1900. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. 2961 Falls N. Y. praying that the Government Printer be authorized tion, manufacture, ana sale or intoxicating liquors and opium in to print the 'label of The Allied Printing Trades on all publica­ Hawaii; which was referred to the Committee on Pacific Islands tions of the Government; which were referred to the Committee and Puerto Rico. on Printing. · He also presented memorials of the Mystic Chain Knight, of He also presented a petition of Branch No. 3, National Associa­ York, Pa.; the Times, of Terre Hill; the Pigeon Flyer, of .Phila­ tion of Letter Carriers, of Buffalo, N. Y., praying for the enact­ delphia, and the Newa, of East Stroudsburg, all in the State of ment of legislation to increase the salaries of letter carriers; which Pennsylvania, remonstrating against the passage of the so-called was referred to the Committee on Post-Offices and Post-Roads. Loud bill, relating to second-class mail matter; which were re­ He also presented memorials of the Times, ?f ~ansingbnrg; the ferred to the Committee on Post-Offices and Post-Roads. Business College, of Troy; the Omega Publishing Company, of Mr. McMILLAN presented a memorial of theChristianEndeavor New York City; the Casket, of Rochester; the Democrat, of Ithaca, Society of Lapeer, Mich., remonstrating against the practice of and the George W. Willis Publishing Company, of New York gambling and the sale of intoxicating liquors and opium in Hawaii; City, all in the State of New York, an~ a mem.orial of the Georgia which was referred to the Committee on Pacific Islands and Baptist, of Augusta, Ga., remonstratmg agamst the passage of Puerto Rico. the so-called Loud bill, relating to second-class mail matter; which He also presented a memorial of the congregation of the Meth­ were referred to the Committee on Post-Offices and Post-Roads. odist Episcopal Church of Lyons, Mich., remonstrating against Mr. F AI RB AN KS presented a memorial of the Jefferson County the sale of intoxicating liquors in the islands acquired by the Medical Society, of Madison, Ind., and a memorial of the Elkhart United States, or by the Government to soldiers or other persons; County Medical Association, of Goshen, Ind., remonstrating which was referred to the Committee on Pacific Islands and aO'ainst the enactment of legislation for the further prevention of Puerto Rico. c~uel ty to animals in the District or Columbia; which were re­ He also presented memorials of the American Horticulturist, of ferred to the Committee on the District of Columbia. l\fonroe; the Sun, of Midland; the Daily and Weekly American, He also presented a petition of the Incliana Mutual Telephone of Owosso; the Bay View Magazine, of Flint; the Clipper, of Mor­ Association, of Indianapolis, and a petition of the Montezuma rice; the Herald, of Lyons; the Commercial, of Monroe; the Ob­ Mill Company, of Montezuma, Ind., praying for the enactment of server and the Ideal, of Lapeer; the Banner, of Hastings; the legislation to permit the Washington Telephone and Telegraph Artisan; the Observer, of Rondo; Justice, of Detroit; the Herald, Company to install, maintain, and operate a telephone and tele­ of Ca-snovia; the News, of Coral; the Phone-Meter, of Detroit; the graph plant and exchanges in the District of Columbia; which State Republican, of Lansing; the Banner, of Brown City; the were referred to the Committee on the District of Columbia. Patriot, of Bay City; the Sentinel, of Utica; the Clarion, of Lapeer; Mr. RAWLINS presented the petition of Emeline B. Wells, the Volksblatte; the Herald, of Battle Creek; the Amerikan Unti­ president, and Margaret A. Caine, secretary, on behalf of the set, of Calumet; the Times, of Lawrence; the Messenger, of South Equal Suffrage Association of Utah, praying for the adoption of Haven; the Leader, of Grand Marias; the Monitor, of Fife Lake; a sixteenth amendment to the C-0nstitution prohibiting the dis­ the Signal, of Springport, and the Three Rivers Business College franchisement of United States citizens on account of sex; which and Normal School, all in the State of Michigan, remonstrating was referred to the Select Committee on Woman Suffrage. against the passage of the so-called Loud bill, relating to second­ Mr. ALLEN presented a petition of the Lincoln Cooperage class mail matter; which were referred to the Committee on Post. Company, of Lincoln, Nebr., praying for the adoption of an Offices and Post-Roads. amendment to the bill to abolish the use of beer eighths and beer Mr. BEVERIDGE presented petitions of the Studebaker Bros. sixths; which was referred to the Committee on Finance. Wagon Works, of South Bend; the Nordyke & Mormon Com­ He also presented a memorial of the Journal of the Switchmen's pany, of Indianapolis; the Indiana l\Ianufactnring Company, of Union of North America, of