THE INTERNATIONAL NEWS AGENCIES IN THE OTTOMAN EMPIRE (1854-1908) A THESIS SUBMITTED TO THE GRADUATE SCHOOL OF SOCIAL SCIENCES OF MIDDLE EAST TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY BY SERVET YANATMA IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY IN THE DEPARTMENT OF HISTORY MAY 2015 Approval of the Graduate School of Social Sciences Prof. Meliha Altunışık Director I certify that this thesis satisfies all the requirements as a thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. Prof. Ömer Turan Head of Department This is to certify that we have read this thesis and that in our opinion it is fully adequate, in scope and quality, as a thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. Assoc. Prof. Ferdan Ergut Supervisor Examining Committee Members Asst. Prof. Yavuz Selim Karakışla (Boğaziçi Uni., HIST) Assoc. Prof. Ferdan Ergut (METU, HIST) Assoc. Prof. Nesim Şeker (METU, HIST) Assoc. Prof. Birten Çelik (METU, HIST) Asst. Prof. Oktay Özel (Bilkent Uni., HIST) I hereby declare that all information in this document has been obtained and presented in accordance with academic rules and ethical conduct. I also declare that, as required by these rules and conduct, I have fully cited and referenced all material and results that are not original to this work. Name, Last name : Servet Yanatma Signature : iii ABSTRACT THE INTERNATIONAL NEWS AGENCIES IN THE OTTOMAN EMPIRE (1854-1908) Yanatma, Servet Ph.D., Department of History Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Ferdan Ergut May 2015, 315 pages This dissertation explores the establishment, development and activities of international news agencies, particularly Reuter and Havas in the Ottoman Empire; and their relations with the Ottoman State. While the European imperialism dominated the nineteenth century, international communication was one of the main necessities of this expansion. The agencies, which mainly began their services in the mid-nineteenth century, became one of the significant tools of this expansion with the advent of telegraph. After occasional reporting of Havas in Istanbul during the Crimean War, both the French agency and Reuter established their offices in the Ottoman capital in the mid-1860s. However, the Ottoman State perceived the agencies as a “threat” because of their “malicious and detrimental” stories that they cabled to Europe and distributed in Istanbul. Yet, the Ottoman State lacked the institutional groundwork in order to manage the press. The relations between the Ottoman State and the international news agencies were interdependent and they pursued to benefit from the capabilities of each other. However, mutual struggle was inevitable when their interests conflicted. The agencies shared the world according to their respective empires‟ political sphere but Havas and Reuter were in a hard iv competition in Istanbul. They also served as instruments of their respective governments in order to penetrate into the Ottoman Empire at a time of European imperialism. However, the Ottoman State was not an object but a subject in the face of this penetration; and tried to handle them in an active way. Keywords: Ottoman Empire, News Agency, Press, Reuters, Havas v ÖZ OSMANLI ĠMPARATORLUĞU‟NDA ULUSLARARASI HABER AJANSLARI (1854-1908) Yanatma, Servet Doktora, Tarih Bölümü Tez Yöneticisi: Doç. Dr. Ferdan Ergut Mayıs 2015, 315 sayfa Bu tez uluslararası haber ajanslarının-özellikle Reuter ve Havas- Osmanlı Ġmparatorluğu‟nda kuruluĢlarını, faaliyetlerini ve Osmanlı Devleti ile iliĢkilerini konu edinmektedir. 19. yüzyıl Avrupa emperyalizmine sahne olurken uluslararası iletiĢim bu yayılmacı uygulamaların önemli ihtiyaçlarından biriydi. 19. yüzyılın ortasında yaygın olarak hizmete baĢlayan uluslararası haber ajansları telgrafın icadıyla birlikte bu yayılmacılığın önemli araçlarından biri oldu. Havas Kırım SavaĢı‟nda Ġstanbul‟a muhabir gönderirken 1860‟ların ortasından itibaren Havas ile Reuter Osmanlı Devleti‟nin baĢkentinde bürolar açtılar. Ajanslar Osmanlı basını için haber kaynağı olurken ticaret çevresi de bundan istifade etti. Osmanlı Devleti ise kısa sürede ajansların en mühim müĢterisi haline geldi. Ancak Osmanlı Devleti çok geçmeden ajansların Avrupa‟ya yolladığı ve Ġstanbul‟da servis ettiği haberleri “kötü niyetli ve düĢmanca” olmalarından dolayı “tehdit” olarak görmeye baĢladı. Buna karĢın Osmanlı Devleti‟nin basını idare etmek için kurumsal altyapısı mevcut değildi. Osmanlı Devleti ile ajanslar arasında “karĢılıklı bağımlılık iliĢkisi” bulunduğundan iki taraf da birbirlerinin imkânlarından istifade etmeyi denediler. vi Menfaatler çakıĢınca ise karĢılıklı mücadele kaçınılmaz oldu. Uluslararası haber ajansları kendi aralarında iĢbirliği yapıp merkezlerinin bulunduğu devletlerin siyasi etki alanlarına göre dünyayı paylaĢırken Osmanlı Devleti için Havas ile Reuter büyük rekabet içine girdi. Emperyalizm sürecinde Avrupa devletlerinin birer araçları olan ajanslar Osmanlı Ġmparatorluğu‟nda nüfuz edinme arayıĢlarının bir parçası oldular. Osmanlı Devleti ise bunun karĢısında bir obje olmamıĢ; verdiği mücadele ile özne olmayı denemiĢtir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Osmanlı Ġmparatorluğu, Haber