Norfolk. Far 843

Norfolk. Far 843

TRAD~S DIRECTORY.) NORFOLK. FAR 843 PilgrimRStockton rd.KirbyCane,Bungy Po.ltter Thomas, Edgefield, Briningham Quantrett Goorga, Forncett St. Peter~ Pinchen James, Corpusty, Norwich Potter Thomas H. Attlcborough Long Stratton Pitcher B. Harohatu Broom, Wymondhm Potter William, WhitB house, Flordon, Quantrill John, Garboldisham, Thetford Pitcher Mrs. Elizh. llr<Jncaster, Lynn . Lon~ Str<~tton c.luantrill William, Hesthorpe,Attleboro~ Pitcher John, Fulmodeston, Dereham Powell Alfred Edward, The Beeches, H.aby Robt. & Sons, Thornaga, Dereham Pitcher William, Saddlebow, Wiggenhall Stratton Strawless, Norwich Race John, Suton, Wymoudham St. Mary th~ Virgin, Lynn • Powell Charles, Wbeycurd & Copy's Rtckham Alfd. Tasburgh,Long Stratton Pit~ Mrs. Jane, Dooph~m, Wymondham green farms, Wighton R. '3.0 RackhamA.GilliughamAIISaint.s,Heccles Pitts J. White ho. East Carlton, Norwich Powell Charles John, Hall, Stratt<m St. R tckhamCharles, llurghSt. Peter, Beccles Pitts Pbilip, Tottington1 Watton , Mary, Long Stratton R.1.ckham Frank, Shropham, Thatford Pitt.s Saml. Stoke Holy Cross, Norwich' Powell Fdk. X. E. Glandford, D~rcham Ra.ckhamHenry,StokeHolyCross,Nrwch PlattenA. Croxton,Fulmodeston, Derehm Powell Peter, Brumstead, Stalham Radford Alfred, S.tddlebow, Wiggenhall Platten Goorge, Sedgeford, Lynn Powers William, Old Mal'llh, Wa.lpole St. l\:lary the Virgin, Lynn Platten Hichard (the exors. of), Clip- St. Peter, Wisbech Rae Thomas Aikin, E.tst Winch, Lynn stone ho. Croxton,Fulmodestn.Derehm Powley Robert, Sutton, Stalharn H.andallDavid,Oldlluckenham, Attlebow~ Platten Rt. Little R~·burgh, Fakenham Powley Thomas, Sporle road, Swaffhm Randall Eba, O:d Bucker~ham,Attleboro• Playford Daniel, Burgh, Yarmouth Pratt Jas. Ridlington, North Walsham H.andall J.Terringtnn St.CleQient, Lynn Playle Frederick, Griston, Watton Pratt James W. H~vingham, Xorwich Randall Walter H. F.aston, Norwich Plaj•le Henry, Carbroo!•e, Watton Pratt .Juseph, l3arforJ, Wymondham Randell Robert Hy. Earsham, Hnngay Plowright David, White hall, Islington,. Pratt Richar,l, Col by, N ot·wich Ransom Henry, East Run ton, Cromer Lynn Pratt Mrs. Rcbecca, Hickling, Stalham Rattee Daniel gimer M.R.C. v.s. I<'unden- Plumb William Edward & Thomas, Robert, Central Wingland, hall, Wymondham 'Terrington St. Clement, Lynn 'ferrin~ton St. Clement, Lynn Raven Misse~ Elizabeth & Ma.ry Ann, Plumb Thomas, Cross Keys, Lynn Pratt Rob~rt, Great Hyburg:1, Fakenhm Colkirk, Fakenham Plumbly C.Edingth.,rpe,North Walsham Pratt Robert, jun. West Waltun, Wisbech Raven B.StrattonSt.Mary,LongStratton l'lumbly George H. Fdmingham hall, Pratt Robert Wortley,Horsford,Norwich Rawling Frederick, R-mgham,t>waffham Felmingham, North Walsh:tm Pratt> ·waiter, \Vest Walton, Wisbech RawhngWalter,Crimplesham,Downham Plumbly Herbert, .Ruggs hall, l<'elming- Pratt Wtlliam, Hindolveston, Dereham Rawstun Henry, jun. Bridewell street, ham & Auction mart, Yarmouth road, l'rentice Aaron, Heywood, Diss Walsingham R.S.O N0rth Walsham · PressElward,'iuckle hill,NllrthWalshm Ray J. N. R Little Wirehiu~ham hall, Plumbly James Spurrell,. Post office. Preston James, Hales, Norwich Little Witchingham, Norwich Lower street, Southrepps, Norwich PrestonThos.Valntne.Lamma!'