCE COMMITTEE 12.1 Chairs Information Pack 13. ANY OTHER BUSINESS WHICH, IN THE OPINION OF THE CHAIR, SHOULD BE CONSIDERED AS A MATTER OF URGENCY 14. LOCAL GOVERNMENT (ACCESS TO INFORMATION) (VARIATION ORDER) 2006 Members are requested to pass the following resolution:- “That under Section 100(A) (4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business, on the grounds that it involves the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in the paragraphs below of Part 1 Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972 as amended by the Local Government (Access to Information) (Variation) Order 2006”. Agenda Item 15 Paragraphs 1 and 3 Agenda Item 16 Paragraph 1 Paragraph 1 – namely information relating to any individual Paragraph 3 – namely information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority) holding that information 15. TO CONFIRM THE CONFIDENTIAL MINUTES OF THE CLEVELAND FIRE AUTHORITY MEETING HELD ON 26 MARCH 2010 16. TO CONFIRM THE CONFIDENTIAL MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEETING HELD ON 7 MAY 2010 (to follow) 17. ANY OTHER CONFIDENTIAL BUSINESS WHICH, IN THE OPINION OF THE CHAIR, SHOULD BE CONSIDERED AS A MATTER OF URGENCY CLEVELAND FIRE AUTHORITY GUIDANCE NOTES FOR MEMBERS AND VISITORS USING THE EAST WING CONFERENCE FACILITIES AT CLEVELAND FIRE AUTHORITY HQ, HARTLEPOOL Welcome to Cleveland Fire Authority Please read these notes for your own safety. Fire Instructions In the event of the fire alarm sounding, vacate the building following the green Fire Exit signs and go straight to the assembly point outside main reception. If you are in the East Wing Conference Room, your nearest vacation point is through the East Wing Reception doors. DO NOT USE THE LIFTS - DO NOT STOP TO COLLECT PERSONAL BELONGINGS - DO NOT RE-ENTER THE BUILDING UNTIL AUTHORISED TO DO SO. Toilets Toilets for people with disabilities are located next door but one to the Small East Wing Conference Room. Male toilets are located in the East Wing Reception area and the Ladies toilets are located next to the Small East Wing Conference Room. Accessibility/Special Requirements Every effort has been made to make the building as accessible as possible for people with disabilities. There are disabled parking spaces adjacent to the main reception, but when using the East Wing Conference Room, please contact the Democratic and Members Services office who will arrange for a parking space to be reserved opposite the East Wing Conference Room. There is a loop system within the Building, please inform the Member Support team if you require this switching on. Smoking Smoking is only permitted in the smoking shelter in the quadrangle which is situated behind the East Wing Conference Room. Smoking is not permitted anywhere else within the building. Security All new Members are requested to report to the main reception where they will be asked to sign in and handed a visitors badge. Member Facilities The Democratic and Member Services office is situated on the 1st floor next to the Directors Meeting Room. Library and IT facilities are also available for Members use within this office Attendance Sheet Please ensure you sign the attendance register at the Meeting. Parking Parking is available in the Visitors Car Park, but if you have any special requirements, please do not hesitate to contact us. Refreshments Tea and coffee are available in the small and main east wing conference rooms Contacts Please contact the Democratic and Member Services Office if you have any queries:- fax 01429 872619 or [email protected] or telephone 01429 874076 Bev Parker, Head of Corporate Support 01429 874073 [email protected] Lynda Young, Democratic Services & Scrutiny Officer 01429 874075 [email protected] Julie Bennison, Democratic & Member Services Officer 01429 874077 [email protected] Louise Scrimshaw, Asst. Democratic & Member Services Officer 01429 874076 [email protected] AGENDA ITEM 5 CLEVELAND FIRE AUTHORITY MINUTES OF ORDINARY MEETING HELD ON FRIDAY, 26 MARCH 2010 PRESENT: VICE CHAIR: Councillor O’Donnell – Middlesbrough Council HARTLEPOOL BOROUGH COUNCIL: Councillors Flintoff, Lilley MIDDLESBROUGH COUNCIL:- Councillors Clark, Rogers, Thompson REDCAR AND CLEVELAND BOROUGH COUNCIL:- Councillors Abbott, Briggs, Cooney, Dunning, Forster, Ovens STOCKTON ON TEES BOROUGH COUNCIL:- Councillors Beall, Cherrett, Patterson, Salt, Stoker, Woodhead PROPER OFFICERS:- Legal Adviser, Treasurer FIRE BRIGADE OFFICERS:- Chief Fire Officer, Director of Corporate Services, Director of Business Development, Head of Planning and Democratic Services APOLOGIES FOR Councillor Brash (Hartlepool Borough Council) ABSENCE: Councillor Payne (Hartlepool Borough Council) Councillor Porley (Middlesbrough Council) 159. DECLARATIONS OF MEMBERS INTEREST None declared. 160. MINUTES RESOLVED - that the Minutes of the Cleveland Fire Authority Meetings held on the 29 January 2010 and 5 February 2010 be confirmed. 161. MINUTES OF COMMITTEES RESOLVED - that the Minutes of the Policy Committee held on 5 March 2010, the Standards Committee held on 2 March 2010 and Tender Committees held on 1 February and 19 February 2010 be confirmed. 162. TO RECEIVE COMMUNICATIONS RECEIVED BY THE CHAIRMAN The Vice Chair informed Members that since the last meeting the following correspondence had been received: - Gavin Barker, Audit Commission regarding Fire Authority Meeting on 27 November 2009 - Barbara Follett MP, Communities and Local Government regarding Council Tax Capping 2010-2011 RESOLVED – that the communications be noted. CLEVELAND FIRE AUTHORITY ORDINARY MEETING 29 MARCH 2010 163. REPORTS OF THE CHIEF FIRE OFFICER 163.1 Risk Management Policy The Director of Corporate Services informed Members that the Authority has built up a robust and renowned risk management framework. She reported that with the introduction of CAA, IRMP and the Governments efficiency agenda, a review has been undertaken to ensure our structures, systems, processes and measures are aligned to enable the Brigade to continue to deliver better outcomes for local people. This policy is a Statement of Intent and applies to all employees, managers and Elected Members covering both strategic and tactical levels of the organisation and covers the four stages of traditional risk management cycle: Assess; Evaluate; Manage; and Measure. Members responsibilities were detailed within Page 4 of the Policy. Councillor O’Donnell reported that as Member Champion for Improvement and Value for Money she fully supported this Policy and Strategy. The Director of Corporate Services outlined the Risk Management Strategy 2010/14 which supported the delivery of the Risk Management Policy and included an action plan for risk management improvements. RESOLVED – that the Risk Management Policy as attached at Appendix 1 of the Report be approved. 163.2 Draft Service Plan 2010/11 including integrated Risk Management Plan 2008/11 Year 2 Review The Chief Fire Officer advised Members that the Authority now has only 2 public facing documents; The Five Year Strategic Plan and the Annual Service Plan. The Service Plan sets out the Authority’s achievements and performance from the previous year, and details the priorities and actions to be undertaken for the forthcoming year. The Chief Fire Officer highlighted some of the key achievements in 2009/10: The introduction of the ‘Concept of Operations’ The Centre of Excellence at Redcar Fire Station The installation of Low Cost Suppression Systems in Social Housing The development and implementation of planning arrangements and familiarisation processes at Hazardous Installations The first phase of our Energy and Environment Strategy The submission of the PFI Outline Business Case The Chief Fire Officer stated that this Authority has achieved real financial savings whilst continuing to improve the services that we deliver. He advised that not only are services being enhanced
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