Listings @D TNT

Listings @D TNT

¦ Atlantic Tvtephon* Co. Cabto . MORNING ... (J Vision Cabto of N.C. I SATURDAY & 1990 TV fx. M Woctfy T* MAY 5 1 ON WWAY. (ABC) Wilmington O M WECT. (NBC) Wilmington 6 AM 6:30 7 AM 7:30 8 AM 8 30 9 AM 9:30 10 AM 10:30 11 AM 11:30 l.i WBTW fCRSI Flrwnnro Bwn i AmW f^»h BEACON © WTVD (ABC) Durham o a Qirrrrt Rb« (VxBfcusters Soul Tran RJ F*g rjfij WUNJ (PBS) Wilmington fflS] WJKA. (CBS) Wilmington TN Tindo Kng Leo Vi Camp CatJy Captan N |Kan* Kjd Chp'uks By The Bet a i) HBO. (Per/) New Yo'K Oid ARTS. A&E. 5G0i Mft** Wtwy UBTMJ Qrt *1*4^ Ba^ O-rgwns Q H ESPN. Sports.WilmingtonNew York Ea NICK. (Children's TV). NY WTVO hMrt Sperm IF stone K*Js RhU Yarg Uhrv Scooby Quo Gu'»» Bears, R»h Real 0>*ECJU5lBrs 0eefeute BUjs & Tweety mis TBS. (Ind ). Atlanta [.») MAX (Pay). Cinemax. NY Sesame Street Sesame Strew Todays Spc iShrwig Tme TravO Mag Cokectrs JJaChrid |N tX**ee Q«] SHOW. (Pay). Showtime tun WGN. (Ind ). Chicago Cane Stnp CA Rates >' .v- SlIMboy US Top Ten Rranj Good C3 IMC. (Pay). Movies. NY Kids WWOR (S 10) rm Gams G« You A harm* Ww New WrttFs m hpp u*vAjuJtv > Cm Mow Scooged An ac»d»c TV network president learns Arnenr.i 0 (Ind ). New York ¥ the true meaning 0> Christmas B Kjjr^ Undercowr D|7] CNN. (Ind ). News. Atlanta GoMen Humes @ LIFE, Lifetime. New York Agp USA I G-tsfcies Jarey Adv Gtobe Afar Uwng Dangerously Harry Game M Qwiym Partners In Cnme Qvj DISN (Pay). Disney. Calif ATT1 Tenr*s BJ0 TNN.The Nashville Network Sports Certsr Sportng Mag OHdnnrrar Fly Fshng J Huustnn Fshn Hole Ooowd Crtt Renegades iGaneOay BJjTl USA. Variety. New York Oty 01 Gold Soart^iP. Life Koata Nooses Kris Court Hertdff *% Word Listings @D TNT. (Ind ). Atlanta Fnders Double Oare Cant On TV Don't Si Denrts Fehn Betawn Lne 1(05) \Mes8r^j (05) Ojptarer 05) Coustea. 05) Itein Loom A slick con man reluctantly shepherds a busload ot kids cross country McMe Cort Mcmp C CDmars To Ortue C Urnri Move Sherlock Hoknes V T Yoirg fltw Kfcr Kk*w* THU, MAY 3 - - WED, MAY 9 SHOW O 1990 TV LtttiOQWeekdaystnc n Wortft TX Rogram Cort ;Mmb I Sky* Mcwe Heart, 01 The West An aspiring writer becomes alMc** Ye* « LMrr Dangnousty \f AfcwT Western stuntman J FtKQes 1 SCTV SCTV Larry Jones World Tomw Report Qartatto Rt 6 AM 6:30 7 AM 7:30 8 AM B:30 9 AM 9:30 10 AM 10:30 11 AM 11:30 |Fam» jF^ople Chcaga ^<*ty Bus |At The Mow lAntfers Arqler A» '«r Mr*.