THE SUN AND NEW YORK HERALD, SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1920. CROWD DAYS PRECEDING LENT WORKS Saturday after- CHARITABLE wiil lake place next son noon to St Thomas's Church. MISBGray will be attended by her cousin, Miss of Boston, Mlti Peg-Mr- . Katherlne Langdon Hill Cotttoved fren Preoe4lo n: Genevieve Stone, ft cousin of Mr. McOormack and Miss Garden Mrs. John O'Day, Misses Vie-wrl-ne Morrill. CaUierlu have donated their services, and as Mr. Kellogg. Elsie Moves and Jeannette Chappell. Kathleen Charles B. Dillingham has given the Boyd, Vie m"o imuKuic nn of the Hippodrome, the men of the Mrs. Willlarn B. Boyd and a cousin of girl. Mr. lesion are confident that the net receipt Macpherson, will be flower Mr. Edwin Allsn m solve all their present difficulties. Macphcrson's father, Mr. will ott a?best mar,. Th. honorary chairman tor' the con- Macpherson, The ushers will be Messrs. II. Liggett Gray. cert ta Major-Ge- n. Robert Alexander, John O'Day, Alfred Nathan, Jr., Ary X commanding Madison Barracks, while Lamme, Jr., Georcol'lper. Esymour Fox. Magulre, After honorary la Commo- Albort and James j. Jr. the a small reception will be dore Louis M. JoeephthaL The execu- the cerny held in tho St Regis Hotel. tive commutes includes' Mr. Theodore Douslis Roblson. chairman; Messrs. The marriage of Miss Anna Sherman, A. Sherman, LeB. Bobbins, Jr.; Courtlandt daughter of Mrs. Herbert Francis William Remsen, son of Mr. and Barnes, LorllUrd Spencer, Edward to Mr. D. Mrs. Charles Remsen of this city, wll C Delafleld, Nigel Cholmcley-Jone- a, place, next Saturday in ChrUt take ceremony Mark A. Luescher, D. F. McSweeney, Church. Rye, N. T. After the will be held at Tintern Hall, Geo rye Whitney, Arthur W. Page, a reception home of Mrs. Sherman in Rye George Brokaw Compton and David V. the Bennett Among the weddings this week will Shepard Ward, The women's committee Includes Mrs. be that of Miss Harriette Mr. and Sirs. Rodney A. James A. Burden, chairman; Mmes. daughter of Ward, to Mr. Holland Bedell Pearock, Whitney, Pea-coc- k Bobert Lee Bullard, George son of Mr. and Mrs. Alexander R. Theodore Roosevelt, Jr.; Henry P. Davi- of this city and llttsburg. Pa., Tuesday af- son. W. do Lancey Kountzc, William B. which will tike place next In Holy Trinity Church, Brook-jy- n. Osgood Field, Harry Payne Whitney, ternoon Miss Mary Ward, sister of the Forsyth Wlckes, Francis L. Bobbins, Jr. ; bride, will be maid of honor. The other Edward C. Delafleld. Wlllard D. Straight, attendants will be Mrs. Rodney C. Ward Ward, slsler-in-la- Michael Gavin, Vincent Astor, Robert L. and Mrs. Lester Woodruff Mrs. Karl Whit-mars- h, M.' of tho bride; Bacon, Louis Josiephthal, Cornelius Miss Luellle Wardncr, Miss Alice WIckersbam, Sidney Bonr, T. Dougkw Dunne, and Miss Irene Peacock, sister Robinson and John McCormack. of the bridegroom. Miss Jean Peacock, Mr. Peacock, will net Miss Katharine D. Parker Is preparing young sister of as bower glrL Tllden Ward Southaek. a 'llet of debutantes who will act, as Starr of this city. Mr. Stanley Malcolm ushers. The women's committee, with a nephew of the bride, will serve as headquarters at 51 .East Fortieth street, page, Mr. Grant Peacock will be hot his brother. The ushers will Is disposing of seats In the boxes and In man for bo Messrs. Clarence Peacock, an- the orchestra through a special com- other brother: Lester Woodruff Ward, mittee Including Mmes. Forsyth Wlckes, Edmund Jearrayn. Robert Lyne, Joseph . Osgood L. Ha-co- n, Van Buren. The William Field. Robert Husted, McKlbbcn and James Theodore Douglas Robinson. George ing be unusual In details B. Queel, Mark Lurle, Joseph Ooetxoff is member of the Knickerbocker and Shipley Thomas and James W. wedding reception will be held at th Thompson, Sylvia R. Hlllhouse. Audrey It It will its a ceremony will bo a Whitney, ". dc Lancey Kountze, James and will bo held In the Seventy-firs- t and Joseph M. Brody, Racquet clubs. During tho war he Jr. After the there home of the bride's parents, JO Dur Hoffman, Marlon Tiffany, uenevievo reception at the Cosmopolitan Club. A. llurden and Monroe D. Robinson. Clendenin, Fanny J. Billings and Kath- - Regiment Armory, Thirty-rourt- h street Innumerable booths, a continuous the- served as a Major in the 321st Field field place, Brooklyn. and avenue. Ninety thousand dol- atre performance and dancing will be Knights erlne Van Ingen. Park Artillery, 82d Division. The marriage win Hall for of Colombo!. In two and - Vtnoter wedding next Thursday Mary Bartlett daughter Among those who have taken boxes lars was cleared at a similar event the feature of those afternoons of Miss- Murray and Mr. Chanler will