A B ©Lonely Planet Publications Pty

A B ©Lonely Planet Publications Pty

©Lonely Planet Publications Pty Ltd 343 Fårup Sommerland 277 Oluf Høst Museum 150, 153 Gorilla Park 177 Ordrupgaard 82 Lalandia, central Jutland 247 Ribe Kunstmuseum 202 Lalandia, Lolland 139 Skagens Museum 271 Legoland 9, 246-9, 9, 32 Skovgaard Museet 255 Middelaldercentret 134 Statens Museum for Kunst 57 Tivoli 43, 63, 31 Thorvaldsens Museum 52 Tivoli Friheden 225-6 Tickon 183-4 Andersen, Hans Christian 309 Trapholt 192 Als 215 V1 Gallery 59-60 Copenhagen 53, 55, 57, 58 Vestsjællands Kunstmuseum 114 Faaborg 174 arts 309-12, see also art museums, The Danish language places Køge 108 films, glassworks, literature, music the letters æ, ø and å at the Odense 160 Assistens Kirkegård 58-9 end of the alphabet. animals, see bird-watching, national ATMs 319 parks, zoos & safari parks August, Bille 311 A Ant Chair 295 Augustenborg 215 Aa Kirke 145 Apostelhuset 119 Axel, Gabriel 311 Aalborg 260-7, 262 aquariums Avernakø 175 Aalborg Carnival 21, 264 Aqua 238 Aarhus 13, 217-34, 13, 220-1 Danmarks Akvarium 82-3 B accommodation 227-8 Fiskeri- og Søfartsmuseet 196 Bakken 83 activities 226 Fjord & Bælt 171 Baltic Sea Glassworks 150 attractions 217-26 Kattegatcentret 236 Bangsbo 267 drinking 230-1 Nordsøen Oceanarium 275-6 beaches 13 entertainment 231-2 architecture 20, 293-4, see also Aarhus 226 Utzon, Jørn festivals & events 226-7 Amager Strandpark 60-1 Arken Museum of Modern Art 82 food 228-30 Balka 147-8 ARoS Aarhus Kunstmuseum 13, information 232-3 Bellevue 61, 83 217-22, 13 shopping 232 Charlottenlund 61, 82 Art Copenhagen 63 tourist information 233 Dueodde 146, 13 art museums, see also museums tours 226 Ebeltoft 235 Arken Museum of Modern Art 82 travel to/from 233 Fanø 198 ARoS Aarhus Kunstmuseum 13, travel within 233-4 217-22, 13 Gammel Skagen 272 Aarhus Domkirke 224 Bornholms Kunstmuseum 150, 153 Gilleleje 99 Aarhus Festival 23, 227 Carl-Henning Pedersen and Else Grenaa 236 Absalon, Bishop 41, 47, 53, 113 Alfelt Museum 242 highlights 271, 300 accommodation 314-17, see also Charlottenborg 54 Hornbæk 97 individual locations Danish Poster Museum 222 Karrebæksminde 120 activities 20, 21, 257, 296-300, see Davids Samling 57-8 Klintholm Havn 131 also individual activities Den Hirschsprungske Samling 58 Køge 109 air travel 323-4, 327 Esbjerg Kunstmuseum 195-6 Lakolk 208 akvavit 308 Faaborg Museum for Fynsk Løkken 278 Alken 243 Malerkunst 173 Marielyst 135 Allinge 154-5 Fuglsang Kunstmuseum 138 Melsted 150 Almindingen 146 Fyns Kunstmuseum 161 Moesgård 223, 226 Als 214-15 Galleri Nicolai Wallner 59 Nexø 147-8 Amalienborg Slot 54 HEART 242 Ristinge 184, 185 amusement & theme parks 20, 32, Kunsten 263 Rømø 207 see also aquariums, zoos & safari parks KunstCentret Silkeborg Bad 238 Sønderborg 212 Bakken 83 Kunsthallen Brandts 161 Tisvildeleje 101 BonBon-Land 119 Kunstmuseet i Tønder 210 Tornby Strand 276 Djurs Sommerland 237 Louisiana 81, 28 Ulvshale Strand 127 Museet for Samtidskunst 105 beer 306-7, see also breweries Museum Jorn 238 festivals 21, 307 Nils Stærk 59 bicycle travel, see cycling 000 Map pages Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek 46-7 Billund 247-9 000 Photo pages Ny Carlsberg Vej 68 59 bird-watching 344 Bornholm 