* For Bonzo R Ftoajr? Mcmc Holm Irnags R Hxks Mm Aft* Ou*rmi#i And The Lnsl 01 GoM R Ccod Monro Imnj Gfrtbo Zc Cfumtxrlam C9y See Ho Evl |Pad FYugrammng Wort! Tomw Pari Caroma Morw^j Today Ctassc Gotten Grts M Wsfeti Pmgammrx) Superman Concen H WICon IV CBS News |New C8S The Momng [Xnahjp Famiy Feud Is D*Mt OBytfrrak Sports Day&rak |Bq Story k 10) Morev wok (10) StynQa Style 10) So Tec* Baseball 90 T (Wheel pee rtghr «5"! Wk P00) SefknprcMBmert Sc« Imprw^ment Gude WuntanWalt}' wjyo ABC tews Good Momng Good Momng Amenca Sa(N Home Baby Knows Afifcjfes Gounnet Day By jj VP Day DISN Most lYouTS iPtnh Comer (45) Wthr Vaned Varied W Rogers iZootti* Zoo Sesan* S&eet Rw3 Rarta* IfTV 321 Ortac! IfTV gH»0 lOurOo |Md«y |I* Sen toggle Fta* Oore*) Oul* nppw i N*w AtKvAn A hrs dolphin 1 I '5 k£ ssr.i to an aQuiinjih £ boy_i«ams m '(300, Sqi on CBS News C8S The Momng Ffcgrs A KJhr Lee Famty Feud |Ww< Pnce is ftgft Backvartl Garden Jov SHe By Sde Cel. (XftJrs Rnodrtnq Coifiry Ktcfi law & Harry McGraw Rl Pd Pad hr) lone Popey*? Hon Fragile Rock Show IF*, Marttr Py F>g Prrxnr'T**) PdPrg HufVwiinj Bust Loose Throb Youlhquake Dance Party Wwe Massacre Al Said Cnx* F Sksrv jMali Velvet Travels 01 Jan* How West Was Wa. M(Me Copper Carryor R JSC) Mtlldnd THU, MAY 3 - Weekdays - WED. MAY 9 SATURDAY *" AFTERNOON 12 PM 12:30 1 PM 1:30 2 PM 2:30 3 PM 3:30 4 PM 4:30 5 PM 5.30 j2^22*L£i2"2LEl£.*.2J2S£LJ«L MAY 5 Starrer* I IMlj AI My ChMrcn One Lie To Lm General Hosrtfal Grwg Pars |Cheere Cut Afar 12 PM 12:30 1 PM 1:30 2 PM 2:30 3 PM 3:30 4 PM 4:30 5 PM 5:30 ss, Generator*, IDays Of (X/ Uves Another World Sarta Barbara Oprah VM-frey Dwce (X Judge inY Jodey >'MF. WP19 GTT Bfon NelsonAon GolGof Ossc ABC IMae Wrt! Of SpaB Cortk WcmbI Iron Young & As The World Tims Gudng Ltf* Oprah Wirey Gmme Break? Program Russians and Americans jom forcesIMove Men Vows J Janes Mow Man Who Broke Cm 1/ W ^b? to battle nucl ear terrorism IAD KAi+i News LcMng Al My Chrifar !0ne Lie To Lwe General HospG Oprah VWifrey Rfloples CI ALF Tales ALF Mwe C George NBC Sports Spnaal Satfday Sports Showcase WB. TKA Vared Varrd Vaned Vaned Vaned Vaned Vaned Sesame Street Mr Rogers Sgjare O* BaskrtTMd NBA BasfeOHl DauUehbuda f«BA Basketbal La* Conned Yang & As The World Tins Kngftj' Ot Hr Su' icoOar 01 Mai IMlmc F«rak A GtuJng Itf* [Xi* Tales iChp N Dale KnptesQ 1 My Sp> burlesque comic mjsouerjOeJOi M»i ki Tit iftews Reum I P Ala\ Mow Sal Tran jn_inietnali0i«j_s££_8ttjj(^^ aSV. (45) Vaned Mwe US Tap Ten Inmate Con jMad Hou&e GTt Byron Nelson Got Qassc ABC WWe Wortd Of Sports Home Grown & Rod Nmt Got Oil Or Who JRad Dr Who {> Wx> Dr Wm Rase Chid Vctory Gdn Gardener Wiolwnglit OW House EVENING FMjgrjrn Cot Baste-tatf NBA Baskethal DouhichnartRr NBA I THURSDAY __^_J-gOO__TV I'K Ft vVuMf- T X MAY 3 AT&T Terns Oatenge Hcrse Raong ftit^eser Racng Acmsr. Anienca Speodwek |Las Vegas Oassc 6 PM 6:30 7 PM 7:30 8 PM 1:30 9 PM 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30 Cm Ductta Ihsp Gadget iLasse Qndereb RMoTMg IFnend ICant Oi TV Out Contoi Mr Wzard lOenrvs ABC tows jJeooartV Father Dwrfng T Bastey T*n Peate