Miss, Garrett Society will bo well represented among the entertainment are the first year of the war. This year evenings. Films enough to run a don en be that of Miss Dorothy Vassar Baker, of Mr. and Mrs. J. Kemp Bartlett, will and scats for tako place early in tho spring. Glbncy. the patronesses of the charity 'ball to bo Mmes. Charles Steele, Henry P. Davison. an even larger profit is expected, "movie" houses have been contributed daughter of Mrs. E. Vassar Baker of be married to Mr. Robert A. Mr. John W. Glbncy this given by the Knights of Columbus In the James Speyer. William Jay, J. R. Dels-fiel-d. Mrs. Philip Lewlsohn heads the com- and bills of well known vaudeville per- Ballston Spa, N. Y., to only son of Dr. Virgil P. of Hampden Dougherty, of 26 cele- Hotel Astor on Monday, February 15. James Roosevelt, Paul D, Cravath, mittee. Her aids are the members formers and, concert singers are being Mrs. J. Stafford of thlo city, which will be city, next Saturday evening at the home West Forty-nint- h announced last 4 In chapel of Royal Ter- The proceeds will go to charities of the Hllbornc U Roosevelt, E. Henry Uarn-ma- n, of the Women's Auxiliary of the arranged. There are to be special street brated at o'clock the St of her parents, 2100 Mount week the engagement of her daughter. MIsa will New York Chapter, including tuberculo- Daniel Guggenheim, Bur-ra- il People's Relief Committee of res- Bartholomew's Church. Baker race, Baltimore, Md. Francis Jewish features for children, a buffet and Miss Eleanor Dougherty, to MaJ. attend- sis and hospital treatment, free employ- Hoffman. Edward N. Breltung, America, which has downtown headquar- Admis- have 6nly a maid of honor in taurant and a special ballroom. Francis Trives of Paris. France. During will be wedding ment bureau, home relief and vocational Henry Fcrbes McCreery, William Q. Mtf- - 175 Broadway and uptown chil- ance. Mr. Robert K Stafford On their return from their ters at East sion will be II, and 50 cents for 1315 and1917 Miss Dougherty served as a nd trade schools and others. Adoo, Frederic Neilson, Julian Bobbins headquarters at the Central wish Insti- best man for his brother and tho .ushers trip Mr. and Mrs. Donald Ormsby Page, If dren. volunteer assistant In the Lutetla Hos- Mortimer-Cob- place day Miss Elisabeth Marbury heads the and Charlos Stewart Smith. tute. 125 Eighty-nfth.,stre- Mrs. will include Messrs. whose marriage took the last In East In Its appeal the directing committee pital in Paris, and later In the children's and Church, will women's auxiliary which is engaged The Womcn',8 Campaign Committee In- Julius Halpern of 16 East Ninety-sixt- h Harold 6cha!l, Vladamlr Bchr of January In St Thomas's says: American Red Cross. MaJ. Fiftjr-Ich- fh preparations for the ball. Other mem- secretary Mrs. bureau of the Philip Kaurmann. The reception follow- make their home at 200 West' cludes Mrs. William H. Hamilton, street Is financial and "Three million Jews are now on the Trives- - was an officer In the French - bers are Mrs. Edward N. Rreltung, Mrs. Navy Club; Mmes. Hugh Benjamin of 640 Riverside ing the ceremony will be held at tho street. Mrs. Page was MIsa Dor- CapelH. founder of the Prledland threshold of death i from starvation. array throughout tho war. He was sent W. liourkc Cockran, Marches D. Auchlncloss, George Barton French, Drive secretary and chairman of the Hotel Plaza. Miss Baker is a niece of "oHiy Dillon, daughter of the. late Joint Do Mrs. Newbold Lc Hundreds of thousands of our people here In 1017 as a member of the French Mrs. Hough Now York i Miss Elsie Wolfe. William E. Benjamin. H. Fairfield Os-bo- ticket committee. Edward H. of Milton Dillon ana a granaaaugiuer Roy Edgar. Mrs. James W. Gerard. Bar- are suffering from the worst diseases High Commission, and returned to Ccdarhurst, L. I., and a grandnlece Judge Mrs. John Dillon. Douglas Sloanr, Bockman Eighty-nint- and the late and F. William Among their associates are Mmes. rage the towns and cities the France with the h Division, grand- oness Kmil tie Cartier do Marchlenne. Wlnthrpp. Schuyler Warren, William that in of of the founder of Vassar College. Mr, On the maternal side she U a Mrs. Herbert Shlpman and Mrs. Joseph Charles S. Guggenhelraer. Randolph Jewish settlements. Tens of thousands U. S. A. After the signing of tho armis- marriage lato Mr. and Mrs Au Barclay Parsons, William B. Franklin. Guggenhetmer, Benjamin Guggenhetmer, tice he was sent on a mission to Poland. Stafford is a son by a former daughter of the Slcvin, Jr. Cooperating with them arc Duncan Henry Clay of Jewish children are orphans, not hav- of Mrs'.
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