147 southern Jutland 199, 205, 214 Tranekær Slot 183 Christiansø 156-7 Zealand 119 Valdemars Slot 180 Funen 175, 177, 189 budgeting 14 Vallø Slot 112 Langeland 184 burial mounds & passage graves cathedrals, see churches & Møn 128, 130 Grønsalen 132 cathedrals northen Jutland 269 Jelling Kirke 245 cell phones 15, 321 Sort Sol 21 Klekkende Høj 132 central Jutland 37, 216-58, 218-19 southern Jutland 21, 198, 206 Kong Asgers Høj 132 accommodation 216 INDEX INDEX Bjørnø 175 Kong Humbles Grav 184 climate 216 Black Diamond 52 Lindholm Høje 261-3 food 216 Blixen, Karen 85, 88, 310, 311 Mårhøj 172 highlights 218 A-C blokarts 207 bus travel 324, 327 travel seasons 216 Bluetooth, Harald 102, 116, 245, 246, business hours 317 Charlottenborg 54 252, 286, 287 bushwalking, see hiking Charlottenlund 82-3 boat travel 326-7, see also boat trips, Børsen 53 children, travel with 30-4, see also canoeing, kayaking, sailing, yachting amusement & theme parks, boat trips aquariums, zoos & safari parks central Jutland 239, 243, 255 C Aarhus 226 Copenhagen 62 camping 314-15 Copenhagen 61 Funen 163, 178 canoeing 299-300, see also kayaking highlights 20 Lolland 138 central Jutland 239, 243, 255 Christian IV 289 Møn 131 Copenhagen 63 Copenhagen 41, 47, 55, 57 southern Jutland 196 Funen 163 Funen 180 Zealand 95, 100, 103 northern Jutland 264 Zealand 89, 92, 93, 94, 104, 109, Boes 243 southern Jutland 204 110, 114 bog bodies 11, 286 Zealand 95, 97, 120 Christiania 41, 55-6 Grauballe Man 223, 286 Canute II (The Great) 161, 287 Christianity 244-5, 284, 286, 287 car travel 15 Tollund Man 238, 286, 11 Christiansborg Slot 51 rental 328 BonBon-Land 119 Christianshavn 55-7, 66, 70, 3 road distance chart 328 books 292, 308, 310, see also Christiansø 156-7 literature road rules 329 churches & cathedrals border crossings 323-5 travel to/from Denmark 324-5 Aa Kirke 145 Bornholm 8, 36, 140-57, 8, 13, travel within Denmark 327-9 Aarhus Domkirke 224 20, 141 Carl Nielsen Museet 161 Bregninge Kirke 180 accommodation 140 Carlsberg Visitors Center 60 Budolfi Domkirke 261 climate 140 castles & palaces Christiansborg Slotskirke 51 food 140 Aalborghus Slot 261 Elmelunde Kirke 130 highlights 141 Amalienborg Slot 54 Fanefjord Kirke 132 travel seasons 140 Augustenborg Slot 215 Grenaa Kirke 236 travel to/from 141-2 Charlottenborg 54 Holmens Kirke 53 Bornholms Kunstmuseum 150, 153 Christiansborg Slot 51 Jelling Kirke 245 Bornholms Middelaldercenter 153-4 Dragsholm Slot 107 Keldby Kirke 129 Bornholms Museum 142-3 Egeskov Slot 172-3 Kristkirken 210 Bogø 133 Fredensborg Slot 96 Maribo Domkirke 137-8 Brahe, Tycho 47, 93 Frederiksborg Slot 94-5 Marmorkirken 54 Bregninge 180 Gammel Estrup 237 Møgeltønder Kirke 211 Bregninge Kirke 180 Gråsten Palace 214 Nylars Rundkirke 144 breweries 306-7 Gåsetårnet 121 Ribe Domkirke 200-1 Bornholm 150 Hammershus Slot 155-6 Roskilde Domkirke 104-5 central Jutland 241, 246, 253 Koldinghus 191-2 round churches 153 Copenhagen 60 Kronborg Slot 10, 88-90, 10 rundekirker 153 Funen 168 Ledreborg Slot 107 Rømø Kirke 206-7 Møn 127 Marienlyst Slot 92 Sankt Ansgars Kirke 55 northern Jutland 265 Marselisborg 225 Sankt Bendts Kirke 108 Rosenborg Slot 57, 288 Sankt Catharinæ Kirke 202 Schackenborg 211 Sankt Knuds Kirke 161 Skovsgaard 184 