\^' f^; • 1, •• v r;i^^^3€ tTKs'.' KS^ ENERGY Tjt One of the themes of An environment festival will be held in World Environment Day Brisbane to coincide vvith World Environment Pii •^Ji ^^^') is Energy. -•.- "'% pay, on June 3*5. ' r- Gamut this week looks Gamut h» higfiiighte j>f:t^^^^^ on A at energy alternatives - page is, alorig.wim .an ifitervlew. With Charles Gerald Frappe, editor of Tht BtiskTJftiir solar energy and energy Birch, Professor of Blolbgy at i$^ney Univer­ ^K conservatfon (cmtrs graph, telii what he hofim.to adiieve vvitft the' sity, who dkcuttes energy and tHe futuria. [\M pages). t newspaper^ page It. .. dSS^ • • ' ••''Si1»sr'•'''iwv.'-'-•'-•*«S''Xi;. :••,•.• :*K - ••;•. •• • • -..'-.%,''. VHSC • • ***w&<»'^' • •..•"-.^'; •.J'>.^•.;^ • -1 • -'.-.,-f,,.!';;•!?•. •', r-- *'f^:---.t^v-..\ What (or who) is our man Joh shooting at? Is it an undergraduate humorist? Is it a Gamut editor? Is it our man Malcolm (shades of political unrest!)? Is it a clay pidgeon with only a left wing? Dear Editor, An effigy of ? (And how fast are they running?) AUow me to say a few words about The answer is yours, and so jre two free tickets to the Schonell Theatre for the best one of the coUeges on campus: Inter­ answer. national House (Qld Uni). One thing Send answers to Gamut, 1st floor. Union Office. which wiU strike you when you visit IH for a meal is the fact that you have to be "thonged" or "shoed." This is regardless of the condition of state of health of your feet, before your meal is Last week we recieved a curt letter Dear God, Dear Allun, served. This is one of the rules of the from an aware student. The theme of God I'm lonely. What am I to do? Next time you must enclose your his letter was, "Gamut is deadpan". If Please, please tell me. coUege made almost a decade ago, and address. even up to now there is no sign that these you have a sincere problem, please send yours sincerely, love it to us and we will then forward it to Ms JuUette Sweet rules wiU be revised, although so many God things have changed since. God. If it is not sincere or pathetic Dear God, enough, we wUi forward it to Hayden Dear Ms^weet, Do you exist? It is not unusual for "college pre­ Sargeant. You always thought God It's lonely at the top too. I wish I philosophicaUy fects" to revive one of these rules from was the editor of the Catholic Leader? could help you. Serbian Jane time to time. Most of these so-caUed You are wrong • we have established a God. Dear Ms Jane, prefects are actuaUy power hungry and direct Ime with him. At last here is your Congratulations - you have just won discontented persons, who look at quiet chance for *divine comment' to solve Dear God, two free passes, to sec "Jesus Christ overseas students as easy prey. 'human problems*. We look forward / am 14 yean old and have not yet Superstar" at the SchoneU Theatre. IH is the only coUege on campus with to receiving your extreme problems started shaving yet. Am I homosexual? love a reputation for intenrionally accepting addressed to God, c/- Gamut. more overseas stude;nts. Fifty per cent of perplexed, God Allun Martin. the 150 coUege residents are overseas and the rest are Atisl^aUan nationals. IH is supposed to be a melting pot for the various cultures. Every Monday tea-time is a special occasion when "May Brotherhood PrevaU" is enchanted by the warden before everyone gets seated and meab-served. But despite aU these under­ takings, the mixing is very meagre, instead the different cultures are actuaUy miniature nations. The Warden, Mr Ivor Cribb, -af^aUy deserves credit for the part he is playing in initiating understand­ ing between the various students in his coUege. If you are going to be a resident in IH it won't escape your notice to be told that the coUege is run on donations and provided everyone observes good conduct the fees will always be kept low (at the moment $38/week, cheaper tlian the other on-campu3'.coUeges). With this impUed atmosphere of conditioning and added to this, with the rig^d and anach­ ronistic rules, one is left to wonder whether; Hi is not actuaUy an old colonial reUc in disguise right ere oh campus. (Name suppUed) - ^ • UQ UQU .RcBsrtake MatfcWolfr ICGCAE TenyGerilc^ ART COUEGE David Bf^r DDIAE Johii Coulter/ Divid.Gr^ TVFESETIlNd Qt^ Airman 2:. • !