!,Norwich Ktyner John, R'Jckland St. Peter, Plumbly T. W. Thursford, Hriningha.m Prettyman William, Haddi~coe, Norwich Scoulten, Watton Plummer Charles,Happi~bur-.,;h,Sta.lham PL'ewer Aaron, Breckles, Attleborou.s-h R'lyner Robert,OldBuckenham,Attlboro' Plummer George, East Ruston,Stalharn Prewer James, Stow Hedon, Attlehoro' Rayner Rubl3rt, Wortwell, Harleston Plummer James, Roughton, Norwich Prewer :\Irs. Susan, Breckles, Attl~boro' Read Alfrei, Wicklcwood, Wymondham Plummer John, Ring land, No<wich PrewerWalter,GreatHockham, Thetford Read Benjamin,Wicklewood,Wymndbm Plummer Rnbert, Palling, Stalham Priestby William Waiter W. Horsham Read Edward, Hempnall, Norwich Plummer William,East Ruston,Stalham St. Faith's, Norwich Read E. Trimingham, North \Valsham Pointeu Christupher, Briningham Prime James, Anthill, Harle.>ton George, Ditchingham, Hungay Pointen Ernest Geo. Thornage, IJereha.m PrimrtJse Alfred, The- Limes, Trunch, Read Henry, Tile H~ll, Fishley, Norwich Pointen Geo. Burgh Stubbs,Briningham North Wals~mm Read Henry, Scratby hall, Ormesby Pointer Ch~rles, East Ruston, Stalham Primrose Henry, White house, Trunch, St. Margaret, Yarmouth Pointer Mrs. Esther,Hay green, Tarring- North Walsham Read John, Heighton, Norwich ton St. Clement, Lynn Primrose ·waiter Cremer, Ivy house, Read John, Yaxham, East Dereham Point~r H. Hythe, Methwuld,Stoke Ferry Tmnc!1, North Walsh:un Read R. Ormesby St.Michael, Yarmouth. Pointer Wm. Swanton N avers, Dereham Primrose W. H. Felrningha~n, Nth. Wish m ReadRobt. Russell, Raveningham,N rwch Pointer Wm. sen. Shouldham,Downham Prior Benjamin, Lake's end, Wisbech Read S:nnuel, Hernpnall, Norwich Poll Ahrhm. Little Plnrnste,ad, Nor1vich Prior George Thomas, Wingland grange, Read William,EH.stHradenham,Thetford Poll Charles Herbert, Old Hall farm, Terrington St. Clement, Lynn Ready Nathaniel, Bridgham, Thetford 1 Ditchingham, Hungay Proctor A. Hilgay fen,Hil;ay, Downham Redgment Wright, Blofield, Norwich Poll George, Tharston, Long Stratton Proctor Joseph, Nordelph, Downham Redgrave Micha.el, Rtckheath. Norwich Poll Henry, Caws~on road, Aylsbam Proctor William, Little London, South- Redgrave:Wichl. Whitefriars bdg.Norwich Pull Mrs. Jane, Onlton, Aylsham ery,. Down ham Redgrave William, Pulha.m St. Mary Poll Rt. Selim, Lodge, Bedinghm. Bungay Proctol' William Kemp, Bardolph fen, Magdalen, H.l.l'le.;ton Pollard James, Hickling, Stalham Stow Barclolph, Down~am Redhead Bensley William, Ten)1ile bank, Pollard John Hy. Shouldha.m, Downhm Proctor William Sexton, Bexwell hall, Hilgay, Downham Pollyn Thomas Lavender, r'en end, Til- Bexwell, Downham Reeder Esau, H<\r.:lwick, Long SLratton ney St. Lawrence, I.ynn Pryer Mrs. Edward, Feltwe~l, Hrandon Reeson Robert, Whittington,Stoke Ferry Pollyn William, Fen end, Tilncy St. Pryor Thomas, Feltwell, Hrandon Reeve George, Suton, \Vymoudham Lawrence, Lynn Purnfrey Bros. Hawdeswell,E1..Dereham Reeve Robert, North Lopha.m, Thetford Pond Cha.s. F. Foulden, Stoke Ferry S.O Pumfrey .J ames, Hethersett, Norwich Reeve. Waiter