Sankt Mariæ Kirke 90-1 000 Map pages Søbygård 189 Sankt Mortens Kirke 118 000 Photo pages Sønderborg Castle 212 Sankt Nicolai Kirke 109 345 Sankt Olai Domkirke 91 CPH:PIX 21, 62 Dreyer, Carl Theodor 311 Sankt Peders Kirke 118 credit cards 320 drinks 306-8, see also beer, Sankt Petri Kirke 50-1 cultural considerations 17 breweries, wine Slotskirken, Hillerød 94 culture 2-3, 282 driving, see car travel Sorø Kirke 112-14 currency 14, 17 Dueodde 146, 13 Stege Kirke 125 customs regulations 317 Dybbøl Mølle 213 Svaneke Kirke 148 cycling 8, 296-7, 300, 8 Dyrehaven, Aarhus 225 Sæby Klosterkirke 270 Bornholm 20, 142, 146, 150, 153, Dyrehaven, Jægersborg 83 INDEX INDEX Tilsandede Kirke 272-3, 11 297, 20 Viborg Domkirke 254-5 central Jutland 233-4, 239, 242-3, E 243, 254 Vor Frelsers Kirke 56 Ebeltoft 234-6 Copenhagen 61, 62, 79-80 C-F Vor Frue Kirke, Aarhus 224 economics 282-3 Funen 170, 172, 175 Vor Frue Kirke, Copenhagen 50 Egeskov Slot 172-3 internet resouces 297 Vor Frue Kirke, Vordingborg 121 Egg Chair 295 maps 297 Østerlars Rundkirke 153 electricity 317 Møn 125 cinema 311-12 Elmelunde 129-30 northern Jutland 266, 269, 275, 280 festivals 21, 62-3, 164 Elmelunde Kirke 130 routes 297, 298-9 climate 14, 21-4, 316, 14, see also Elsinore 88-94, 90 tours 62 individual regions Elvis Presley Museum 250 travel to/from Denmark 324 climate change 323 email access 319 travel within Denmark 327 consulates 317 embassies 317 Æro 185-6 Copenhagen 6, 35, 40-83, 3, 6-7, 42, emergencies 15, 78, 334 44-5, 48-9, 51-2 Empiregården 126 accommodation 40, 64-7 D environmental issues activities 60-1 Dagmar Cross 108 Blue Flag 299 attractions 43-60 Danfoss Universe 215 climate change 323 canal tours 62 Danmarks Akvarium 82-3 Green Key 314 children, travel with 61 Danmarks Tekniske Museum 92 internet resources 15 climate 40 Dannebrog 287, 287 sustainability 15, 188, 283 drinking 72-3 Davids Samling 57-8 Esbjerg 194-8 emergency services 78 De Kongelige Repræsentations- Esrum Kloster 95 entertainment 73-5 lokaler 52 etiquette 17 festivals & events 62-3 Den Fynske Landsby 163 events 21-4, see also festivals food 40, 67-71 Den Gamle By 222-3 Art Copenhagen 63 highlights 42 Den Gamle Rådhus 202 Christmas Fairs 24 history 41-3 Den Kongelige Ballet 231 Copenhagen Design Week 23, 63, Latin Quarter 47-51, 65-6, 68-9, Denmark Design Center 47 294, 23 48-9 Denmark Design Museum 54 Copenhagen Fashion Week 21 information 78 design 12, 20, 293-5, 12, 23 Kopenhagen Contemporary 63 shopping 75-8 Denmark Design Center 47 Kulturhavn 63 Strøget 47-51, 65-6, 68-9, 48-9 Denmark Design Museum 54 Kulturnatten 24, 63 Tivoli 43, 63, 31 Designmuseum Danmark 54 Queen Margarethe II’s Birthday 62 tourist information 79 festivals 23, 63 Sculpture by the Sea 22, 226 tours 61-2 furniture & interiors 294-5 exchange rates 15 travel seasons 40 highlights 20 Experimentarium 59 travel to/from 79 Det Kongelige Bibliotek 52 travel within 79-81 disabilities, travellers with 321 F Vesterbro 59-60, 66-7, 70-1, 72-3, discount cards 317 Faaborg 173-6, 174 44-5 Aalborg 261 Falster 36, 123-4, 133-6, 133 Copenhagen Design Week 23, 63, Aarhus 225 294, accommodation 123 23 Copenhagen 81 Copenhagen Distortion 22, 63 climate

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