Part 3: Medstar National Rehabilitation Hospital Workshop, March 2019 Pélagie M. Beeson, Ph.D., CCC-SLP Department of Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences Consider aphasia rehabilitation as a sequence of treatments that can build upon one another We have examined ◦ Lexical, Phonological, and Interactive training sequence to improve written language (with benefit to spoken language) ◦ Lexical retrieval treatment capitalizing on rehabilitated phonology and orthography. ◦ Now we will look at text-level treatments Treatment Sequence for Phonological Impairment Perisylvian Aphasia with Perisylvian Aphasia with Global Agraphia Phonological Agraphia Oral reading tx Stimulate production of morphosyntax Lexical-Semantic Tx (inclusion of functors and morphological Phonological Tx markers) Interactive Tx (words) Interactive Tx (sentences) Problem-solving approach to spelling in sentence context Sentence CART Improve accuracy and speed of sentence writing with copy and recall treatment (CART) at the sentence level Lexical Retrieval Tx Phonological alexia and agraphia phonological “ ” dusp dusp impairment is evident by difficulty Semantics with nonwords Phonologic whole words Orthographic Lexical Lexicon Lexicon Lexical sound-letter Sub-lexical Phonemes Graphemes Sub-lexical letter-sound Speech Motor Graphic Motor Programs Programs “dust?” druffs Phonological Phonological Alexia Agraphia Impaired phonology is often associated with impaired reading accuracy for text The family was having dinner out at the restaurant. Semantics Phonologic Orthographic Lexicon Lexicon Phonemes Graphemes “People had dinner out.” Reading errors at sentence level 56 year-old, right-handed male ◦ 100 S troke affecting left frontal, 90 parietal, and temporal lobes 80 70 60 12 years education Words 50 Nonwords 5 months post-stroke 40 30 ◦ WAB AQ: 64.4 PercentCorrect 20 10 Broca’s Aphasia 0 1.5 years post stroke Reading Writing ◦ WAB AQ 77.6 At 3 years post-stroke Phonological alexia + global agraphia Broca’s Borderline Fluent On an empty lot near the park many people were hard at work. “Lot on empty is … On the lot, on empty … On the empty lot … lot the .. On the empty lot near a park …the uh, many Gray Oral Reading Test-III people were … hired to work.” Level 3 Characterized by relatively good reading of single words in isolation, but marked impairment in reading words in text ◦ Particular difficulty with functors and morphological markers Seen in individuals with phonological alexia (and agraphia) ◦ Lexicality effect (real words better than nonwords) Difficulty sounding out unfamiliar words due to impaired sound-letter transcoding Friedman. R. (1996) On an empty lot near the park Slow, errorful text-level many people were hard at reading work. Particular difficulty with “Lot on empty is … On the lot, functors and morphological on empty … On the empty lot … lot the .. On the empty lot markers near a park …the uh, many Part of speech effect people were … hired to work.” ◦ nouns > adjectives > verbs > functors May paraphrase because they are perceiving the gist, but not reading every word Background Oral reading treatment has the potential to improve reading ability, as well as spoken language production ◦ Cherney (1986) showed improved overall spoken language performance with oral reading treatment ORLA = Oral Reading treatment for Language in Aphasia) Our approach is similar: Supported Oral Reading Treatment Aim to maximize correct reading of all words in sentences Oral reading treatment serves to stimulate accurate sentence- level productions Treatment should follow phonological/interactive treatment to strengthen phonological skills first Treatment session ◦ Clinician read sentence aloud while pointing to each word ◦ Read sentence with clinician using choral reading and pointing to each word ◦ Patient read sentence alone aloud, pointing to each word The Romans were the first to make keys of iron. ◦ Incorrect productions corrected ◦ Repeat until mastery achieved described in Orjada and Beeson (2005). Photo album with recording feature for each page One sentence per page with corresponding recording ◦ Play recording and read silently ◦ Read sentence aloud with recording until accurate ◦ Read sentence aloud without recording until correct Passages ◦ Selected book passages ◦ Shifted to use of personal scripts Orjada & Beeson (2005) High School Reunion Script used for Oral Reading “We expect around 100 to 150 people to come.” “I graduated with about 350 other people in my class.” Measuring improvement Read target paragraph aloud ◦ Reading accuracy # words correct/total # of words ◦ Reading rate in words/minute Criterion for mastery ◦ 90% reading accuracy New paragraph assigned described in Orjada and Beeson (2005). Gray Oral Reading Test-3 Levels 1-5 GORT-3 Results 100% 60 80% 50 40 60% Accuracy 30 40% Rate 20 Reading Rate 20% 10 Reading Accuracy Reading 0% 0 Pre-Testing Post-Testing Significant improvement in reading accuracy No significant change in reading rate Orjada and Beeson (2005) Recall that written spelling was markedly impaired 100 Real Words Nonwords 90 80 summer flig 70 