Wm. l~eeston, Swaffham Pooley Geo. C. Swan ton Abbot, Norwich PunchardW.Hroorne ho.Broome,Bnngay Reeve William, Hurston road, Dis~ Pooley Thomas, West Hradenhm.Watton Puncherd George, Hares green, Hard- Ree\""e William, Honingham, Norwich Pooley William, Snettisham, Lynn . wick, Long St.ratton Re!!ve ·williarn, Thurne, Yarmouth Porcher Harry, Shelfanger, Diss Purdy George, Stantield, East Dereham ReeveWm.sen.NortonSubcourae,Norwch Porrett Geo. Rose, Calthorpe, Norw~ch Purdy George, Walcott, Stalham Reeve Wilham Hawkins Simms, Staith Porrett Geo. Rose, "'ickmere, Norwich Purdy Henry, Foxlev, East Dereham house, Brancaster staith, Lynn Porrett James, High house, Great Me!- Purdy John, Hawdeswell, E<Jo. Dereham Regester Thomas, Holme hall, Watton ton, Norwich & at Hethersett Purdy Robt. John Woods, Woudg-<~te Register Larman,Bridge road,Downham Porritt Wm.L.Potter Heigham,No:rwich house, Cawston road, Aylsham Renacre Waiter Henry, The Beeches, Porritt. William Love, Burnham market, Purdy Samuel, Wighton RS.O Swafield, North Walsham Lynn; Burn ham Sutton & llurnha.m Purdy Thomas, Paston, North Walsham Renaut Edward& Saml. Thornham,Lynn Overy; office, Burnham Overy Purple Henry,. GreaJ; Fransham, East Revell James, Deuton, Harleston Porter David 0. Southery, Down ham Dereha1u, B.eyner Row land, Low common. Stan- Porter I<'uller, St. Mary's, ~orwieh Purple Robert, Foxley, East Dereham tield, East Dereham Porter J.Lit.I..ondon,Sonthery,Downhm Putt.ock ·James, Starstoo., Harleston Reynolds & Woods, Hillington, Lynn Porter P. Fen,enrl, West Waltun, Wisbech Pycruf~ Ale~. Walpule St. Peter, Wisbech Reynolds Charles, Beetley ,East Dereham Porter T. Fen, Methwold, Stoke Ferry Pye Dennis, Kirstead, Norwich ReyuoldsE.Fornctt,St.Peter,LongStratn PcmterT. Hilgay fen,Hilgay, Downham Pye James., Ca.wston, Norwich Reynolds Edw.uJ William, Newton, Borter William E. f:;outhery, Pye RIJbert; H.uston. Stalham Horsham St. Faith's, Norwich Postal Raglan, Hcsthorpe, Attleborongh Pye Waiter; Woodgate, Swanton Morley, Reynolds George Edward. Horsham St. P08tle J_S. The Ilall,Smallburgh,Norw(!h East Dereham .faith's, Norwich P.ostle W. l<'elmingham, North Walshm. Pyke John S:.I.IIluel, Gresham, Norwich Reynolds George Henry, Forncett. St. Pt>tt,et Mrs. Allan, J\lorley St, Botolpll.. Pyle Mrs. Elil)h:. Strumpshaw; Norwich .Mary, Long Stratt<m Attleborough . , , Pym~IJ· Elljs KiX; Morley St. Botolph. R"ynolds James. Bodham, Holt H.S.O , Potte.r Charl-es, East Dereham '"!eoorough I . ReynoldsJamea,CarletonRole, Attleboro' &!ttel' Daniel, .Besthorpe, Attleborongh PymarR..T.IAngmere,Dickleburgh,Scole R:!ynoldi Ja!Iles, Lower Sheringham, P-otter EJ.ish~ George, i Woodhouse: & Quadling Wil:iii!om, Sporlo, Swaffham Sheringhan1, CFomer Manor ,Ba:dingbaJU-N et-hergte, NJ'wch Quailtr~l A.IW re;:J.i ngham, W ymondhm Reynol<W <'S.jun. Low. Shel"Ilghm. Cromr l'otter Ernes~ Seething, Norwich Quantrell Geo. "fasburgh, Long Stuttun Reynolds John William,Keswick,Norwich Potter Ba.-tmel, Wighton. R. S. 0 QuantrellWm.jun,Siltield, Wymondham ReynoldsJosh. Malletts7 Hlofield,N Ol"'Wich ~ .

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