• IE CHEAT Karen Green refused benifits by Radlta Rouse Legal liassTes over whetiier school leavers have the right to the dole could begin all over again following the decision by the Director-General of Social Security Laurie Daniels not to grant it to Tasmanian woman Karen Green. Ms Green won a High Opposition spokesperson is not reaUy an argument. Court case to determine Senator Don Grimes has a He said, "The govemment different view of the situation. whether or not she had should make it perfectly clear Mr Damien Sweeney, Secretary of the AJA in Queens­ He said "What Mr Daniels and that if someone leaves school ' taken reasonable steps to the govemment are trying to do or goes back cr to university land, addressing the seminar. find work but Mr Daniels is to be excessively legalistic they should have to pay back decided she didn't take and thereby to avoid paying any unemployment benefits adequate steps and refused Karen Green and other school they had received. Those people leavers the unemployment have in fact UlegaUy received to grant her the dole NO STOPPER benefits due to them. unemployment benefits. during the December- "They acted iUegally, we toid •"There is a mechanism in the January holiday period. them they acted iUegally and the Act for that now, there is no judge told tiiem they acted trouble at aU in catching cheats This case had been regarded WRITS Ulegally. They won't succeed but there arc very few cheats. as a test case for all school when it goes back to court." Why wipe everybody out to by Ross Peake leavers' right to the dole. At the School leavers are not re­ catch a few cheats, especiaUy time of going to press the Tlie group in our community most sensitive about their garded as unemployed during wlien it disadvantages the poor reputations is the horse racing fraternity, according to Mr Fitzroy Legal Service which the school hohdays. The reason people." Keith McDonald, chief executive of Queensland News­ started the original action for appears to be that it is diffi­ High school student Malcolm Ms Green was considering issuing cult to determine their inten­ Warman agrees that students papers. a writ in the High Court against tions. should get the dole when they "This group lias obtained "Most Congressional commit­ Mr Daniels. tees are open to the press; the Senator Guilfoyle said, leave school. "It's their entitled about S65,000 from There is a deal of confusion "Many students are awaiting right and many need it" he most dramatic example was the over what the High Court judge­ examination results and deciding said. Queensland Newspapers in Uve telecasting of proceedings of ment actuaUy meant. Federal what sort of career tlicy are to Mr Warman, who is in his last seven actions," he said. the Congressional hearings into Social Security Minister pursue. It is generaUy accepted year of school doesn't believe "This confirms the view Watergate. Margaret Guilfoyle is taking the by people that leaving school students .should be dependent on that this lias less to do with "No one knew where these line that the Higli Court decision one day would not necessarily their parents until they get a job liearings were going to lead found that Karen Green was not restoring reputation than entitle you to unemployment cither, "In many cases depen­ but it seems to me that the eligible for unemployment bene­ with another form of gamb­ benefits immediately. It's a dants can cause a lot of financial opening of the sessions to the fits; that she had not proved hardship in Uie famUy unit. ling. I refer to wagering the world via Uve television was a eligibility. matter of determining eligibility. "Until the date of enrolment School leavers have got to live, legal costs against tlie pos­ solemn and deeply impressive is passed or the commencement and in a low income household sible outcome. The uncer­ demonstration of the commit­ "Government acted illegally" ment to the principle of the of the school year, this can't it could be very hard for that tainty of the situation adds "The judgement went on lo family to function." people's right to know. be done." to the element of a true say amongst other things she liad No trouble catching cheats taken reasonable steps to find School students' association gamble." "Writs flying around" work but the judge could not However, Senator Grimes said the argument that school leavers Mr Warman has been involved According to Mr Damien usurp the responsibUity of in a group of students trying to Sweeney, the Queensland Sec­ Director-General to determine can't be paid the dole during the Mr McDonald was addressing holidays because they miglit go set up a secondary students retary of the Australian Jour­ whether she proved eligibility," a Defamation and Privacy nalists Association, the issue is . to University or bacic to school association. That project hasn't Seminar, held at the Queensland Senator GuUfoyle said. got off the ground yet but why Watergate could not happen University last Saturday.
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