Ajansı, Basın, Reuters, Havas vii To My Mother and Father viii ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I am indebted to many people who have supported me in the making of this dissertation. First of all, I have been privileged to study with Assoc. Prof. Ferdan Ergut, who supervised my dissertation from my acceptance Ph.D. program to its very late stages. I surely received the greatest support and contribution from him. He did not impose his views on the formation of dissertation outline by setting me free but he always enabled me to go on the right track with his fine-tunings and he really contributed by providing different perspectives as well. He greatly enriched my study with his insightful critiques and intellectual support. Having confidence in me, he always motivated me with his positive approach and understanding whenever I visited him to ask for help. I owe my gratitude and special thanks to him for his guidance and support. I am also grateful to my thesis monitoring committee members Assoc. Prof. Nesim ġeker and Asst. Prof. Oktay Özel for providing me with invaluable comments and advices during my research and writing from the very beginning. I wish to thank Assist. Prof. Özel for his careful review and constructive criticism. His questions really provided me to look at the issue from different angles. The way he criticizes and his encouragement to write more confidently will contribute my future studies as well. Assoc. Nesim ġeker also guided me on corrections thanks to his careful reading. His useful research questions will help me in studying other parts of the issue in the future. I am also indebted to conscientious and supportive professors in my dissertation committee. I owe sincere thanks to Assoc. Prof. Birten Çelik. She comprehensively read the dissertation and made very useful editing. She was really generous with her time. Thanks to her knowledge on the issue, her valuable comments and critics enabled me to revise some of the missing points and improve the study. I would also like to give my deepest appreciation to Asst. Prof. Yavuz Selim KarakıĢla who was also my supervisor for the master thesis. His significant insights and numerous questions were indispensable. His corrections and advices made the study better. I would like to share a paragraph from acknowledgement part ix of my master thesis: “Like the motto „my life changed after reading a book,‟ it is appropriate for me to say, „My life changed after taking a course from a lecturer.‟ He [Yavuz Selim KarakıĢla] was a missioner to make his students be historians. To use his words, „I infected the others with the virus.‟ Thus, I am very happy to refer him in the family part of the acknowledgments. Goodly I was infected with the virus. Thanks to your teaching, interest, support and love, I took this road and always enjoyed taking it. Besides them, I am deeply thankful Ambassador Ph.D. Gürcan Balık for his time and support. He greatly edited the dissertation with his excellent English and background. I do believe that my study has become more coherent thanks to his touch. His questions and suggestions really helped me to amend the obscure points. I apologize from his family for the time that I have stolen from them. I also thank Asst. Prof. Hakkı TaĢ for his encouragement and helpful comments. Thanks are due as well to my professors at Boğaziçi University History Department particularly Prof. Selçuk Esenbel, Prof. Selim Deringil, Prof. Edhem Eldem, the deceased Prof. Günhan DanıĢman and Prof. Nadir Özbek. I certainly learned a lot in the undergraduate courses and graduate seminars of them. I would like to thank Oya Özdoğan, a friend of mine and a great librarian at Boğaziçi University Library. She has always been available whenever I needed her help in reaching several books and articles from all over the world. I also thank John Entwisle who is the Reuters Archives Manager. He friendly assisted me and did his best in London during my research. I wish to thank another friend, Koray Balkaya, who helped me in correcting the translation of some French documents as well. I would like to express my gratitude to Middle East Technical University Scientific Research Projects for their generous grant to carry out my research in London and Washington. (The grant number is BAP- 0703-2013-006.) Without their financial assistance my research abroad would not have been possible. Since I arrived in Ankara, I have accumulated much debt to a number of individuals, whose friendship kept me exclusive, loved, sane and healthy. I offer my deep gratitude and thanks to AyĢe Sibel Karakuzu Ceylan, Nazlı Meltem Koç, Mesut Çevikalp and Hüseyin Sümer. I also thank my friend Kadir Uysaloğlu who put me up as guest in his home during my research in London. x Needless to say, I am indebted to my parents for everything I have. I would like to present my thanks and gratitude my mother Raziye, my father Sabahattin, mybrothers; Sabri, Serhat and Serdar; my sister Cansu and my uncle, Hidayet. Their existence, unconditional support and encouragement made me very strong and self- confident in my life.
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