h, Malafitri Pnmetme La* Arseno Hal 6) ftngo Long AlSJan And Meter B Miliums Travetog Knjs (20) Siwr Skeok A man on board a train gets mixed up with murder (50) He, <05) Fehng 1(35) Fisfwi NBC tows CosOy wo s Buss7 Cosby Ofl World Cheers and a sexy woman G mbhr Wrgs LA law f? £^sarf Nwrs Ton^* Show H I (11 x» SV* Mtwe Hearh 01 The Wwe An ispinng wnler becomes U*P not Mok Moan Om Pmdor R ITW C8S Western stuntmin J MOB OtyUrs Npws iJoooarV 48 Hons Falcon Crest 6 terror Knots M Let News __ I Landrg Wsegjy Ww Time V Hilt Ftabn U (35) Hood Pned Iflotti Hnofl M Prxd Mme Detect* Scfta* DrapouB O owe Stondnd I Skyr News ABC tows ktorv Father Dortng J Bust* Tm- Peaks K ft*net>me Ijvc News NgNJne w SaJ Tm King Fu (20) M*ur l K*IK ftrtin MacNo Hooan Lerrer Bus Ft* Mystery4 Sfruggle Democracy Berg Served Eastfnders m HlXlSeeNoEvlHMiNoMfl Prya iFrewrti Maw ErAi An impessrve rendering ol the age old Auihurun Mow M adtaf N Wtoma.r News C8S towr ET Hard Copy |48 tan Falcon Crest G htomsan Knots Landng M Lee News Msepjy legend BieRa Ann* Kn^t ftrto K:r$t ftdn A Team (530) R O?** Mow Pvfejgehl t The Otter Skte J Mcwe tat Seftar J Mfcu* Mow D «S8? Williams Firga NwsOay Evans News maker HTiwv Nr?wsOay 10) SJyie On Meru Money |( 10) Sports IFull* Wafcft NmMH News maker Decades 60s |ChrmdP mo&rm Sowal Wfc Eagle & Bear Vertf Ftea»m L Paxrtto M. jCAjsade ;E\*nng Al Imprt* SwrnarVet Rodeo Drw Mo^- Dodd She Sunn Wxjrigtnj MacGruder A/ti Loud Spenser For Hre .Ar.^ Orient Express C L*t1 Thoroughbred Sports Look Sports Center Urtes Pro Barters Taj Ra* 1 Top Bowng Bbal Htft ISorts Center Mouse OUb Boomer 6SP?? Tr*Je Tn* Mew Watcher ta The Woods B Onis WrtfU) WSlfi Mcmc MMouseOD Can! On TV Make Grade [UK Tows iDotoe GftsGAs IBewrorIGreer. Acres Dona Reed Lme jlooney Latfi ti [My 3 Sons Pary uoe Carty Week. ISrie Sde Cktts jDobc |B By |Cd iRenvdeing ICouFty met ijunee jloniny Mreer uoui Si iCuUmSy Sg2 (05)Hbtey 1( 35) Andy 1(05) JrttarortMap leagje Basetx* 05) « tfich Mwe Not A Penny More. Not A lass Ot a f Asner Penny (PM Mwe ftot A Penny More. Mot A Penny Less (Pt 2 Of 2) F Tratte Sow Sam Mirder She Wrote (430)5 I K hkv Mcmc Ymt 01 Uwtag Dangerously M Gtoan Move Sae No hi. Hew No &i /? Ryu Mow You Can! Hurry D Packer (1100 Copper Canyon R MtMe ftg Treat A ruthless land baron wants Mva Of A Milljnd imberland I^Me The WUamess Wfesr Man From UltCLE 3W ite.r Gat (tea Bs Crsry V IW>«5 Mrwe Dudes J Qyv 1(35) Boodmori J Damme (05) Champ Baxng belonging to homesteaders K ftupte Chas Charge [hJvTS |*/« a Moat Afctphy"* Law A cop, accused ol murder, is News Canedy f^ghl HI Strerf *" jaoiLou stalked by a psychopath* killer C &mscr EVENING Mow Cot Mlmc Frnn LA K tetsrC Mow Atoi Lot Mgtc.

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