60 Words debt hoach 50 40 Nonwords enough 30 snite PercentCorrect 20 bake glope 10 0 worm boak Reading Writing blood cheed At 3 years post-stroke Phonological alexia + global maybe smode agraphia Purpose ◦ to strengthen specific orthographic representations (and links to semantics and phonology) Goal ◦ Re-learn spellings of specific words within personal scripts Approach ◦ Homework-based Copy and Recall Treatment Copy and recall treatment (Beeson, 1999) ◦ Homework based treatment ◦ Targeted 5-word sets Copy each word 3-5 times Write words from memory Check spelling and make corrections Repeat until mastery achieved I used to “hot-rod” cars years ago. I was a drag racer. I won a lot of races on the streets, but not as many on the drag strip. Gary was the one who souped up my cars. I used to own a ‘23 Ford, a ‘39 Ford, and a ‘56 Ford. The ‘39 was my favorite, although I also like the ‘56. I also had a ‘65 Corvette, but I only drove it once before I had to put a new engine in it. Racing is hard on cars. My friends Billy, Bryant, and many others raced cars, too. Underlined words were also homework for spelling using Copy and Recall Treatment (CART) Response to Copy and Recall Treatment (CART) implemented concurrent with oral reading treatment. 5 words/set 50 words mastered 10 weeks of treatment Orjada and Beeson (2005) 100% 80% 60% 40% Accuracy 20% 0% Reading Writing Reading Writing Functors Functors Functors Functors Pre-Test Post-Test Significant improvement reading functors (p = .02) Significant improvement writing functors (p = .01) described in Orjada and Beeson (2005). WAB picture description Conversation Pre-Tx During Tx Post-Tx Post-Tx MLU in 3.62 6.32 7.40 9.47 words One-word 30.8% 4.6% 8.3% 0% utterances Oral reading treatment resulted in improved reading accuracy (but not reading rate) Written spelling accuracy improved for targeted words using Copy and Recall Treatment Generalization ◦ improved reading and spelling of functors ◦ increased length and complexity of spoken utterances WAB ◦ AQ increased from 77.6 to 81.3 ◦ Improvements most notable in spoken language production Full Treatment Sequence for BB (Broca’s aphasia with Phonological Alexia and Global Agraphia) Perisylvian Aphasia with Global Agraphia Lexical-Semantic Tx Phonological Tx Interactive Tx Oral Reading Tx retrain spelling for specific words (and stimulate spoken retrain sound-letter production of targeted words) correspondences and train problem-solving phonological strategies to self-correct Stimulate production of manipulation skills spelling errors morphosyntax (inclusion of functors and morphological markers) at sentence level Lexical Retrieval Tx train lexical retrieval strategies including semantic, orthographic, and phonological self-cuing Postscript: Oral reading treatment followed by lexical retrieval treatment Boston Naming Test 27/60 36/60 Treatment Sequence for Phonological Impairment Perisylvian Aphasia with Perisylvian Aphasia with Global Agraphia Phonological Agraphia Oral reading tx Stimulate production of morphosyntax Lexical-Semantic Tx (inclusion of functors and morphological Phonological Tx markers) Interactive Tx (words) Interactive Tx (sentences) Problem-solving approach to spelling in sentence context Sentence CART Improve accuracy and speed of sentence writing with copy and recall treatment (CART) at the sentence level Lexical Retrieval Tx Case Example ◦ 3 years post onset WAB Aphasia Quotient = 74.3 Single Word Reading/Writing Pre-Tx Conduction aphasia 100 Phonological alexia 90 80 Relatively intact single word reading L 70 60 reg Severely impaired nonword reading 50 irreg 40 Global Agraphia correct % 30 non Unable to spell real words or 20 10 nonwords 0 reading writing Previously received: Lexical spelling tx Phonological tx Interactive tx Implement: Oral reading treatment (supported oral reading treatment) In Greece, long ago people had locks and keys. But they had a hard time taking their keys with them when they left their homes. “In Greece, long ago [before], people had locks and keys. But they had a hard time [giving] taking their keys with them [and then and] when they left their buil, their homes.” Slow, errorful text-level “In Greece, long ago [before], reading people had locks and keys. But they had a hard time [giving] Particular difficulty with taking their keys with them [and functors and morphological then] when they left their markers homes.” Part of speech effect ◦ nouns > adjectives > verbs > functors May paraphrase because they are perceiving the gist, but not reading every word Therapy 2 x week for 6 weeks Daily homework: repeated oral reading of targeted text P1 Practice Text 60 55 50 45 Target: 50 wpm for 40 Text 1 35 Text 2 practice texts 30 Text 3 <5 errors/ 100 words 25 Text 4 20 Text 5 15 Reading Reading Rate: WPM 10 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Pre Tx In Greece, long ago [before], people had locks and keys. But they had a hard time [giving] taking their keys with them [and then] when they left their homes. Post Tx In Greece, long ago, people had locks and keys.
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