Omaha, Nebr., remonstrating against Indianapolis; the E. C. Atkins Company, of Indianapolis, and the the passage of the so-called Loud bill, relating to second-class Flint Walling Manufacturing Company, of Kendallville, all in mail matter; which was referred to the Committee on Post-Offices the State of Indiana, praying that an appropriation be made for and Post-Roads. the construction of a new fireproof Patent Office building; which He also presented a petition of Etmdry cattle raisers of Overton, were referred to the Committee on Public Buildings and Grounds. Nebr., praying for a continuance of the distribution by the De­ He also presented a petition of sundry citizens of Westville, partment of Agriculture of blackleg vaccine; which was refeITed Ind., praying for the ena-Otment of legislation to probi bit the manu­ to the Committee on Agriculture and Forestry. facture and sale of intoxicating liquors and the importation and He also presented a petition of Crittenden Post, No. 274, Grand sale of opium in Hawaii; which was referred to the Committee on Army of the Republic, praying for the enactment of legislation Pacific Islands and Puerto Rico. to establish a Branch Soldiers' Home at or near Johnson City, He also presented a petition of the Political Equality Associa­ Washington County, Tenn.; which wasreferred tothe Committee tion of Indianapolis, Ind., praying for the adoption of a sixteenth on Military Affairs. amendment to the Constitution prohibiting the disfranchisement He also presented a p~ion of Company G, Second Regiment, of United States citizens on account of sex; which was referred to National State Guard of Omaha, Nebr., praying for the enact­ the Select Committee on Woman Suffrage. ment of legislation to improve the armament of the militia; He also presented memorials of the Tumer Company, of Fort which was referred to the Committee on Military Affairs. Wayne; the Independent, of Huntingburg; the Junior Builders, He alsn presented a petition of the vi.llage board of Niobrara, of Indianapolis; the Debs Publishing Company, of Terre Haute; Nebr., praying that an appropriation of $10,000 be made to im­ the Bulletin, of Laporte, and of sundry citizens of Indianapolis, prove the Missouri River at and below the mouth of the Niobrara Lu. Grange, Lynn, Pittsboro, Logansport, and Nappanee, all in River; which was referred to the Committee on Commerce. the State of Indiana, remonstrating against the passage of the so­ He also presented a memorial of the American Society for the called Loud bill, relating to second-class mail matter; which were Prevention of Crnelt.y to Animals of New York, remonstrating referred to the Committee on Post-Offices and Post-Roads. against the passage of Senate bill No. 560, relative to the trans­ Mr. CLARK of Montana presented a memorial of the Progress, portation of animals from one State to another; which was re­ of Basin, Mont., and a memorial of the Reveille, of Butte, Mont., ferred to the Committee on Interstate Commerce. remonstrating against the passage of the so-called Loud bilJ, Mr. CULLOM. I present a petition prepared by the trustees of relating to second-class mail matter; which were referred to the the sanitary district of Chicago, favoring the construction by the Committee on Post-Offices and Post-Roads. Government of the United States of a deep waterway from Lake He also presented memorials of the Trades and Labor Council, Michigan via the Chicago sanitary and ship canal and the Des­ the Mill and SmeltermanLocal Union, the Butchers' Local Union, plaines and Illinois rivers to the Mississippi River. The petition, the Cigar Makers' Local Union, the Traders' Local Union, the as stated, was prepared by the trustees of the sanitary district of Team Owners' Local Union, the Painters' Local Union, the Print­ _Chicago, who have had charge of that work, and I commend the ers' Local Union, the Retail Clerks' Local Union, the Western paper so prepared to the Senate. I believe it is understood that a Labor Union, the Musicians' Local Union, the Carpenters and copy will be laid upon the desk of every Senator, and I hope Sen­ Painters' Local Union, the Bricklayers and Masons' Local Union, ators will look at it. I move that the petition be referred to the the Laundry"\Vorkers' Local Union, the Tailors' Local Union, and Committee on Commerce. the Building Laborers' Local Union, all of Cascade County, in the The motion was agreed to. State of Montana, remonstrating against the leasing of the public Mr. CULLOM presented the memorial of George A. and Wil­ grazing lands in the arid States and Territories of the United liam B. King, of Washington, D. C., relative to a judgment ren­ States; which were referred to the Committee on Agriculture and dered by the Court of Ulaims in favor of 585 letter carriers of Forestry.
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